E-fed Memory Lane

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nevermind you aren't seeing anything that is being said if it makes PWA look even slightly bad. I'm done on that topic.

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
nevermind you aren't seeing anything that is being said if it makes PWA look even slightly bad. I'm done on that topic.

I'm trying to point out something very simple, that's it. The system then was shit, but you were only going off of one small example that honestly shouldn't have meant anything, because it was grading a roleplay about a guy taking a shit.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Pete, RRS, either of you remember that RP I wrote for the Rumble about McMichaels taking a shit? LOL, and it actually got a decently high grade, like a 17/26 or whatever was the max points.

Sadly, yes, I do remember that. That was when I was in full-on paranoia "they're working the results!" mode. Remember how much shit I gave you for that shit (in more senses than one) RP?

Man, I'm sorry... :p

And would you guys (RRS) PLEASE stop it with the drama-stirring bullshit? It's getting old, and it benefits NO ONE. Plus there's no point harping on about it 'cause you're doing fine RRS.

Jesus, you'd think you don't give a fuck about the survival of the fed!
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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
He dropped around 24, RRS. We also had what two weeks to RP? I think I got in 16, not counting the shit one.

It was actually 32. AND I was only doing it to match Claressa. And then when they took Claressa's RPs and counted all her chains as only one RP (or whatever happened there) I won...BY ACCIDENT. By outnumbering her. Sheamus should have been Champion then, not Vycious.

And RRS, you're thinking of RR 2011. In RR 2010 I competed only as Lord Vycious.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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Bollocks to grading systems, such an overrated systems at times.

Sometimes just generally reading the RP/TT is a great indicator to whose won the match, grading systems can be pretenious and pretty much fixed. I used a grading system once... For a match between Lewbrication & Slim XD


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Me, what I had a problem with was relativity. If you ever read one of my RPs, you know I more often than not am doing something completely apart from the match at hand, and having to mention it EACH TIME to get points is a chore. It ended up where I threw in literally a line or two about it just so I wouldn't get slated in that bracket. Word count is also a bitch, as I sometimes didn't make it to 500 words, and that 1 point I lost there often made me lose matches. So yeah, I HATED those two grading categories.


Apr 23, 2011
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Now before I even start with all of this, I know I'll get tons of hate for this, because honestly, most of you guys who will remember this little controversial story did kiss certain someone's ass for at least a short while and you still cum while remembering him as an awesome writer (he wrote some damn awesome shows, I must admit).

Well, most of you actually might know my story, and I'm not trying to bring up UWF right here, I'm gonna tell you a story about late UCW, because I wasn't around during it's legendary era everyone keeps talking about.

Now, controversies aside, for those who don't know, UCW was a pretty legendary TT fed that was on a certain forum called PWM, RSM later on, but that was a pretty long time after the death of UCW (btw R.I.P. PWM/RSM).

It was a fed I started my e-fedding career in sometimes in early 2011 I guess? Everything was damn awesome, I played Low Ki and formed a stable with SeňorBlockito who played Homicide (wonder what happened to that guy), some juggalo dude who played The ICP, PegasusKid who played Benoit with Dresden who played Eddie Guerrero PMd me that they were ready to debut in the stable as well. I remember Banks was the headwriter of RAW back then, alongside EoR and those were one of the best times I remember in e-fedding. But PWM crashed and 1,5 months of data was lost, sadly the TTs of the stable as well. Itch and LK took over the fed, I was on SmackDown, which was being written by LK as far as I remember. I picked up Raven, some guys told me he was my 2nd best char that I've played, some guys told me he totally sucked balls. Out of the UCW section; there was this epic place I love remembering, called Uncensored Rage, or simply UC. Back then I was acting like a major smurf and got a 'lol newfag gtfo' treatment by those who were 'legends of UC' - Deezy and Itch and somebody else, Pepe I think. That cost me a lot in the advance, because I remember Itch once told me he liked my work when I debuted, but when I started posting in UC, I remember getting pwned by him like a million times and that reflected big time on my UCW career. I was once told that the losing streak I got while playing Raven was just because he didn't like me and my Raven and shit and that's why he booked himself as CM Punk (who I'll mention later on btw) in a career vs title match and my career was on the line, therefore he made me drop Raven and pick up my epic Wade Barrett that did nothing big, but he had a really awesome emperor gimmick I'd like to play at least once again in the future. To my surprise, Barrett had a winning streak and when the 3rd brand, WarZone, written by SBS, got created I was drafted over there and left SmackDown undefeated. Bronzy's epic Kane was "born" and that's when it was his time to shine, he won a world title back then, defeated Rawisrey, Lewb, Banks and some other guys I can't remember in a scramble match (?) and won the title as the epic Kane I will never forget. Meanwhile, Barrett was a pretty solid midcarder, but I ran out of ideas and did one of the worst things I could; picked up Low Ki again and attempted to be as epic as I was when I debuted first. It was a major failure, and that was one of the times when I started posting in UC again, got into some arguments with Itch once again and once again, I was on a losing streak. A LONG losing streak that went on for over a month and a half, maybe for two months. I remember SBS being a real friend back then and he gave me advices for my characters, advices on how to make Low Ki better, but despite all of that, I kept losing. A few months later when I talked to him on MSN (and I have that little convo in my MSN history with him), he told me I wasn't that bad as Low Ki, but Itch demanded that as long as I was Low Ki or something like that, I must lose every match. Not lying, I have the convo copied somewhere in my PC and I still have it in my history. A compromise happened and they offered me a new character who they thought I could play pretty well, Scott Steiner. And actually I had fun playing him, lost many matches as him, but I remember being inches away from winning the IC title with Steiner. Then, for a short time, I left UCW. Got back later on as Raven, but I almost immediately took a LOA because of my concussion and returned when it was Lewb's UCW and that was okay.

Meanwhile, while all of this was happening, Itch booked himself to go undefeated for like 6-7 months. His Punk was awesome, but definitely didn't deserve the wins in all of the matches he was in. This little thing ruined his Punk for me. I personally loved his Punk TTs and promos, but the sole fact that more than obviously he booked himself to win EVERYTHING.. just ruined it. It's not like it hurt me anyhow, nope, it just wasn't right, I dunno how to describe it. But his Punk was really awesome, I must admit. As a person who played Punk at the same time when he did in a different e-fed, I'd love to have a Punk vs Punk lol even though it ain't possible. The 2nd thing that sucked hard about his Punk was Lewb's failed cash-in. It was something that just wasn't right. Lewb's Del Rio was one of the best e-fed characters I have seen. Personally I think that when someone wins the MITB in an e-fed, he deserves to cash-in successfully and have at least a week long title reign, because in e-feds it's something different than in real wrestling feds. This here is actual effort of the people, while the matches in, let's say, WWE and TNA are scripted. These here aren't and the outcomes are based on effort of people and, of course, quality of their TTs or RPs. Therefore when Lewb failed to cash-in on his Punk, it was something just not right.

Also, I just wanna note that I don't have anything against Itch, because he actually is a pretty chill dude to talk to. What I wrote here was just my opinion on some situations, I dunno, maybe you guys will not like what I wrote and will think that everything that happened in these stories was right. E-fed backstage politics can be a bitch.

Also, yeah, I just wanna thank CWF for giving me more opportunities, and as a matter of fact, UWF staff hates CWF and call it biased, but call it whatever you want; when the hell would anyone in UCW make Ants (his Finlay was AWESOME) a world champ? He'd just stay dumped and maybe, just maybe, he would've had a few weeks long mid-card title reign, just because he's not an established name. That's what I think. CWF was really good in my opinion. Sure, it had flaws, major flaws at some points, but I wouldn't call it biased, in fact I think it showed people how good they truly are, and those who were good ended up getting good spots on the card. That's a long story, and a totally different one.

I just wanted to post this so the topic changes from PWA to ANYTHING else. Not that I don't like it, as a matter of facts, if it returns, I'll give it a try, but you guys would kill eachother if you kept talking about it.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Yeah, as much as RRS wants to make us appear all touchy-feely-cuddly, we all know that isn't true. We were a pretty dysfunctional family at times, and ol' uncle Pete here was one of the main instigators of that.

An example:

See dejay11chris up there? ^ When he came into the PWA, he started beating several people, including me - repeatedly. I had a problem with losing to a n00b at the time (yeah, I wasn't that mature), plus Chris was following a template approach to his RPs which irked me. So I developed this bullshit theory that Nick (Sicc Nick/Nicker) was fixing the ratings/results to push Chris (they get along famously, whereas me and Nick were mortal enemies at the time). I made a HUGE stink about it for weeks on end. I wasn't a very good member of ITR for those couple of months. Of course, then Chris improved and we became cool. But that's something he'll never let me forget :D


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Sep 14, 2010
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Okay I have another UCW story... the ECW story when I was ECW champion. I don't remember how many shoots I did as The Rock during that time but I made A LOT! And that was because the guy that was appointed to run ECW was nothing more than an immature kid.

Okay pretty much I became champion rather easily... I forgot how it happened but I became champion and I actually had a good trashtalk session with someone that played Batista and so I wanted to have another session to continue to build their character up. Pretty much what I wanted was I wanted to pick different opponents that I knew had the potential and having them face off against the champ would not only get them to have to step up their game cause they are going against the champ but I also wanted to elevate them from whatever level they were at to something higher. I didn't care if they were lower card, low midcard or even just right in the middle. I wanted certain opponents because I knew that it would benefit them cause ECW at that time was weak. What this guy wanted me to do was rehash opponents that I already had and pretty much rehash what was already done on TV. He had no creativity at all and we had many many battles through PM cause I wanted to try to help elevate these guys on the rise to make new competitors and new future champions and he wanted me to challenge only those guys that are already at the top. And I mean these are during the weekly shows.

I mean as a champion you have a certain stroke and I was coming off of my epic run as world champion on Raw so I was still pretty hot and so facing off against The Rock at that time would benefit anybody and I wanted to help elevate people whereas he didn't and that caused a lotta grief to the point that I demanded to be taken off the show and not ever work with him again. Turns out he was nothing more than a little preteen and man that was one of the sorriest times I had in UCW.

I'll tell of the sorriest eventually. The big controversy that actually really got me to knowing Lewb better. Heh. Cause folks know what I did in that thread as soon as it was found out but few know what I was really thinkin during that time. :)


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
I'll tell of the sorriest eventually. The big controversy that actually really got me to knowing Lewb better. Heh. Cause folks know what I did in that thread as soon as it was found out but few know what I was really thinkin during that time. :)

I am very intrigued as to hear your 2 cents on this one being the involved party haha


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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Remember that incident incredibly well, because I was drafted into Raw to resolve the aftermath which had been left behind but to put it short, someone had admitted to fixing the Del Rio/Rock match on the grounds it would save Jay's incredibly long reign.

The second match was just as hard, because Me, Banks & Jay spent an hour arguing over the result, I called it a draw Banks' had Del Rio and Jay had Slim.

A lot of strong arguments but ultimately went on the grounds of Slim versus Lewb - The Third and Final Encounter and I was anxiously waiting for Rock to produce that one TT but ultimately, sadly, Slim had lost his motivation which led to Lewb winning the title for a second time.


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Heh yeah I had nothing left... it was just... ya know... people talk about controversy and being screwed... I was screwed because of a record. Heh. All will be shared in time.


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Sep 19, 2010
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Now before I even start with all of this, I know I'll get tons of hate for this, because honestly, most of you guys who will remember this little controversial story did kiss certain someone's ass for at least a short while and you still cum while remembering him as an awesome writer (he wrote some damn awesome shows, I must admit).

Well, most of you actually might know my story, and I'm not trying to bring up UWF right here, I'm gonna tell you a story about late UCW, because I wasn't around during it's legendary era everyone keeps talking about.

Now, controversies aside, for those who don't know, UCW was a pretty legendary TT fed that was on a certain forum called PWM, RSM later on, but that was a pretty long time after the death of UCW (btw R.I.P. PWM/RSM).

It was a fed I started my e-fedding career in sometimes in early 2011 I guess? Everything was damn awesome, I played Low Ki and formed a stable with SeňorBlockito who played Homicide (wonder what happened to that guy), some juggalo dude who played The ICP, PegasusKid who played Benoit with Dresden who played Eddie Guerrero PMd me that they were ready to debut in the stable as well. I remember Banks was the headwriter of RAW back then, alongside EoR and those were one of the best times I remember in e-fedding. But PWM crashed and 1,5 months of data was lost, sadly the TTs of the stable as well. Itch and LK took over the fed, I was on SmackDown, which was being written by LK as far as I remember. I picked up Raven, some guys told me he was my 2nd best char that I've played, some guys told me he totally sucked balls. Out of the UCW section; there was this epic place I love remembering, called Uncensored Rage, or simply UC. Back then I was acting like a major smurf and got a 'lol newfag gtfo' treatment by those who were 'legends of UC' - Deezy and Itch and somebody else, Pepe I think. That cost me a lot in the advance, because I remember Itch once told me he liked my work when I debuted, but when I started posting in UC, I remember getting pwned by him like a million times and that reflected big time on my UCW career. I was once told that the losing streak I got while playing Raven was just because he didn't like me and my Raven and shit and that's why he booked himself as CM Punk (who I'll mention later on btw) in a career vs title match and my career was on the line, therefore he made me drop Raven and pick up my epic Wade Barrett that did nothing big, but he had a really awesome emperor gimmick I'd like to play at least once again in the future. To my surprise, Barrett had a winning streak and when the 3rd brand, WarZone, written by SBS, got created I was drafted over there and left SmackDown undefeated. Bronzy's epic Kane was "born" and that's when it was his time to shine, he won a world title back then, defeated Rawisrey, Lewb, Banks and some other guys I can't remember in a scramble match (?) and won the title as the epic Kane I will never forget. Meanwhile, Barrett was a pretty solid midcarder, but I ran out of ideas and did one of the worst things I could; picked up Low Ki again and attempted to be as epic as I was when I debuted first. It was a major failure, and that was one of the times when I started posting in UC again, got into some arguments with Itch once again and once again, I was on a losing streak. A LONG losing streak that went on for over a month and a half, maybe for two months. I remember SBS being a real friend back then and he gave me advices for my characters, advices on how to make Low Ki better, but despite all of that, I kept losing. A few months later when I talked to him on MSN (and I have that little convo in my MSN history with him), he told me I wasn't that bad as Low Ki, but Itch demanded that as long as I was Low Ki or something like that, I must lose every match. Not lying, I have the convo copied somewhere in my PC and I still have it in my history. A compromise happened and they offered me a new character who they thought I could play pretty well, Scott Steiner. And actually I had fun playing him, lost many matches as him, but I remember being inches away from winning the IC title with Steiner. Then, for a short time, I left UCW. Got back later on as Raven, but I almost immediately took a LOA because of my concussion and returned when it was Lewb's UCW and that was okay.

Meanwhile, while all of this was happening, Itch booked himself to go undefeated for like 6-7 months. His Punk was awesome, but definitely didn't deserve the wins in all of the matches he was in. This little thing ruined his Punk for me. I personally loved his Punk TTs and promos, but the sole fact that more than obviously he booked himself to win EVERYTHING.. just ruined it. It's not like it hurt me anyhow, nope, it just wasn't right, I dunno how to describe it. But his Punk was really awesome, I must admit. As a person who played Punk at the same time when he did in a different e-fed, I'd love to have a Punk vs Punk lol even though it ain't possible. The 2nd thing that sucked hard about his Punk was Lewb's failed cash-in. It was something that just wasn't right. Lewb's Del Rio was one of the best e-fed characters I have seen. Personally I think that when someone wins the MITB in an e-fed, he deserves to cash-in successfully and have at least a week long title reign, because in e-feds it's something different than in real wrestling feds. This here is actual effort of the people, while the matches in, let's say, WWE and TNA are scripted. These here aren't and the outcomes are based on effort of people and, of course, quality of their TTs or RPs. Therefore when Lewb failed to cash-in on his Punk, it was something just not right.

Also, I just wanna note that I don't have anything against Itch, because he actually is a pretty chill dude to talk to. What I wrote here was just my opinion on some situations, I dunno, maybe you guys will not like what I wrote and will think that everything that happened in these stories was right. E-fed backstage politics can be a bitch.

Also, yeah, I just wanna thank CWF for giving me more opportunities, and as a matter of fact, UWF staff hates CWF and call it biased, but call it whatever you want; when the hell would anyone in UCW make Ants (his Finlay was AWESOME) a world champ? He'd just stay dumped and maybe, just maybe, he would've had a few weeks long mid-card title reign, just because he's not an established name. That's what I think. CWF was really good in my opinion. Sure, it had flaws, major flaws at some points, but I wouldn't call it biased, in fact I think it showed people how good they truly are, and those who were good ended up getting good spots on the card. That's a long story, and a totally different one.

I just wanted to post this so the topic changes from PWA to ANYTHING else. Not that I don't like it, as a matter of facts, if it returns, I'll give it a try, but you guys would kill eachother if you kept talking about it.

Oh I remember Low Ki and you did that terrible shoot promo.

Also I thought this was e-fed memory lane, not E-fed drama lane.

Anyways I remember winning the grandslam championship with Angle thanks to the new Cwalker at the time. Cwalker was a great Booker T many don't remember that, but I never knew why he dropped him. Than again Booker probably got boring so I understand why. Also really wanted to say that I remember some of the great feuds I had with many people, but that should be saved for my podcast. Just one of my favorite memories in e-fed is winning the grandslam with Kurt. Thanks C-Walks.


Mar 18, 2012
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Love you all, but I have to:

@Pete: You laid down almost 40 for the 2012 Rumble, not the 2011 Rumble. There was no match in 2010.

@Slim: The roleplay was a joke. The grading of the roleplay was a joke. Furthermore, as was stated, we had no caps for that particular match, because that takes the fun out of the rumble, honestly. That was the ONLY match that ever happened for though, considering it was our first rumble and the second was later capped. Pete ended up posting a far greater amount of roleplays than anyone else. However, this was not the main problem. The problem with this rumble was that The Nicker, who ran the fed at the time, began to grade roleplays before the off-air time. Thus, some people became less motivated to roleplay when some of their roleplays scored lower than others, having to realize that they would have to then post more to beat Pete. With everyone ducking out of the match, most people just gave Pete the win and got pissed at Nick. Those who weren't pissed just posted joke roleplays and Nick rated them as a joke, which means he didn't use the system LITERALLY. The PWA and its actual roleplays were nothing like that. Nick just wasn't the best GM. lol.

@Chris: Yeah, I'm talking about your system.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
^You got what I meant, he got what I meant :) And let me reiterate again, I won by ACCIDENT. And then had to take shit from Nick about how I was "tarnishing the World Title" by carrying it. I was glad to drop, personally.

With that said, ACW people now know why I immediately go into a screaming frenzy every time someone mentions big matches with no caps :lmao NEVER AGAIN.