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As cameras cut back to the ring, the fans sit on the edge of their seat waiting for the next superstar to come out from the back and entertain them. Someone's coming out, but it's not necessarily to entertain.

The Truth...Has Set Me Free!!


R-Truth's theme music "Conspiracy" begins playing and the fans get to their feet and cheer the usually upbeat rapper/entertainer. Truth makes his way out from the back, not his usual jovial self. Tonight, there is no dancing or rapping from the man who has made a career out of it. Instead, a fine dressed Truth slowly walks onto the ramp, microphone already in hand. The fans still cheer for one of their fan favorites as Truth raises the mic to his mouth and begins speaking.


R-Truth: I've got a quick question for all y'all. When you look at me, what do you see?

The fans begin chanting "Truth" over and over again, letting the North Carolinian know who they see. Truth scans the entire arena, looking unimpressed.

R-Truth: That question was rhetorical. Let me tell y'all what you see when you look at me. When you look at me, you see a star. What stands in front of all of y'all right now is a star. When I open my mouth, y'all hear a star. When I compete in that ring, all of y'all watch a star. And hell, if I let y'all get close enough to me, y'all would smell a damn star! With this look, this talent, and this charisma, I should be the biggest star in this entire business! But you want to know why I ain't? Because "they" don't me to be. And when I say "they", I mean upper management. All of y'all need to understand somethin' about this business. It's nothin' more than a damn popularity contest. If "they" like you, you'll go far. No matter if you're talented or not, as long as you've got "their" support, you'll be fine. And to make room for the chosen few that "they" choose, the rest of us get tossed by the waist side. It's been happening to me for over 15 years and I'm damn tired of it!

The live fans cheer for Truth's rebellious and outspoken words against management. Truth doesn't look too impressed with the support that he's being shown and soon begins speaking again.

R-Truth: Let me make somethin' clear to all of y'all. All of y'all that are cheerin' me right now, you're just as big a reason that I'm pissed off as "they" are. 'Cause when "they" were holdin' me back, none of y'all were cryin' for change. Where were y'all singing "What's Up?" when I was left off television week after week? Where were y'all and y'all off beat dancin' when I was forced to do the job to guys who were underneath me in terms of talent. 'Ya seem it's a two way street. "They" didn't push me, "they" didn't promote me, but each and every one of y'all were ok with it. Y'all are just as responsible as "they" are.

The crowd begins turning on Truth. The support he was just receiving has now turned into hatred and disdain.

R-Truth: Don't boo me. Y'all should be boo'n yourselves. Y'all should be boo'n 'cause y'all are no better than "they" are. Y'all might be worse. For over 15 years, I've been comin' out here, dancin' and rappin' for 'yall entertainment. And what has it gotten me? Not a damn thing! Y'all singin' and rappin' along with me wasn't puttin' any Championships around my cut up waist! So as of right now, I'm puttin' an end to it. There ain't gonna be no more "What's Up", there ain't gonna be no more dancin'. All that's dead. From this point on, it's time for me to focus on me and me alone. It's time for me to get mine after 15 years and there ain't a damn thing that any of y'all can do about it.

The live audience begins chanting "You Suck" over and over again. Truth is unaffected and continues his rant.

R-Truth: I hoped y'all enjoyed the ride, 'cause we've reached the last stop. R-Truth is dead and gone. And what is left is standin' in front of y'all right now. But from R-Truth's ashes, rises the next World Heavyweight Champion. My name is Ron Killings and I am a STAR!

Killings pauses for dramatic as he is continuously booed. He pulls the mic up one more time.

Killings: And that's the TRUTH!

Killings throws the mic onto the stage before walking to the back. The scene soon fades.
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Apr 29, 2011
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Damien Sandow: Greetings to you, filthy, ignorant denizens of Ultimate Wrestling Federation. My name is Damien Sandow and I am the Intellectual Savior of you, the Unwashed Masses. The crowd doesn’t take too kindly to Sandow’s insults and begins loudly booing him. For the moment, Sandow ignores it and continues with his speech. For too long have I watched you poor fools be suckered in by this horrid display this company puts in front of you in the name of entertainment. You people are no better than the hoodlums and degenerates that work for this horrid company!

Boos rain down on Sandow and he glares out at the crowd, infuriated by their indulgence.

Damien Sandow: SILENCE! Now as I was saying I just have to run down some of the heroes you worship to show what sort of fools you are. Let me begin with Jeff Hardy. The crowd cheers at the name of the Charismatic Enigma. Don’t you see what I mean? You are programmed to cheer at the mere mention of that man’s name? And for what? Do you not realize that you’re cheering for a country bumpkin who does nothing but jump off of high surfaces for your entertainment? He is only indulging your bloodlust and ignorance by continuing to pull off stupid stunt after stupid stunt. The only positive thing he has ever contributed to this world is intake illegal narcotics so those ignorant enough to follow his horrendous example overdose. The boos grow tremendously loud at that comment and Hardy chants begin to fill the arena. SILENCE! I have not even begun to pick apart your false idols of stupidity!

Boos continued to rain down on Sandow, as he released several chuckles to himself, before continuing to speak.

Damien Sandow: You worship the UWF Champion, The Miz, as if he’s one of your own, when only a few short months ago you reviled him. And for some reason he now seems to care about what you people think. Perhaps the superfluous amount of grease he puts into his hair follicles has finally seeped into his brain, making him just as much an ignoramus as each and everyone of you! And the fact that you cheer for an awful reality show star pretty boy with zero intellect only furthers my point that you people are living a ridiculous fantasy through him and other so called superstars here, instead of working to better yourselves!

The audience continued booing at Sandow, who simply shook his head in a disappointed manner, before continuing.

Damien Sandow: However, fear not. You are not lost. You only need to trust in me, The Intellectual Savior of the Unwashed Masses, to liberate you from yourself imposed exile in the darkness of ignorance. I will be your Beacon of Light in a Harbor of Inequity. Trust in me and I will deliver you and your heroes from your plight, and give you the education in truth and decency that you so desperately need.

A smug smile appeared on Sandow’s face, and he ended off the segment with his infamous line.

You’re welcome.


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OOC: I’m feeling random and really trying to get some trash talking mojo back… so… I’ll see what happens with this.


There is little fan fare as this giant of a man known as Matt Morgan makes his way to the ring. He gets inside by stepping over the top rope and wastes no time grabbing a mic.

Matt Morgan:

Things are about to change and they are about to change very very quickly. You want to know why? DO YOU! BECAUSE I am… Matt Morgan. I am 7 feet tall and I am over 500 pounds. I am a monster. I am a beast. I AM!!! I really am. I really am 7 feet tall. I am a giant. I am like… a hardcore giant. Do not doubt me. Do not doubt the height of someone like me. I step over that rope like a giant. A seven foot tall giant that weighs over 500 pounds.

So to all of you that want to doubt me… doubt me. But you can’t doubt the fact… that I am… 7 feet tall! TALL!... yeah I said it right. 7 FEET TALL! And five hundred…


There is a little more fanfare as now The Big Show is making his way out… but the fans aren’t exactly sure what to make of this development just yet. Big Show walks over the top rope as well with mic in hand.

The Big Show:

So you think you are the only guy that is 7 feet tall? Over five hundred pounds? You aren’t five hundred pounds. And stop staring… they lost my luggage and I had to find something else to wear to come out here. I can’t help it. Its hard to find clothes for a giant like me. One that is 7 feet tall… like you. But one that is really 5 hundred pounds. I am the largest athlete… in the world. I’m the biggest athlete… in the world. I am one of the strongest athletes…

Matt Morgan:

In the world?

The Big Show:


Matt Morgan:

But you don’t understand… I’m seven feet tall. I’m a giant. I’m a monster. I’m huge. I’m like… a huge giant monster… that’s seven feet tall. I mean really… who else out there can compete with a seven foot tall monster like me?


Matt Morgan:


The Big Show:

For once I agree with him. If he comes out… I’ll knock him flat on his back.

Matt Morgan:
Okay… so back to what I was saying… I’m a monster… that is …


Matt Morgan:

Yeah. And I’m a monster. That’s seven feet tall. You? You’re just… a Big Show. Show me a monster that is seven feet tall.

The lights in the arena go out. And then turn red.


Kane makes his way down to the ring and as the lights come on he sees Big Show and… is almost speechless.


What happened to you?

The Big Show:

Lost luggage.


Okay… so who asked for the monster? Because now… we have a monster.

Matt Morgan:

You? With your little pudgy stomach and giant belly button. You aren’t a monster. You… you aren’t a big giant seven foot monster like me. You…


The lights are a crimson red now as Kane with a mask comes out and everyone stares. He pulls himself up to the apron and walks over the top rope.


My name is Kane.

Matt Morgan:
Okay… this is weird. There are two of you? And… well all that matters… is that… ummm… well… umm… The truth of the matter is… I am still seven feet tall… and I am a monster… and there is nobody on earth that can stop me. Although he doesn’t really appear to be from earth… but he is you… from the past… but how is that possible? It isn’t… it can’t be. No way… but none of that matters… because I’m 7 feet tall. SEVEN! FEET! TALL!

Big Show:

We know. You told us this already. Anything else you want to say?

Matt Morgan:

You are looking at a true monster here because I am seven feet tall and there is nobody out there that can do anything about that.

At that moment the lights go out.

Matt Morgan:

Now what?

Accept the Lord of Darkness as your Savior. Allow the purity of evil to guide you.


The lights turn dark blue with a hint of purple as Undertaker is on the stage.

The Undertaker:
You imposter. Leave at once all of you.

The lights go out once again and then a new theme starts.


The lights turn back on to reveal Undertaker on stage on a bike.

Undertaker rides down to the ring and circles it once before walking up the steps and entering through the ropes.

Matt Morgan:
You… you… yo… you no giant. You… you not walk over ropes.

The Undertaker:
Neither are you. Looks like I scared the piss out of you.

The camera pans down to reveal a puddle at the feet of Matt Morgan as the others in the ring laugh… [except masked Kane. He doesn’t laugh.]

The Undertaker:
Let’s get this seven foot crapper out of here before he shits himself.

Undertaker, Big Show, Kane, and Kane all gang up on Matt Morgan and toss him out of the ring and celebrate as Matt Morgan can be seen crying as he walks up the ramp… and trips along the way. Causing even more laughter.
Last edited:


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OOC: This is going to be the most crudest post in here ever. Hardcore e-fedders, please don't read this. I'm warning you...

The crowd patiently waits as the newest celebrity signed by The Greatest Wrestling Company Ever is about to walk down the ring. The lights have changed colours and the crowd is already popping as the unknown latest signee is about to come down to the ring. A person walks onto the stage as the crowd becomes silent, then starts to boo loudly as it reveals to be...



Snooki, being her dimwitted self, starts to prance towards the ring while clapping several fans extended arms as he climbs up the steps and enters the ring. Snooki looks to be happy to be part of the Greatest Wrestling Company Ever but looks to have something on her mind. Knowing MTV's biggest drama queen, the fans are most likely going to be hearing what's on her mind right now. Snooki waits for the crowd to die off before raising her mic up and begins to speak into the microphone. Snooki doesn't hear anything come out and tries to figure out what's wrong with it, so a member of production quickly enters the ring and finds out that it's actually turned off. Snooki laughs at her own stupidity before she begins with her speech.


Snooki: Umm oh my god, so like I was driving to the stadium-thing or whatever to make my surprise appearance tonight and this bitch was like driving behind me and suddenly she cut me off out of nowhere. I was like "really bitch, you wanna go?" but of course she just flipped me off and she drove by, not knowing who the hell I was. So anyways I make it to the stadium and I find out that the bitch who cut me off was a wrestler for this company! So I walk up to her and I'm like 'hey, do you know who the fuck I am'? So she takes one quick look at me and she goes "oh yeah, you're that insane driver that I met on the way over here". So my face is turning beet red and I push her to the wall and I'm like "No! I'm the star from 'Jersey Shore', Snooki. I'm sure that a total diva like you would know who I am." So she looks at me with the most ridiculous face ever and she goes "No I'm sorry, I don't watch TV." and she rolls her eyes as she walks away! Now let me tell you that I have never been more insulted in my entire life. I mean if that was part of the show then obviously I would be ok with it, but since that was real life, then uh-uh no! Nobody ever talks shit like that to me and gets away with it! I don't take shit from nobody.

Snooki looks proud with herself as the crowd is already booing at her badly, telling her to shut up. Snooki is oblivious to the fans hatred towards her as she continues talking in a dramatic fashion.

So anyways after she leaves I met one of the hottest guys that I have ever met in my entire life, even though he's not a Guido but whatever. Anyways I was chatting up with him, you know like what kind of music he was into and whatnot, so like I was in the process of asking him up but apparently he has a girlfriend already. So I was like "okay cool, but don't worry she doesn't have to know", but the guy insisted that he has to be faithful to her so I was like "whatever, I'm peacing yo" and soon as I said that the bitch from before started to attack me. She was hammering on me while she was saying "get away from my boyfriend you bitch!" and I was reeeeallly starting to get mad then. But being a good girl that I am, I pulled her away and told her to "fuck off before I really start to hurt her". So I was leaving and minding my own business until she back around me and pushed me towards the wall and started to insult me some more, but fortunately her boyfriend pulled her away from me before I could do some real damage to her. Anyways so I gave her the finger before I left the room and was on my way to find the managers office.

The crowd is chanting "Shut the fuck up" to Snooki now, but Snooki is still oblivious to it as she continues to rant about her day.

So this is where the story gets funny. I make it to the managers office and I open the door and his receptionist was like "oh he'll be back in 5 minutes. In the meantime you're more than free to sit here and wait for him" so I did, or else I might run into that crazy bitch again. So I'm sitting in the manager's office and I'm like waiting for him for a whole like 20 minutes, wondering where the hell he is. I was about to walk out the room to go look for him but the door opens and here comes the manager walking through the door... with the ugly ass bitch right behind him! Now normally I'm a pretty chill broad but I just flipped my shit right there and we both went after each other like a bunch of crazy ducks. It took the manager, the receptionist and three other security guards to break up the fight. Ok first that bitch disrespected me in the first place and second of all she ruined my brand new hairdo!

The crowd is finding this hilarious now as Snooki continues on.

Anyways so the manager demands that we tell our sides of the story so he can think up of something to do. The crazy bitch goes first and tells the manger nothing but lies, then I tell my side of the story as she's sitting there rolling her eyes! I was ready to slap her right there and then but of course I kept my cool. The manager then finally looked at us and had a smile on his face. He looks at us and tells us both that the most perfect way for us to settle our differences tonight was for us to have a wrestling match. Apparently tonight it's going to be the celebrity woman wrestler vs the woman's champion wrestler of this wrestling company. How is she the woman's champion I have no idea, but apparently she's all skills and no looks. Well that doesn't matter because after I'm done with you you little whore I'm going to be not only the prettiest woman's wrestler but the woman's champion as well. I'm going to show you that this little girl is going to kick your sorry whore-bitch ass all over this arena, and look good while doing it! So come on out pussy and face me one on one!

Snooki lowers her mic and poses to the crowd, still thinking that they're on her sid as she waits for her opponent to come out.


OOC: I warned you... :p
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The theme music of one Paul Heyman begins playing and the live arena begins booing the portly business man. Heyman steps out onto the stage with a scowl on his face. As per usual, Heyman is dressed in his finest suit with his hair greased back. As the arena continues to boo him, Heyman walks down the ramp towards the ring unaffected.


Heyman soon reaches the bottom of the ramp before walking up the steel steps onto the ring apron. Heyman steps through the ropes and enters the ring before walking towards the far side and commanding a microphone from the timekeeper. The entire arena lets out a collective groan now knowing that they well be forced to listen to a Paul Heyman promo. Not trying to disappoint, Heyman quickly fixes his tie and begins to speak to the Universe.


Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. As some of you may know, I am the intellectual genius behind one of the greatest wrestling promotions to ever exist; Extreme Champion Wrestling!

The crowd may not like Heyman, but they always loved the ECW promotion. They show their love by chanting "ECW" over and over again.

Paul Heyman: But what most of you may not know is that being an intellectual genius in the wrestling world is not my only talent. I am also a mixed martial arts enthusiast, a fan of the greatest franchise of all time; The New York Yankees and I have the business acumen only rivaled by Vince McMahon himself. But my greatest claim to fame is the fact that I am unarguably the greatest professional wrestling manager of all time.

Heyman's over bearing ego draws another negative response from the fans but Heyman can only smirk before he continues to speak.

Paul Heyman: Whether you like it or not, my success as a manager can not be argued. Just look at some of the names that I've managed. The Big Show, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, CM Punk and most iconic....BROCK LESNAR! Each one of them a World Heavyweight Champion under my guidance. It was my influence that led each and every superstar that has stood by my side to success. And while those superstars no longer require my services, none of them can deny the direct effect I've had on their careers. And being the consummate professional that I am, I still offer advice to those gentlemen even though they are no longer my clients. Some, like Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam choose to decline which has led to the downfall of their respective careers while others like BROCK LESNAR has chosen to accept my assistance when it comes to business which has led to BROCK LESNAR becoming not only a professional wrestling Champion, but also a former National Football League star and a former UFC Heavyweight Champion!

Heyman's words become more and more emphatic as he goes on. The crowd is now hung onto each and every one of his words.

Paul Heyman:But those gentlemen represent my past as an agent. Tonight, I am here to move forward and look towards the future. Tonight, I am here because I have found a gentlemen who can be as successful as all of my previous clients. I have found a gentlemen who under my tutelage can be the biggest star this business has seen since Stone Cold Steve Austin.

That last comment might have been blasphemy in the fans eyes.

Paul Heyman: So ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce you to the next star in the business of professional wrestling. Please say hello to the new "Paul Heyman Guy"

Heyman points at the stage and waits for the arrival of his new client.




Downstait's "Say It To My Face" starts playing and the fans don't know exactly how to react. Alex Riley walks out onto the stage matching Heyman's suit with a suit of his own. Riley is all smiles as he marches down the ramp anxious to stand beside his new manager. Riley reaches the bottom of the ramp and proceeds to slide in the ring under the bottom rope. The new "Paul Heyman Guy" fixes his suit as Heyman hands him the microphone and can only applaud his new client. Riley smirks before beginning his promo.


Alex Riley: You know in this business they say "Timing is Everything". And it's safe to say that throughout the first few years of my career time has not been on my side. I've been held down as a lackey for someone who has half the potential that I do and I've been used as "talent enhancement". Can you believe that? Alex Riley? Talent enhancement? It's obvious that the powers that be didn't know what they had in the palm of their hands. This is where Paul Heyman comes in. After yet another night of "enhancing talent" Paul came up to me and told me that he saw my untapped potential. He told me that he could do for me what he did for Brock Lesnar and CM Punk. Paul told me that with his guidance that he could make me a star. And unlike all of you, I'm not an idiot so it took me no time at all to accept Paul on his offer and now it's only a matter of time until I get what I deserve.

That last comment doesn't exactly endear Riley to the fans. He hands the microphone back to Heyman who soon speaks again.

Paul Heyman: What my client speaks is the truth. He was smart enough to know that aligning with myself would only lead to success. For years, he toiled in mediocrity while all of you cheered for the so called "Superstars" that paraded out here. Let me make one thing clear, my client is not a "superstar", my client is a fighter. He's tougher than anyone that any of you have ever seen before and it's now his time.

Heyman hands the microphone back to Riley who speaks one last time for the new duo.

Riley: And if anyone thinks that they can stop my time; they think they can stop me from finally getting to the top of this industry; I dare them to come out here and SAY IT TO MY FACE!!

Riley lowers the mic as Heyman puts his arm on Riley's shoulder and the two chuckle as the fans boo their arrogance. The scene soon fades to black.​


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Dude you have an itch... start scratchin it before it explodes


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"Ereez - Fade begins playing throughout the arena as the crowd looks in excitement as they see the return of Evan Bourne"

Jim Ross: Evan Bourne has returned at last!

Michael Cole: We've not seen this guy in a year and a half, suffered a nasty injury.

The crowd holding out their hands in hopes Bourne will give them a high-five, however Bourne tells them to wait as he walks around to the commentary desk as he grabs a microphone.


Evan Bourne:

Seriously? You're happy to see me? No, no, no... That's not right. You puppets can act all happy right now but not ONCE did anybody care about me whilst I was away for a year and a half! Not one person asked me how I was, not ONE person asked me when am I returning. Instead whilst my leg was crushed into pieces and I was sitting on the sidelines, I watched... I sat at home on the couch watching these people perform. Watching you PEOPLE FORGET ABOUT ME! Let's go back to January 16th 2012, maybe it'll refresh your memory. I got suspended for sixty days for taking spice, ain't even marijuana but you know the drift around here. Can't take anything to stop the pain, but that doesn't matter... fast forward to March 2012, I was so close to returning but I was involved in a car crash which saw my foot become broken in four places, disoclated in five. Now it's August 2013 and it's been the hardest stage of my life! The fact I had to overcome this all on my own, I thought I had fans, I thought you people CARED! But all you puppeteers only care about the likes to John Cena, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. I don't think you morons even understand, if John Cena disappeared and came back, would you still care for him? You guys wouldn't be in the building! You're only here because those three guys make more money, my entire salary went into fixing my foot. Just so I could RETURN! But it seems like a waste of money, but now I'm back... I'm going to surpass your heroes; I am going to crush all your dreams and make you really CARE ABOUT ME! Now you'll probably think I'm acting like a prissy bitch, but I have my rights. CM Punk was able to come out here and speak his own mind, so why can't I? CM Punk was a man who won championships prior to speaking his own mind... yet he continued to complain? A guy like me, I've been around but I've never been given opportunities. I didn't want to become tag champions with Kofi Kingston, look at the guy. Stuck in midcard hell, constantly winning Championships and never finding himself to get HIGHER! But I... I got HIGH before, I'll go HIGHER just to win a CHAMPIONSHIP BELT THAT MATTERS! I don't want no mid-card belt. I want the top belt, I want to be the best in the company. I can prove to each and every single one of you that you don't need John Cena, The Rock, Brock Lesnar or whoever the hell came back and went top position because they're doing favors backstage. I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THAT! I'm not an ass-kisser, I don't need to suck dick backstage to become my own, I'll do it myself and as for the rest of you people... You're going to witness a new attitude in me, you're going to REMEMBER THE NAME... EVAN BOURNE!

OOC: Bit of fun, short... Just figuring out a Bourne heel turn if he ever did HAHA.



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We come back from commercial and JTG is standing by the steel steps to everyone's surprise holding a microphone.



Yo... I said Yo! Now listen up! Six long years, six years I been 'ere and what in the world am I doin' today? Well, I managed to pick up this mic and tonight... I'm gon' deliver everythin' that's been on my mind whether you folks like it or not. I might have done somethin' bad backstage to get my hands on one of these but that ain't gon' be a problem no more! When I started 'ere six years ago... They wanted to stereotype me, they wanted me to act like I was some criminal. They wanted me to steal things, but I ain't ever stole a damn thing in my life! But no, this is what they wanted to portray me as. They wanted me to vandalize things, but then one day... They decided they wanted me and Shad to hate each other; they wanted us to do a gun-fight and by damn I ain't gon' agree to dat shit! So they gave us a strap match, I ain't whippin' nobody. But they wanted that for their entertainment, they wanted to see us like that. But ya see, now I'm 'ere tonight, now I got this microphone... I'm tellin' ya, I ain't gon' sit backstage and wait every damn week. Ya see, why the hell am I still employed after six years if I ain't gon' be used! I'm tellin' ya, you put me on the damn show and I'll impress every one of you damn losers! Just 'cos half the boys are givin' it under the table in the office and I don't doesn't mean ya not gonna put me on the show. I'm sick of guys like John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk gettin' all their damn wishes. Not once have I won a title, 'cos you people didn't care! Ya didn't care I wasn't bein' used, people were makin' jokes of me on the internet about how long I've been employed. But the funny thing is, I'm still gettin' paid! Getting paid to do diddly-squat! Now all mah homies gon' know what's up in a minute; cos I'm puttin' all stops right now. I ain't lettin' you or anybody come in 'ere and tell me what to do, this is MY TIME! Now next week I'm gon' come straight to the top, I'm gon' tear someone a new one, I'm gon' show you why you've wasted all ya damn good talents... It ain't bout all these superstars ya love, it ain't bout who's Batman and who's Superman, it's all about the J-T-fuckin'-G!

JTG is prepared to keep ranting but he's stopped by Sheamus who appears on the stage.



'Ey fella, it's been a long time hasn't it? Now I understand ye ain't took darn happy 'bout ye position 'ere but ye got to understan' how this company works. Ye can't just come out 'ere and whinge 'bout not bein' on the show. Ye ever thought there may be a reason behind this? Last week at Summerslam Axxess, ye didn't even want to wrestle, the company gives you chances after chances to show us ye talent. But every week they get disappointed, I get disappointed 'cos ye see JTG, I had faith in ye, I really did. You blew it with ye damn attitude backstage with Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch a couple o' years ago and now ye tryin' to be known once again. Fella, I got to break it to you... I don't think ye cut fo' the job 'ere! The attitude since has stunk more than the smell of someone's vomit. Ye know somethin' Jay? If ye really wantin' to do this right, ye gotta prove 'n start from thee bottom of the ocean. Then ye gotta swim ye way up straight to the top if ye want it, the treasure ain't on the bottom o' thee ocean. All the pot o' gold is on the land, ye want it, fight for it! Ye see, I'm lookin' to make a comeback 'ere and the last time I was around I won a few Championships but then I dropped heavily down, I didn't have the top matches no more, ye wanna kno' why? Ye wanna know why good fella Sheamus wasn't at his game? 'Cos I lost me focus, I wasn't wantin' to do thee job. I took time off, you've not been seen fo' a long time, now is ye time but you gotta prove it 'cos I don't think ye gon' be able to prove ya self to anybody fella. Now enough 'bout you, I'm lookin' for a fight... Let's raise th' steaks eh? Ye beat me, you get ya self a match next week on thee show... But if ye can't beat me... then I guess ye go back to where ya really belong, in caterin' with good 'ol Zack Ryder, tell 'im I said hello by the way. Ye see I'm too busy to talk to everyone, I'm always up fo' a fight, you just gotta ask when!

OOC: Bored, so I did this lol



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OOC: This was the promo I was going to use if SBS let me use Orton again..but that didn't happen.



The crowd erupts into a enormous pop as the Apex Predator makes his way through the curtains mic in hand. He pauses at the foot of the ramp, as he soaks in the crowd's emotions, before throwing up both arms in his signature pose, holding it a few seconds longer to take it all in. He smirks as he progresses down the ramp, making his way to the apron where he slides in. He climbs each turnbuckle hitting his signature pose at each one, as camera bulbs light the arena up. He finds himself center ring, as his music dims out; the crowd still going crazy as they show their appreciation for Randy Orton. He finally brings the mic to his lips, speaking.​


You know...this...this is what I've been missing.

These words alone bring another huge pop for Orton​

As you the UWF Universe knows, I've been over on RAW behind the scenes & standing in front of the camera as their general manager. You see though, that wasn't the true Randy Orton, no. That Randy Orton was merely just a shell of his former self. He was a corporate sell out that could be mentioned along the same lines as Johnny Ace & my old buddy Triple H. It wasn't what I was brought to this company to do, nor is it what I plan on doing from this point forward. You see while I took a step back to take on a more corporate role this company has seen quite a few changes. Owners have come & gone; and new champions have been crowned. Guys like my former protege & New World Order stable member Cody Rhodes just this past Sunday at Summerslam captured gold again. A guy who I punted in the head just last year at Starrcade in John Cena had THREE matches at Summerslam; and proudly wears championship gold around his waist. Then you got Austin Aries, a man who wasn't even suppose to be back in this company after I retired him last year; winning MITB then in true Austin Aries disappearing into thin air. All because I was away from this ring.

Randy leans against the turnbuckle as he continues​

The benefits, the cars, the money, the private jets, & everything else that comes along with selling out leaves this bad taste in my mouth. Walking into that office every day slowly ate away my soul, what makes Randy Orton the Apex Predator. Guys who once feared Christian, Cody Rhodes, & myself as the New World Order laughed at what I had become...what I become. This suit & tie puppet, that was being controlled by the "Board of Directors".

Orton slowly unbuttons his shirt as he pulls his tie off, throwing it over the top rope.​

Standing in this ring, is what I was BRED to do. I am a third generation superstar. My grandfather & my father gave everything to this industry for me to succeed, not so I can take a back seat to some "Board of Directors". You see being absence from this ring, from it's presence has taught me to miss quite a few things. It's taught me to miss that feeling, that rush I get when I come across that ring and bring my boot into the side of someone's head; that thud it makes that is harmoniously the signal for a end. It's taught me to miss the rush I get when I watch my opponent lay motionless on the mat like I left both John Cena & Austin Aries last year as a new order had begun, to this day STILL the most DOMINANT faction this company has ever saw. Most of all it's taught me to miss that glimmer of fear I see in people's eyes; the stench of fear coming off their body as they know the Apex Predator is about to strike. Knowing that once that Predator has it's clutches around their well being that there's NOTHING that he won't do to make sure that he's the one to come out victorious. It's time that Randy Orton reintroduces himself to this company.

Orton is pacing the ropes now as he's deep into thought. Like a flash he seems to snap out of it.​

This company has strived in my absence, something even myself doubted would be possible. It wasn't plausible that without the Apex Predator that maybe some of the guys back in that locker room finally got a fire underneath them & managed to make themselves useful not only to their brand, but to the company as a whole. It matters none the less because the Legend Killer is back, and it's time for him to finish what he started a year ago. It's time that he climbs the ranks, to reach up to grab those brass rings. It's time that championship gold is rightfully back around the waist of the most vicious & calculating superstar this company has ever witnessed. Tonight marks my return to the Main Event. TONIGHT marks the return of the Apex Predator. TONIGHT marks....the return..of Randy Orton.

Orton let's those last few words linger there, as he lets the mic slip from his hand dropping it onto the mat. He smirks as he throws up his signature post against the ropes, as the crowd is showing their appreciation once more. Their favorite superstar has finally snapped out of his slump, and got his head right & back into the game. It was time that he take his spot back on top of the mountain, and he's going through anyone & everyone to get there!​


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OOC: I was talking to slim in the UWF Interactive fourm, wanted to give it a shot.



The crowd erupts, as Booker-T's catchphrase comes across the PA system & his music follows. A few seconds pass before Booker-T himself emerges from the curtains. The crowd is on their feet showing their appreciation for the former World Champion of the World. He stops on the stage as he hops on one leg, before coming down with both hands up & pyro erupts behind him.​


Booker makes his way down the ramp, as he slaps a few of fans hands, before climbing the apron, & entering through the middle rope. He climbs the turnbuckle; as he poises. He follows suit on the other three turnbuckles before his music fades out. The crowd begins a Booker chant, as someone from the outside hands him a mic. He acknowledges the fans appreciation & raises the mic up to speak to his loyal fans.​


Ladies & Gentlemen! The SIX TIME! SIX TIME! SIX TIME! SIX TIME! SIX TIME! SIX TIME! World Champion is BACK!
Booker gets a tremendous ovation from this Smackdown crowd as he continues​

You may be wondering to yourself, just why I have found myself in the ring here tonight; instead of doing my usual duties as Smackdown's premier color commentator. Well Our COO Triple H called in for a very special favor, and asked me to address you the UWF Universe here tonight. For months now I have sat over at the desk, & in that chair & have watched the Smackdown roster disintegrate into abysmal affairs. We have lost guys like the Animal Batista, Dean Ambrose, & many others to the Corporation on Tuesday Night RAW. As well as with this years King of the Ring tournaments being held on each respective brand; who better to talk here tonight then a former King of this ring?
The crowd begins a "All Hail the King" chant. As Booker smirks. Holding his hand up to silence them.​
That is appreciated, but I assure you it is not necessary. Tonight marks a milestone in UWF Smackdown's history. You see Triple H & myself go back a long way. We've had battles in this ring. We've fought for titles in this ring. Hell he's kicked my ass quite a few times in this ring. Through it all, he asked me of this special favor, as not only a colleague but also as a friend. I respect HHH & everything he's done for this industry, so I took it as a honor & a privilege to not only come to this ring tonight to speak in front of you; but as well to carry out the other side of the favor that was asked of me.

He pauses for a few seconds to leave the fans guessing, before he let's them in on the other side of the "favor"​

You see, Triple H & myself talked a lot over this past weekend; & he's convinced me that I should make my in ring return here on UWF Smackdown.
This announcement garners a HUGE pop for the Book man.​

There was NO WAY that Booker T could refuse our COO. It's time that I no longer idly sit by & watch a brand that I help build & love die. Next week I will resign my position as Smackdown's color commentator; and take a spot back in that locker room; to help this brand back to the glory it has held. It's time that Smackdown took a huge step in the right direction; & with Triple H & the six time World Champion at the helm, we will raise Smackdown from the ashes of being mediocre. Ladies & gentlemen now THAT is something that I can dig on. Let me leave you with this, one simple question.

The crowd waits for it, anticipating the question.​

Booker lets the mic slip from his hand, as his music begins to blare over the PA system again. He drops to one knee, and looks at his hand; that drive back in his eyes. He swings his arms from cross & back out as he completes the Spinaroonie before getting back up with a huge smirk on his face. The crowd is eating it up as Booker-T is back for the blue brand. Booker-T exits the ring, making sure to try to slap every fans hand as he makes his way back up the ramp, exiting through the curtains as our scene fades out.​
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Sylvester LeFort comes out with Alexander Rusev and to many people's surprise Santino Marella. The trio make their way towards the ring as "Bulgaria" is playing throughout the PA System. Santino and Alexander get into the ring but Sylvester LeFort stops at the bottom of the entrance ramp as he begins to speak.


Sylvester LeFort

Allow me. These two wrestlers are Santino Marella and Alexander Rusev; many of you know who Santino is but not Alexander. It comes to great privilege for me to be able to be accustomed to the duo, for me to be able to manage two wrestlers who can guide me to great success. While there are many, many talented wrestlers in this company... they do not come equivalent to the likes of these two. Not to mention the tag team division is lacking quite badly here; as I grew up... I always watched tag wrestling and it wasn't just WCW, WWF and WWE... I also watched the amazing tag teams that were happening in the independents and in Japan. I traveled all over the world scouting and this is where I found these two; Santino Marella was found in a small Italian place where he was teaching Judo. Santino made his break out but since then he wasn't seen, he went missing for a bit. But now I am safe to say I've brought him back, as for Alexander... In a small country known as Bulgaria, this man is one powerhouse... a man who could destroy any human being in his path. Not to mention just one year ago he was in the Olympics for power-lifting he is not to be under-estimated for what he can deliver. I am proud! I am a very proud man today, onto you Santino!


Santino Marella

A-hem! Mind you I am not a-very happy man today! Someone out-a the back spill-a my drink! I demand a refund! Yes! But not to worry, today I am a-speakings about this-a company, this-a bad company. It is not very good! The people here today tellings me to go make a pizza, they asking me about Italia. I do not appreciatings being here in the land of America where you-s peoples are disrespecting me! I am a man who will do-a everythings it takes to become a Camp-eon! This-a problem for me, yous peoples do not believe in this man Alexander Rusev, yous no understand this-a man who so big he break you in half! But I's Santino Marella is a man who is going to be a-representings the Europa Countries! But soon we will becomes a-Anti Americans wrestling tag team, we's a taking overs the Tag Team Division-ia! Nobody goings to tell me what to-a do! I'm a-sick of this! America is not nice to me, this-a morning I leave my hotel and silly taxi man don't-a know where to goings! The man live in the United States of America and he no-know the directions to-a buildings here! But lucky I find-a the building a-ha! You see, Santino Marella is-a smart man; no matters where Santino goes; he will always find-a way to the direction. This-a why when I come back-a here in UWF, Alexander and I will be findings another man to join us... A man that is not American, a man who will joining me and my friends in the Anti-American posse. We nots the Insane Clown Posse, oh no! We's the Anti-American Posse! We's a findings a way for victory, we's a findings a way for you to show a-respect to me and my friends! This-a not funny! We beings serious here! My mother would not-a be impress with you, there is no spaghetti for you tonight! No! We's a playings the music to your ears when our hands is raised, La vittoria è mia!

Santino then holds the microphone for Alexander Rusev.


Alexander Rusev

Аз ще строша всички в половината, аз не съм много впечатлен от лечението на Америка за нас. Маркерът разделение ще бъдат променени завинаги и това е обещание, независимо дали ви харесва или не.

Sylvester LeFort

Sorry, I didn't quite understand what Alexander Rusev said but I'd gather it's about my duo taking over the Tag Team Division!



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Ding! Ding! Ding!

Ladies and gentleman the following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing to my left.... William Regal!


And introducing to my right... Evan Bourne!


Ding! Ding! Ding!

Evan Bourne and William Regal approach each other in the ring and both men get into a lockup to start the match. William Regal uses his highly polished skills in chain wrestling to get Bourne into a hammerlock, denying Bourne the opporunitiy to escape. Regal then transistions that into a headlock but Bourne shoves Regal away, then waits for him to return and hits a dropkick to Regal! Regal crashes to the ground but Bourne isn't done yet, not by a long shot! Bourne lifts up Regal and throws him to the turnbuckles nearby, Regal then crashes to the turnbuckles while Bourne runs up but misses a charge to the corner. Regal then sees a golden opportunity and takes down Bourne with a drop toe hold and gets Evan Bourne into an STF! Bourne is trapped in the STF as Regal has that submission hold applied on very tightly but let's go as lights are flashing throughout the stage.

We find the Defendent.... GUILTY!



The crowd pops as they hear America's Most Wanted's music playing throughout the PA styles but start to boo as they realize that the AMW is up to no good. Chris Harris and James Storm both enter the ring as they attack both Regal and Bourne. Storm takes out Bourne with a dropkick while Harris hits Regal with a spear! Stor lifts up Regal, holding him just a foot above the canvas while Harris climbs the ropes, then drops down as the AMW delivers a Death Sentence to William Regal! Bourne then comes back in but the duo ends up hitting a double superkick to the chin of Bourne, Bourne goes flying out of the ring. Chris Harris grabs the mic as the crowd is booing loudly, pissed that the AMW ruined this match.


"Wildcat" Chris Harris: Don't worry about these two geeks ladies and gentleman, because they aren't important enough for your entertainment. Please allow to introduce ourselves here tonight. My name is 'Wildcat' Chris Harris and my partner here is 'Cowboy' James Storm, and togther we are America's most dangerous team: America's most wanted! We've travelled across the country to make a name for ourselves and we don't plan on stopping until everyone has heard the legacy about us. Obviously the British man and the pseudo Mexican doesn't understand who we are or that we were coming or else they would've finished their match sooner. I mean everyone we went through would've made time for America's Most Wanted, so why not a bunch of WWE washups like William Regal and Evan Bourne? Of course I doubt you fans would agree with us because you need a hero to fulfill your life. Well let me tell you fine folks that your logic is bullshit! You don't need some stupid hero to tell you what to do and not do, what you need is the most perfect set of role models that you can find. And honestly I don't see a better set of role models better than 'Cowboy' and the Wildcat. What do you gentlemen have to say about that?

'Cowboy' James Storm: What are you askin' these buffons what they think 'bout us partner? I mean I doubt these morons can count past twelve when they're sober. Hell I doubt they even know how many toes they have on them feet. We are not here to prove our smarts people, we made a name for ourselves by kicking ass and not getting our asses kicked! We've traveled all across North America and we've gotten into the faces of some of the toughest folk I've ever met. And let me tell you that the Canadians up there may have the coldest winters that I've ever experienced, but damn are they a couple of weak pussies. Not only did I out drink them but I 'm pretty sure that I outfought most of them by myself. Shoot I was fightin' the entire bar while Wildcat here was picking up some broad's number. I will say though that them Canadian women up there are easy as shit! No wonder they're considered the greatest whores of North America! Well enough of the Canadian bashin' folks because it's time to bash up these useless mutts that we've crashed into.

Harris: Whoa there partner we're here to make a point, not get ourselves kicked out due to being disrespectful. Look at me and listen to what I'm saying ladies and gentleman, because we are the greatest thing that has happened to the United States of America, and tomorrow we will be the greatest thing that will happen on this friggin planet! We have won plenty of title belts under our names and we plan on winning another tag team belt in this lowlife company. So you people better get buckled up because it's going to be a bumpy ride. First stop ladies and gentleman, tag team title city! Here we will challenge the tag team champions to a match for their gold. Normally a team would have to go through a #1 Contenders match to earn a shot for the belts but I think it's safe to say that The America's Most Wanted is way past that phase. I mean no offense to the rest of the locker room but I haven't met anyone yet that could outperform us in a tag team match. And I mean NOBODY back there can outperform us!

Storm: That's right ol' buddy of mine! I think I may have saw one person backstage that could beat us in a one on one fight, but since we're a true tag team that doesn't really count. I hate to say it ladies and germs but things might get really boring around here quickly if the management of this damn company doesn't find us a good opponent to face. And not some washed up team like The Dudleyz either, I mean come on man give us somethin' fresh and new. if it's one thing that I don't like doing folks it's talkin' a whole bunch. I'd rather use my fist for talkin' rathe than bein' a pussy and hide behind my words. And if you ain't down to be puttin' up your dukes when the time comes then sorry 'bout your damn luck, but you're goin' down boys!


Chris Dresdon

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As the fans sitting in the arena are alive with excitement, waiting anxiously for what's going to happen next to happen, suddenly the PA system is overtaken with a theme the wrestling world has never heard before.


As they all try to figure out who the theme belongs to, they are greeted by a man none of them were expecting to see as he makes his way down the ramp.


The big man circles the ring and retrieves a microphone from the ringside officials before entering it, raising the microphone to his mouth as his music fades out to silence.


Matthew Bloom: Before any of you try and get cute and make assumptions, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Matthew Jason Bloom. Not Albert, Prince Albert, A-Train, Sweet T, Tensai, Lord Tensai, or any of the other names or gimmicks this business has pinned on me. Those names and gimmicks are the reason that even after sixteen years in the business, I'm not being shown anymore respect than I got the day I decided to become a professional wrestler. Look at me, I'm six foot seven, I weigh three hundred and sixty-pounds and not only am I big, I know how to use that girth to decimate anyone and everyone I get put in this ring with. I should be viewed and treated as the wrecking crew of a man that I am, but instead people look at me and either feel indifferent or overcome with laughter because, "Hey, here comes the Hip Hop Hippo." I'm done with all of the finger pointing and the mockery, it's time for me to be treated with legitimacy and respect. Let me paint the picture for you UWF; you give me a brand to be assigned to and a date to report for work, and the rest will fall into place. One opponent, two opponents, I don't care if it's ten opponents, you put them in this ring with me in whatever order you choose, with whatever stipulation you want to book in place, and then get out of my way and watch me clear them from my path. Now that I am in the bloodstream of the UWF, your heroes are going to fall and your villains are going to realize that they aren't nearly as imposing as they thought they were.

I'm not going to allow you to hog my spotlight any longer, it's time for the cream to rise to the top. It's time for you to make room, for Bloom.

The theme music begins to play again as Matthew Bloom exits the ring and heads to the back, leaving the fans to ponder what's ahead.


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Fans begin to boo like crazy as they see Floyd Mayweather. The fans begin to boo like crazy as Floyd even has money in his hand and he is just shoving it in the face to the fans. The fans boo as Mayweather puts the money back in his pocket. Mayweather goes and he enters the ring, as he is looking calm, cool and collective. Floyd goes as he grabs a microphone as he begins to speak


Floyd Mayweather: Yes people don't adjust your television sets, you're looking at the greatest boxer of this generation here in the middle of this wrestling ring. Now most of you people may be asking yourself. Floyd why are you in the ring? You can't handle being in the ring with men from professional wrestling, but you see that is where you people are wrong. Hardwork, dedication, and determination. That right there is the team money saying. That right there is what has lead me to be so damn rich.

You people are just to common to understand, but ya see I know what it takes to be successful. I mean look at me, 36 years of age, and I looks better then most of you fat slobs in the audience. I mean you in the front row I don't think you need those damn nachos. I mean what are you twenty five years old, and you look like you're forty. Let me tell you something maybe you would have a women sitting next to you if you actually got in shape.

Ya see I am not here to make fans. I am not here to be some hero. Naa I am here for two things, and two things only. One make lots, and lots of money. So that way I can put two tv's in my bathroom, and two to do what I have done in the sport of boxing that is dominate. Now as of this moment I have no wrestling moves under my belt, I still have my fists, but I am training. Yeah that's right I got guys such as Arn Anderson, Ric Flair, my good Homie Rey Mysterio. He knows whats up us short people gotta stick together. Sooner or later Floyd "Money" Mayweather will be champion here in the UWF, but I ain't looking to just be one champion. I am looking to gather all the gold here I am looking to be grandslam champion. Like my homie Drake says. Started from the bottom now we here, well let me tell you people it won't take too long for me to get to the top. Now if you excuse me people I got more work to do that dosen't involve being here. Dueces.
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As the crowd calms down from the previous match, an unknown song begins to play throughout the arena.


The fans begin to give off a mixed reaction as this big monster of a man begins to walk down the ramp to the ring.

That...That's King Kong Bundy!

Holy smokes! He's from the golden era!


He then walks around the ring to grab a mic from the ring crew, he then proceeds to enter the ring.

I bet your all wonderin who the hell I am. Well let me answer that question for ya. I am King...Kong...Bundy. I was a part of a time that most of you call "The Golden Era" of Professional Wrestling. A time where wrestling was actually important but over the past few decades, that has changed. Now I believe that most of the focus is on wrestling personality.... I don't lace up my boots just to come out here and dance. And I certainly don't agree with all this bullshit drama. Now, as most of you have already guessed, I have signed a contract here in UWF. And no where in the contract did it say that I have to come out here and be somethin I'm not. Believe me, it pisses me off beyond belief that all these young folks waltz out here with little gimmicks and costumes. This ain't Americas's got Talent damn it! This is professional wrestling and it's my job to rid this place of wrestling trash.

Bundy turns to the entrance way.

So why don't one of you gay dancin daffodils come on down to this ring so I can continue my reign of termination. I ain't gonna stop till every single one of you either quit the act and be a wrestler, or break into a million pieces. And before I stop talkin, I swear, if anybody comes down here and tries to crack some fat jokes, Imma knock you into next week cuz this isn't Comedy Central. This is Professional Wrestling and somebodies about to get stuck in an avalanche.

Well folks there we have it. An open challenge by this giant man. Who will accept this challenge?

If it's Fandango then he's in for a world of hurt!


The instant this song hits the PA System, the crowd gives off a huge pop as Scotty Too Hotty comes dancing out onto the stage.

Oh No! Don't provoke him Scotty!


Scotty stops right in front of the ring and pulls out a mic from his jacket.

Come on Kong, you really expect to rid this company of all the fun? We do this for the people, for the fans man. I add a bit of funk in my wrestling technique because that's the way I am. This ain't no act. It's the real deal, I love to Dance and Wrestle. So I don't go off to dancing with the stars, I go to the very place that allows me to be myself. The Ultimate Wrestling Federation. And now you're here trying to take all that fun away? Well sir, I don't take that too kindly. So therefore, do to you being an old grump, I'm going to award these people with a few fat jokes.

The fans give off another huge pop at the fact that Bundy is about to get very angry.

I swear if you start crackin fat jokes, I'll break you in half!

King Kong Bundy is so fat........ that he had his own area code!

The arena erupts in laughter as King Kong Bundy begins to speak out of anger.

I warned ya! I told ya not to crack jokes, so now how about you prove to me your a multitasker and can not only be a clown, but can also wrestle. So get in this ring with me and fight.

Wow, you must of woke up on the bad side of the bed this morning. Especially since you probably broke it. Or do you sleep in a bing bag? Do people mistake you for a bing bag?

The crowd continues laughing as Bundy grows red in the face. He then to everybody's amazement, slid out of the ring so fast, Scotty didn't have time to run and the two men are face to face. Bundy grabs Scotty by the back of the head and drives his head into the steal post. He then puts Scotty into the ring. Once Bundy slides in, Scotty attempts to stand up by using the corner as leverage. As he stands up and turns around, King Kong Bundy comes running at him with full force and hits the Avalanche Body Splash to squash him in the corner.


This part of the show ends with King Kong Bundy posing to the camera with his foot on the chest of Scotty Too Hotty.
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