E-Fed Testing Ground!

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A big throne is situated in the ring and everybody is wondering why when all of a sudden...

???: Yo
' king is here.

A voice is heard. People immediately turn their heads towards the entrance ramp. They get shocked when they hear...



A familiar song blasts through the arena speakers as people in the arena stand up and begin to cheer for the man who's theme song it is, Sheamus. The song is playing for a while when out comes Sheamus with a crown on his head, wering a cape. People finally realise why there's a throne in the ring. Sheamus is on the steel stage, pouding his chest until it's red. After he's done doing that, he heads straight down to the ring.


Fans reach out for Sheamus but it seems that he doesn't care as he continues on his way to the ring. He climbs the ring-steps and enters the ring. He raises his scepter in the air screaming "Y
O' KING IS BACK!". After that he puts his scepter next to his trone. He sits down, points his finger at the announcer who knows what Sheamus wants. He stands up, enters the ring and gives Sheamus a microphone. He then quickly leaves the ring. Sheamus is staring him down with an angry look on his face. King Sheamus then begins to speak.


King Sheamus: Hey, come back here!

The announcer turns around, points his finger at himself and asks: "Me?"

Yes, you. Come back here you ungrateful frod.

The announcer enters the ring with fear in his eyes, wondering what Sheamus wants from him.

You forgot something. You forgot to bow down to yo' king.

He is looking at Sheamus in disbelief.

Are you deaf? I said bow down to yo' king!

The announcer bows down as it is obvious he is intimidated by Sheamus. When he bows down Sheamus finally lets him go. The announcer is already standing on the apron when Sheamus says: "One mo' thing." Sheamus stands up and gets closer to the ropes. He then takes a step back and Brogue Kicks the announcer. Sheamus is standing there, obviously angry as the announcer recieves medical attention from our medical team that immediately rushed to the ringside. Sheamus sits back on his throne.

King Sheamus: Oi didn't come back here to be disrespected by someone as poor as that man who is lying on the floo' with his head almost kicked off of his shoulders. Let me explain. It's been a long time since Oi showed you my face. Through that time I went back to the mighty land where people are nice to each otha', where the wind is cold and the air and water can't be cleaner than they already are, Ireland. Living a good life along with my mates, drinking beer all day long...those were not enough fo' me. It was good to be back but Oi missed something...Oi missed wrestling. Once upon a time, Oi was watching UWF and I saw you people...Oi saw you screaming like a bunch of animals. Oi thought to myself: "These people need someone they can look up to, someone who will control them because they're too wild. They need a king."

People boo Sheamus as loud as they can. He waits until they calm down and then continues.

King Sheamus:
So Oi decided to come back to the United States of America to help you people. Right, Oi didn't come here to only rule you, Oi came here to help you. Oi came here so you all have somebody you can look up to. Oi, King Sheamus am sitti
ng on my mighty trone and Oi am ready to build an empire. Oi am ready to build an empire when we can all live along each other in peace and harmony...where Oi can proceed in making you betta'. From now on, Oi am yo' king. Bow down to the king.

People don't follow Sheamus' intructions.

King Sheamus:
How dare you? How dare you refuse to bow down to yo' king you filthy sheep?! Oi didn
't come here to be disrespected! You all saw what happened to the man who decided to turn his back on me! Every single one of you who refuses to do what Oi tell you to, you'll face the exact some destiny as that poor man. You all are supposed to leave with yo' face turned towards me, yo' king and when this is over Oi want you to do that very thing. If you don't do so you'll get punished in a way you can't even think of! Oi am going to rule you all wether you like it or not because sooner or later you'll bend under my power. Oi am the King and everybody around here is going to do and say what Oi tell them to. From now on, Oi am the only authority you need to follow and it will remain that way until a new king is crowned...by that will my choice and that coince won't come any sooner than in fifty years. Now, BOW DOWN TO YO KING, BOW DOWN!

Sheamus stands up and puts his hand on his heart as he continues screaming "Bow down".

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Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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The titantron screen lights up and the image that everyone watching sees is a scene being filmed in black and white, an armchair with a legend of the wrestling business sitting in it, a face that hasn't been seen in quite some time.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts:

Time. Time is something that I can never get back, man, no matter how much I may want it back, and trust me I do. As I reflect on my life as I often do, I think about the opportunities I never seized, the bridges I burned, the career that never lived up to its potential.

I should've died a long time ago, man, there's no doubt about that, I shouldn't be sitting here talkin' to ya, I should be six feet down somewhere in Stone Mountain, Georgia in an unmarked grave but for some reason I'm not. That's the one thing I keep comin' back to, for some reason, by the grace of God alone, I'm still kickin'.

But for what purpose? That's a question I couldn't answer on my own, I needed an unbiased opinion, someone who was gonna give it to me straight with no candy coating or leniency. Dallas Page was that man, and in just a few month's time, I've been given my life back, man.

And who woulda thunk it? Jake Roberts with a new lease on life and a clean bill of health, that stay was my redemption, but that wasn't enough for Page. I was out of shape and we fixed that, I was addicted to drugs and we fixed that. My diet, my burned bridges with friends and family, my outlook, we fixed all of that. Page told me there was only one more thing to fix, the note I left the world of professional wrestling on.

I don't care if its one match or a hundred matches, man, I'm not going to let my history be my destiny. There may not be as much luster in the eyes of this old dog, but there's plenty of go in his heart. UWF, what do you say, should the Snake have one last run?

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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The scene opens up on an area of the backstage where one of professional wrestling's most beloved interviewers is standing by.

"Mean" Gene Okerlund: Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is "Mean" Gene Okerlund and I welcome you to another night of great wrestling action! With me at this time is someone who's thinking about returning to the squared circle himself, my frequent interview subject and longtime friend, the "Immortal" Hulk Hogan! Hulk, after so many career injuries and years away from active competition, what is it that has you ready to come back?

The camera zooms out until Hogan has entered the shot as he leans forward to speak into the microphone that Gene is now holding to his mouth, eyes fixated on the camera in front of him from behind his trademark sunglasses.

Hulk Hogan: Well lemme tell ya somethin', Mean Gene, you've been friends with me long enough ta' know that Hulk Hogan doesn't know or accept the meaning of the word quit, brother. I've been watching the UWF product for a long time now, dude, and there've just been so many things that I want to be a part of and sink my teeth into!

It's true that the Hulkster is a little banged up and hasn't danced the dance in awhile, but if watching UWF has taught me one thing, it's anything is possible, Gene. If guys like Stone Cold Steve Austin and Taz can come back from career ending neck injuries and compete at the level they competed at, why should I let a few back surgeries keep me down?

Well judging by that, I can see there's certainly no shaking your confidence or talking you out of it, you are UWF bound. So my next question is, what brand do you hope to be a part of?

Well as a eyebrow raisin' friend of mine likes ta' say, it doesn't matter what brand I end up on, dude! Whether its Tuesday Night Raw butting heads with the Hardcore Champion, Wednesday Night NXT trading blows with the "Icon", or Friday Night Smackdown teaching Daniel Bryan a thing or two about greatness, Hulkamania is gonna run wild!

Well it also depends on Vince McMahon, don't you think, Hulk?

Most certainly, dude, he's still the man in charge, but even though we've had a love hate relationship over the years, I know he'll make the right decision and it'll only be a matter of time before these young bucks are fallin' victim to the twenty- four inch pythons, brother!

Well earlier today, Jake Roberts also expressed his desire to come back to active competition in the UWF, how do you feel about that?

I say the more the merrier, jack, but when it comes down to it, if there's only room for one of us on that roster dude, I've only got one question. Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you?

Hogan points directly at the camera and then walks offscreen.

Captain Charisma

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Cole: Oh, it's The Undertaker! Long awaited return of him!

As the gong is heard around the arena it is know that Undertaker is coming. Lights go off and flames come from the entrance. Then fog is around the floor and there is The Phenom, The Undertaker! As usual he is making his way to the ring so slow. Crowd is cheering for him as he was away from WWE for a long time. He enters to the ring. Does his classic move and starts to talk.


Finally, the deadman is up from his long sleep. It has been a long time since the power of darkness, power of the underground, power of hell was around here. As years roll on, there are more evils, more devils and more demons, and all of them are looking up to the king of the darkness, the one and only ruler of the underground, The Undertaker! Who holds to whole power, whole control in his palms. But even in underground, even in the world of dead, there is irony, there is battles, there is arrogance, selfishness and lies. And in all the years I have been down there, I saw all of it. I saw selfishness as everyone on the earth and the everyone on the underground wanted the prize, the World Heavyweight Championship. But none of them have been successfull as the ruler of the underground stays alive. A lot of them tried to bury him, a lot of them tried to take his powers from him, even my brother Kane tried it but he did not complete it because every single time, I showed them who is the boss in underground. Who is the controller of the dead and alive. But the irony is that always the sword of damocles was on my head. It was swinging. And the tie was so thin than it can be in my head any second. As people like Mark Henry, Randy Orton, Edge, Shawn Michaels, Tiple H and even a demon like Kane tried to cut my head off with that sword. But every single time I sent them under the ground, the deepest side of the udnerground so nobody can hear their crying, nobody can feel their pain, so nobody can help them. And I had something to make them remember to the world to take as a warning, a tombstone for each of them. So the world can understand I am still the ruler of the underground. So they can not mess with me. It was for their favour, to keep them away from danger. But guys like Kane, Shawn Michaels, Triple H came for the second time, even Triple H came for the third time but then again, I reign supreme! I beat them and send them to the deep sides of the ground.

As I keep continuing to send these bodies, the mortals to the underground, the others the more selfish, more arrogants came to mess with the deadman and they tried to kill him, try to bury him. But what they can't remember, what they don't understand is that guy was dead and nobody can kill him again. This dead won't Rest in Peace until he continues his mission on earth, which is to bury all these miserable mortals. Which is to feed the underground, feed the hell with more pain, with more sorrowed souls. The devil has gave me that mission but I beat him in his own game, and every single time I go undergorund, I enter hell, he stands up and calls me as his sir. Now, I am bigger than him. But I am still just a dead man who wants to complete his mission and wants to Rest in Peace. This mission is a curse to me and no matter what I do, I can't go back until I complete my mission. For years I have been doing this but it still didn't end. And in my uncomfortable sleep, I was having nightmares about never returning to my restful sleep. There was still someone to bury. To end. And in one of my nightmares, I woke up, with a nightmare, which showed me my last victim, C-M Punk!

Crowd booes as they hear Punk.

The man who broke the record in last 25 years as being the WWE Champion for 434 days. The man who was arrogant, who was selfish, who was rude during all this reign. And the man who thinks he is the best. A man who is only the best amongst the alive, amongst the mortal ones. This guy has never been in the deep dark sides of the underground. He never had the pain that others had deep down there. He doesn't experienced that. So he kept talking about how great he is, how unbeatable he is. But he is beatable. But I know his arrogance won't make him accept this so Punk, I have a challenge for you, a big though challenge. If you pass it, you'll be clearly best, not only in the world, also in the underworld, but if you fail, you are just one of these mortals that I keep beating for all these years. At Wrestlemania Punk, at the Grandest Stage of them all, at my night, at the night my immortality is celebrated, you and me, one on one to decide if you are different than the others!

Taker looks at the entrance.

Note: Probably I will continue as Punk at this message. It is fun :D

Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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The fans in attendance erupt into cheers as the well-known Motörhead theme begins to blare over the PA system, letting everyone within earshot know that they're about to be joined by the one and only Triple H. In no time at all, he walks out onto the stage, his head hung as he stands there, the neon lights flashing on his body. He looks up and sprays water forward from his mouth as he makes his way down the ramp. Once arriving at the bottom of it, he climbs onto the ring apron and takes a drink from the water bottle he's carrying, throwing it down as he looks out into the crowd before throwing his head and arms back, spraying water into the air. Triple H enters the ring through the ropes and motions to the ringside official for a microphone. He is granted one as the lights come up and his music fades out to silence.


"The Game" Triple H:

So in case you're out of the loop of what's going on right now, allow me to bring you up to speed. Eddie Guerrero got himself fired from Smackdown and now there's a void to fill, and already the popularity contest has begun. Hulk Hogan is trying to get you to give him another chance despite the fact that his back's so messed up, he can't even do a leg drop and Jake Roberts managed to ween himself from the bottle for a few months and wants another go as well.

With all due respect to the men that paved the way, I have a hard time taking the two of you seriously, not because I doubt your passion but because I know that there is no conceivable way you will be medically cleared to fulfill that passion. I mean, Hulk's had more surgeries on his back than Michael Jackson had on his face and couldn't walk anymore gingerly if he looked like Sheamus.

And Jake? I'm more intimidated by the snake on your tights than I am of you, I know you're feeling better because of your new workout regimen and diet, and that's great, but you aren't in ring shape and you never will be again. Well what about me, I'm talking an awful big game for someone that doesn't wrestle anymore, aren't I?

That's because I can! While Jake Roberts was figuring out whether he could empty the contents of a pill bottle or a container of alcohol faster and Hulk Hogan was playing Vince down in Orlando, sure I've put on a suit and been on the business side of the things, but unlike those two, I never got complacent.

I stayed in the gym and worked out just as hard as I did before, I climbed in this ring day in and day out and took it to anyone that was willing to make sure I never lost a step, I...remained...The Game, and it was all in anticipation of this day's arrival.

Ric, do the right thing and give the roster spot to someone that isn't going to embarrass you, make me a part of Friday Night Smackdown and watch me level the competition. Instead of settling for a fragile hipster or a relapse risk, pick the man that is that...damn...good!


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???: Ladies and Gentlemen...Boys and Girls ALL around the world, put your hands together for THEE Greatest Man to ever Grace a Wrestling Arena, The Jesus of Wrestling, BRRRRAAAADDDDD MAAAAADDDDOXXX!

Cheesy Game show music plays as Brad Maddox steps out from the back with the biggest smile on his face. He is all dressed to compete, but chances are he won't even enter the ring. He has a mic in his hand, and the crowd is already starting to boo.


Brad Maddox
That's right Ladies and Gentlemen, it is I, Brad Maddox here to save you from the boring routines of the UWF. You can call me a savior, of some sorts. I'm here to save you from all the painfully boring and unentertaining segments and matches that this company offers every week. Damien Sandow? More like Damien SNORdow. Daniel Bryan? No, I think it's Daniel BORING. But the very question that lies in all of your minds is "How?" How can it be that someone like me can save all of you?

The fans start to boo in unison.

Brad Maddox
THAT WAS A RHETORICAL QUESTION! YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN I AM SPEAKING! Thank YOU. Now where was I. Did I tell you about the chicken, the farmer, and the farmer's daughter yet? Ohhh man that's a good one and WAIT a minute. I don't think you people deserve to hear it. After all the disrespect that I have been shown since the moment I stepped onto this stage. I don't get it. Am I really such a bad guy?

The crowd again boos.

Brad Maddox
Rhetorical Question, Thank you! See the only one up here that gets to answer any questions is me, because I'll have you know that I am a PHD in Psychology and I can answer any question that needs to be answered so it takes us back to the original question of...Am I a bad guy? I don't think so, I mean, I come out here all the time just to try and entertain you. To make your kids laugh. Is that such a bad thing? For me to touch your kids? No. No it's not a bad thing. All I want to do is be able to reach out and touch your kids, and listen to their sweet laughter. If you're against that then well, you just must be a bad parent.

The crown grows louder in boos and Maddox looks shocked at what he is hearing.

Brad Maddox
I can not believe my ears. Is that what you want the future generation to boo? Is that how you treat A-List celebrities. I happen to be a very big Hollywood Star. I was in Star Wars. I was also in many other millions of dollar earning movies. So I demand to be treated like the star I am. Now, for all of YOUR benefit I will be in the parking lot where I will be selling bootlegged Shirts, signing Autographs, taking pictures and kissing babies! Brad Maddox for UWF Champion!

Brad drops the mic and starts running around on the stage "Wooing" He then runs off into the back leaving the crowd to wonder what they just saw.

Captain Charisma

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Sep 1, 2012
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Set up: Ok, I like to do these Testing TTs like a little creative thing. It is March 7th Impact, 3 days to Lockdown. Team TNA is missing one member against Team Aces and Eights. Enjoy.


Tenay: Hey what is this? This can't be real!

Taz: It is real Mike, it is. It is Christian Cage! Making his return! What a surprise!

It's him! The Instant Classic! He is back on TNA! Fans go wild! They missed him on TNA! Christian smiles as he walks down the isle. He goes to corner and looks for his peeps. Christian enters the ring.

So... After months or years, if you dont count when I had a comeback to TNA just for 5 minutes, I comeback to TNA! Oh believe me I missed the feeling to be in Impact Zone. But as Dixie Carter said we will be out of here in March 14th which is just 1 week we are away from it. Oh, in just 10 years Impact Wrestling has developed a lot I mean there is a lot of positive changes, look, when I was wrestling here for the last time it had 2 more corners but now it's the classic ring. But I am not sure if it's positive because 6 corners made a lot of changes in TNA, hope you bring it back Dixie because these fans right here wants six sides back as well! (We Want Six Sides Chants pop out) But anyways, since I am not a the owner of TNA or an administration member I do not have any right to talk about it. But what I have right to talk about why did I came back here, what happened to me since I wasn't around since last summer, even not in WWE. Well, in 2009 I made my return to WWE and I thought like it will be a brand new beginning for me in WWE. I expected it not to be like my first run in there because I showed myself here in TNA as a main eventer! I had done great things here in TNA which caused me to get the nickname "Instant Classic" by all of you! I expected to have a good run in WWE but that did not happen. Actually I was sad and disappointed by the way I get treated. That I have never been the guy in WWE and I don't know the reason and you guys do not know it as well. Then some day I was talking with my best friend Adam Copeland, I remember that dialogue and even the date, it was 11th of August, the day after I lost Claudio Castagnoli, and Adam said to me "Man, don't get me wrong but I am not happy by the way you get treated there in WWE. You deserve more and you are a lot more than all those superstars." That opened my eyes. These words opened the blindfold for me and the day after that I went to his office, you know who he is, and I said I want a contract termination. Then he declined that saying my contract will come to and end in February 2013. Then I waited from that time to get released. Then in February finally I get released then straight forward I negotiated with TNA which didn't last long. But I did not wanted to return so fast, I wanted sometime to watch what was happening in TNA. So I wanted sometime.

Cage stops for a moment than continues.

Because right here in TNA, things have gone a bit far from the control. You see, since the beginning of the summer there has been a masked group of guys calling themselves Aces & Eights. Who had caused a terror here in TNA and who made TNA wrestlers', TNA staff's life a misery. Than their mask started to fall one by one thanks to guys like Joseph Park, who has a lot of heart and courage, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe. And when these masks started to fall, every single person who was against Aces and Eights had felt so sorry and fall into a big shock. Because the members were people like Devon, Taz, Wes Briscoe, Garrett Bischoff, Mr. Anderson the people who were in this company for years or people who find themselves in this company. But because of attributes we all human beings have in our nature, they decided to turn back on TNA, they decided to let us down. Devon and Taz, two person who have find themselves in TNA. A guy like Mr. Anderson who should thank TNA because TNA let him be himself, a natural a**hole! If there was no TNA, there was no Mr. Anderson, believe me. When they released him, his career would be over but TNA took him up and made him a real star! And I know that TNA made me a star, not WWE but I am not a unloyal a**hole at least! I love this company! I may leave here for WWE once but that is not going to happen again because I will stay here and I will retire here in TNA! And two more person, who have been real superstars in TNA turn back on this company. Guys like Garrett Bischoff and Wes Briscoe turned their backs just for more money, just for easy achievements, because they know they can't achieve what they want with their own blood and sweat! They lost their war against their greed, against their arrogance, against their ego and now they are just unloyal son of a b*tches in Aces and Eights. I watched all the tragedy, all the chaos going on here in TNA. I saw all their attacks to Sting, to Joseph Park, to Bully Ray, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Hardy, I saw each and every single one of these attacks and gotta admit it, these guys are rough and tough. These guys are not a group you can easily handle and stop. That's why TNA can't hold him down but I have the feeling that at Lockdown they will be finally over because this company have the passion, this company have the determination to stop Aces and Eights! But wait, before doing that, Team TNA which led by Sting needs something. Let me remember what was it... A member probably? Hmmm so there is a one space for Lockdown. Now if Sting and Hulk Hogan accepts, I want to fight for Team TNA at Lockdown against Aces and Eights. I may just come here just today but I have a huge history with TNA and this company has made me a real superstar! So I want to repay the work TNA have on me. If Hogan and Sting agrees I will be inside that cage for TNA and I will kick some a** of Aces and Eights to show them what TNA is! So Hulk, Sting please just let me be on the team. Just let this happen and leave rest to me because I am still The Instant Classic!

Christian hits his chest for three times so hard then holds his arm up as crowd chants Christian Cage.

Captain Charisma

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Oh my god! It's him! It's Brock Lesnar! Here comes Lesnar! Crowd goes wild as they hear his music. Brock walks into the entrance and gazes at the crowd then he looks in to the ring.


He jumps a bit.


Then he does his taunt and makes his way to the ring. He enters and takes a mic.

So here I am... The new place for me, the new destruction nature for Brock Lesnar, UWF... There is a simple cliché that new things and new places brings new things. Well that's not valid for me because I am going to do same thing that I had done in NCAA, I am going to do same thing that I had done in WWE, in UFC, what I am going to do is nothing but dominating. I am dominating since I made my first appearance in NCAA. The domination in this industry has started in 18 March 2002 when I attacked Al Snow, Maven, and Spike Dudley. And from that day, the domination went on for almost 3 years. In all these years, I was the biggest and est guy that I was announced as "The Next Big Thing". And then, I was dominating so much and so easily that I wanted a new fight. A harder, a badder and better fight. I left WWE and I went to New Japan Pro Wrestling but that wasn't enough for me again. I was beating all these Japanese and other guys so easily. I left there immediately and I went to UFC, where I will be a champion once again. And in UFC, I wasn't "The Next Big Thing" anymore because after years I got that experience and combined with my power, with my desire, with my skill and I became "The Thing". I was the biggest thing going in whole Fighting and Showing Business. Nobody was better than me, not Frank Mir, not Cain Velasquez. Cain may have beat me buy we all know who the better man is, he just got lucky.

And then I announced retirement because I was bored from UFC as well. Then WWE contacted to me and offered me a contract. I could't refuse because the deal was great for me, so I accepted. I went on being "The Thing" first time in WWE. Last time I was in WWE, I was a rookie from Minneapolis. I was a champion but I was still a rookie. But now, I am the biggest man in this industry. I went back to there and now I am here in UWF. All this story tells you nothing but domination. Nothing but a man being successful in every single company he has been in. 1 time NCAA champion, 1 time UFC Heavyweight Champion, 3 times WWE Champion.

Without my presence, a lot of people claimed that they will dominate this company and this industry. Every single man that walked into the gym, every single man who worked out so hard thought that they could dominate like me. They thought they could be "The Next Big Thing" but every single one of them failed because they didn't have "it". And that it is nothing but being ruthless, being aggressive, being destructive. That's why the time I was in WWE named as the "Ruthless Agression". I dominated Raw, I took their belt and moved onto SmackDown. I dominated SmackDown, just like I dominated Raw. I dominated every single company and industry. And now, it is time for UWF to see a real domination, by Brock Lesnar. UWF, get ready to a real man dominating this company because it is not going to be fun or entertaining, it will be painful, even to watch. Today, I am warning all the locker room to be aware of Brock Lesnar, I am warning everybody to watch me... Just because one reason, HERE COMES THE PAIN!

Lesnar drops the mic and he gets booed. He gets out of the ring and walks to backstage.


Sep 25, 2012
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The UWF serene atmosphere is suddenly disturbed by an all too familiar, shrill voice

Michael Cole – Oh no, that’s not?

King – It can’t be?!

The commentary team and fan’s fears are realised when Vickie Guerrero makes her way out on to the stage, mic in hand


King – It is!


She glares at the booing fans with shock and disdain as she makes her way down the ramp

Michael Cole – Vickie Guerrero’s not a UWF employee, what’s she doing here?!

King – I’ve no idea, but I get the feeling we’re not gonna have to wait long to find out!

Vickie has made her were into the middle of the ring and stands shaking her head in disgust as the boos in the arena grow and grow


Vickie – EXCUSE ME! Will you people please show me some respect! Is this how the fans of this company treat its newest employee?

The boos increase even more with the news that Vickie Guerrero has joined the UWF, this brings out one of her trademark cackles as she laughs at the fan’s negative reaction

Vickie – Yeah, that’s right! You are looking at the UWF’s newest ‘Creative Consultant’! So it’s time for all of you people to start showing me some respect, because I’m here to stay and I am going nowhere!

Michael Cole – ‘Creative Consultant’? What the hell?!

Vickie - In my new role I will be reviewing the output of this brand, I’ll be identifying what works and what doesn’t work, and most importantly of all I’ll be identifying WHO works and who doesn't work. And I intend to whip this brand firmly into shape! I am someone who always takes great pride in their work and it will be no different here, in fact I consider myself a MODEL employee, both in the sense that I’m great at my job but also that I have the face and body of a model!

Vickie pouts and wiggles her body which draws plenty of jeers from the crowd


Vickie – EXCUSE ME! As I was saying, as a model employee I began my research even before I started my first day. I have been looking at the current talent on this brand and I am sorry to say I have found it sadly lacking! That is why that I have made a decision to change things immediately. Given the lack of talent on this roster, I have been left with no other option than to bring in my own client in order to reinvigorate and re-energise this failing brand. This person is my own personal client, and I firmly believe they are ready for greatness, and their greatness and achievements will push this whole company to heights it never thought possible it could reach, and it will all be thanks to ME! Please let me introduce me client, the new knight of the UWF…

The arena lights dim as we await the arrival of Vickie’s client; the fans are finally hushed as they turn their attention to the titantron. Around 20 second of silence pass and then;



King – What!?

Michael Cole – OH MY!


The fans in the arena resume their booing as Big E Langston makes his way out on to the stage.

Michael Cole – That’s Big E Langston! Big E Langston is here in the UWF, and he’s Vickie Guerrero’s client?!

King – That guy’s huge!


Langston walks down the ramp with purpose, hops up onto the apron and glares with intent at the jeering crowd. After a few second he enters the ring, shakes Vickie’s hand and takes his place by her side

Vickie – Ladies and gentlemen I give you Big E Langston! I have personally chosen Big E as the man who can dominate this brand, grab it by the throat and shake it back to life. He is the man that everyone on the roster now has to fear and that includes the champion! Under my guidance and tutelage he is destined for the very top, and that is where we will be going!

And with that she lets on another cackle before handing the mic to Langston

Big E – First off I wanna thank Ms Guerrero for givin’ me this opportunity. I just wanna say that I truly appreciate it and I ain’t gonna let you down. (He turns away from Vickie to address the camera) Now normally most guys would now address the UWF Universe… but I ain’t most guys and I quite frankly couldn’t give a damn about any of you people or what you think! So instead I’m gonna move right on to the rest of the UWF roster; I’ve been watching all ‘a you guys and I have not been impressed with anything I’ve seen. I’ve seen nothing I’ve feared, I’ve not even seen anything I’ve respected, so with that in mind I’m confident that’s there’s no one in this company that I can’t put down for a five count! So y’all better get ready for a new beginning ‘cause there’s a Big Ending coming your way

And with that he throws the mic on to the canvas as his music hits once again. He holds open the ring ropes allowing Vickie to exit and they then both make their way back up the ramp and out to the back.


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The lights in the arena go off… and then the tron lights up with a message.


Kane pulls himself up to the apron and enters over the top rope. He stands center stage.

The Monster Kane:
As the darkness envelopes you and you turn away in fear… I embrace it as my home. While you look to light… I despise it. When you are a child born into the darkness… you only look to adopt something such as light since there is no choice. But when you examine life you see there are only few things that you do have choices in. Whether to live or to die. But in the end we all have an expiration date. So all you can choose to do is to adopt, is to adapt, and is to accept anything and everything that will come your way. And one thing that will always be around is pain.

Pain is inevitable and is a fact of life. Pain is natural and is something that you either embrace or spend your life running from. But once you learn to embrace the pain it will make your life easier. Make your life more enjoyable and the same with the darkness. Light is artificial and is a creation of man. But once you learn to live in the darkness… your life will be complete. And so if you walk with me… your life will be filled with pain and darkness. And in time you either learn to adapt or perish trying to run.

And as I look upon the poor pathetic souls of UWF I see that none understand the darkness. That none understand true pain. But they only have a sense of amazement and a sense of foolishness when it comes to darkness and pain. But I look to bring you the truth. I look to bring you everything that you never had. I look to give you the life that you never had. An eternal darkness so dark that you can feel your bones burn. A pain so intense that you wish death would come as soon as it possibly could. In this… there is no choice… but only adaptation to soften the inevitable. Welcome to Hell.

Kane raises his arms and as he lowers them fire shoots up from the ring posts, the ramp, and the stage and the lights turn crimson red.


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ooc: I work better when I have something to work with, I.E an opponent of some kind but I tried, so I'd appreciate any feedback.


Leo Kruger appears on stage, an eery smile across his face as he begins to walk down to the ring. He rolls into the ring and moves to the other side of the ring, dropping to his knees hanging over the second rope with both his arms as he looks over at the time keepers area with the same smile. He extends one hand and a crew member takes the hint, moving over and handing him a microphone. Leo stands up as the lights dim and a spotlight hits him, he looks around the smile never leaving his face.


Leo Kruger:

Ek kan nie wag nie, al my nuwe vriende te ontmoet. Ek het so baie om hulle te leer.

My name, it is not important. My face, it is not important ayther. For you see what is important, is the breath that I am taking, for without it heh heh heh heh there is no life. To understand this fact, is to understand how simple that life, can fly away. Which is precisely why I am looking so forward to meeting all my new friends, oh I jus’ kan’t wait…for I have so much…to share with them heh heh heeeh.

Kruger begins to laugh to himself heartily as he begins to stroke his long hair from the side with one hand seemingly tugging at it before he continues.

I will be teaching this to them, I will be teaching this to you all, jus’ as I have all my past friends heh heh but befor I kan do this, I must first let them know of what is to come. It is easier when they don’ know you are coming, but it is much more special when they know you are there, but cannot see you with their eyes. So tonight I issue that warrning, my name…it is Leo Kruger, and everything you know…is about…to change. Heh heh HEH

Kruger smiles wide as you can see his tongue out the side of his mouth through a missing tooth.

But do not worry my friends, for my prey need not worry a long suffering. Cause I will extinguish their light…quickly…heh heh heh. I do this, not for your cheers, I do this not for personal reasoning. I do this, for honor…I have now found the biggest game there is, and I’ve grown all my life learning just how to attain it. And attain is what I will do, welcome to a new jungle my friends, learn to survive as I did or learn the simplicity of this life as all my other trophies have...for all that is needed is to see who will be my next… trophy. Heh heh heh heh…Ta-Ta


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The arena sits in silence until three simple words make them come alive....



Jim Johnston's "Meat on The Table" begins playing and The Beast known as Ryback makes his way out from the back and stands on the stage. The Beast keeps his head down, bobbing it in rhythm with his music. Once the song reaches a certain point, Ryback raises his head and screams that it's "feeding time."


Ryback marches down the ramp, soaking in the atmosphere and the energy from the fans. The Beast incarnate continues feeling the music before reaching the end of the ramp and climbing the steel steps. Ryback enters the ring, before tossing his ripped shirt into the crowd and yelling "Feed Me". The Beast motions for a microphone and is handed one before beginning to speak in between his heavy breaths.


"The Beast Incarnate" Ryback: As a child, I was raised to believe that good was never good enough. Success was to be expected and reaching for the stars was never enough until you actually held that star in your hand. I followed this believe as a boy, I followed this believe as a teenager and even today as a grown man, I follow this believe in every facet of my life.

"The Beast Incarnate" continues to breathe heavily as he walks around the ring thinking about his next words.

"The Beast Incarnate" Ryback: What I do in this ring is no different. I consider this ring to be a jungle. And just like in the jungle, it is eat or be eaten. It's simple human nature; only the strong survive. And when it comes to survival, there is nobody stronger than Ryback. In this ring, in this jungle, I am the hunter and everyone that decides to step in here with me is my prey. And like the lion feasts on the gazelle, I will feed on anyone that steps into my jungle until my hunger is satiated. It does not matter if it's a small guppy like Brian Kendrick or the big fish in Damien Sandow, either way, my hunger will not be satiated until you all lie at my feet and have come to the conclusion that in this jungle; Ryback Rules!

A small "Ryback Rules" chant breaks out as "The Beast" continues huffing and puffing.

"The Beast Incarnate" Ryback: So from this point on, I want my prey to be afraid. Because from this point on, there is a new King of The Jungle. And you're looking at him. One by one you will all line up and one by one, I will knock each of you down. And after I dispose of one of my prey, I will stand tall over your lifeless carcass and scream...




Ryback drops the mic which makes it go "PFFTT" as he screams "Feed Me More" at the top of his lungs. The crowd joins in and soon enough, the entire arena is filled with "Feed Me More" chants.​


Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
I wrote this a while ago when I thought Orton was free in UWF. mehhh

"...I hear voices in my head..."

The familiar music of the Apex Predator hits the PA system and the fans come alive, making a cacophony of noise. The lights flash multitudes of colors; reds, yellows and oranges, before the man himself steps out from behind the curtain. Randy Orton makes his way to the center of the stage, gazing out at the crowd, keeping his face stern as he does. The Viper stalks his way down the ramp and towards the ring, ignoring the fans nearby jeering him or wanting handshakes. Orton walks up the steel steps and enters the ring through the middle ropes. He reaches out at the far side, grabbing a microphone from the ring attendant, and moves back to the center. His music is cut, and once the fans calm down, Randy Orton speaks.


Randy Orton: Don't even think that for one second.. I came back from my hiatus because I wanted your applause.

The fans begin to boo loudly, jeering Orton for ruling out the chance to cheer the Viper. Orton sneers and continues.

Randy Orton: I stood around, watching-waiting. I watched Wrestlemania pass by like a a ship on the horizon. And I was equally just as bored. UWF has gone soft. This company has become stale, and like a wounded solider it needs a shot of adrenaline to get its ass back in gear. I am that shot of adrenaline this company needs. Because when I watched Wrestlemania from the sidelines, I realized just how overrun with fat each brand has become. I saw not a single thing that passed for greatness. I saw nothing that could hold a candle to me.. and since the company is lined with fat, it's time to do the trimming. And that is exactly where I'll begin, now that I'm back. Because I'm sure you were wondering why I'd waste my time here in the first place. I'm going to pick apart every single person on the roster until I am satisfied. I'm going to lay them to rest and accumulate a pile of bodies underneath my feet. I smell blood in the water. I see the ones that fall behind and I will end you.

Orton makes a statement with his last sentence. The fans boo some more, as Orton slowly walks around the ring while speaking.

Randy Orton: I would say by the time I've kicked and beaten each person I feel like into the ground, maybe I'll set my sights on the UWF Championship. This company has not been kind in the past with rewarding my hard work, and under appreciating a talent like myself. Letting me go to waste as some C rate Champion on a C rate brand. I didn't even have to show up if I didn't feel like it, and simply; It was a joke. I'm the Legend Killer, Randy Orton. I've got my talent in one hand then half the roster has had in all their careers combined. I'm going to put down this roster like old Yeller, and give this company a Wrestler it can respect and get behind. I'm putting Raw on notice... If you don't step out of my way, I will drop you to this mat and you will never be the same again. If you do step aside.. Well, consider yourself a lucky man, because you'll have a chance to fight another day.

But don't count on it.

Orton drops the microphone with a "Pfft" as his music begins again. The fans boo him as he slowly makes his way out of the ring, and back up the entrance ramp.



Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
All I'm gonna say is that DOMs Roode destroys mine.

The lights dim before an instantly recognizable theme hits the PA system


The music of Robert Roode ignites the fans and they start to boo immediately. The man himself steps out from behind the curtain, wearing an "IT Factor" T-shirt and his wrestling gear underneath. Roode stands on the stage, smirking as he accepts the fans booing him with pleasure. Robert walks down the entrance ramp with pride and character, stopping only to jaw jack with a couple select fans nearby. He walks up the steel steps and enters the ring through the middle rope. He picks up a microphone from underneath the turnbuckle, before standing in the center of the ring. The fans continue to boo, as his music is cut, and Robert speaks to the crowd.


Robert Roode: Oh, let me guess. You thought you saw the last of me, didn't you? Good old, Robert Roode "tears up his contract and quits UWF". Right? Saw that on UWF.com and I figured you all would get a reaaal good kick out of that, only for me to show up here. Let me shed some light on the situation for you simple people. I don't take crap from management, who wants to toss me around and put me on dead end brands. Thats the end of that. And you're just going to have to suck it up and deal with it. Thankfully though, I managed to secure a different contract where I can actually be given the respect that I deserve. Which would bring us up to speed on this whole situation. If you don't get that, then you can just leave.

Roode laughs briefly while the crowd boos before he continues to talk.

Robert Roode: Listen, all jokes aside it's time for Me to get down to brass tax. Fact of the matter is, is that I should have more success in this company. I should have been a champion by now, and I blame EVERYTHING on the fact I was forced to sit on NXT. The "third" brand. The.. red headed step child of wrestling shows. The ratings were poor, the competition was poor, the title was just handed over to Randy Orton when it should have been given to me. It was a joke and I was treated like a joke, but no longer. Oh no. The cards have been stacked against Robert Roode for way too long, and things are going to change around here. See, I enjoy being talented. I like to wrestle and compete against the very best in the world. I don't like being denied that chance on a weekly basis, and I don't like being ignored. When you have this much talent, it should be a crime to given the treatment I have been given. Though now that I've secured a wonderful, and fair contract, you'll be seeing a lot more of Robert Roode. Which who will have gold around his waste, very soon.

The fans dislike the idea and boo Robert some more. He smiles before saying his last thoughts.

Robert Roode: You may not like it, but you're going to have to respect it. I am one of the best damn things going today and I will not let anybody hold me back this time. Thats not just a statement, it's a promise.

Roode drops his microphone and the music plays him out, as he heads up towards the stage.



Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Wrote this months ago, BOREDDDDDDD so posting sorry not sorry


"Man in the box" by Alice and Chains comes on and the crowd pops loudly for the veteran, Tommy Dreamer! Light amount of smoke hovers around the stage and curtains and out from behind it, emerges long time favorite; Dreamer. Dreamer gets onto the stage and holds his arms out into the arm and lets out a blood curdling war cry, before hoofing it down the ramp and towards the ring.


Tommy slaps the hands of the fans as he goes down and turns the corner, walking up the steel steps with confidence. He enters the ring through the center ropes and makes a beeline for the corner, where Tommy jumps up to the middle rope and poses for the crowd as the eat it up and flashbulbs go off.


Dreamer hops down from the middle after a good while on the middle rope, and asks for a microphone. The ring attendant gives him one and his music fades out. Tommy stands in the center of the ring and addresses the crowd.

Tommy Dreamer: I think that was one of the loudest receptions I've ever received, and I want to thank each and every one of you for that, because it means a lot to me. I got a lot of looks in the back room, people probably wondering what the hell I'm doing here. Thats fine, I deserve to be questioned. But bottom line, fact of the matter is, is that Tommy Dreamer is back and I'm not going anywhere. With that being said, I'll keep it simple with why I'm back. At this point in my career, I dont see any UWF Championship in my sights. I don't see any Royal Rumble wins from number one. I don't see too much of anything here really. But what I mean is that I'm here for the competition. I want to compete. Put me in coach, because I'm ready. I'm done sitting on the side lines and playing in the B leagues. I want to compete win-lose-or draw, titles or no titles. I'm here because I love this industry and I cant lie down no matter how hard I try.

The crowd pops for Tommy as he emphatically states his point. Dreamer continues to speak, albeit, he's not much of a talker.

Tommy Dreamer: I don't care what brand I'm on, I don't care who I face. Just give me the option to do what I love. That's all I'm asking. You could put me on Raw and have me face Daniels in hardcore matches. You could put me on Smackdown and have me face Edge and get speared through a table. You could put me on NXT and have Bully Ray throw me off the stage. I'll still get up, crawl to the back, and show up next week. Because all I want to do is this. (Dreamer points down at the ring) I want to wrestle and I want one of these general managers to give me that chance. I'm not here to start some "extreme revolution", I'm not here to overthrow anybody. I'm here to wrestle like I've said. All I need is that chance and if any of the GM's in the back feel like giving those workhorse another go then by all means, come on out. I got all the time in the world to wait.

The fans start chanting "DREAMER, DREAMER, DREAMER" as Tommy stands in the middle of the ring, waiting for somebody to come out.