Most games announced are FPS and I don't like those. They're either FPS or gun heavy. The online aspect of it doesn't appeal to me because I find Online gaming terrible, and makes me not want to game, at all. They're trying to get rid of used gaming, and I can no longer share games with my friends unless I pay for the game all over again. Has to be connected to the internet at least once every 24 hours. Again, a stupid idea. And basically it does all this "Media" stuff, and its left out the most important part, GAMING. Its not a gaming console. Its a freaking media box that sits in your living room collecting dust.
Okay. You don't like First Person Shooters. Cool, I can respect that but millions other do. In fact, I'd say the FPS space (and Sony's Ridiculous launch price tag) is what won it for MS this generation. MS has already came out and said you can give a game to a friend, if only once. They've also stated that they WILL have used game sales. So, those are incorrect facts. Today, at E3, they showed a shitload of Games, ya know... For GAMING!!!!EXCLAMATIONPOINTS!!
I knew it. I called it. I said, at E3, they're going to show a bunch of badass games, and people are going to shit on it and say it's not a gaming console anyway. Haters gon' hate, amiryt?
If online gaming isn't your thing, then the Xbox One is a fundamentally wrong choice for you. Because that's what the 360 is all about: Playing Online. That's Microsoft's bread and butter and they're embracing it instead of shying away from it. (Of course, inb4 nerdrage on the death of solo campaigns, which are still in abundance on both systems.)