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A big throne is situated in the ring and everybody is wondering why when all of a sudden...
???: Yo' king is here.
A voice is heard. People immediately turn their heads towards the entrance ramp. They get shocked when they hear...
A familiar song blasts through the arena speakers as people in the arena stand up and begin to cheer for the man who's theme song it is, Sheamus. The song is playing for a while when out comes Sheamus with a crown on his head, wering a cape. People finally realise why there's a throne in the ring. Sheamus is on the steel stage, pouding his chest until it's red. After he's done doing that, he heads straight down to the ring.
Fans reach out for Sheamus but it seems that he doesn't care as he continues on his way to the ring. He climbs the ring-steps and enters the ring. He raises his scepter in the air screaming "YO' KING IS BACK!". After that he puts his scepter next to his trone. He sits down, points his finger at the announcer who knows what Sheamus wants. He stands up, enters the ring and gives Sheamus a microphone. He then quickly leaves the ring. Sheamus is staring him down with an angry look on his face. King Sheamus then begins to speak.
King Sheamus: Hey, come back here!
The announcer turns around, points his finger at himself and asks: "Me?"
Yes, you. Come back here you ungrateful frod.
The announcer enters the ring with fear in his eyes, wondering what Sheamus wants from him.
You forgot something. You forgot to bow down to yo' king.
He is looking at Sheamus in disbelief.
Are you deaf? I said bow down to yo' king!
The announcer bows down as it is obvious he is intimidated by Sheamus. When he bows down Sheamus finally lets him go. The announcer is already standing on the apron when Sheamus says: "One mo' thing." Sheamus stands up and gets closer to the ropes. He then takes a step back and Brogue Kicks the announcer. Sheamus is standing there, obviously angry as the announcer recieves medical attention from our medical team that immediately rushed to the ringside. Sheamus sits back on his throne.
King Sheamus: Oi didn't come back here to be disrespected by someone as poor as that man who is lying on the floo' with his head almost kicked off of his shoulders. Let me explain. It's been a long time since Oi showed you my face. Through that time I went back to the mighty land where people are nice to each otha', where the wind is cold and the air and water can't be cleaner than they already are, Ireland. Living a good life along with my mates, drinking beer all day long...those were not enough fo' me. It was good to be back but Oi missed something...Oi missed wrestling. Once upon a time, Oi was watching UWF and I saw you people...Oi saw you screaming like a bunch of animals. Oi thought to myself: "These people need someone they can look up to, someone who will control them because they're too wild. They need a king."
People boo Sheamus as loud as they can. He waits until they calm down and then continues.
King Sheamus: So Oi decided to come back to the United States of America to help you people. Right, Oi didn't come here to only rule you, Oi came here to help you. Oi came here so you all have somebody you can look up to. Oi, King Sheamus am sitting on my mighty trone and Oi am ready to build an empire. Oi am ready to build an empire when we can all live along each other in peace and harmony...where Oi can proceed in making you betta'. From now on, Oi am yo' king. Bow down to the king.
People don't follow Sheamus' intructions.
King Sheamus: How dare you? How dare you refuse to bow down to yo' king you filthy sheep?! Oi didn't come here to be disrespected! You all saw what happened to the man who decided to turn his back on me! Every single one of you who refuses to do what Oi tell you to, you'll face the exact some destiny as that poor man. You all are supposed to leave with yo' face turned towards me, yo' king and when this is over Oi want you to do that very thing. If you don't do so you'll get punished in a way you can't even think of! Oi am going to rule you all wether you like it or not because sooner or later you'll bend under my power. Oi am the King and everybody around here is going to do and say what Oi tell them to. From now on, Oi am the only authority you need to follow and it will remain that way until a new king is crowned...by that will my choice and that coince won't come any sooner than in fifty years. Now, BOW DOWN TO YO KING, BOW DOWN!
Sheamus stands up and puts his hand on his heart as he continues screaming "Bow down".
???: Yo' king is here.
A voice is heard. People immediately turn their heads towards the entrance ramp. They get shocked when they hear...
A familiar song blasts through the arena speakers as people in the arena stand up and begin to cheer for the man who's theme song it is, Sheamus. The song is playing for a while when out comes Sheamus with a crown on his head, wering a cape. People finally realise why there's a throne in the ring. Sheamus is on the steel stage, pouding his chest until it's red. After he's done doing that, he heads straight down to the ring.

Fans reach out for Sheamus but it seems that he doesn't care as he continues on his way to the ring. He climbs the ring-steps and enters the ring. He raises his scepter in the air screaming "YO' KING IS BACK!". After that he puts his scepter next to his trone. He sits down, points his finger at the announcer who knows what Sheamus wants. He stands up, enters the ring and gives Sheamus a microphone. He then quickly leaves the ring. Sheamus is staring him down with an angry look on his face. King Sheamus then begins to speak.

King Sheamus: Hey, come back here!
The announcer turns around, points his finger at himself and asks: "Me?"
Yes, you. Come back here you ungrateful frod.
The announcer enters the ring with fear in his eyes, wondering what Sheamus wants from him.
You forgot something. You forgot to bow down to yo' king.
He is looking at Sheamus in disbelief.
Are you deaf? I said bow down to yo' king!
The announcer bows down as it is obvious he is intimidated by Sheamus. When he bows down Sheamus finally lets him go. The announcer is already standing on the apron when Sheamus says: "One mo' thing." Sheamus stands up and gets closer to the ropes. He then takes a step back and Brogue Kicks the announcer. Sheamus is standing there, obviously angry as the announcer recieves medical attention from our medical team that immediately rushed to the ringside. Sheamus sits back on his throne.
King Sheamus: Oi didn't come back here to be disrespected by someone as poor as that man who is lying on the floo' with his head almost kicked off of his shoulders. Let me explain. It's been a long time since Oi showed you my face. Through that time I went back to the mighty land where people are nice to each otha', where the wind is cold and the air and water can't be cleaner than they already are, Ireland. Living a good life along with my mates, drinking beer all day long...those were not enough fo' me. It was good to be back but Oi missed something...Oi missed wrestling. Once upon a time, Oi was watching UWF and I saw you people...Oi saw you screaming like a bunch of animals. Oi thought to myself: "These people need someone they can look up to, someone who will control them because they're too wild. They need a king."
People boo Sheamus as loud as they can. He waits until they calm down and then continues.
King Sheamus: So Oi decided to come back to the United States of America to help you people. Right, Oi didn't come here to only rule you, Oi came here to help you. Oi came here so you all have somebody you can look up to. Oi, King Sheamus am sitting on my mighty trone and Oi am ready to build an empire. Oi am ready to build an empire when we can all live along each other in peace and harmony...where Oi can proceed in making you betta'. From now on, Oi am yo' king. Bow down to the king.
People don't follow Sheamus' intructions.
King Sheamus: How dare you? How dare you refuse to bow down to yo' king you filthy sheep?! Oi didn't come here to be disrespected! You all saw what happened to the man who decided to turn his back on me! Every single one of you who refuses to do what Oi tell you to, you'll face the exact some destiny as that poor man. You all are supposed to leave with yo' face turned towards me, yo' king and when this is over Oi want you to do that very thing. If you don't do so you'll get punished in a way you can't even think of! Oi am going to rule you all wether you like it or not because sooner or later you'll bend under my power. Oi am the King and everybody around here is going to do and say what Oi tell them to. From now on, Oi am the only authority you need to follow and it will remain that way until a new king is crowned...by that will my choice and that coince won't come any sooner than in fifty years. Now, BOW DOWN TO YO KING, BOW DOWN!
Sheamus stands up and puts his hand on his heart as he continues screaming "Bow down".
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