Donnie watches WWF 1985

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Feb 1, 2021
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Hulk Hogan (c) vs Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth (WWF World Championship-28/9/85)
And now it begins. Hogan outpowers him to start and pisses Randy off by doing it with ease, and you can see Randy's face turn to joking to dead serious. Hogan keeps schooling him and making him look the fool, so Randy snaps and goes after hie eyes and beats the shit out of him in a mad flurry of punches to the head and neck. Some of the best punches you'll see and really puts a LOT of wrestlers to shame. Hogan grabs a headlock to get him to stop and it's a cool way to sell Hogan has to try and stop him any way he can. Hogan decks him with a punch and throws him into the buckles and Randy takes nasty bump that turns him upside down. Randy moves out of the way of a corner charge to take over and he goes back to working on the head and neck, and he uses the axe handle inside the ring for the first time to further hurt him. He goes for it again but Hogan catches him with a punch to the ribs and beats him down. He kicks him in the face with the big boot to knock him to the floor. He throws him back in, but Randy catches him with a kick to the head and goes for the elbow, but Hogan moves and he hits a sick legdrop to steal the win.



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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Tito Santana-6/7/85
WWF Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team-24/8/85
WWF Women's Champion: Wendi Richter-31/3/85

WWF Championship Wrestling
October 5th, 1985
Poughkeepsie, NY

Tonight. Dream Team vs British Bulldogs for the titles.

Match#1 Cousin Junior w/Hillbillies vs Gino Carebello

WWF Update-
-Love to see more major shows being added.

Match#2 King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan vs SD Jones & Jim Powers
Elmer & Junior walk out and sit in the crowd with Jim. Oh dear. Fine little squash thanks to Bundy being awesome and making up for Studd's tired lame act. Bundy wins with the corner splash.

Post match, the Hillbillies jump the rail and stare down the heels.

Mean Gene-
-Louis Albano thanks Gene for looking after him and taking care of the votes on that night. Lou recaps the entire angle and this could have been a video recap, guys. He says he got seven stitches and he will get even somehow.

Match#3 King Tonga va AJ Pertruzi
Haku is here. Fucking God yes. I'm more of a Barbarian guy tbh, but he's still rad as hell as a mad savage beating the crap out of people. So, he's a welcome addition. Cool kicks and punches and throws for a couple of minutes. He also breaks out some headbutts and a nasty kick to the face just to do it. He even has a sweet white Russian leg sweep in his backpocket. He wins with the flying splash off the top.

Mean Gene-
-Jimmy Hart says he's the young manager in the WWF and he's building something. He now has Terry Funkj, Missing Link, Hart Foundation, Adonis and sometimes he has Greg Valentine by his side. His army will be taking down Orndorff and collecting the bounty and then they'll take Andre as well. He says he can take any of the titles with a singles of a duo, and they better be ready, baby. Gene says he's lying about his age and wants to see his drivers license, which causes Jimmy to freak out and run off.

Match#4 Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Tony Garea & Salvatore Bellomo
HF squash one of my old foes and his stupid little son, and it's a blast. Anvil takes some big bumps for them before he shuts their lights out and fucks them both up, and Bret is on cleanup this week. Sal is killed via a Hart Attack.

Match#5 Missing Link w/Jimmy Hart vs Micheal Saxton
Link isn't long for the WWF as his drug problems are getting worse, sadly. Still, a very fun wildman squash for one of the last times. Tons of headbutts and throws and jobbers dying as they should. Link wins with a flying knee drop.

Match#6 The Dream Team (c) w/Johnny Valiant vs The British Bulldogs (WWF World Tag Team Championships)

DK does his thing where he has the opening flurry and wreaks the heels like the freaky little shithead he is. Davey joins in and Brutus is beaten and thrown around in wonderful fashion, and i can behind this feud if they kill him time. They keep going back and forth as this only the start of a long feud and they don't want to give too much away. DK goes for the headbutt and Johnny V shoves him off for the DQ.

Mean Gene-
-The Hillbillies are very angry at what happened to them and Albano, and they've started a feud they're never going to forget.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Tito Santana-6/7/85
WWF Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team-24/8/85
WWF Women's Champion: Wendi Richter-31/3/85


To open the show, Gene is standing by with Volkoff & Blassie. He says Hogan has promised the Russian flag will never fly again in this country tonight after he beats Volkoff. Nik says he's going to take the title back home to Russian and ask them to press the button to send the bomb to destroy them once and for all.

We go to Hulk Hogan now, and he says this no good Russian is no threat to him or America. When he sees that flag flying it get him red hot brother, and only the American flag will be flying after tonight.

We now go to the Hillbillies talking about the wedding. Piper walks on and makes fun of them for being ugly and dumb and whatnot. More than fair.

Match#1 Hulk Hogan (c) vs Nikolai Volkoff w/Freddie Blassie (WWF World Championship)
Thankfully only 5 minutes of Hogan running through him and sometimes selling his awful offence when called upon. Nik adds nothing other than a warm body of the week for Hogan to kill, and at least they're honest about it for once. Legdrop ends it.

Post match, Hogan wreaks Nik's flag by rubbing it on his shoes and spitting on it. He then waves the American flag.

After the break we go back to Gene with Hogan. More pro American stuff, and hey whatever. He says he can mellow out during the wedding to show wrestlers can be nice people as well, and Gene is playing the organ and he can't wait to hear it.

In the aisle the Hillbillies say words about being happy and the like.

Match#2 Uncle Elmer w/Hillbillies vs Jerry Valiant
Elmer wins with a horrible slam in 6 seconds.
Fuck off

Vince says he's broken Bundy's 9 second record, and they show footage of that match to kill some time.

Back in the aisle, they say more words.

We go to the ring for the Body Shop with Bobby Heenan as the guest. They recap the entire story of the bounty and how it came about, and it's a good recap for anyone who is only watching for the first time tonight. He says the bounty is now 50 grand and anyone can collect it. He says he would love to give the money to Roddy Piper if he gets the job done tonight.

In the aisle, Piper says he's going to beat a man who wears baby oil to make himself pretty and he doesn't need that to beat a bum like Wonderful.

Match#3 Paul Orndorff vs Roddy Piper
HELL YEAH. They brawl right away and it's a super ugly and wonderful fight with tons of punches and hair pulling and the like. Just a street fight from the get-go, and even Jesse calls it such. Wonderful gets free and hits him with the bell and hits a backdrop and kicks the crap out of him, but Piper goes for the eyes like the bitch he is. They do some double downs as they hit each other harder and harder, and it's really unique and different from the norm at this point. They tumble out of the ring and fight to a double countout because of course.

They fight backstage into the dressing room and Piper locks the door as Wonderful punches at it and tries to get in. That fucking rocked.

It's time for our first ever wrestling wedding, and i wanted to be lazy and just post links, but i love you a lot so let's do it.

This is a real wedding as they weren't allowed to do this unless they really got married because NJ is wild, i guess. Jesse makes amazing jokes about the priest sending them both to jail for being ugly and horrible. He then says can you imagine her having to support him, and Vince can't stop laughing at the implication. Jess keeps making jokes as Elmer stumbles over his words "THEY GUY CAN'T EVEN READ AND NOW HE CAN'T HEAR" Fans now start throwing food at her and one lands on her veil. Elmer can't get the ring on her finger, and Jesse says they are both very visible and maybe this will be like a hog and grease. JESUS CHRIST I FUCKING CAN'T. Elmer keeps stumbling and tells the priest he can't hear what he's saying and Jesse starts laughing and Vince tells him off, but you can hear him laughing as he's doing it. We get to the part where someone can object to it, and hey Roddy Piper walks out and says there is no room for romance and wrestling and he objects to a pig farmer marrying someone in a wrestling match. He stinks, she stinks and this wedding stinks. Hogan steps forward and points at Piper and makes him leave. We go back to the ring and the priest finishes as Jesse says it's like two carp going after the same piece of corn. Jesse then asks for a slop bucket so he can be sick. AMAZING.

In the aisle, Gene is with the Heenan family. Same promo about Andre they've been cutting for the last 56 years.

Match#4 Andre The Giant & Tony Atlas vs King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd
Andre wreaks them to start like the last time and it's good fun. Tony gets in and is kept as fodder for the monsters as he can't be trusted to do anything else. Decent control seg thanks to Bundy again, and it's very funny how quick he usurped Studd. Andre finally gets his hands on Studd again and it's not good at all because John is a bum, and this match is dead and buried. The heels attack him and refuse to leave the ring so the ref calls it.


After the break, Hogan says he couldn't stand there and let this happen again and he's sick of it. He's got something planned but they're going to wait until later to tell us what it is.

Match#5 The Dream Team w/Johny Valiant vs Tony Garea & Lanny Poffo
The Express are sitting in the crowd and look sad, but they're gone soon so fuck them and their sadness. Fine enough showcase for DT for a few minutes as seems the norm for these shows. Figure Four does it

We got the wedding reception where Jesse is again a massive asshole and reads a poem about how much this wedding is awful. Jim gets up and shoves him into a cake.

Vince announces next month on SNME it will be Andre and Hogan vs Studd and Bundy. Woooooo man


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Tito Santana-6/7/85
WWF Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team-24/8/85
WWF Women's Champion: Wendi Richter-31/3/85

WWF Championship Wrestling
October 12th, 1985
Poughkeepsie, NY

Match#1 Junkyard Dog & Pedro Morales vs Jerry Adams & Mike Donatello
Not a fucking chance

WWF Update-
-Lord Hayes plugs the Classic
-Randy Savage says he is entering himself into this because he wants to seperate himself from the winners and losers, and he is a winner. He says a fan will win a Rolls Royce and he'll be driving his pink one after he wins. God Bless.

Match#2 Don Muarco w/Mr Fuji vs Jose Luis Rivera
Been a while since Don beat the shit out of JLR, so that's nice to see. Awesome offence as always and Jose is a top jobber and really goes out of his way to die. DON THROWS HIM OVER THE TOP AND HE TAKES A FUCKING FLAT BACK ONTO THE CONCRETE. JESUS DUDE. Spike Tombstone ends it right after.

Post match, Don hits a running knee right to his jaw.

Mean Gene-
-Gene announces that the Express are on the comeback trail and they want the titles back.
-Randy Savage walks on and says he has a question for Hogan and Tito when they pull the sheets over their heads before they go to sleep, and ask how long until they lose the belts to him. They are trembling and are scared to death of him. In fact, it is inevitable going to happen and Tito is first. The WWF must sign the match and make it happen. Gene mentions Liz and Randy freaks out and says to talk him about him only.

Before the next match, Vokoff gets them to play a song he has put out.

Match#3 Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/Freddie Blassie vs Red Welsh & Tony Garea
Trash as always. Can't wait for them to go away forever. Nik wins with the backbreaker in like 40 seconds.

Mean Gene-
-Ricky Steamboat says this out turned into an all out war and he wants it to end. People have wondered how two men from the same island ended up like this, well everyone has seem Muraco cheat and play with the darkside and that shouldn't shock anyone.

Match#4 King Kong Bundy w/Bobby Heenan vs Daryl Bowlin
Bundy has a killer fat man squash as he clobbers and squashes the kid over and over with said fat, and it rocks man. Bundy smiles the entire time which also makes it even cooler to watch it all unfold. Avalanche does it.

Piper's Pit with Lou Albano. They trade weight jokes and Piper warns him to watch Ace. Piper says he is a great manager that let Andre get taken out of wrestling, and Lou says it was 3 on 1 and he'll be back. Andre will is now 150% better, and Andre walks out behind Piper!! Piper turns around and says other people who aren't him have been saying he's done. He heard Ace say it, and Orton begs off. Andre tells him to shut up and says Bundy and Sutdd will pay the price for what they did to him. Piper says sorry and says Lou isn't even that fat. Incredible.

Match#5 Adrian Adonis w/Jimmy Hart vs Jimmy Jackson
Adrian follows Bundy with fat man squash, although he's not actually meant to be fat. Still, gross elbows and knees and dirty shithead things like eye pokes and tossing him out to the floor. Just a dirtbag through and through. He grabs the jobber and jumps off the top rope with his knee into his face to win.


Recap of the wedding.

Match#6 US Express w/Lou Albano vs Ron Shaw & Mr X
They're now using Real American in their last match lmao. Perfectly fine for thankfully the last time this team will ever bother me again. IRS does mat work and it's boring as sin, but fine and good in that respect. Barry finally gets in and cleans house with some power stuff and wins with the Bulldog. Now fuck off forever.

Mean Gene-
-Bobby Heenan walks on and says he doesn't have a headache, but he is the manager of the year and that's that. He brings on his boys and fucking Studd has Andre's hair again. GRHIJB WE3GIRJEFOFRGJBEIRFOWQDFVJNEKODWQFEVKDFJVKEOPKDJNVREKORDJNVEJK NO.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Tito Santana-6/7/85
WWF Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team-24/8/85
WWF Women's Champion: Wendi Richter-31/3/85

WWF All Star Wrestling
October 12th, 1985
Hamilton, Ontario

Tonight; Hart Foundation vs Killer Bees. God bless this show.

Match#1 King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan vs Mario Mancini & Paul Roma
Roma is fed to the monster just to further this being the best show ever. Studd is a lame turd as always, but Bundy baby is the fucking fat monster we all need in our lives. He runs through them in such a fun and carefree way that i can't help but smile along with him. Bundy wins with the running splash that Gorilla calls a powerslam for some reason.

Match#2 Terry Funk w/Jimmy Hart vs Gary Starr
Another fantastic Funker squash with all the offence and some wonderful stooging and comedy mixed in. Hart now has the megaphone and shouts for the entire match and adds to is as i now i want him dead. Funk fakes a knee injury to lure the kid in so he can kill him, and it's another little thing i wish more people would do. Sleeper ends the fun.

Post match, he brands him.

Mean Gene-
-Andre will be facing Bundy in a return match.
-Andre says he will have Albano in his corner as he knows Heenan can't be trusted and will try something. He again promises to slam Studd if he shows up.

Match#3 Corp Krichner vs Joe Mirto
Corp K works the arm this week and he's stinky at it. Shocking i know. The highlight is Gorilla saying Jesse will be wrestling next week and Jesse saying he's going let the ladies see him in the flesh. Samoan Drop (that really needs a name) ends it.

Mean Gene-
-Hillbilly Jim & Cousin Junior are facing the Dream Team for the titles.
-Jim and Junior walk on and say this like fighting critters at home and eating them right after. Jim says he's going to twist Johnny V's head off like he does to the corn when he eats it. Love food based promos.

Match#4 Dream Team w/Johnny Valiant vs Brian Mackney & George Wells
Jesse blames Albano for Barry getting injured, and Gorilla can't help but say maybe he just wasn't quick enough to save him. Another fun DT squash thanks to Hammer being awesome as hell and Brutus working hard as possible to keep up. Wells goes on a run of offence and looks good enough before he gets clobbered. Figure Four ends the deed.

Body Shop with Muarco & Fuji. Jesse says it does his heart good to see men like them and all the piledrivers he does that he dedicated to him. Don says he had to do it for a great man like Jesse and the way he lives. Fuji says the sky is the limit for Don and how far he can go, but first they will take out Steamboat for good.

Match#5 Bob Orton vs Jim Powers
Gorilla talks about what a nice and respectful young man Power is, and it makes it seem like a complete dork tbh. Powers has some cool token offence with arm drags and arm work on the "injured" arm, and Ace sells it really well before he shuts him down and goes to work. Awesome stuff from Ace on the mat mixed with some mean strikes and the like. He tosses him to the floor and Powers catches the back of his head on the apron in a scary moment. Ace wins with the Superplex.


Match#6 Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Killer Bees
BRET IS WEARING HIS SUNGLASSES FOR THE FIRST TIME. HECK YEAH. Gorilla says this is two undefeated teams meeting, which is not true at all. Killer opening between Bret and Blair as they have a back and forth and go hold for hold and move for move, and it's a blast. Brunzell gets in and Bret easily schools him, and then Anvil beats his ass as well. Blair gets the tag but he eats a knee to the back and the Foundation goes to work. Wonderful stuff again as Bret leads the charge and breaks out all his offence on Blair and really whips his ass. Brunzell has a good hot tag as he shows some fire and pinballs them all over before the break down happens. They all fight in the ring and the ref throws it out.

Post match they keep fighting until Jimmy Hart gets his boys away and leads them to the back.
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Paul Orndorff vs The Missing Link w/Jimmy Hart ($50,000 Bounty Match)
This is Link's final match as he's fired in the next few weeks. Wonderful goes right for it and kicks his butt all over the ring, and the crowd is insanely hot for everything. Link catches him with a headbutt to the face to take over, and it's one last fun little control seg from the wild man. Good headbutts and forearms, and Paul sells it really well as the beating gets meaner as it goes on. Link is distracted by Jimmy shouting to keep hurting him, which allows Paul to get back up and kill him with a running knee to get the win.

Terry Funk w/Jimmy Hart vs Junkyard Dog

Funk stooges right away as he misses an attack and gets tied up in the ropes and can't get out, and JYD steals his hat and wears it. Terry loses his shit and demands Jimmy go in and get it, but he refuses. JYD baits him back in and beats him up in lame fashion, but Terry's selling is what saves it as he leans into everything and makes him look good for once. Too good tbh, but Funk is always going to do this and it rules, so whatever. Funk does more stalling and stooging for a while and it's ok enough, but sort of boring given i'd rather he beat JYD's lame ass to death. Terry finally takes over and the control isn't much other than sleepers and some choking, and it's not cool. JYD fight back, but Hart slips in the branding iron to Funk. He murders JYD with a shot to the back of the head to steal the win.

In the back, Jesse is with the Bulldogs. He says they aren't viscous enough to do it, and Davey says they've going through everyone they've needed to and they'll be the winners tonight. DK says they can wrestle and fight when needed, and the world will see new champions tonight.

Dream Team (c) w/Johnny Valiant vs British Bulldogs (WWF World Tag Team Championships)
Same opening as the TV match as the Dogs run through them leaving them frazzled and looking for help from anywhere they can get it. Hammer catches DK with a gross backbreaker to the infamous bad back to isolate him. Hammer works on it with holds and knees and elbows and Brutus does a bearhug, and it's all super mean and focused and the best thing the team has done thus far. DK's selling is very good and you can see the influences his work will have on Benoit as he takes every bump full force and sells with facials that show off how much pain he's in along with holding himself close when he gets a chance. Davey gets the hot tag and runs through them in awesome ways and it's his first big stand out work, and DT fly all over for him to help matters. He catches Brutus with a sunset flip and the idiot Beefer doesn't kick out, so the ref has to stop on 2 and the crowd flips their shit. Everyone gets in and fights and the dogs hit the rocket launcher on Beefer, but Hammer sneaks in and kills him with an elbow to the back of the head and throws Brutus on top for the 3.

Post match, the Dogs attack them and steal the titles and dare them to come and fight for them, but DT refuse and end up leaving.

Before the next match, Randy loses his mind when Fink announces Elizabeth before him and makes him re-do it, and then he kicks her out of the ring.

Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Scott McGee
Not sure why Randy keeps getting losers on house shows outside of Hogan last month, but ill take whatever matches they can give me. Another super cool showcase as he murders some dork with an array of amazing offence and complete lunatic behaviour. McGee is a good little jobber taking some wicked shots for our hero, and i have nothing but love for someone like that. Randy gives the kid some offence and takes some awesome shots before he wreaks him and wins with the Elbow Drop.

Hulk Hogan (c) vs King Kong Bundy w/Bobby Heenan (WWF World Championship)
Bundy jumps from the start with clubs and kicks and catches Hogan with a sweet powerslam to mess him up. He sends him to the floor, and Jesse says no one has manhandled Hogan like this before. Bundy stomps on his fingers when he puts them on the apron, and again breaks out that amazing shit eating grin!! Hogan dags him outside and punches the shit out of him over and over and slams him into the post. He breaks out a headbutt to the mouth to stumble him and finally knocks him down with a lariat. He stays on him and Bundy's wobbly selling is tremendous as he fights like hell to stay on his feet. Bundy catches him with a lariat and hits the Avalanche, but he stupidly poses and Hogan hulks up. He hits a boot and nails a powerslam, and Bundy kicks out right on 3 to make sure we get a rematch down the line.

Super fun show.
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Hulk Hogan (c) vs Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth (WWF World Championship-13/10)
Weirdly, i could only find this on reddit for some reason as it's not on torrent or any of the streaming sites from what i could see. Jesse says Hogan is a dead man if Randy hits the Elbow, and Gorilla says he's never seen a more dangerous move and he agrees with him. Hogan schools him to start and makes Randy look like a fool and pisses him off, and Randy gets angrier and angrier and snaps on him with an explosion of punches and kicks. Brutal body shots that Hogan eats right to the chest and face, and then Hogan returns the favour with a sick knee that knocks Randy to the floor. RANDY USES LIZ AS A SHEILD FOR THE FIRST TIME AND MAKES HOGAN BACK OFF. Such a horrible shithead thing to do, and i adore it. Jesse goes off that Hogan was going to punch her in the face like a coward, and Monsoon is soooo pissed off at him. He asks what if that was his mum, and Jess says his mum is a lot tougher than Hogan. Dead. Hogan beats him up back in the ring and Randy goes to stalling and stooging to piss Hogan off, and it rules so much even i'd rather a straight match. Randy lures him and knocks him down and drops him with a punch and finally unloads on him. He hits the axe handle to the outside, but Hogan fights back and goes back to kicking his ass. Cool bumps from Savage as he shows what a freak he is in that regard for the first time. Randy catches him with a kick and hits the elbow and Hogan kicks out on the super close 2.9 count. He goes for another, but Hogan gets his boot up to the jaw and rolls him up to win .

Post match, Randy attacks him like last time and hits the axe handle with the title in hand to clobber Hogan in the back of the head. Sadly, Hogan comes to life and runs him off. I already love and sort of hate this feud all in one. Next few years are going to rule.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Tito Santana-6/7/85
WWF Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team-24/8/85
WWF Women's Champion: Wendi Richter-31/3/85

WWF Championship Wrestling
October 19th, 1985
Poughkeepsie, NY

Match#1 Hillbilly Jim w/Hillbillies vs Steve Lombardi

DON'T GO MESSING WITH A COUNTRY BOY DEBUTS. WOOOOOOOOO. Nice to have big Jim back in ring as he was pretty fun and not what i was expecting at all. Plus, i hate the other two so much that him being back is the lesser of two evils. Good power stuff for a couple of minutes from the big man, and Lombardi is the perfect person for this as he's a wild dude that bumps huge. Jim wins with the Bearhug.

WWF Update-
-Clips air of the wrestlers and managers singing on the new WWF Wrestling album.
-Buy it, please.

Match#2 Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Jose Luis Rivera & SD Jones
Bret sadly sells and gives SD a lot to start and while that blows, his selling is at least rad as hell. JLR gets in and the fellas go to work with another sick display of offence for a few minutes. Hart Attack ends it.

Mean Gene-
-Hulk Hogan says he's a pre-meditated role brother. He's been praying and taking his vitamins every day, and it's helped him fight the biggest and baddest dudes the WWF has. The thing is when you're on a role with all the Hulkamaniacs by his side, he feels he can't fall. He's leaving them in the centre of the ring where they belong.

Match#3 Wendi Richter (c) vs Judy Martin w/Fabulous Moolah
Hey, remember that there is a women's champion in this company??? Yeah, me either and in about 6 months it's not going to matter for another decade. Really bad as Wendi is not a good wrestler in any way, and Martin can only do lame chokes and weak looking offence. Wendi comes back and her offence is even worse than normal as she's not wrestled in months because fuck her, i guess. She wins with a terrible looking prawn hold.

Mean Gene-
-Bob Orton is here with a sick cowboy get up looking like a proper mean bastard.. He again says his arm needs to be broken again when he retires, but until then he's going to use it to break it over Wonderful's head and take the 50 grand and heal up. Gene says he's using it as a lethal weapon, and Bob says he can do anything better than anyone else and doesn't need a weapon. He invites Gene to play some golf him with him, and Gene looks very happy at someone wanting to be his friend.

Match#4 Ricky Steamboat vs Ron Shaw
Shaw a terrible jobber whose is very clunky, but Ricky makes it work by forcing him to sell and kicking the snot out of him whenever he gets a chance. Crossbody does it.

Piper's Pit with Don Muraco & Fuji. Piper says it's crazy that the WWF is allowing Ricky to use illegal karate moves and it's wrong and should be banned. Don says this is why he loves Piper because he can see the truth. He has the master Fuji in his corner to teach him the counters on how to stop Steamboat at his own game. Fuji laughs and says Ricky is going to be hurt badly.

Match#5 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Mario Mancini
God yes. Randy again loses his mind as soon as he gets hands on the jobber and he proceeds to rip his head off in amazing new ways. Elbow drop does it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Tito Santana-6/7/85
WWF Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team-24/8/85
WWF Women's Champion: Wendi Richter-31/3/85

WWF All Star Wrestling
October 19th, 1985
Hamilton, Ontario

Match#1 Junkyard Dog vs Mr X

Match#2 Hart Foundation w/Jimmy Hart vs Nelson Vildeoux & Rick McGraw

Nelson is singled out as he's young kid in a world of men, so it makes sense. Killer beating from our heroes once again for a few minutes, and it's a complete blast. Bret slams him off the ground to really fuck him up and it's one of those super mean and shitty things to do someone, and i love it a lot. Hart Attack does it.

Mean Gene-
-We go to a pre-tape with Ricky Steamboat. He speaks about all the horrible things Muraco and Fuji have done to him over the last few months, but he's standing before them as a winner. He is standing and meeting him in the eyes and that further makes him a winner. One day only one of them will be doing interviews and that will be the winner.

Match#3 Iron Mike Sharpe vs George Dolin
Tito joins commentary so he can watch the best wrestler ever have a showcase match. Iron is again a complete maniac choking and clubbing the kid all while screaming and ranting the entire time. Best to ever do it, folks. Forearm does it.

Mean Gene-
-Bob Orton promotes the Wrestling Classic. He's going to win the car and take the 50 grand when he beats Wonderful. Then when that's all said and done, he's getting a shot again the winner of Piper vs Hogan. First time anyone has said that's taking place, might have lead with that guys.

Match#4 King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd w/Bobby Heenan vs Claude Mellow & Bob Clemmons
Bobby is now calling them the team that can't be slammed, which is bad. This is good again thanks to Bundy not being bad and in fact, being awesome as hell. Fat man offence again with some jobbers willing to die! Studd is also in this match, but fuck him. Avalanche and the 5 count does it.

Body Shop with Andre & Albano. Lou walks on puffing a cigar and Jesse is very mad and says you don't do that in a gym or on a plane. Lou blows smoke in his face like a fat asshole. Jesse says he doesn't pull punches and he wants to know how Andre is feeling. Andre says he's getting better by the day and he's ready to fight. Andre gets mad for some reason and shoves Jesse to close the show.

Match#5 Jesse Ventura vs Ron Hutchison
Despite how good he was when he was with Randy, and how amazing his commentary is/was, he's still a bad singles wrestler. Just a big boring dude who fills time with trash talk and bad looking offence. Big old bum. Canadian Backbreaker ends it

Match#6 British Bulldogs vs Tiger Chung Lee & Dave Barbie

Real good stuff from the tiny little monsters. Power and speed like very few have bought to the table, and it rocks a ton as you'd expect. Rocket Launcher/Splash ends it

Post match, Gorilla interviews them in a big moment. He says he's been in wrestling for a very long time and they do things he's never seen, and they say they're proud to be changing things and doing what they can to win matches. They call out the champs and ask for another shot and take them all over the world. Davey says they'll stay in America and defend the titles against anyone and everyone. This is happening because the Dogs weren't signed to a contact and Vince was afraid they'd stay in Japan, so he's given them the bag to stay.

Mean Gene-
-Hart Foundation & Jimmy Hart. Anvil laughs and asks if you've ever taken a little bee and pulled it's wings off, and Gene calls him a sick person. Bret says his father is very proud of him as they have the best winning streak in the world. Everyone wants to be with Jimmy, but they aren't that lucky. Jim is going to pick one of the bees up and Jim is going to take their heads off.
-Terry Funk walks on and drops all his nicknames and thanks Jimmy for letting him be part of the Hart Foundation. He is sick of that JACKASS Junkyard Dog, and he wants to think of the world titles but he's obsessed with that egg sucking dog right now and he's going to put him down.
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WWF Puerto Rico-19/10

Incredible setting as it's taking place outside with a jam packed crowd on hand.

Hulk Hogan (c) vs Big John Studd (WWF World Championship)
Goes the normal way to start for a couple of minutes with clubbing and bearhugs and the like, and it;'s whatever until it starts pouring down rain and it all turns to shit in the coolest way ever

They slip and slide and come close to being badly injured, and it's a wild, wild thing to see. They have to scramble to a fuck finish as someone is going to messed up if goes longer, so they fight outside and Hogan posts him and rolls back in and the ref gives the fastest 10 count in history to end it.

TWISTER (1996)

Post match, the fans are rightly pissed about it, but like that's the wonder of nature baby.

The Killer Bees vs Iron Mike Sharpe & Barry O

It gets heavier and heavier and makes wrestling in pretty much impossible but it's not like Vince would ever stop a show when someone's safety or life is at stake. They trade lots of punches some arm work to keep it safe and boring, and the rain gets insane

Jim gets a rollup to win in a puddle of water.


Tito Santana (c) vs Randy Savage (WWF Intercontiental Championship)

Insane that their first meeting in an amazing feud takes place in the pissing rain in Puerto Rico, but i'm 100% here for it. Because they're both insane they fight like death right away in the ring with the water going everywhere in an amazing visual. Tito gets the best of the fight with a wicked right hand to the nose that drops Randy, and that leads to some wonderful stalling from Randy as he keeps covering up and stooging to piss off Tito. Goes on a little too long, but you also can't blame him for not wanting to wrestle in a pool. Randy gets an object from his tights and decks Tito with it to take over, and we get a short but fun control seg. Tito grabs a cradle out of nowhere to win.

WWF will not return here until New Years Revolution in 2005.
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Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Tito Santana-6/7/85
WWF Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team-24/8/85
WWF Women's Champion: Wendi Richter-31/3/85

WWF Championship Wrestling
October 26th, 1985
Poughkeepsie, NY

Match#1 Uncle Elmer & Cousin Junior w/Hillbilly Jim vs John Rizzo & Mr X

WWF Update-
-Lord Hayes gives the list of the participants in the Wrestling Classic
-Ricky Steamboat, Tito Santana, British Bulldogs, Corp Krichner, Don Muraco, Terry Funk, JYD, Ivan Putski, Paul Orndorff, Randy Savage, Sheiky, Volkoff, Missing Link.
-Hulk Hogan will defend the title against Roddy Piper.
-Hey, this could rule and become a yearly thing provided the matches get time and the winner is good.

Match#2 Terry Funk w/Jimmy Hart vs Ron Dee
Another sick squash our middle aged and crazy hero. He punches him in the back of the head and really lays in a goddamn beating this week for a few minutes, and Dee is a hell of a punching bag for him as he takes a ton of abuse. Funk wins with a running elbow this week.

Post match, Funk strangles him in the corner with the branding iron and kicks the fuck out of him, so the ref reverses the decision and DQ's Funk. TERRY SNAPS AND BEATS THE SHIT OUT OF THE JOBBER EVEN MORE AND THE CROWD WANTS HIM DEAD. Funk goes after fans until Jimmy gets him out of there. Perfect stuff.

Mean Gene-
-Lanny Poffo reads a poem about Mean Gene being really bad but amazing at his job, and wrestling not being the same if he ever got fired. Gene says he wants a copy so he can send it to his mother in law. Bless

Match#3 Tito Santana & David Sammartino Spot & Dave Barbie
Stop sticking poor Tito with the worst wrestlers in the company, man. Like, are you trying to make me hate him and root for the other guy??? David gets a lot of offence and it's horrible as shit, and Vince makes it worse by talking about strong he is and all his powerlifting records. Nerd shit. He wins with a Powerslam.

Mean Gene-
-Johnny V says he never touched Barry and he hurt his eye to frame him. Brutus walks on and says they roll out the red carpet for him wherever he goes because he's a winner, baby. Hammer says fans follow him around and they're almost as weird as him.

Match#4 The Dream Team w/Johnny Valiant vs Paul Roma & Scott McGhee
Another very good match for the champs thanks to them having the roles worked out. Brutus is still mostly lame as a concept, but he hits and works hard and that's enough for me. Hammer gets in and wreaks shop and wins with the Figure Four

Piper's Pit with Rick McGraw. Piper says he has a bit of education to give him tonight. Rick asks why Ace is here, and Piper says he;'s waiting for a bus!! He's his bodyguard, you idiot. He normally has stars on here not a mediocre ones like him. Rick makes the dress joke like a dork, so Piper flips his shit and calls him a loser and geek who has NOTHING going for him and he's trash. Rick says he never sees him wrestler someone on TV, and Piper challenges him to fight him next week, SO RICK SLAPS HIM AND RUNS OFF AS PIPER SHOUTS HE'S FIGHTING HIM. OH MY GOD, PIPER MIGHT KILL HIM.

Match#5 King Tonga vs Rusty Brookes
Tonga gives the kid some offence and shows off his bumps and selling, and hey he's good at it (not that i would have the balls to tell him he wasn't good) He fires back and murders him with strikes and slams. He wins a sick flying Crossbody block

Match#6 Paul Orndorff & The Killer Bees vs The Hart Foundation & Barry O w/Jimmy Hart

Awesome babyface flurry to start with some sick offence and cool arm wringers and the like, and we get some even better selling from the heel trio. Brunzell gets kneed in the back by Bret and the control seg is good shit thanks to him and Anvil leading the charge and beating his brains in. Great work on the back with backbreakers and clubbing shots, and Jim's selling and attempted comebacks are very good. Wonderful tags in and cleans house on them as the crowd loses their mind for him. He lifts Barry up and Brian murders him with a dropkick and Paul makes the pin to win.

Mean Gene-
-Randy Savage walks on with something in his robe. He says Tito can defend his title and escape with his life, he's a lucky, lucky Tito. HE PULLS OUT A TRASH CAN AND SAYS HE IS NIOTHING BUT GARBAGE TO HIM. HE PULLS OUT A TOWEL AND SAYS IT'S A CRYING TOWEL AND HE WANTS GENE TO GIVE IT TO TITO. He says the Rolls is top of the line just like him, and don't bet against him and lose your life. Tito is a grain of sand in the Sahara and HE IS THE ENTIRE DESERT.
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Feb 1, 2021
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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Tito Santana-6/7/85
WWF Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team-24/8/85
WWF Women's Champion: Wendi Richter-31/3/85

WWF All Star Wrestling
October 26th, 1985
Hamilton, Ontario

Match#1 The Killer Bees vs Frank Marconi & Barry O

Bees must despise O and want to kick him in the face every chance that get, and i respect it. Monsoon says Jesse only teams with Randy to get close to Liz, and Jesse stumbles to find a response and gets mad at him in a wonderful moment. Super fun squash with lots of cool double teams and super fast offence as the Bees become one a staple of the cool undercard babyface teams WWF will have for the next 30+ years. Atomic Drop/Dropkick combo does it

Match#2 Terry Funk w/Jimmy Hart vs Bob Marcus
Terry is pissed after the last show so he drags the kid on the outside and wreaks his day for being in his line of sight. Gross headbutts and punches to the face and body. Sleeper ends it.

Mean Gene-
-Lou Albano thanks Gene for raising money for his MS charity and helping to raise 10 million for the people suffering from it.
-Andre walks on and speaks French for a while.

Match#3 King Tonga & Dino Bravo vs Ted Grizzly & Steve Lombardi
Goddamn it to hell, i hate Dino with a passion. He's a horrible ass pro wrestler that's meant to be a musclehead but his offence is weak and bad, and in no way fits the gimmick. Dude is a stupid hack. Now, he met a horrible tragic end it sucks shit, but screw him as a wrestler. Bravo wins with a bad Suplex like it's 1977.

Mean Gene-
-Hulk Hogan walks on and hypes his match with Piper. He says Gene wants victory like all the Hulkamanics in the world. He was worried about Piper for a while, but he's been training and got his head right. After he's done watching the Classic, he's going to get in the ring and put a man who wears a woman's dress in his place.

Match#4 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Nelson Vildeoux
Another fantastic lunatic squash for Savage. He batters in all the cool ways he's been doing, and then ups it when the kid dares to try and fight him. Silly kid. Randy hits two elbows this week to murder him dead and win the match.

Body Shop with the Heenan Family. Heenan makes Jesse say how good his boys are and what a bum loser Andre is, especially now that he's been injured by Bundy. The monsters try to speak and Jesse weirdly cuts them off and says they're running low on time.

Match#5 Pedro Morales vs Johnny K-9
K9 is a famous real life murderer who killed an entire family and tried to blow up a group of bikers. He wrestled in SMW and was managed by Cornette for a time, and yeah that's him. Bad match as always as Pedro sucks, and K-9 is a bad wrestler along with being a bad human. Pedro wins with a backbreaker.

Match#6 Uncle Elmer & Cousin Junior vs Iron Mike Sharpe & Mr X

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WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Tito Santana-6/7/85
WWF Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team-24/8/85
WWF Women's Champion: Wendi Richter-31/3/85

WWF Championship Wrestling
November 2nd, 1985
Poughkeepsie, NY

Tonight; Roddy Piper vs Rick McGraw

Match#1 Ricky Steamboat, King Tonga & Junkyard Dog vs Rusty Brookes, Jim Hayley & Mr X
Pretty fun squash thanks to JYD being kept out until the end, and the good wrestlers doing their things with some ok jobbers. Meng looks amazing kicking dudes in the face as hard as possible, and he gets the big win with a flying headbutt

WWF Update-
-More hype for the Classic.

Match#2 Don Muarco w/Mr Fuji vs Ricky Hunter
The #1 and #2 WOTY going back to back is awesome and makes it really hard to call who is going to win the award. Good shit from Don as always as he gets mean this weak with more body strikes than the neck work he's been doing as of late. Fuji cracks the jobber with his cane in a cool little moment, which leads to Vince freaking out about it. Spike Tombstone does it

Mean Gene-
-Gene announces that Bruno will be doing a live Piper's Pit in Boston Gardens on the 9th.
-Bruno walks on and mumbles that he's not happy about this at all and refused, but WWF made him do it. He warns him not to treat him badly like he does everyone else, or he will not take it and make him regret it.

Match#3 Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs Jerry Adams & Terry Gibbs
Fiuergrehugdfvc stop this. 86 and the Macho feud can not come quick enough for a ton of reasons, but the biggest is so i can enjoy him again. Bad stuff as always and whatever man.

Mean Gene-
-Don Muraco & Fuji are here. Fuji says he's been watching the other men in the classic and he's very sorry to them. Don sings Carmen Miranda and says he likes to have fun. He says numbers mean nothing to him as he already won KOTR and this will be easy.

Match#4 Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth vs Jim Powers.
Randy murders another shitty little pretty boy for 90 seconds and hey it rocks like you'd expect it. Elbow does the job,

Post match, Randy snaps and attacks Powers and dumps him on the floor.

Piper's Pit with Jesse Ventura. Jesse says some people abuse Roddy on here, but he would never do that. Piper says the commentary on the wedding was the best stuff he's heard in life. Jesse says love and wrestling makes him sick and it should have been the honeymoon on the air instead. Piper says he's doing a live piper's pit on SNME with the Hillbillies and he's not sure what to ask them. Jesse says if there was a time for legalised...Piper cuts him off quick smart and says they're going to milk Elmer tonight.

Match#5 The Killer Bees vs Steve Lombardi & Joe Mirto
Another Killer one for our bees for a couple of minutes. They win with a sunset flip

Match#6 Roddy Piper vs Rick McGraw

Rick is wearing a Hot Rod shirt to fuck with Piper! Piper walks out and tells the crowd you're going to see why they don't let him wrestle. RICK THROWS THE SHRT AT HIM, and Piper leaves the ring and says it again to the camera and gets back up and spits on Rick and looks SO goddamn mad. He gets in and Rick punches the shit out of him and bounces him over the place, but Piper fires back with a nasty left hand and goes insane on him. He throws hideous stiff shots and throws him head first into the rail, and then proceeds to beat the fuck out of him like a crazed man. He no sells Rick's punches and murders him some more in even grosser and cooler fashion. Piper keeps it up and slaps the shit out of him in-between the beating and Vince begs the ref to stop it. Piper hits a nasty DDT and the ref finally ends it.

Greatest squash match thus far.

Post match. Piper kicks him some more and screams that's why they don't let him wrestle on TV.

On the 1st of November McGraw would die of a heart attack that's been attributed to his drug use, and as a result he's now one of the first major deaths of a young wrestler in what will be something that will happen time and time again for the next 30+ years. It's sad and horrible and has thankfully gone away as of recent times, but yeah for the rest of these reviews be it WWF/ECW/TNA/WCW/Indies this will be the sad state of affairs we have to deal with.

Rest in Power, Quick Draw.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Tito Santana-6/7/85
WWF Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team-24/8/85
WWF Women's Champion: Wendi Richter-31/3/85

WWF All star Wrestling
November 2nd, 1985
Hamilton, Ontario

Match#1 Dream Team vs Paul Roma & Rick McGraw

Woah, didn't expect to see he had one last squash, but fuck yeah. Hammer beats Roma's stupid rat face in to make me feel better having to say good bye again. Mean and grumpy Hammer is the best Hammer, baby, RICK GETS IN AND GOES ON A LAST RUN OF OFFENCE AND BEATS THE SHIT OUT OF THEM. Sadly, Beefer cuts him off and Hammer gets back in and wins with the Figure Four

Match#2 Junkyard Dog vs Ted Grizzly


PSA; Lou thanks everyone for raising money for MS

Mean Gene-
-Johnny V shows off his cigar from Cuba and says great men smoke these, and Gene is not a great man, When you are top you expect challengers as everyone is here to be a champ and be here to win.

Match#3 Terry Funk w/Jimmy Hart vs George Joedin
Standard amazing Funker squash as he can't, nor will ever miss. Sleeper does it

Post match, he brands him.

Body shop with Bravo & Tonga. Jesse doesn't know where Tonga is, so Meng tells him to read a map and find it. Dino says a friend asked if Jesse was a man or a woman, and Jesse says looks like Dudley do Right. Jesse says Dino can lift weight and maybe Tonga can lift coconuts, and Tonga says he might breaks one on Jesse's head. Bravo says they'll have the tag titles next time they come on here.

Match#4 Corp Krichner vs Brian Mackneey
Stinky stuff from Corp. The only highlight is Jesse saying the 82 Airborne were losers and he used to run circles around them and steal their girls. Samoan Drop does it. Really needs a name.


Match#5 British Bulldogs vs Steve Lombardi & Iron Mike Sharpe
Awesome squash as Iron Mike throws DK around and reminds him who the fucking man (Sorry SID) is for the time. Dogs fight back and murder them in pissed off fashion and it rules a ton. Diving Headbutt from Davey ends it Jesse says maybe Davey took the headbutt because DK has sacrificed his head and brain too much already, and i legit winced on that one.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WWF World Champion: Hulk Hogan-23/1/84
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Tito Santana-6/7/85
WWF Tag Team Champions: The Dream Team-24/8/85
WWF Women's Champion: Wendi Richter-31/3/85

NOVEMBER 2nd, 1985

-To open the show, Gene is dressed in a full pumpkin outfit and Heenan is dressed as Davey Crockett and he's bobbing for apples.
-Heenan smashes two of the apples together and says that's Hogan and Andre after tonight.
-Hogan says this is happening because those broke the rules, and he can't wait to see Andre mop the floor with them. Andre walks on and says enough talking.
-Piper and Jesse laugh about Elmer being a fat idiot and the wedding being awful. Piper says he's doing this for family planning and to make fools of them.
-Gene is with Terry Funk and Jimmy Hart. Funk says it's just a matter of time before he gets the world title around his waist, but first he's here to housetrain the dog. Terry spits chewing tobacco on the camera.
-They played the Exorcist theme over all the promos and it enhanced them SO much,

Tonight (because WWF refuses to promote the actual match cards for some reason)
-Hogan & Andre vs Studd & Bundy.
-JYD vs Funk.
-Tito vs Savage for the IC title.
-Mr fuji vs Ricky Steamboat in a Kung Fu Challenge.
-The Hillbillies in Piper's Pit.


They replay Funk attacking the ring attended from his debut.

In the aisle, Jimmy Hart says that was special effects from TV made to make them look bad. Funk says TV or not, he's going to mess up the Dog and brand him.

Match#1 Terry Funk w/Jimmy Hart vs Junkyard Dog
JYD cheap shots him to start and it turns into a big brawl as it's the only thing JYD can do without fucking up, and Funk is the God of this shit and can help like no one else could. He bumps like a motherfucker on the concrete and stooges in classic amazing fashion going after fans and acting like a complete madman, and it's just perfect pro wrestling. Hart distracts JYD, allowing Funk to finally come back and lays him out with body shots and locks in the sleeper. JYD gets free but he goes after Jimmy and it lets Funker smash the megaphone over his head and pin him.

Post match, they try to brand him but JYD fights them off and knocks Funk to the floor, and JYD finally knocks Hart out cold. Funk tries to save but JYD grabs him and they have a tug of war and Hart's pants are ripped off! JYD gets the branding iron and brands his ass as the crowd loses their minds.

in the back, we go to a pie eating contest between King Kong Bundy and Lou Albano.

The contest happens and it's amazing and gross and everything i adore and dread. They're both covered in pies, and Lou wins. Bundy smashes a pie in Albano's face and storms off as Lou asks for another piece.

We go back to the ring to the live Piper's Pit with the Hillbillies. Piper makes fun of them again about being stupid and whatnot. Elmer refuses to talk about the honeymoon, and Piper is angry at his bad answers giving him nothing. Jim stands up and gets in Piper's face about what he said, and Piper blames Jesse for what happened. Jim tells Jesse to get in the ring and says it to Elmer's face if he's a real man. Jesse rips off his jacket and gets in and says he isn't afraid of anyone and he's not backing down on nothing. Ace crawls behind them and it lets Piper shove Junior over on his ass. Jim decks him and they corner Jesse, but he bails on them as the Hillbillies stand tall.

In the back, Heenan faces Junior in a bobbing for apples contest. JYD is dressed as a mummy and Savage and Liz are Tarzan and Jane. Heenan smashes him and gets way more to win. Fuck yeah, one more for the good guys.

In the aisle, Heenan says his boys are going to win with ease. Studd and Bundy say what they've been saying for months.

In the aisle, Hogan says this is the real big man and there is no way they could have beaten him fairly. Andre cuts him off and says it's time for fighting. You know it sort of seems like Andre isn't a big fan of Hogan and his showboating ways and not being focused on what actually matters.. Could be important one day.

Match#2 Hulk Hogan & Andre the Giant w/Lou Albano vs King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd w/Bobby Heennan
Funny opening with Andre fucking Bundy up, leading to Vince shouting "Here comes the big boss man" IF ONLY. As much as this feud as been dead since Mania, adding Hogan and Bundy has given it new life. Jesse says he's going to team with Piper to fight the Hillbillies at the next SNME. Andre wreaks Studd as well, but he gets too angry and clobbers the ref by mistake and all hell breaks loose. We come back from break and there is a new ref, so i'm not sure what the point was. Andre gets punched in the back by Bundy and falls in to the ropes and is tied up! The heels beat the shit out of Hogan and keep punching a tied up Andre's injured sternum until the ref DQ's them.

Post match, Hogan cleans house on Bundy and helps to get rid of Studd with Andre's help.

Gene gets in the ring and Andre shouts to get back here so he can finish them. Hogan says this proves they can't beat him fairly and Andre is the one true giant. They shake hands and hug.

In the aisle, Gene is with Randy and Elizabeth. Gene asks why a woman manger, and Randy says only a stupid or blind man would ask something like that. Liz says she likes sports, but she really wanted to help Randy. Savage is ready for this title shot.

Match#3 Tito Santana (c) vs Randy Savage w/Miss Elizabeth (WWF Intercontinental Championship)
Only 4 minutes for the first major meeting we get to see, and it's really good in spite of that. Super tight fight over every hold and move to start, and they match up super well right away. Randy catches him with an axe handle to take over and goes right for a sleeper, but he makes sure to shake and squeeze the hell out of Tito for the entire time and it's sick as hell. Savage stays on him and beats his ass, but Tito catches him with a punch to the guts and goes crazy on him in the best offence he's had in months and months. Savage tries to stall but Tito follows him out and they haver a wild brawl all over the place until the ref counts them both out.

Yeah, i can behind these two for the next 6 months.

in the back, Don Muraco drives his knuckles into Fuji's head to get him ready.

In his lockeroom, Steamboat breaks a board.


We go to Hogan who says this gives him faith in all the little Hulkamaniacs

In the back, Fuji smashes bricks with his hands and a board with his face.

Ricky is going to give them all the fight in his heart.

Match#4 Ricky Steamboat vs Mr Fuji w/Don Muarco (Kung Ful Challenge)
3 minutes of chops and kicks and nerve holds. Jesse tries to act like he understands all of this, and Vince has no idea what to call the kicks and it's a blast of stupidity and fun. Ricky wins with a top rope dropkick.

Post match, Don spits liquid in Ricky's face and beats the shit out of him with Fuji's help.

In the back, we go to a pumpkin pass between the heels and the faces. They have to pass one with their chin and the first place it stops it where it counts. The faces get 5 when Lou drops it before Hogan can get it. The heels cheat by covering their hands with capes, but Liz drops it before she can give it to Piper and the faces win. Randy loses his mind and smashes it and yells at her for messing it up. I love pro wrestling.

Amazing show.
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