Donnie watches TNA 2006

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Samoa Joe-13/4/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05

June 1st, 2006
Impact Zone

Jeff Jarrett opens the show with a mic yelling that he wants to know if he's wrestling tonight as he's sick of waiting. Mike and DW both say they don't know and they'll know when he will. Jeff brings out Scotty to also yell at them to get Larry to come out here right now. DW tries to stand up to him, BUT SCOTTY GRABS HIM BY THE THROAT AND DRAGS HIM TO THE RING. Scotty holds him down and says the show stops right now. He wants Sting right now as he's not playing any games, and hey Sting comes out and fights them. Awesome offence from Sting on Scotty as Jarrett runs up the ramp. Raven walks up behind him and punches him and fights him back to the ring. Sting gets rid of Scotty with a lariat, and the bird brothers hold the ring. Wonderful stuff.

Recap of the KOTM qualifiers.

Match#1 America's Most Wanted w/Gail Kim vs The Naturals
Fuck yeah, let's do it one more time. Mike is calling the match solo as DW is hurt. He covers the Nats awful year since they lost the titles and how they pretty much suck now and have zero luck, and it's the most honest and cool way to cover some hideous booking. They have their standard awesome fight to start and it's still a blast no matter where these teams meet. LAX calling the show in Spanish again. We come back from break and Andy is isolated and gets the heck beaten out of him by Storm, and it's another great control seg as AMW are beyond amazing at this point. Chase has a short and good hot tag before it all breaks down. Gail tries to use the stick, but AJ and Daniels run down and take it from her! Daniels throws it to Chase, but he's a massive dork and doesn't want to do it, AND STORM RUNS IN AND BREAKS A BOTTLE OVER HIS FACE AS HE TURNS AROUND TO PIN HIM.

Post match, Shane Douglas watches from the ramp again. AMW cuff the Nats and bust them open and kick the shit out of them, and Shane walks off looking none too pleased.

In the back, JB covers all the amazing things Shelley has done and asks why he's hooked his wagon to Nash. Shelley says what he does with camera when he's off the clock is his business, and he's feeling very disrespected. Big Kev walks on and says this is complete propaganda and JB can't make him a star, but he can. He tells him to get his camera and asks where the tripod is. Shelley says he lost it a few weeks, SO NASH SAYS NOT TO WORRY AS HE'S GOT ONE DOWN HERE. AMAZING.

Match#2 Alex Shelley w/Kevin Nash vs Jay Lethal
Goddamn, what an episode. 5 minute of fantastic work from both. Jay refuses to take any shit and takes it right to him with offence and looks awesome, and Alex bumps his ass off. Shelley goes for the arm with some cool holds and rips it apart, and Jay's selling is so good as he's holding it close and screaming in pain whenever Shelley attacks. Alex's work is fancy and brutal as hell as he's twisting and wreaking it at every turn. Jay's comeback is tremendous as he's shows a ton of fire and whips his ass all while selling the awful arm. Shelley cuts him off and hits a dropkick right to the shoulder and looks to have it won, but Kev gets on the apron to gloat, SO JAY SHOVES SHELLEY INTO HIM AND ROLLS HIM UP TO STEAL THE WIN. HOLY SHIT

Post match, Kev takes Jay's head off with a sick lariat. Shelley puts him in an armbar and tries to break the arm. Chris Sabin runs down for the save! Nash bails, So Sabin beats Alex's face in until he's get free. Sabin gets the mic and tells him to man up, dog. This time his back isn't turned, and he checked his schedule and he's free on the 18th of June and if Kev doesn't have a date with Alex, he can meet him. He can prove what his wife has been telling him for years and years, size doesn't matter.

In a pre-tape, Samoa Joe says he went to battle with Sting because it was the main event on a PPV with the big dogs. He got into the yard to do what he does best and kick ass. The minute the bell rung he was done, and he wasn't getting in a fight for Sting when he's not there for him. Where was Sting when he was busting his ass up the ranks in TNA, and then Sting's punk ass comes in and takes ALL the spotlight. People have feared Steiner for years, but if you think he's going to stare at him and puts eyes on him and flex his muscles and punk him, he's out of his mind. If Scotty really wanted a piece he would have done something, but the time clock is clicking against him and he knows he can't take someone like him. He can't wait for him to step up and fight him one on one, but he knows it won't happen. Scotty has built his reputation for years, and the last thing he wants is for Joe to come in and kick his ass and take it from him.


In the back, Team 3D say some words about James Gang being funny guys painting themselves black and being chubby. D-Von laughs about Bubba being fat, so Bubba gets upset and says he was int he docs when he found out he had a thyroid problem. Bubba is upset that they talked bad about ECW, and to him is like calling his mother a whore. Well, not his mum but maybe D-Von's. D-Von loses it and says to never say that and get off his mum, and Bubba deadpans he and JB will get off of his mum. Bubba rants about WWECW being a bastardised version of what men and women killed themselves for. They will defend the honour of that bingo wall and what it means to them. D-Von drops the line, and Bubba says they've got him another line. The best stuff 3D have done in years.

In Larry's office, AJ and Daniels are talking about being screwed out of the tag titles time and time again. Larry says he gave them 3 shots and they lost, so Danies rightly says only because of Gail Kim. If you strip it all back, they are the best team in the world. AJ says give them one last match and they won't need to come back to him because they'll be champs. Larry is unsure, but AJ says they have a way of neutralising Gail Kim. Larry finally agrees and kicks them out. Slick walks in for some more bald jokes and whatnot.

In the crowd, JB tries to speak to LAX. Konnan yells at him and says he's not Latino and has no papers, so stay the hell out. He says Homicide is going to stick him if he doesn't leave, so JB smartly runs for it.

Hype video for Christian. Biggest thing of note is him saying it's not Sting's era anymore as it's his.

Jeff Jarrett comes out for his match and he's facing Raven. Jarrett runs through the crowd to find him, and Raven pops up and hits him with a trash can and it's ON.

Match#3 Jeff Jarrett w/Gail Kim vs Raven (KOTM Qualifier)
Raven murders him with gross plunda shots, and JJ returns in kind and hits him even harder back. They fight back to the ring and work a classic Raven's Rules match, and it's the best way to use Raven one last time. HE'S ALL FIRED UP AND BREAKS OUT THE CLOSELINE AND KICKS THE SHIT OUT OF JEFF. They have the crowd brawl and it's very fun as these two are masters at it, and it's the classic punch and throw each other into things and it's what we need. Raven tries an elbow drop off the top through a table, but Jeff moves and Raven dies off it in a truly nasty bump. We come back from the break where Jeff smashes a chair off Raven's head and kills him with another shot, and they fight at a good stand and throw drinks and food at each other. Jeff tries to tackle him through a wall, BUT RAVEN MOVES AND JEFF BOUNCES OFF, AND RAVEN TRIES TO DO IT HIMSELF BUT JEFF MOVES AND RAVEN GOES RIGHT THROUGH IT. They keep it up as Raven suplexes him through a table and smacks him in the back of the head with a chair shot. They finally fight back to the Zone, and Raven hiptosses Jeff on the ramp and Jeff rolls al the way down. Raven goes on one last classic flurry with running knees and lariats and it's a viking funeral come to life as he uses the last gasp of talent before his body is set ablaze and he rests forever. The ref is knocked down and Gail slides in the guitar. Jeff gets it, but Raven locks in a sleeper and causes Jeff to bleed from the mouth is an amazing visual. Raven finally drop-toe-holds him on the chair and gets the guitar, but that fuck Larry runs down and steals it. Raven decks him, but Jeff slips in a lowblow to even it back up. Larry won't let Jeff use the guitar either, so Jeff shoves him. RAVEN GETST THE GUITAR AND TRIES TO HIT JJ, BUT HE DUCKS AND LARRY IS KILLED BY IT. JEFF GETS THE STROKE OUT OF NOWHERE AND GETS THE WIN.

A final and beautifully fitting ending of Raven's peak as one of the best to ever do it. Quoth, the Raven. NEVERMORE.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Samoa Joe-13/4/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05

June 8th, 2006
Impact Zone

In the back, Sting is standing by with a strobe light bouncing off his face. He speaks about Scotty calling him lucky like a pig in slop, he doesn't even understand what that means. This isn't his first wrestling match, and it won't be his last because IT'S SHOWTIME

In the back, Jarrett hypes Scotty up to take care of Sting in the job he bought him here to do. He did his part, now its his turn to do his. Scotty says it could be anyone on this roster as he walks every day on this earth pissed off so tonight he's taking down Showtime.

Once again, TNA kills it by filming both men walking out from their lockrooms and down the stairs to the ramps. Just the coolest stuff.

Match#1 Sting vs Scott Steiner w/Gail Kim (KOTM Qualifier)
Fantastic fight to start with both throwing wicked shots, and Sting moves ahead and whips his ass as only Sting can do to a man. It also helps that a Steiner is the one taking the beating as they have been off and on for 16+ years. Scotty gets a low blow to take over and pounds him into dust for the control seg, and it's slow and mean and all it needs to be for Scotty. Sting's selling and attempted comebacks rule as always. Sting fights back and unleashes hell on Scotty, and Steiner bumps his ass off. The ref gets bumped and the bullshit hits as Sting fights off Gail. JJ runs down and hits the Stroke, but he kicks out. Jarrett pulls the new ref out and attacks him as well. Sting gets a roll up and Jeff kicks him in the head as Hebner gets back up and DQ's scotty.

Post match, Sting fights them both as JB announces Sting as the winner The heels double team Sting and kick his ass for a while. Truth runs down for the save and kicks JJ's ass before Abyss runs down and fights him. JJ helps Abyss double team him, and Scotty gets back in for 3-2. Christian now runs down and cleans house on the heels and stands tall with his buddies.

Scotty refuses to leave and gets the mic and says he deserves to be in KOTM and he's waiting for someone to come down here and fight him. Tenay says it's meant to be Samoa Joe up next. A jobber comes out for his match, and Scotty says he's going to kill him so go away. JOE'S MUSIC HITS AND HE GETS IN THE RING, AND SCOTTY TELLS HIM NOT TO EYEBALL HIM, AND HE PIEFACES HIM. JOE DOESN'T BACK DOWN AS SCOTTY KEEPS DOING IT, AND HE RIPS THE TOWEL OFF AND THEY HAVE A SIIIIIICK PULL APART BRAWL WITH A TON OF AMAZING PUNCHES AND ELBOWS. JOE GETS ON TOP AND CHOKES HIM UNTIL BLACKSHIRTS DRAG HIM OFF. HE STANDS ON THE CORNER AND DARES SCOTTY TO FIGHT HIM, BUT STEINER KEEPS STARING HIM DOWN. Jesus Christ.

Paparazi Productions time-
-Kev says Chris Sabin fells into the trap trying to prove he can do this.
-"it took you a couple three weeks after i threw you on your bean to think of that"
-Step 2; They're going to scout Sabin's match, AND SHELLEY YELLS "EYE SPY TIME"
-Nash says next week he's going to face a clone of Chris Sabin that looks and wrestles the exact same as him
-He pulls the paper back and and it says Kevin Nash's X-Division debut happens next week IN A SIZE ON A POLE MATTERS MATCH
-Shelley says he loves the cut of his jib.

In the back, JB follows Larry and says everyone wants to see it, but Larry says he needs time to think about. Slick runs on and says the new man is going to decide on the match within an hour, and Larry freaks out.

Konnan leaves his border and joins commentary to talk shit.

Match#2 Sonjay Dutt vs Jarrell Clarke
Konnan talks about being the biggest Mexican star in the world and no one, not even Tenay can deny it. Konnan calls them racist and says if they need to be violent than they'll see violence like they've never seen before. Konnan brings up the X-Division being a rip off of Lucha Libre like he did when he debuted, and he's not making any new points, sadly. Oh the match, fun little showcase for Sonjay as he does cool shit to a fun little punching back in Clarke. Sonjay wins with the 630.

Kevin and Shelley walk into the backstage area.

We go to a pre-tape with 3D visiting the arena talking about ECW history and all that, and nothing new is covered if you've seen a single ECW doco.

Match#3 Chris Sabin & The James Gang vs Bobby Roode, A1 & Eric Young w/Scott D'Amore
D'Amore is in a sweat suit trying to get ready for the match with Rhino, and it's once again a bit that puts him over more than his boys. Real dickhead move. NEVER MIND THAT SHIT, NASH AND SHELLEY SHOW UP ON A SCISSORS LIFT TO WATCH. AMAZING. Opening minutes of this are ugly as Kip is in far too much sucking shit along with A1, and it takes away from the 3 good wrestlers in this actually trying to do something good and fun. Sabin is isolated and has his ass kicked, and his selling and bumping rules a ton, and thankfully Roode and EY do the work and save the match. EY really kills him with awesome moves and looks so good in this role, and i can't wait for his singles run. Same goes for Bobby as always. Kip has a bad hot tag as he's a lazy cunt, but the fellas bump huge and make it work when they should have sandbagged. Things break down, and Rhino runs down and fights Bobby into the crowd. Sabin beats A1 with a sick top rop legdrop

Christy Hemme comes out to the ring and does some amazing dancing. She gives DW a letter that he reads. The new face of TNA will debut at the PPV, and it will be Scotty Steiner vs Samoa Joe. We get the famous gif to close us out

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Samoa Joe-13/4/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05

June 15th, 2006
Impact Zone

Tonight; Kevin Nash makes his debut. An 8 man star studded main event.

Christian Cage makes his way out to kick us off, and it's nice to see him actually doing something after a month of sitting on the sidelines. He talks about KOTM and how it doesn't favour the champ, but he's feeing very damn confident. Abyss is the toughest son of a bitch he's ever faced, but he's never beaten him. Truth says he's the hungriest guy in the match and he's glued to his TV, and all he says is What's Up over and over. Thanks for connecting the dots so he understands him. He better wrestle better than he dances. What can be said about Jarrett that hasn't been said before. He's a joke. Now we move on to Sting, and you might not want to hear this, and Sting comes out to hear it live in person. Cage asks if he's here to see what has to say, or to steal more of his thunder. Sting says he's out here to make a point and that's to get rid of Jeff Jarrett. Christian calls bullshit on that and asks if he's not there to really take the title and hang it above the ring so he can be the world champion again. Sting says he's got nothing left to prove as a champion as his quest is to get rid of Jarrett. Cage says him losing the title is the worst thing to happen to TNA because it's HIS time. They stare each other down before Cage walks out.

In a pre-tape, JJ speaks about fearing for his job with the new face of TNA coming in, and how he needs to win the title to protect himself.

In the back, JB is with Nash and Shelley. Kev says Shelley got him a Sabin type wrestler, and Shelley says he's got the clone of the future as he knows they can clone people in the future. However, he's very ugly and has to wear a mask. Nash sings a tune about size mattering.

Match#1 The Diamonds in the Rough w/Simon Diamond vs The Naturals
Two minutes of not much as the Nats downfall continues as they keep messing chances up and end up losing to a chain shot from Simon.

Post match, the Nats chase Simon into the crowd and accidentally cross LAX's border, AND LAX JUMP THEM AND KICK THE SHIT OUT OF THEM. ABOUT DAMN TIME. Konna gets the mic and screams to stay on their side of the border as there are no gringos are allowed.

Shane Douglas now runs down to the ring and screams at them for being losers. He says a year ago his little brother and the man he loved took them to the top of TNA, and that man was Chris Candido, They have squandered what they were given by him. He throws in a lame shot about WWECW, before asking the crowd if they want him to help the Nats be Franchised. The fans agree to it, so Shane says the extreme lives here in the Zone through these fans. He agrees to become their manager provided they do WHATEVER he tells them to do when he tells them to. He swears on Candido and his dad's lives that he'll take them back to the top. Fun little angle to give the Nats a few more months to live.

Slick runs out to the booth and says the new face is here and he's going to help him,

We go to a Joe/Scotty hype video
-Joe says this is what he's been after for months and months and he's not backing down
-Scotty says he told him not to eyeball him, boy
-Joe asks who does he think he is to tell who can eyeball
-Scotty says he hates him and calls him a freaking halfbreed and he's going to beat him like a bitch
-He's beaten everyone's asses for the last 364 days, and Scotty will be on day 365. Scotty has a big rep but he's never beaten anyone like him
-Scotty says he's beaten Nash, Sting and even HHH. Joe is nothing to him
-He smashes them all because he's got the largest arms in the world. That's a vein in his arm, something you don't have you fat bastard.
-You've punished a lot of men, but you've never punished someone like him.
-Scotty is going to kill him
-Joe says he's going to bust him up and his experience and his suplexes and his muscles won't mean anything. BECAUSE HE IS SAMOA JOE, AND HE IS PRO WRESTLING.

Match#2 Kevin Nash w/Alex Shelley vs Mr X
MR X IS A LITTLE PERSON IN A MASK WITH A STAR ON IT. I CAN'T. HOLY SHIT. DW starts making amazing short jokes and Tenay gets pissy like a nerd. Nash kills it by saying he knows he's Sabin under the mask, and this guy was bought in under short notice. DEAD. Nash does amazing, amazing, amazing comedy spots and it's an all timer that everyone needs to see.

Nash sits on a chair and hits a big boot while sitting on his ass the entire time. He kills him with the Jackknife to win.

Match#3 America's Most Wanted, Monty Brown & Bobby Roode w/Gail Kim vs AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Raven & Rhino

Raven is now limping and looks coooooooooked, and my heart hurts. Everyone else is good though, so it evens out. Fun opening as always with all the roles being played perfectly until AMW isolate AJ. Good control seg with the other two stepping up big time along with AMW being the anchors for it all. Daniels has a sweet hot tag before it all breaks down as it tends to happen. Daniels kicks ass and has it won, but Gall ranas him and he walks right into a Pounce for the loss.

In the car park, Larry finds a car and opens the door and he's not happy with what he sees.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Samoa Joe-13/4/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05


JUNE 18TH, 2006

To kick us off, 3D and the Gang fight down the ramp and the opening match is upon us.

Match#1 The James Gang vs Team 3D (Bingo Hall Brawl)
Bubba fit update; 4XXXL 3D shirt and jeans.Big ass plunda brawl for 10 minutes and it's the exact type of perfect match to hide how awful these goofs are. Just give them plunda and let them give each some well deserved CTE for still being on our TV's. They fight into the crowd and D-Von is thrown across the border and gets attacked by LAX, and they jump BG as well for being there. They all keep fighting in the crowd for a while and it's fine enough, but nothing new or cool happens. Bubba breaks out the cheese grater and rips Kip's face open in a real heartwarming moment. They keep killing each other with nasty shots, and Kip is sent through the table with the 3D for the loss.

Post match, Bubba gets the mic and shouts you know that's how it's meant to be done.

In the back, JB is with Jarrett. Jeff says this is do or die for him, and tonights like this are the reason he got into the wrestling business. His entire life he's been told what he couldn't do, and he's proved them all wrong, He says he's the MJ of pro wrestling as when his back is against the wall is when he does it the very, very best. Critics said TNA would be dead in 6 weeks, and here they stand 4 years later. Tonight in KOTM a match you can see nowhere else, 5 WALK in and one walks out as world champion. Sting is a liar with a big ego as is Cage, and those two will come face to face and destroy each other. His blood, sweat and tears got him and TNA here. Larry walks on and says the new face of TNA is who he it was, and it's not good. Jeff says he'll fix this like he fixes all of Larry's screwups as of late.

Hype for Rhino/D'Amore

Match#2 Rhino vs Bobby Roode & Scott D'Amore
Once again, it's a fine little matchup as Bobby works for two as Rhino is slowly getting more and more washed and not caring very much. D'Amore does bad comedy spots and avoids dying as long as he can, so it's mostly just a tedious singles match for a loooooong time. Rhino finally gets rid of Bobby, and beats D'Amore with the Gore. IT'S OVER, THANK GOD.

In the back, JB is with Joe. Joe says Scotty has never faced anyone like him and he can't be intimidated like he does to everyone else. Scotty has that infamous short fuse, but he'll be standing there sparking the match waiting for it to explode. They're both undefeated in TNA, but tonight he takes that from him.

Match#3 Senshi vs Shark Boy vs Petey Willams vs Jay Lethal vs Alex Shelley vs Sonjay Dutt (X-Division Elimination Match)
Tenay says the order of eliminations will effect the rankings of the division in the coming weeks. Shelley is now wearing the amazing Paparazzi Productions shirt. As always, the opening few minutes is a wonderful feeling out with everyone getting some shine and looking awesome as they can. Jay is the standout as he steps up huge on PPV again and looks amazing against everyone, but none more than Ki. SO many cool and gross shots between them, and it's just a blast to watch. Shelley gets a lot of time with the faces and is a massive shithead to them, and we get some fantastic wrestling in between. HE DRAGS SONJAY ACROSS THE ROPES BY HIS LEGS AND DW SHOUTS HE'S GIVING HIM ROPE BURN. AMAZING. Sharky and Son jay have a cool 2 minute mini match, and Dutt gets rid of him with a running SSP. Shelley gets back and whips more ass with offence and beats the crap out of Dutt and Lethal. He tries a senton but Jay gets his knees up and kills his back, and hits a Snap Dragon Suplex to eliminate him. A big dive train breaks out and Dutt takes it with a massive flying Moonsault to the floor. Jay misses a splash, and Petey nails the CD to beat him. The heels work together to beat up Sonjay for a time, but they end up fighting each other. Dutt hits the Acid Drop, and Ki follows with the Double Stomp to get rid of him. We are down to two. Awesome little fight between them as Dutt uses his speed to stay alive for as long as he can, but Ki can't be stopped and hits the running John Woo and the Tree of Woe Double Stomp the fucking face to win. Good Lord.

In the back, JB is with Nash and Shelley. Alex says this was a tough battle with 20 guys with knives and gats, and the camera adds 15 pounds. Nash says he's a 7ft juggernaut, and he's sending a message to Sabin's dad. He's not paying the doctors or disability because he asked him for this. When he's crying to him on the phone later tonight, as him if size matters or not.

Hype video for Nash/Sabin.

Match#4 Kevin Nash w/Alex Shelley vs Chris Sabin
Awesome David vs Goiliath battle to start with Nash grounding him with the knees and elbows thrown super hard, and Sabin fighting like crazy to get anything going to take this big sexy man down. Shelley distracts him to let Nash take over, and then Alex cuts the turnbuckle off with wire cutters. Nash tries to Snake Eyes Sabin into it, but Sabin fights out and rams him head first into it and goes on a sweet run of offence. Nash bumps and sells, and really does a lot for the kid when he could just be his normal self. Shelley distracts again to turn the tide, and Nash beats the shit out of Chris again with some killer strikes, and Sabin dies on all of it. They break out the Rey/Nash finish, but Nash kicks out this time. Shelley keeps saving, so Sabin finally kills him with a sick Tope. Sabin nails the top rope lariat and nearly has it done for a super close 2.9. He hits a leg drop off the top for another close one, and it looks like he's going to do it. Shelley crotches him on the exposed buckle, and then Nash hits the Jackknife to win.

In the back, JB is with AMW & Gail. JB says they've been here since day one and seen teams come and go, and this the last chance. Harris says they have no chance. Two of the greatest X-Division wrestlers into their division, and it's been a failed experiment as they've beaten them every single time. How can you disrespect the titles when you are looking at the longest reigning champions in NWA history. He brings up Gail being neutralised, and she says she doesn't know what they're talking about because this won't be any different from any other night. Storm says a sixpack ago he would have talked about how great they were, but they're not on their level. He's as happy as a gopher in a hole. Sorry, bout your damn luck.

Hype for the Tag title match.

As AMW are making their way out, Harris makes DW wish his dad a happy fathers day and high-fives him after.

Match#5 America's Most Wanted (c) w/Gail Kim vs AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships-Last Chance Match)
Our heroes are wearing blue attire tonight in another all time incredible look. Tremendous opening with the faces seeing all the bullshit coming before it happens and they own AMW at every turn, and it's a beautiful thing to behold. Tenay brings up the fact AMW have been together 4 years which is nearly unheard of in this era, and hey it's a great point because every other great team of this era has broken up by this point or have gotten back together, and AMW are the lone exception. AJ kills Storm with the dropkick, and Daniels joins in on the fun and it's such a sick opening flurry. They do the same to Harris, and he's a great stooge for them getting his face beaten in and looking the fool. Storm ends up accidentally rana-ing Harris out, and AJ hits the incredible dive over the top to them. Harris pulls the ropes down as AJ goes for a splash causing him to splat on the floor, and AMW beat the shit out of him. Everyone brawls on the outside for a while, and AJ tries his dive over the rails, AND STORM SWEEPS HIS LEGS OUT AND AJ LANDS RIBS FIRST ONTO IT AND HE'S BADLY HURT. AMW swarm him and kick the absolute shit out of him in one last classic AMW control seg, and there is no better man for the job than AJ Styles. Amazing rib selling as AMW target them with nasty shots and moves, and AJ pinballs and dies for all of it. Just a gross and amazing beating for several minutes in perfect tag wrestling. AJ hits a hail Mary Pele to finally get space to tag, and Daniels goes wild on it and beats the crap out of them with so much fire throughout. Gail finally gets involved and a very tall woman shows up and kills her with a chokeslam and throws her out of the ring and drags her up the ramp. The faces go for the kill but AMW will not die, and throw a chair into Daniels head for a super near fall. AJ MAKES THE TAG AND HITS THE FOREARM AND LANDS HALFWAY ACROSS THE RING. AJ misses the Spiral Tap and hurts his ribs again, and Harris kills him with the cuffs to the face. 1...2..BUT DANIELS PULLS THE REF OUT IN AN AMAZING CALLBACK. Storm hits Daniels with cuffs of his own, and AJ is alone. They go for the DS, but Daniels makes the save for him, and the finishing run kicks in and it's not as manic as Sacrifice, but still wonderful as hell. Daniels hits the Angel's Wings, and Harris elbows the ref to kill him. The faces refuse to let it be done, and keep fighting back. STORM TRIES TO USE THE BOTTLE, BUT DANIES DUCKS AND STORM SMASHES IT OFF THE BACK OF HARRIS' HEAD. AJ THROWS STORM INTO DANIELS ARMS AND HE HITS THE STO AND AJ HITS THE FROG SPLASH, AND DANIELS RUNS UP AND HITS THE BME AND THEY WIN THE FUCKING TITLES. HOLY SHIT YEAH.

Post match, the NEW champ celebrate in the crowd in a wonderful, wonderful moment. Perfect ending for the last and best run of AMW's career. Now comes the rise of our new champs, and the heartbreaking fall of our beloved former heroes.

In the back, Sting is amped up for KOTM. After 20 years of wrestling he can now multitask. If he can win the title tonight, he's going to take it. Don't let your mouth override your chances, Christian. He's also going to take out Jarrett for good. IT'S SHOWTIME, FOLKS.

They run a history video for the last 4 years of TNA. Another really well done one from TNA.

In the ring, Tenay introduces Jim Cornette as the new face of TNA Management. Current Jimbo is a douchebag ghoul as we all know, but he's still a great in ring character and hopefully will add something new to the show. Anyway he comes out to nearly no reaction in a very funny moment, and it's not until he plays to the crowd do they finally react to him. He praises the tag title match as what real tag wrestling needs to look like. He says TNA is the new face as he sick of looking at the old one. He talks about the growing pains of TNA being lead by people who have no experience in wrestling and thus they bought in people with grudges that caused them not accomplish what they needed to. He's here for TNA and the fans and he wants the wrestlers to step up and hit home runs for him. He keeps talking about TNA being the future and whatnot, and knowing where TNA goes in a few months, this is all very sad and depressing.,

In the back, Scotty calls Joe a fat bastard and demands he's called "Sloppy Joe". He lists off everyone he's beaten and says Mr X-Division hasn't beaten anyone. There are rednecks out there who want Joe to beat him along with TNA management. He smashes a best of Joe DVD and says it's unsellable. His win streak ends AS TONIGHT HE KILLS HIM.

Hype for Scotty/Joe

Match#6 Samoa Joe vs Scott Steiner
Scotty goes old school with a takedown and slaps to Joe's face and looks to be taken this slow and serious, BUT NAH HE SNAPS WHEN JOE SPITS ON HIM, AND IT TURNS INTO A FIST FIGHT AND JOE SMOKES HIS ASS, SO SCOTTY DROPS HIM WITH A BELLY TO BELLY RIGHT ONTO HIS HEAD. They fight more and it's so good and just a great meathead battle with stiff strikes and big bombs that send each man onto their brains. Joe kills him with the Elbow Suicida and sends Scotty right into the rail off his shoulder. Steiner manages to throw him into the steps to take over, and it's a weird call because it's not the meanest thing he's done. Still, good control seg as he's still working his ass off, and Joe's selling is the wounded beast trying to mask it for as long as he can. Steiner goes for a powerbomb, but Joe grabs his arm on the way down and locks in a triangle choke. His head is still badly hurt so he can't fully lock it in, and Scotty is able to fight out of it. He sends him on the back of his head again and fights him on the outside where he rams into a wall. Joe's woozy selling is awesome as hell as he's stumbling and limping, but he's not dead yet. Scotty kills him with a series of chair shots that last of which is to his face against the post. He tries to win via countout, but Joe gets back in and fights back to life and beats the shit out of him, and even breaks out a wicked sitout powerbomb. Joe locks in the choke and Steiner's selling is incredible. He stands back up and rams Joe into the corner and kicks him in the dick, AND HITS A FUCKING HALF AND HALF TO DROP JOE ONTO HIS HEAD AGAIN. JESUS CHRIST. Steiner locks in the Recliner to a now dead Joe and his eyes roll in the back of his head and looks near death, BUT HE LIFTS HIM UP ONTO HIS SHOULDERS AND HOT SHOTS HIM INTO THE ROPES AND HITS A SNAP POWERSLAM TO GET THE WIN OUT OF NOWHERE. HELL YEAH

Victory Road-July 6th

In the back, JB is with Christian Cage. He calls JB weird and makes fun of him, and then asks who the champ is. All he's been hearing is no champion has ever retained in KOTM, and he had 51 dimes for every time he's heard that in the last month. He says Sting has finally shown his true colours and he can't live without the title. It's a drug that you can feel and taste running through your veins. You can bet your sweet little asses that he's confident about winning. He has made TNA his property since he got here. You show him all those challengers and he'll show them the man whose going to walk out as champion because that's how he rolls.

Hype for KOTM.

JB does the intros for the big match feel. Also, Larry is at ringside in charge of the cage. So you know some bullshit is coming.

Match#7 Christian Cage (c) vs Jeff Jarrett vs Sting vs Abyss w/James Mitchell vs Ron Killings (NWA-TNA Worlds Heavyweight Championship-King of the Mountain Match)
-Cage dives off the box onto Abyss and helps Sting beat him up
-Ron and Jarrett fight in great fashion once more in the most underrated of TNA macthups
-Cage moves ahead and kicks JJ's ass and hits a sick planca off the ropes onto him
-Sting and Truth are now working together to fight Abyss. They get rid of him, and Truth hits a sick dive onto everyone
-He goes on a great run of offence and looks incredible.
-Truth hits JJ with the Super Axe Kick and pins him
-Truth can now hang the title.
-Cage stops him and rams a ladder into his face
-Sting attacks JJ in the box and locks the door
-Abyss lazily attacks Cage and i'm not sure i would say he sucks now, but he's for sure not the amazing monster he was a year ago in this role
-Cage beats Abyss with a stack pin
-Cage now hang the title
-Abyss attacks him before going into the box
-JJ makes friends with Abyss in the cage as Mitchell gets his monster to back off
-Sting and Truth fight, but the camera cuts away to show us Cage and JJ fighting instead.
-JJ attacks Cage with a ladder and it's ok, but like give us something new here please.
-We get small moments of Sting and Truth fighting and it's rad
-Abyss and JJ set up some tables at ringside
-JJ and Abyss team up and attack the faces
-JJ can now hang the title
-JJ and Cage brawl into the crowd because these dudes are addicted worse than any wrestler in history
-Abyss and Sting fight on the other side of the crowd and Sting bashes him in the skull with a chair.
-Sting is the best
-DW points out that Truth is getting a rest and can hang the title as soon as he gets out with everyone fighting, and it once again proof that DW is the best to ever do it
-Truth gets out and goes to the hang the title, but Abyss shoves him off the ladder
-Everyone fights in the ring and Abyss and JJ work together as the long heels, and it forces Cage and Sting to team up to have a chance
-Abyss shoves Truth off again to the floor, and he swings the ladder back into Hebner's face
-Abyss finally grabs the title and attacks JJ with the BHS and Slick runs in and makes the count
-Abyss can now hang the title
-Abyss goes to climb but Sting pushes him off through the tables at ringside
-Sting and Cage finally fight, and hey it rocks a ton with Cage as a little shit getting his as handed to him
-JJ is let out of the box early and tries to hit Sting with the guitar, but Cage makes the save.
-Sting throws the belt to Cage and locks in the Deathlock on JJ to keep his promise
-Sting kills Larry dead
-He hits JJ with the Deathdrop and forces Hebner to make the count
-Sting can now maybe hang the title
-He goes to climb the ladder, and Cage joins on the other side and fight over it, AND HEBNER SHOVES THE LADDER OVER
-JJ now climbs up and hangs the title and takes it down to win as the fans throws trash at him.
-Fuck this

Larry quickly gets Hebner out of there as JJ tries to celebrate. Another ref, Rude Charles runs down and steals the title and gives it to Cornette as JJ hilariously shouts "NO" over and over to close us out.

Awful, awful ending to an otherwise really fun show. The first sign that TNA might be going down the wrong path and about to go to their doom for the next few years.
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Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion;??????
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Samoa Joe-13/4/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels-18/6/06

June 22nd, 2006
Impact Zone


In the ring, Cornette is standing by with the NWA Worlds title around his arm. He repeats why he's here and how TNA can be amazing if the bullshit just stops. He says he's now holding private meetings and no one will know until he's cleaned the skidmark. He warns JB to not come anywhere near or his office. He calls out LAX and says they missed their meeting because of the timezones and they better not miss the next one. He says next week he's firing someone for the betterment of TNA. The fans chant "Fire Jarrett" and Tenay has to pretend they want Larry fired in a very funny moment. He brings up the awful ending of KOTM and how it made him sick to his stomach. Me too, dude. He declares that JJ is not the world champion, and neither is anyone else. He will weigh the pros and cons and announce who the champion is, and he will have a major announcement for Victory Road. He talks about knowing JJ since he was 14 and loving and respecting his grandma, and says she would be ashamed of him right now. Next week he will give him the word on his future next week.

Jim goes to the leave the ring and is met by JJ demanding his title back. He demands he never bring his family into this, and he swears on his life that he's getting that title back because he deserves it.

Match#1 AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels (c) vs The Diamonds in the Rough w/Simon Diamond (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
DIR are getting the title shot after they stole a win 3 weeks ago that i actually forgot about, so kudos to TNA for remembering. DIR are cocky and jump Daniels to start and have a sweet run of offence that he sells really well. Tenay says Joe is defending against Shenshi AND Sonjay. Yah. Daniels and Skipper rule as always and really go all out for the short time they get to play. Daniels cuts off the rana walk and tags in AJ, who in turn goes nuts with a super fun hot tag. It all breaks down as the champs beat the shit out of DIR with a ton of cool double teams. Simon attacks Daniels from behind, but the woman from the PPV shows up and kills him with a slam. The champs win with a BME/Frog Splash combo.

Post match, Gail Kim runs down and attacks the woman with a punch to the head. The woman no sells it and goes for the kill until AMW make the save and drag Gail away.

In the back, JB is with EY, Sabin and Lethal all waiting to see Jim. EY freaks out and thinks he's getting fired because he has no luck and this has happened to him before. JJ pushes past everyone and says he's going in to get his belt back. He walks in and slams the door behind him.

Coming back, EY is still freaking out as Lethal and Sabin make fun of him. JJ comes out and says he doesn't give a damn if EY has a job. Jeff says Jim has told him he'll find out next week about his title. Yeah, we know.

Match#2 Monty Brown vs Chasyn Rance
Monty murders this cunt in fun fashion. POUNCE ends it

Post match, Konnan gets on the mic and invites Monty to join LAX because he's the perfect wrestler with sick mic skills, and the man has held him down and stolen everything from him. TNA is against the minorities and he needs to join to fight them. Monty refuses and leaves. Konnan says he respects it and he be like Sonjay and Truth and learn the hard way. Truth now comes out to the ring and sings his song, and then jumps the rail and said he heard his name being sung. K-Dawg calls his boys off as he calls Truth his family. They've been champs and been to the crib and he's got more respect for him than anyone else. He's got it all, but TNA sees him as nothing. Truth says he's something to these people. Konnan says TNA looks at race and that's why they hold them back. Join him and fight with them and stop playing the white boy games. Truth gives him a hug, BUT KONNAN HOLDS HIM IN PLACE FOR LAX TO ATTACK HIM. THEY BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM AND THROW HIM BACK OVER THE RAILS. FUCK YEAH, LAX.

In the back, JB is with EY still freaking out. Eric is mad that Lethal and Sabin jumped the line and he knows they save bad news for last, and he's getting fired. JB tells him to tell the public and maybe they can help. Sabin and Jay walk out and say Nash is in big trouble. EY tells JB to not tell anyone about their secret plan.

In the back, Christian walks up to the door as JB stops him. Cage says the world saw him get screwed out of the title and he's going in there to get it back.

We now go to another part of the Zone where 3D and James Gang are flanked by blackshirts and wrestlers. They want to finish this, so lets do it. THEY THEN TRADE YOUR MAMA JOKES. HAHAHAH AMAZING. It gets very personal as these things to as Bubba brings up BG's daddy and upsets him when he calls his family losers, so everyone brawls to the ring. Fine old washed man fight for a little while. James Gang get the best of it with chair shots, but Runt returns and makes the save with Acid Drops and stands tall. Bubba gets the mic and challenges them to a 6 man tag at Victory Road.

In the back, Cage walks out of the door and says he has to wait 7 days to find out the fate of the title. Sting walks on and Cage says this isn't going to work out at all. Sting says he's got something to talk to him about, and Cage asks what, and Stinger says he'll be the first to know. Hmmmmmm i wonder.

TNA Knockouts feature airs.

Match#3 Samoa Joe (c) vs Senshi vs Sonjay Dutt (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
SENSHI KICKS SONJAY AWAY AND GOES RIGHT AFTER JOE AND THEY HAVE AN AMAZING FIGHT. WOOOOO. Sonjay is not a joke as he hits awesome flip dive to Ki. EY runs through the crowd with a "Don't Fire Eric Young" sign. Joe snaps and beats the dogshit out of Sonjay on the outside and Ole kicks him into the rail. Ki cuts him off with a nasty lariat to the top of his head, and starts murdering him with wicked strikes, and Joe's selling is incredible. They ramp it up and have a sick mini match before Sonjay gets back in and does more fun stuff, but he's sadly a third wheel where he absolutely shouldn't be. Joe fights back and bashes Ki's face in for some sweet revenge. Sonjay fights Joe, and Ki kicks Joe off the apron with the John Woo. SCOTTY STEINER COMES OUT OF NOWHERE AND HITS JOE IN THE FACE WITH A CHAIR. OH SHIT. Back in the ring, Ki knocks Dutt's head off and hits the Double Stomp to win the title.


In the back, Sting walks out of the office and says Cornette is going to work out perfectly as he got everything he wanted. Uh oh, don't think Christian is going to like this.
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Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion;??????
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Senshi-22/6/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels-18/6/06

June 29th, 2006
Impact Zone

Tonight Cornette holds the first ever TNA Company meeting. Someone is getting fired.

Christian Cage makes his way out to the ring wearing a sweet yellow shirt with the collar all the way up in some classic 2006 fashion. He says he doesn't want to wait around for the meeting and listen to some political BS, so he wants Sting out here right now. Sting answers said call out like a very nice man. Cage gets right down to it and says Jim is going to give him the title back as it's the right thing to do, and he's happy to give Sting a shot. He wants him to have the balls to say he wants the shot to his face. Sting calls him JJ as a joke and says he thought he was speaking to Cage. Christian is upset and asks if he looks like a complete ass to him, and Sting says at this very moment he does. Sting tells him to shut up and listen. He calls him a wanted man whose cracking under the pressure and second guessing everyone including him. He says Jeff is the real problem and he's asked for a tag match next week with them vs Jeff and Steiner, and that's what he asked JC for. Sting asks if he's finally seeing the real picture that they're on the same side. Cage grabs the mic and says next week it's showtime.

In the back, Jeff and Steiner are standing by. Scotty shows off his arms and says no one can touch him, and Sting should have picked someone from Ethiopia because they've got better muscle tone than Cage does. Jeff laughs and says he knows he's getting his title back as JC has no other choice and that's why he's waited a week.

Match#1 Chris Sabin & Jay Lethal vs Eric Young & Petey Willams w/Team Canada
D'Amore is now wearing a neckbrace to steal some more heat from his boys. Fun opening as always as Sabin and Petey rock, and the other two is a fresh match that adds a lot to this. EY starts acting like a face and stopping Petey from cheating as he's scared he's going to get fired. Sabin is isolated and it goes like that for a while, and it's pretty funny if nothing else. Jay has a fun hot tag using his speed to break out some cool stuff, and TC sell big for him. Alex Shelley and Johnny Devine walk out to film the match, and D'Amore uses the distraction to shove Jay off the top into the CD for the loss.

In a pre-tape, Shane Douglas trains the Nats in and out of the ring and makes them work harder than they have worked in their lives.

Match#2 Monty Brown vs Norman Smiley
Another perfectly ok squash from Monty. POUNCE

Match#3 America's Most Wanted w/Gail Kim vs Team 3D (No DQ)
Random ass stip, but fuck it beats them meeting in a normal match again. AMW hide behind the stage and attacks them as they walk out for a big fun brawl. AMW drag these ghouls into working hard and caring, and it's a much needed and welcomed sight if TNA is going to force us to watch them. Plunda gets broken out as 3D forge ahead with some mean and stiff shots, and AMW lean into everything and get their heads busted open. Harris has a gross gusher and looks awesome as he fights back and beats D'Von's ass. Gail gets involved, so Runt saves and hits her in the groin with a golf club to a trash can lid. Storm kills him with a Superkick, thankfully. AMW get D-Von alone and Storm picks the bottle up while Harris gets a trash can. They argue about which to use, and both go for it, AND D-VON DUCKS AND STORM GETS KILLED WITH THE CAN. OH SHIT. 3D beats Harris with a 3D when he turns back around.

Post match, AMW argue and yell at each other

Spike gets back into the ring with his brothers as James Gang show up on the stage. BG brings up the challenge of last week and says they don't play by their rules, and they've found the ugliest, nastiest SOB in their family tree, so turn around, AND HEY IT'S ABYSS. He kills 3D, and Spike tries to fight but Abyss hurls him through a table. Fuck yeah.

Everyone comes out to the ring for the company meeting, and sadly it's not the amazing one where Dixie tells them to shut the fuck up and never question her, or else she's going to have them killed. JC starts with LAX and their work stoppage due to discrimination, well he's going to stop paying them. He relents and says they're getting back into the ring, or they can work for jiffy lube. He turns his attention to Team Canada and disbands them. WOOOOOOO IT'S FINALLY OVER. AMW have demanded a rematch for the tag titles, and he says there will be a rematch in a 6 person tag at Victory Road for the titles. He finds Hebner next and gets him, larry and JJ into the ring. Scotty follows them in because he's Scotty Steiner. JC says refs deserve respect, but he's got his hand in someone's pocket and he's fired. EY IS SO HAPPY BECAUSE HE'S NOT GETTING FIRED. AMAZING. He then turns to Larry and says he looked at his contract and it states if he fires him he has to be paid. But, if he breaches in any way he's done with no money. Larry laughs and says he'll do whatever it states in the contract. Jim says it gives him the power to book him in a match, and he understands he and Raven don't like each other very much. It will be them in a hair vs hair match. Uhhhh, no thanks. Larry says he's going to decide his future and he walks off.

JC now gets to Jarrett and the worlds title. Jim says whatever he does someone is getting mad at him, and he doesn't like the idea of giving titles to friends or son in laws. Got em. He brings up KOTM and says Jeff did win the match, but the fans want Jarrett pounded into the ground and turned into a puddle of grapes. He makes a 4 way for Victory Road between Christian, Sting, Scotty and Joe for the #1 contendership. He says he can have the title back as long as agrees to defend the title against the winner so he can get broken into pieces. He gives him the title back for now, but says he doesn't think it'll be his for long. JJ gets the mic and says he learnt that everyone has to deal with him when they get to TNA. He brings up all the tag match for next week, and says they can do it right now. They get into the ring and have a big fight, and Cage punches Steiner into Joe, AND JOE CHOKES HIM OUT TO END THE SHOW. WOOOOO MAN.
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Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett-18/6/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Senshi-22/6/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels-18/6/06

July 6th, 2006
Impact Zone

We open up with JB standing outside Sting's lockeroom to talk to him about tonight main event, when Christian walks over. He asks JB is he's got a crush on him because he's always waiting outside of doors for him. He's going to face him at Victory Road but tonight they're painters, and he's going to make sure they're ok.

Match#1 Sonjay Dutt vs Homicide w/LAX
AHHHHHHH about damn time our guy got back in the ring. CI jumps him at the bell and kicks the crap out of him, and he's got that insane fire and hate with everything he hits. Sonjay rules getting his ass handed to him, and then when he hits a sick flip dive onto LAX to finally get something going. Tenay says Alex Shelley has another movie in the bag for tonight!! Hernandez trips Dutt to let Ci take back over, and the control seg is a lot of fun. Sonjay fights back once more and gets super far with it and they have a great back and forth. Konnan distracts the ref so Hernandez can run in and murder Sonjay with a huge choke bomb, and Ci steals it.

Post match, Sick Johnson runs down and tells the ref about what happened, so the match is reversed and Sonjay wins via DQ. LAX snap and beat the hell out of Dutt, but Truth makes the save and holds the ring.

At ringside, Larry shows up and yells at Slick for the last few months and doesn't want to be bald. Slick says he's going to show him being bald is great.

Recap of Team Canada being disbanded because they have individual contracts and Cornette is sick of them attacking everyone.

We go to D'Amore and Jim arguing with each other, and Jim decides they can have one more chance to stay together. At ringside, Mike announces Team Canada vs Team 3D, Rhino & Lethal in a win or disband match.

EY now walks down and begs for Mike's help to keep his job. DW tries to explain he can be free and on his own if they lose next week, but EY is too freaked out. Slick walks over with some bald pics of Larry and gets him to hand them out to the fans. Roode and D'Amore walk down and make him leave.

Shane Douglas is making the Nats tough and stronger.

We go to a pre-tape with Rhino declaring his love for TNA and his hate for WWE and how they fired him and now want him back for WWECW. He's pissed and angry and calls himself the future of TNA.

Match#2 Monty Brown vs Kenny King
Same old Monty squash as always. It is a very funny unintentional thing to have Monty follow an anti WWE video where that's where he's heading in a few weeks.

Post match, Monty gets the mic and says it's hunting season and hot padding his record like that hippopotamus Samoan Joe. He's coming for Rhino, Cage, JJ and even Sting. They will all fall to the POUNCE.

In the back, JJ and Scotty cut the same tired ass promo they've been cutting for months and months. One thing to note is Scotty says he's going to choke out Joe, and JB says that would mean him vs Jeff!! Jarrett cuts him off and says to stop driving wedges like Cornette.

Paparazzi Productions time
-Kevin says humiliation 101 is in the bag as it's been used a tactic since the start of pro wrestling
-He walks over to the whiteboard and starts yelling about body bags as he holds one up.
-Shelley remarks "that old gag, huh"
-Kev says they're going to pull something out of the wrestling bag that hasn't been seen on TV....IN TWO WEEKS
-"Knock the dust off it"-Alex Shelley
-Kev asks what they think, and Shelley and Devine give him a slow clap

Kev and the boys now come out to the ring with a bodybag in a shopping trolley and throw it into the ring. Kev gets the mic and says OSAMA BIN LADEN AND NOW HE'S 25 MILLON RICHER AND THEY'LL SPLIT IT 3 WAYS. 6 FOR YOU, 6 FOR YOU AND THE REST FOR ME. They unzip the bag and it's Chris Sabin in it. Nash calls him Osama Bin Sabin and says he didn't know he was one of them. Jay Lethal runs down and cleans house in awesome fashion and saves his pal. What a perfect 10 minutes.

In the back, JB is with Samoa Joe. Joe says he hopes no one is foolish to think anyone other than he is going to win. The moment he walks into the ring it all changes. Sting needs to realise he's now looking at the man. Cage needs to stop whining because it won't stop his fate. He hasn't forgotten what Scotty did to him and hasn't stopped thinking about finding him late at night. He wants to hurt him and make his kids cry because he can't hold them anyone. He's going to ground and pound and choke them out.

Match#3 Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner vs Sting & Christian Cage
Stop me if you've read this before "BIG RINGSIDE BRAWL TO START" Sting and CC work well together to isolate Scotty, and it's a lot of fun and a reminder that TNA should have ran them vs AMW. JJ gets his ass handed to him as well before he shoves CC off the top onto the ground in a nasty bump with an even grosser thud. He hits him with a chair and controls him, and it's the classic fine ass Jeff Jarrett control seg. Steiner is much better as the roided monster, and CC dies for him. Sting's hot tag rules before it all breaks down. The faces get rid of Scotty, and Cage stands on top as Sting hits the Deathdrop and then nails the Frogsplash to win.

Post match, Scotty hits them both with the world title! He puts Cage in the Recliner for a while, but Joe runs down for the save and fights him. Sting and JJ fight on the other side through the crowd. Joe and Scotty fight in the back. Sting screams JJ is a cancer and he's going to remove him, and he locks him in the Deathlock. Back in the ring, Cage picks up the title and smiles.
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Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett-18/6/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Senshi-22/6/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels-18/6/06

July 13th, 2006
Impact Zone

Rhino is in the ring with a mic and bag. He says Vince called him and begged him to come work for him, but he told him to kiss his ass because he loves TNA. They want to restart ECW, but how can they do that without the last TV and World champion. He unified those title 5 years ago and it's in this bag where it's been for 5 years. He says Vince has threatened to sue him if he shows the title on TV, well he wants him to come out with some balls and take it from him. He is the War Machine and he's going to do something he should have done 5 long years ago. He leaves the ring and dumps the title in a trash can out the back and sets it on fire in some reallllllll lame shit. Even more so when you learn it's a replica title because he either didn't have the real one, or the balls to set the real one on fire to actually prove he's true to his word. Fuck this.


Match#1 Abyss w/Father James Mitchell vs Norman Smiley
Short nothing Abyss squash. BHS ends it.
Click Doomsday

Post match, James Gang come out and ask if they can count on Abyss and Mitchell to fight on their side at Victory Road. James shakes his hand as BG says they just made a deal with the devil. Abyss fitbumps BG to show he's in, and BG says this is the highway to Hell.

We go to a pre-tape with Sting. Same stuff as most of his promos. Cancer, showtime etc.

Shane Douglas has ripped the Nats hearts out and put them back in beating and stronger than ever before. They will kill DIR at the PPV for his little brother Chris Candido.

We go to another pre-tape with our tag champs talking about coming together to achieve the dream to finally beat AMW. They say they found Sirelda to take out Gail after TNA and Larry failed to do it, and now she's going to help them once more.

Match#2 Senshi vs Jarelle Clarke
Fuck yeah, wonderful Ki showcase as he boots the holy hell out of the kid for a few minutes and looks incredible doing it. Clarke eats every kick and strike and dies over and over, and Ki is more than happy to murder the kid. Double Stomp ends the fun.

We go to a pre-tape with Scotty. Cage is a dumb Canadian and everyone knows they could never match up to an American. Sting he's said it before and he'll say it again you've been sliding in like a pregnant hog, and Showtime ends at Victory Road. Samoa Joe is a fat bastard and the winning streak comes to an end at his arm. He's going to be facing the world champion and he's got no friends in that ring

We now to go to another pre-tape with Christian. He says JC fired Hebner because of his actions, but then upholds the win and gives the title back to JJ. WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT DO FOR HIM. This is the process to get the title back and he's the best. It was him and Sting at KOTM on top of that ladder, and he knows Sting could feel Christian was the better man and he knows he will have no problems taking him out at Victory Road.

Paparazzi Productions
-You may remember me from some features such as the Sting Videos, or stalking Denise.
-He's gone global and gotten so big that he needed to hire a production assistant and that's where Devine comes in
-Johnny says he loves the camera and he wants to be a part of this.
-Alex says he got them a non title match with the champs and they've got the agenda of making Kevin Nash proud.

Match#3 AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs The Paparazzi
SO cool to see AJ and Shelley again after a few months away. Fantastic work from both as Alex more than holds his own and forces AJ to get angry, along with pissing Daniels off. Best little shit in wrestling. Mike announces it will be Rhino vs Monty at VR. Shelley gets a spin kick in on Daniels' face and the boys go to work with a control seg. Johnny isn't much at all, but he at least works hard and doesn't hurt the match in any way. AJ has another killer hot tag and murders these boys dead. Shelley tries to use the camera, but Sirelda stops him, and the champs beat Devine with the Styles Clash.

Post match, AMW and Gail attack from behind and a massive fight breaks out. AMW handcuff Daniels to the ropes after Alex helps them out. He and Devine film AMW beating the shit out of AJ. Awesome stuff.

Hype for the hair vs hair. No

At ringside, Slick hands out more pics of a bald Larry. Larry runs down and chases him off.

In the last pre-tape,Samoa Joe speaks. He stepped up when he it was a time to step up. Sting didn't like that he walked out on him, well he made that bold pick when he had nothing else. Cage cries to Cornette when he doesn't get what he wants, he has a plan to get it done while he bitches. There will be hell to pay for Scotty Steiner. He came here to be champion and after Sunday they'll know he's on the way.

In the back, D'Amore hypes his team up for hopefully the last time.

Match#4 Team Canada w/Scott D'Amore vs Team 3D, Rhino & Jay Lethal (Team Canada must disband if they lose. Winner gets title shot of their choosing)
Opening minutes is all Bubba beating everyone up because he's the toughest and coolest fatty ever, and you will cheer him. Jay gets isolated and we get maybe 20 seconds before Rhino tags in and easily beats everyone up as well because fuck me, i guess. It breaks down and 3D dominates everyone again in lame and bad fashion. Runt stops D'Amore from using the stick and kills him with the Acid Drop. Back in the ring, Jay beats A1 with a diving headbutt. Least TNA got that right

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Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett-18/6/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Senshi-22/6/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels-18/6/06


JULY 16TH, 2006

Shane Douglas comes out to start the show and throws in a DICK FLAIR jab because he can't let it go no matter what. He introduces the newly franchised Nats. They're dressed in black and yellow and look like complete nerds. Shane leaves them to wrestle on their own.

Match#1 The Naturals vs The Diamonds in the Rough w/Simon Diamond
Shane has now made the Nats less frantic and awesome than they were when they left, and now they're working a slow and bad methodical pace and it's not them at all. DIR look like the actual pushed team as they break out cool double teams and work has hard as they can in control beating the shit out of Chase. Should have pushed them tbh. Andy's hot tag isn't much at all as the lack of fire is also there. So in short, fuck Shane Douglas. (Won't be the last time i type that in a review, sadly). Nats beat Skipper with a Doomsday Dropkick.

Post match, Shane yells at them for being awful and whatnot. He sends them to back like little kids getting into trouble from their dad.

In the back, JB is with Christian Cage. He covers the main event and says people are asking what happened to the old Christian. Well, he took a sabbatical and he's on his way back. He mocks Scotty's heart tattoo as a thing he lacks to become world champ. Joe has confidence and says he is pro wrestling. He also says he wants fires with that. hahahah fat jokes get it. Sting is a carton of milk that is good for you and smells ok, but he doesn't taste good as he expired yesterday. This is his era and JJ has got his title, and he's taking it back. Holy shit, turn this man heel right now.

Hype for Rhino/Monty despite it having no hype on TV.

Match#2 Rhino vs Monty Brown
They get into a big fight on the outside right away and it's not much good at all. The ref gets bumped like 2 minutes in via a Pounce, and they brawl some more and it's tame and not fun at all, Rhino misses a Gore and also kills the ref dead. They fight on the outside now and into the crowd, and it eventually gets broken up and the match ends.

In the back, JB is with LAX. Konnan says Truth was invited to join LAX and the cause but he decided to be a buster sellout like Sonjay Dutt. JC said they can work at Jiffy lube, well he's got something he can lube up for him. Konnan says this work stoppage played right into their hands, because now they're finally on a PPV. Konnan says just like the 11 million illegals in this country, they didn't ask for anything, but they took what they wanted. He speaks in Spanish and says for all the white boys who can't speak Spanish, they better learn in the next few years, because they're taking over. This is SO good.

AWESOME Hype video for LAX/Truth/Dutt.

Moody Jack does the intros as Konnan refuses to let any gringo do it.

Match#3 LAX w/Konnan vs Ron Killings & Sonjay Dutt
LAX jump then right away and we get a wild brawl with insane dives from both Dutt and Ci. Ci breaks out his incredible Tope Con Hello, AND TRUTH TOPS THEM ALL BY HITTING A FOSBURY FLOP AND NEARLY LANDS ON HIS HEAD BUT LAX SAVE HIS LIFE. It settles down into a great back and forth between Ci and Truth as they break out some cool stuff and really match up well as two brawlers. Sonjay rocks as well as his insane 2006 hot streak continues with some awesome offence, and then he gets thrown throat first into the into the ropes and has his ass handed to him by LAX, and his selling is killer as Hernandez wreaks his life in sloppy and scary fashion. Dude just hurls people without a care in the world. Ci gets in on the fun with some nasty throws and strikes, and it's the best possible debut for LAX on PPV. Konnan also attacks as well, but to his credit he lets his boys cook and stays mostly out of the way. Truth's hot tag rules so much as shows all the fire in the world, and pinballs them around. Truth and Ci have another mini match and it's class as Truth kills him with a gross Lie Detector and Hernandez has to save at the last moment. Dutt tags back in to save Truth and gives it all he's got and gets super close, but Konnan cracks him with the Slapjack and Hernandez KILLS him with the first insane and near death Border Toss to win.

Post match, Truth holds the ring with a chair.

In the back, JB interviews Scott Steiner. You call this a 4 way match, but everyone knows it gets down to him and Sting. His job has been to take Sting out and he's done that. Christian and Joe are casualties of War. Joe hates on him because he's shown he's the better man, BUT HE SHOULD HATE HIS PARENTS FOR GIVING HIM AN EXTRA FAT CELL IN HIS BODY BECAUSE HE'S A FAT BASTARD. He's got a line of doughnuts to distract him. Christian should take his time to go to the gym, stick man. Go back to Mexico aka Canada. Sting has been chess, but he's been playing checkers and he's winning the game. He's got no friends in or out of wrestling so he doesn't care about facing JJ.

Team Canada come out for the last time to say goodbye. The fans are very happy about this, so D'Amore gets upset and blames Jim Cornette's ignorance for this happening. He needs to be careful for what he wishes for because he might just get it. He thinks this is the end of Team Canada, but it's the start of something much larger. He praises Roode as the best pure athlete in the world, and he accepted his role as the enforcer and was the glue that held them together. He needs to look out for himself as he's the hottest free agent in wrestling and every great mind wants to manage him. It's only a matter of time before he's NWA champion. Roode hugs A1 ans Petey and then refuses to hug EY and instead, shakes his hand before leaving the scene
The fans chant for EY!!! D'Amore turns to Petey and says no one has ever impressed him more or someone that he cares about more to the point he sees him as his son. He couldn't have been prouder of any son in the world. A true leader in the sense of the word. It's time for Petey to take back the X-Division and to remember that he loves him. Petey hugs him and A1, and ignores EY before he leaves as well. D'Amore now talks to A1 and how he found him as a bouncer in a strip club and he's never doubted in what he bought to the group. He never regretted to bringing him in, AND THE FANS CHANT HE CAN'T WRESTLE. D'Amore shouts he can kick their asses. D'Amore thanks him and gives him a hug. A1 also ignores poor EY, and now the crowd is white hot for him.

D'Amore finally walks over to Eric and says he's happy with himself, and EY is confused. D'Amore says this all happened because of him being paranoid and ignorance and arrogance that this happened. He makes him sick to his stomach. EY was a fat kid when he found him and he took him and made him Showtime, and he made him an idiot for it. They disbanded because of him and he tore the family apart and tore it to shreds. He demands the TC jacket back, so EY sadly hands it over to him. HE THEN SAYS THAT THOSE PANTS ARE TEAM CANADA ONES AND HE WANTS THEM BACK, AND THEN HE FORCES EY TO STRIP AND HAND THEM OVER. EY is sad and begs D'Amore to save him, but Scott says no one can save him from DW or JB. Not even the fans can save him. Team Canada is over along with his career. THE FANS CHANT "WE WILL SAVE YOU" D'Amore says despite everything he still has a soft spot for him so he wants him to be ready when his darkest fears come true and his ass gets fired. He leaves him all alone. EY picks up the mic and asks the fans if they want him fired, and they shout NO. EY keeps asking and they keep saying no, and he asks for their help and they all agree to be his friends. EY says the plan is set and it's a secret between them and him and "Don't fire Eric" is now their own secret mission. THE FANS CHANT IT AND HE DANCES IN THE CROWD WITH THEM.

Holy shit, talk about saving the single best TC moment for last. An absolute gem of a segment.

in the back, Senshi says he came here with a gameplan to win and become the new champion, and that mission is accomplished. JB says he's facing a mystery opponent who is a former X-Division Champion. Ki says this a man of the past and he's going to send him back in even worse shape before. He dares them to take what is his.

The mystery challenger is Frankie Kazarian. Now just called Kazarian because he's a cool dude or something. Yeah, not happy about this at all.

Match#4 Senshi (c) vs Kazarian (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
Kaz is still a really boring nothing goof that brings nothing to a match 99% of the time, so Ki is alone with a slab of meat. He's got a serious lack of fire and in his big return decides to work a boring headlock. Fuck him. Ki thankfully kicks him really hard a bunch and makes this far better than it would be otherwise. Ki works on his ribs and beats the hell out of him, and Kaz's selling is fine enough for someone getting hit really hard by a person. Kaz's comeback stinks as it's still stuck in 2004 when he was still bad, but it wasn't out the norm for others to do it. Ki thankfully cuts him off and kills him with Kawada kicks to the face and keeps doing it and hits the John Woo and the Double Stomp to win.

Hype for Raven/Larry

Match#5 Raven vs Larry Zbyszko (Hair vs Hair)
Not very good at all. Raven is washed as we know, but Larry is 500 years old and even worse. A real case of "what are we doing here" as has been the question of the entirety of the feud. Raven wins with the Evenflow

Post match, Larry tries to run away, but blackshirts drag him back to the chair and Raven shaves his head. Slick walks over with a mirror like an idiot, so Larry kicks him in the dick. Raven keeps cutting the hair, and then makes Slick do it for some revenge. This is awful.

Hype for Nash/Shelley/Sabin/Lethal.

Match#6 Kevin Nash & Alex Shelley w/Johnny Devine vs Jay Lethal & Chris Sabin
MCGM go at it to start and steal the show after the last horrible 40 minutes of trash just by being them. Granted, they fucking rulllllleeeee, but you get my point. Super tight mat work and then they slowly get faster and faster and goes insane with cool stuff. Kev gets in and faces off with Jay, AND HE HITS A SUPER CLEAN ARM DRAG AND CAN'T STOP LAUGHING AS THE FANS CHANT HOW AWESOME IT WAS. AMAZING. Jay catches him off guard and goes on a great run of offence and Sabin joins in to drop the big man and kick his ass. Shelley gets in and has another sweet mini match with Jay. Johnny shoves him off the top and Shelley locks in the dick claw and beats the hell out of him, and it's a ton of fun from both him and Big Kev. Kev really works hard and throws killer looking shots to Jay, but Shelley is again the standout throughout as he's gotten even better. Sabin gets the hot tag and goes nuts on them with maybe the best hot tag of his life as he's going a 10000 miles and hour and hitting them right in the face with all he can do. The heels bump like crazy for him as well, before it all breaks down. Killer finishing run with some more MCMG greatness. Sabin gets a bridging pin on Shelley to win.

Post match, the faces attack Nash for some sweet revenge, but the numbers are too much and they get beaten down. Jerry Lynn makes the save with a chair.

In the back, Team 3D keep shouting violence for a while. Then Bubba mocks Daddy Armstrong being old and dead with a foot in the grave, and that's why they needed Abyss to save their asses.

Match#7 Team 3D & Brother Runt vs The James Gang & Abyss w/James Mitchell (No DQ)
Opening minutes are bad and whatever, BUT THEN ABYSS TOSSES SPIKE INTO THE CROWD LIKE IT'S 1997 AND THE FANS SURF HIM BACK AND THEN DROP HIM ON THE GROUND. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Plunder now gets bought in and it's another decent bloody brawl with cool shots and bumps, and the perfect way to hide the bad wrestlers in this. Bubba kills any good will by stapling the infamous "ECW fears TNA" sign to Abyss' head. Douchebags. Some more stuff happens and Abyss beats Spike with a BHS through a table that refuses to break.

In the back, AMW say they won't need another chance after this because they've done this 6 times and gotten them back every time, and this won't be different. Gail tries to speak, but Storm tells her to shut up. uh oh. He says there was a problem last month but the champs asses are just a beer away. He tries to drink, but Harris snatches it away and says to leave it here. Storm is confused as to why you would leave the beer there, but Harris says he's got 16 stitches in his head. He walks off with Gail, and Storm comes back and steals the beer back and says those stitches gotten taken out last week.

Hype for the 6 person tag.

Match#8 AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels (c) & Sirelda vs America's Most Wanted & Gail Kim (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
AJ saving a bad show; a tale as old as time. Storm refuses to be serious and dicks around, so AJ kills him with the dropkick and steals his hat and poses. Bless. Sirelda gets in and Storm falls on his ass and pops back up with karate moves. The faces keep it up and we get more amazing comedy moments like when Gail falls on Storm's crotch and Harris lands on her ass and then shrugs and smiles, and she freaks out and bails on them. DEAD. Gail low blows AJ to isolate him, and AMW have another tremendous control seg on our hero. Just wonderful dirtbag stuff with AJ dying as only he can. Daniels' hot tag is great as well as he's now perfected it. It all breaks down as it tends to and the men rock while the women fighting is not good at all, sadly. AMW fight over the bottle again and it causes them to fuck it up and yell at each other. AJ rolls Storm up, but James leaps forward and takes a chair shot to the head when Harris tries to throws it at AJ, and AJ rolls Storm up to win.

Hype for the main event

Match#9 Sting vs Samoa Joe vs Scott Steiner vs Christian Cage (#1 Contenders Match)
JOE AND STING FIGHT RIGHT AWAY AND IT'S AMAZING AS HELL. Joe refuses to back down and wastes him with knees, but Sting is Sting and fights like hell against this big bastard. Everyone eventually fights and it's the kinda crazy and 100 mille an hour stuff i love a ton. JJ runs down and sprays something into Sting's eyes to blind him, so refs take Stinger to the back. Tenay says it was gasoline which is pro wrestling 101, and Mike begs to know if Sting is bleeding from the eyes. Joe trucks both of the other two dudes and we get some awesome Joe/Cage moments that have Cage playing the heel shithead against Joe, and it's perfect. Joe/Scotty is also fun again, and Scotty puts Joe through a table with an elbow drop and his knee cracks Joe's skull. Everyone slowly fights back in and beats the crap out of one another, and Joe has a nasty cut on his head from before. Sting returns with his face all covered up, and he cleans house on everyone bar Cage. Joe chokes Cage out, and Sting beats Steiner with the Deathdrop.

Post match, Cage screams at Sting for costing him the match, and Sting goes nose to nose with him. Cage backs down and shakes his hand like a goober.

Awful show with another bad ending. Damn it TNA, don't do this to me.
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Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett-18/6/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Senshi-22/6/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels-18/6/06

July 20th, 2006
Impact Zone

A recap of the PPV kicks us off.

in the back, JB is outside of Sting's lockeroom waiting for an update on his condition as he now has a title shot against JJ at Hard Justice. Jay Lethal walks out the door and says Sting doesn't want to be bothered, but he's got a title shot himself tonight. JB says he's going for the X-Division title, but Jay cuts him off and says he's challenging JJ TONIGHT for the World Title, FUCK YEAH.

In the ring, Shane Douglas introduces the Nats as his newly Franchised team. They come out to an awful, awful ripoff of Perfect Strangers. Really furthering how much this entire thing stinks. Shane leaves them to the match.

Match#1 The Naturals vs Kazarian & Maverick Matt
SHAZARIAN are back in pog form. The Nats have a fine opening flurry as always to their credit, but these heels are beyond dull and do nothing to make it fun or cool in anyway. Sucks a ton of crap both dudes are even here tbh. Andy gets isolated from a springboard legdrop from Kaz, and thankfully most of the control is lost due to the add break. What we do see is bad and lame. Chase gets the hot tag and also doesn't light the world on fire either. FUCK THIS MATCH. Nats with an assisted doomsday dropkick.

Post match, Shane walks down and yells at them for being terrible and killing Donnie's love of wrestling.

At ringside, Tenay and DW recap Sting's win.

In the back, JB is still waiting outside Sting's door. EY sneaks past in the background and pops up behind JB. He says no one has followed them and he wants to know if JB is avoiding him. He asks JB for another idea, but JB sends it back to the ring.

At ringside, JJ and Steiner are at the booth yelling about Sting being a conman getting Lethal to lose an X-Title shot for his world title where he can't possibly win in a division he doesn't belong in. He says he knows Sting is going to come down and screw him, so Scotty is watching his back all night.


Match#2 Rhino vs Robert Adams
Rhino wins in 20 seconds with the GORE

Post match, Rhino gets the mic and says that's not the competition he's looking for, AND SAMOA JOE'S MUSIC HITS AND HE WALKS OUT. Rhino asks if he wants to fight now or at Hard Justice. The fans chant for Joe because he's the best, and Rhino gets thrown off by it. Joe says nothing makes him feel better than a good old fashioned brawl and Cornette has made it for next week. Rhino says he wants to kick his fucking ass now, and they rush each other for a killer pull apart.

In the back, Team 3D walk into Runt's interview time and yell at him for being a loser that cost them the match. Bubba says they aren't blaming him, but he lost. They're splitting TNA for a while as they haven't reached their goal as of yet as it's not gone perfectly. YEAH FUCK OFF FOREVER. Bubba rants about all the losing they've done as of late and how AJ and Daniels are now champs. They're going to take time away to get better, but they need him to behave himself. D-Von tells him to hold it down for the family, and Bubba says to go for the X-Title as it's perfect for him. They leave as Spike gives a knowing smile to the camera.

In the back, JB is with AMW. They yell at him for calling them former champs and always call them 6 time champs. Storm says they would still be champs if he hadn't hit him with a chair, so Harris fires back he broke the bottle over his head!!! Gail then challenges Sireda to a match for the PPV as this is all her fault. Oh No.

AJ and Daniels now make their way out to the ring with a stack of papers and a mic. Chris says it's good to stand here as the tag champions of the world, but they're not undisputed as teams in the back have problems with them holding the titles. He sees resentment in their eyes. Team 3D said they couldn't win, and Daniels holds the titles up and gives an amazing smile as he does it. WOOOOO. AJ brings out the papers and says they're signed contracts for a title shot for every team in TNA like 3D, Nats, Christian and Sting. Konnan's voice comes over the mic and says he didn't hear LAX name in the mix, and he wants to know if they're ducking them. They don't have the balls to face them. AJ shouts to shut up as he's got a contract for LAX!!!! Konnan says they've been ducking them and they have no heart, and they'll be on them like a monkey on a cupcake. Daniels pulls the contract out and says he can sign it, and Konnan says he can't read it from there. Daniels says fuck it and says he'll take it to him as he and AJ jump the border and walk over to him and throw the contract at him. AJ gives him a pen, but Konnan drops it, AND LAX JUMP THE CHAMPS FOR AN AWESOME, AWESOME FIGHT. Ci hits Daniels with the Slapjack and KO's him, and Hernandez beats the fuck out of AJ and gorilla presses him onto the apron. LAX kill Daniels with a title shot to bloody him up. BACK IN THE RING, HOMICIDE MURDERS AJ WITH THE GROSSEST GRINGO KILLA EVER AS HE BENDS AJ'S NECK AND SPINE IN HALF. CI SPITS ON HIM AS HERNANDEZ HOLDS UP A BLOODY DANIELS. K-DAWG RUNS HIS FINGER OVER THE BLOOD AND SINGS THE CONTRACT WITH IT.

What a fucking angle.

In the back, Larry shows up with a terrible wig and rants about how bad Cornette is running TNA right now. Slick walks on and laughs at him.

We get a sweet hype video for Bobby Roode. He says he was born to be a wrestler and he's the hottest free agent in the world.

Match#3 Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Jay Lethal (NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
JJ CLIMBS UP TO DO HIS POSE, AND JAY GRABS HIM AND HITS A POWERBOMB AND HITS A SWEET LARIAT AND AN ELBOW DROP FOR 2.9!!! He stays on him and chops him down and beats the crap out of him, and Jeff has no answer to any of it as Jay ramps up the speed. JJ finally catches him with a knee to the kidney that he drops down with full force to cut him off, BUT JAY GUTS IT OUT AGAIN AND HITS A SICK TOPE AND RAMS JJ INTO THE RAIL. Scotty now comes out and distracts him, and JJ shoves Lethal off the top into the rail. He beats the shit out of him in revenge, and Scotty joins in to make it worse. Jay's selling is amazing as JJ rules so much as the dickhead cocky vet murdering this kid for daring to think he has a chance. Jay won't die and keeps fighting back, and even hits a fucking flip dive onto Scotty. He drops JJ and gets a super close call with a Diving Headbutt. They fight on top and Scotty hits Jay in the back with a pipe, and JJ nails the Super Stroke to win.

Post match, the heels go for the kill, BUT STING MAKES THE SAVE AND STRANGLES JJ!!!

They air a recap video of tonight's show.

in the back, Christian is out the front of Corny's office. He says he's going to ask if he can be in Sting's corner for the PPV. Hmmmmmm
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Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett-18/6/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Senshi-22/6/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels-18/6/06

July 27th, 2006
Impact Zone

In the back, James Gang are leading EY into the building. JB finds them and says this is not the plan. BG says that plan sucked and EY doesn't need to worry about being fired. Hell, he's been fired from every company he's worked for. Kip tells him to be serious and then shouts "POP" BG says they're facing AMW and a parter of their choosing, and he doesn't like EY or think he's a good wrestler, but he's a good segment. He wants him to part of his segment because it would be good TV. EY agrees. ROWHGIEBDTJORGSEFRGFDC Fuck off, Russo. I know you're behind this shit.

Runt and Abyss fight down the ramp as the pyro's go off. Abyss kicks the shit out of him, but Spike gets a chair and cracks him a few times. Abyss fights back and murders him with the BHS on the chair. We get a shot of Raven watching from his new perch in the Zone.

In the back, Monty says he's got unfinished business with Rhino after Victory Road, and he's not done with him and Rhino ass. He might fight Monty right now, or come down to the ring and fight him and that hippo tonight. Neither deserves to be on his Serengeti, they deserve to feel the POUNCE.

Match#1 Petey Williams vs Johnny Devine vs Shark Boy vs Sonjay Dutt
This is a really bad 7 minutes as there's a ton of slow and sloppy spots and bad mat wrestling thrown in. Plus, Devine is awful and really drags it down even further being both bad and boring on top of it. Nash and Shelley watch on to cheer Devine. Bad wrestling happens and Petey wins with the CD.

In the back, Runt says he finds the biggest meanest toughest son of a gun and slaps them in the face. Bottom line, he't scared of anyone and he has nothing to lose. He's issuing an open challenge in any type of match Abyss wants. He's coming for him.

We go to a pre-tape with Lynn and Sabin. Jerry says Sabin is young, talented and amazing but he's young and dumb and needs to be smart about things. A match is taking place at Hard Justice for #1 contendership and Sabin needs to be ready for anything. He slaps him in the face and demands he scream, and Sabin does just that.

Christian makes his way out to the ring and says he's here to do something he's never done before, and that's apologise. He admits he doubted Sting and the reasons he came to TNA, but seeing him gutting out the win at Victory Road, he realised that Sting is here to make TNA the best wrestling promotion in the world. He didn't see that Sting was here to get rid of the cancer because he was selfish and acting like JJ. For that he wants to say sorry. He asked Cornette to be in his corner and have his back, and JC said Sting has to answer that himself. Sting now comes out in the rafter. He praises TNA and says he's removing the cancer at Hard Justice where it will be showtime. He says he'll give CC his answer soon.

We get a pre-tape about JJ doing JJ things. Same old boring shit.

We get another pre-tape from LAX. Konnan says it's time to Learn Spanish because they're taking things and fighting and grinding for the things they want. AJ and Danies have been coddled to and become poster boys, so they're taking the titles back to their people. 5051 police code for mentally insane. They're proud and all over and they can't do anything to stop that.

Match#2 America's Most Wanted & A1 w/Gail Kim vs The James Gang & Eric Young
I have no clue why this is happening, and i'm not happy about it given it makes no sense and serves to bother me. We do get some sick EY bumps and AMW being killer, but the other 3 stink. A1 and EY refuse to fight each other and it leads to everyone fighting, and then EY rolls A1 up to win.

Another amazing Nash segment i can't put into words. Starts at 53 minutes in. THEY LOOK LIKE CRACKHEADS.

Match#3 Samoa Joe vs Rhino
Hey, finally a fucking match on this episode. They waste no time and WASTE each other with forearms and knees and it's so cool and mean, and everything it should be for these two. Monty comes down to watch with a chair. Joe and Rhino hit each other even harder, and Rhino actually moves ahead with a tackle in the corner and wears Joe down with a sleeper for a while. Joe fights out and murders him in revenge with gross kicks, and Rhino leans into everything. They keep fighting and the ref gets killed in the fight. Monty drags Rhino out and beats him up and the match is sorta over.

Post match,Joe hits an insane tope and kills Monty dead. He and Rhino fight up the ramp and Rhino hits a belly to belly to take him out. He grabs a table and sets Joe up for the Gore, but Monty stops him. Joe chokes Monty out, AND RHINO COMES BACK TO LIFE AND GORES THEM BOTH THROUGH THE TABLE TO CLOSE THE SHOW. FUCK YEAH


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett-18/6/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Senshi-22/6/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels-18/6/06

August 3rd, 2006
Impact Zone

To start the show, JB says Sting has accepted Cage's offer to be in his corner. Sure he won't regret that. JJ and Steiner walk on and rant about this being collusion and a set-up, and he wants to talk to Cornette. Slick walks on and says there's a mandatory meeting and he wants to speak to Steiner personally. JJ shoves him and demands to know where Cage is, and Scotty hurls him against a wall and shouts to never touch him.

LAX come out for their match, and K-Dawg runs Mike and DW off and takes over the booth. Moody calls the match from the Spanish booth over the border. THIS RULES SO MUCH

Match#1 LAX vs Jarrelle Clarke & Chasyin Rance
They beat the complete and utter shit out of this scum cunt rat fuck, and the amazing Clarke. Gross, gross offence and weapon shots to the head, combined with Hernandez being SUPER fucking dangerous and carless and Ci being in his peak amazing era. Just a perfect squash. Border toss and Cop Killah end it.

Post match, AJ and Daniels show up on the screen. AJ has a neckbrace on as a result of the attack. He says next time he sees Homcide he's putting him in the hospital, AND HE WANTS IT RIGHT NOW. Daniels calms him down and says he's got this. He dares Homicide to fight him if he's got the balls to try and kill this gospel. This match won't end with a 1..2..3, it will end with a 187 on you, BITCH.

In the back, we get a ton of bad audio issues for Joe's promo, but the gist is he's taken Monty's spot and made him a bitch. He's going to kill Rhino to add his name to his legacy as he's been undefeated for 18 months and he's adding them both to his list.

In the back, JJ and Scotty beat the fuck out of Jay Lethal. They say if they can't find Cage, they'll kill everyone.

We get a sick hype video for Bobby Roode with all the talking heads saying how good he is.

In the ring, Shane Douglas talks about the history of AMW and the Nats, and says they're going to end this. Uhhh, ok fuck it why not.

Match#2 America's Most Wanted w/Gail Kim vs The Naturals
2 minutes of not much before AMW have some problems again and Chase rolls Storm up to steal it.

Post match, the Nats are happy while AMW are sad. JJ and Scotty run down and beat the shit out of them, and AMW join in and leave them laying. JJ gets the mic and says they're going to make Cage come out here now as they're not leaving until he shows his face. Larry shows up with an awful wig and says he just spoke to Cornette. He says there are orders and they will suffer the same fate as Hebner if they don't. Steiner is ordered tonight to meet Cornette face to face. JJ is ordered out of the Zone right now.

In a pre-tape, Sting talks about cutting out cancer. Bro stop.

In another pre-tape, Senshi praises all his challengers but says none of them can possibly beat him at Hard Justice.

Match#3 Jay Lethal vs Kazarian vs Petey Willams vs Sonjay Dutt & Alex Shelley (#1 Contenders Match)
No clue what happened to Sabin, but fuck yeah lets go. Everyone bar Kaz is very good or fun, so this works out well. They all go insane with dives and cool moves at a breakneck speed, and it's a blast and then some. Kaz does a bunch of lame shit and throws up the devil horns to really drive home what a fucking nerd he is. Jay sells his bad neck and fights through the pain and gets super close each time. He fights Shelley again and it's amazing as hell as they breaks out new counters. They fight on top, AND JAY SHOVES HIM OFF AND HITS THE HEADBUTT BUT HE HURTS HIS NECK AND PETEY COMES OUT OF NOWHERE TO HIT HIM WITH THE CD AND STEALS IT.

In the back, Corny arrives and EY meets him in the carpark. Jim says they can have a meeting next week, so leave him alone. Cage gets out of the car as well and says he needed a lift. He walks over to EY and fucks him and says he'll put in a good word with Corny about his job.

In the ring, Corny rants about WWE having bosses on TV ever 5 minutes getting in the way of the rasslin. He makes AMW vs Nats, vs SHAZARIAN vs James Gang in #1 contenders match., Runt vs Abyss. Joe vs Rhino vs Monty in Falls count Anywhere. He finds Shelley and Devine, but no Nash because he couldn't be bothered to show up. AMAZING. He makes a 6 man for next week against Sabin, Jay and Sabin.

He then kicks everyone out and calls Scotty and Cage into the ring. He says he's not a fan of second at ringside, but if they want it they can fight each other next week so they can help their guys out by taking the other one out. Scotty grabs the mic and says he's not big or strong enough to go against the freak, so he needs to go back to Mexico North. Cage gets the mic and asks if that was English because he can't understand a word he said. He can bring all his muscles and head dress and he'll hand him his ass because that's how he rolls. Cage leaves the ring and a fan in a Sting mask grabs him and starts beating him up. BAW GAWD IT'S JEFF JARRETT. He and Scotty beat the fuck out of him to close the show.

That all happened right in front of Corny, so he can fire them all if he had some balls


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett-18/6/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Senshi-22/6/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels-18/6/06

August 10th, 2006
Impact Zone


To kick us off, JB is outside of Corny's office. We get a wide shot of a tent AND EY POPS OUT AND ASKS IF JIM IS HERE. He's got a suit on and asks which tie, and JB says maybe not the clip on one. He has a Christmas present for Corny, but JB says it's only August and EY is confused.

Rhino storms the ring and hypes up his match for the PPV being falls count anywhere, and walks over the Zone to show the stuff he can use to hurt both men. He says he might Gore Joe into the Border and pin Joe in little Mexico. Konnan is not happy. He walks to the back and gets jumped by Monty Brown. Monty kicks his ass and says it looks like he's fallen. He says he's going to show everyone why he's on the top of the food chain. Joe now runs out and has an awesome fight with Monty in the ring. Rhino joins in until they all get dragged away by blackshirts.

They air a sick Sting hype video about his return.

Runt is on top of the stage with a "FIND ME, ABYSS" sign

Match#1 Kevin Nash, Alex Shelley & Johnny Devine vs Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt
My jam right here. Nash tags in to fight Sabin, but then fakes an eye poke and sells it like a gunshot. AMAZING. We come back from the break where Lethal is isolated and has the shit kicked out of him. Nash now gets in and works has hard as he's going to, and it's a ton of fun watching him do his thing. Shelley does the bulk of the work and kills it as always. and Jay is once again a perfect guy for him to work with. Dutt gets the hot tag before it all breaks down and everyone gets their shit in with some fun stuff. Sabin beats Devine with the Cradle Shock.

In the back, Corny meets EY and says they've got a meeting latter and he wants the camera's to see it.

Match#2 Homicide w/LAX vs Christopher Daniels
Hell yeah. Only 4 minutes but still really, really cool to see them on TV. Ci uses a chair to distract the ref and blindsides Daniels to take over, and kicks the hell out of him with all the fire in the world. Gross and mean offence throughout as he holds nothing back in his first big singles match, and Daniels takes a hell of a shitkicking. Chris has a quick and fun comeback before they turn into a back and forth for a minute or so. Daniels gets the Koji Clutch on, but Konnan distracts the ref and Hernandez runs in and MURDERS Daniels with a gross choke bomb throw call the Cracker-Jack, and Ci steals the win.


Match#3 Abyss w/James Mitchell vs Shark Boy
Abyss kills our Shark in 40 seconds as Runt watches on with a sign asking why wait for Sunday

Abyss runs up the ramp to meet him, so Runt dives off the stage with an amazing crossbody!! They have a great little fight, and Raven watches on again. Runt hits the Acid Drop and stands tall as Mitchell drags Abyss back.

In the back, Corny and EY have their meeting, EY brings out a bag of Wendy's and whiskey and some bourbon. He also gifts him a new tennis racket with diamonds on it. Jim says he's on a diet and he can't drink with all these lunatics around because it would kill him. He says if Eric wants a chance, he can face Devine at the PPV and show he can draw, have a good match and sell a PPV. He does that and wins, then he can keep his job.

Match#4 Christian Cage vs Scott Steiner
Corny joins commentary, and really adds a much needed vibe for DW and Mike to play off of. Cage rushes him to start and a very sloppy back and forth happens as both slip and botch stuff. Scotty hurls him into the rail to take over. Fine little control seg as this episode doesn't allow anything to breath for a while. Still, F U N. Scotty beats his ass and locks in the Recliner, and Cage has to bite his hand to get out of it. JJ rushes the ring and attacks for the DQ.

Post match, the heels attack until THE MAN CALLED STEVE STINGER BORDEN MAKES THE SAVE. Cage grabs the world title and hands it to Sting and shakes his hand to end the show
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett-18/6/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Senshi-22/6/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels-18/6/06


AUGUST 13TH, 2006

Hideous poster.

First really lame opening video hits. (this dropoff hurts, man)

EY comes through the crowd to an insane reaction.

Match#1 Eric Young vs Johnny Devine
JD looks like a smaller but slightly more creepier Van Hammer. Same level of bad at least, so it evens out. Fun 4 minute showcase for EY showing off his wild bumps and sells, and some great offence. A massive cloud of smoke comes over the ring and DW says the pyro caused a fire, and holy shit it's very bad and dangerous. EY keeps doing cool shit in the smoke and it's a wild and wicked thing to see it, even if TNA is causing some health issues. EY wins with his Neckbreaker.

Post match, Earl Hebner jumps the rail and chokes Slick with a belt. Blackshirts and Larry run out and drag him off. Earl screams that he's not going down alone and Larry and JJ are next.

At the booth, Mike and DW run down the card.

We see footage of JJ and Sting arriving to the Zone of Impact.

We go outside to where DW and Mike are standing outside of the Zone as the fire is still being put out. We kill a ton of time with footage of fire fighters and EMT's doing their thing. Mike and DW make fire jokes and how hot is in Orlando. Monty Brown runs over to Tenay and DW outside the building, and cuts an insane promo, and sings "Hey Joe", replacing the word gun with the word cheeseburger and saying he eats rhinos for breakfast. He calls Joe a Hippophant, half-hippo and half-elephant.

EY walks on and says he hopes Jim knows this wasn't his fault and he's not being fired for it.

Shane Douglas and the Nats are PISSED that the tag match has been cancelled due to time. Shane weirdly praises GW Bush being great as a wartime President and says he wants his boys to take note from that to be ready for all times.

In the back, JB asks Alex if Kevin is really injured tonight. Alex says this will be the saddest moment in TNA history and he could be risking being in a wheelchair because of a neck injury. Devine wheels Kev in


KEV TAPS ALEX'S DICK AND ASKS IF IT'S A CUP, BUT SHELLEY SAYS IT'S JUST HIM. AMAZING. Kev is heartbroken he can't wrestle tonight, so he gives Alex his neckbrace and dog tags and tells him to go to war.

Match#2 Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley w/Kevin Nash & Devine
Alex is wearing a black armband for Nash. Normal fantastic opening mat work from both as these two are sorta perfect together. They escalate everything very well, and we get some moments of Sabin being a dickhead to Nash, and hey it seems like a perfect fit. This is more a really cool back and forth for 10 minutes with both guys not being able to control for long because they know each so well, and i really dig them changing it up. Sabin hits a tremendous tope to take everyone out! Shelly gets mad in revenge and locks in a DICK CLAW AFTER CATCHING HIM AGAIN. AMAZING. Sabin loses his mind and beats the shit out of him in revenge, and really cracks him a few times with some nasty shots. Shelly fights back again and we get more close calls from both. The heels distract the ref so Shelley can use a chair, but Sabin kicks it into his face and hits the Cradle Shock to win.

In the back, Mitchell talks about Runt taking Raven's advice and that's why he's picked this fight with his monster. Well now Abyss is going to crush his kidney's and kill him. Seems fair all things considered.

Hype for Runt/Abyss.

Runt now has a terrible mohawk and Tenay says "He looks like the guy from Taxi Driver" Way to ruin a great movie, you smug dick.

Match#3 Abyss w/James Mitchell vs Brother Runt
Abyss hurls the little shit into the crowd and the fans catch him this time. Abyss throws him back over and starts murdering him in cool fashion, and Spike breaks out some classic bumps for all of it to really turn back the clock. Spike uses a chain to have a chance and hits him in the skull and hits a sick double stomp for a near fall. He hits the Acid Drop for another one, and Abyss's selling and anger all rocks. The ref gets bumped and Mitchell throws in the bag of tacks, AND ABYSS SLAMS SPIKE'S FACE INTO IT. JESUS CHRIST. HE THEN FUCKING STOMPS HIM SOME MORE. SPIKE FIRES UP AND FIGHTS THE BIG MAN SOME MORE, BUT ABYSS PRESS SLAMS HIM ONTO THEM AND THEN HITS THE BHS TO WIN.

Hype for the three way dance.

Match#4 Samoa Joe vs Rhino vs Monty Brown (Falls Count Anywhere)
They waste zero time and get right to the fighting right away, and it's awesome. Rhino and Monty work super hard for the first time in months and months, and Joe is GOD etc. He hits his tope and murders them all with a trash can and a chair. He Ole kicks Monty into the rail to kill him for a time, and he and Rhino then brawl into the crowd. HELL YEAH LETS DO IT AGAIN. Joe is perfect for this as he's a force of nature and uses everything he can find to beat Rhino's head in. Monty re-joins the fun and we get some killer three way spots with the wall being smashed in, and then parts of it being broken over some skulls and back. They find a chair and we get some of that sweet pre-Benoit chair shots to the head where no one bothers to protect themselves. They brawl up to the ramp and use more cool stuff to kill each other, and this is fantastically laid out. Joe and Monty fight on the ramp right near the edge and Monty gets closer than many men have to beating the monster. Rhino joins and misses a gore to go through a table, AND JOE HITS MONTY WITH A FUCKING STFOJOE THROUGH ANOTHER ONE TO WIN. GOODAM

Post match, Joe gets the mic and screams he came here for a fight and if the building burns down or not, THEY CAN DO IT AGAIN RIGHT NOW. FUCK YEAH

This is Monty's last TNA match before he goes to WWE for a year before retiring to look after his family. Not the biggest loss given how lame he got, but still going to miss him a bit.

In the back, Larry refuses to answer any questions about Earl.

Match#5 Gail Kim vs Sirreda

Match#6 Senshi (c) vs Jay Lethal vs Petey Willams (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
Woooooo 10 minutes of three great wrestlers going nuts on PPV as Ki has bought new life to the title, and really made others step up big time in kayfabe and irl to have a chance against him. Jay vs Ki is insane as always as they break out some wild bombs and go for broke, and Petey is a great little cunt stealing pins and hitting them with whatever he can when he gets a chance. Like a lot of matches tonight, this is paced and laid out super well and it just works. Petey gets Lethal with the Canadian Destroyer, but Ki gets rid of him and hits Lethal with the Warrior's Way to win.

In the back, Konnan drops the Revolution line and says AJ and Daniels have been given everything by the gringo line, while they fight for everything. They're doing this for the Latino Nation.

AMAZING Hype video for the tag title match.

Match#7 AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels (c) vs LAX w/Konnan (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
The champs use their speed to have a chance against Hernandez, and it works out well. AJ and Ci fight on a PPV in a fever dream, and holy shit it's soooooooo good and fun as hell. The champs stay on them and really bounce them around for revenge, and LAX's bumping and selling rocks. AJ is killed with a nasty neckbreaker through the ropes by Ci, and LAX go to work with a killer control seg of insane speed and smooth offence and scary and stiff as fuck offence on top of it. CI BREAKS OUT THE TOPE CON HILLO AND CRUSHES AJ AGAINS THE RAIL. FUCK YEAH. AJ's selling is amazing as hell as he's all messed up and can't do anything to stop them as they beat him worse and worse. His attempted comebacks and the cutoffs all rule as well. Daniels finally gets in and lights them up with wonderful babyface flurries, and LAX fly all over the joint for him. He kills Ci with the Arabian press, but he doesn't back up soon enough, AND HERNANDEZ HITS A FUCKING NO HANDS DIVE TO KILL HIM, BUT NEVERMIND THAT SHIT, AJ COMES BACK TO LIFE WITH THE SPRINGBOARD SHOOTING STAR PRESS TO KILL EVERYONE. He fights like hell and they finally get Ci alone and kick the shit out of him. It further breaks down and we get more nutty moments. Hernandez kills AJ with a powerbombs as Styles superplexes Ci. Then he hits Daniels with a gross choke bomb. The champs rally once more and take out the big man. K-Dawg gets involved and turns the tide. LAX go for tandem finishers, BUT THE FACES FIGHT OUT AND THROW CI OUT AND THEY KILL HERNANDEZ WITH THE HIGH LOW TO WIN. HOLY SHIT.

In the back, Cage blames JJ for setting the building on the fire to get out of this match. Scotty is big and tough, but he needs to buy a freaking vowel and find some new words to use. He promises to cut out the cancer and start a new era in TNA.

Match#8 Jeff Jarrett (c) w/Scot Steiner vs Sting w/Christian Cage (NWA-TNA Worlds Heavyweight Championship)
Within 2 minutes these fuckfaces have the crowd brawl and do the same boring lame shit that JJ always does because he's broken and void of new ideas. Fuck it, two more months and we finally get a much needed break from him. Sting is Sting and works hard and does cool shit as best he can, but it's just a dead and lame ass act at this point that it's still not worth seeing for the 5000067098695498645068540685409 time. Anyway, they finally get back into the ring and have a fine wrestling match with JJ wreaking Sting's knees for a while, and the Stinger selling his ass off for it. The bullshit hits as Scotty and Cage fight on the outside, and the ref misses a pin for Sting. Scotty hits Sting with a chair shot to the back, so Cage fights him again. He gets a chair and teases hitting Sting, but he brains JJ instead. The ref kicks him out for it, instead of DQ him??? The ref kicks Steiner out as well, so it's fair. More stuff happens and the ref gets bumped. JJ hits the stroke, and the seconds come back to the ring. Cage hits the heels with a bat and takes them out and tells Sting to jump off the top, AND BAW GAWD HE HITS HIM IN THE HEAD WITH THE GUITAR AND JJ STEALS THE WIN.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett-18/6/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Senshi-22/6/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels-18/6/06

August 17th, 2006
Impact Zone



One of the single best openers for a wrestling show ever.

Tonight; We hear from Christian Cage.

In the back, JB finds EY leaving JJ's locker-room. He says Jeff will have an answer for everyone, and then he said "get the hell out of here" EY is very confused and asks if Jeff can fire him.

Match#1 Alex Shelley, Johnny Devine & Petey Willams vs Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt
The fans adore Lethal, and i'm sure TNA will cash in on this and not fuck it up to the point they fire him in 2011. Anyways, you know the score by now. Everyone bar Devine is very good and nutty as fuck, and they all go 100 miles an hour right away. Hebner attacks Slick again, and is dragged away by blackshirts. Shelley takes out Lethal with a nasty dropkick to the ribs and throws him into the rail, and the heels go to work. Awesome short control seg from the good wrestlers, and Jay sells and bumps his ass off. Dutt gets the tag and it quickly breaks down for a super cool finishing run, Sabin beats Devine with a Springboard Legdrop for something new.

We get a recap of Cage's heel turn. He runs backstage and is confronted by Rhino!!! Cage says he doesn't have time to explain, but he did for him and everyone. Trust Him.

We now go to our interview with Christian. He says he did everything and risked life and limb to help Sting, and he didn't do what he needed to do and doesn't have the passion he does. Sting wanted him to wear the facepaint and stand in his shadow. He's noone's lacky.. He's the biggest name in TNA history and he bought primetime TV for TNA and credibility. Sting thinks he's the saviour, but spare me. Sting once said he loved him like a brother, what a crock of shit. Rhino is his brother, and when they talk he's going to understand where he's coming from. Next week he's there live. Maybe Sting screwed him over by taking his shot. He never got his despite never being pinned for it. See ya next week.

We go backtage to the bloody tag champs. Daniels is pissed and asks if JB wants to know what his blood tastes like? IT TASTES LIKE HELL AND HATRED. All they had to do was ask for another shot, well now they want them and will put the titles on the line and won't stop until they're DEAD. Konnan gets the mic and accepts and asks for a Border Brawl as that's how they were born and it's their match and will take the titles because they know the champs don't have another one in them. 5150.

They air all the managers begging to sign Roode. He turns them all down because he wants the title now.

The 4 way tag team match is now a fatal 4 way match with one member of each team being in it, and the winners will become #1 contenders.

Match#2 Chris Harris w/Gail Kim vs Kazarian vs Chase Stevens vs BG James (#1 Contenders Match)
Short and bad as everyone bar Harris is awful and lame. Massive miss doing this. Storm walks down and tries to hit BG with the bottle, but he misses and spills beer on Harris, and they argue again. Chase picks up a set of handcuffs and knocks Harris out to steal it.

Shane and Andy come down, and Shane finally smiles and accepts the boys.

Back in the ring, AMW argue and shove each other, and Storm flips him off and shouts fuck you as he leaves. DON'T YOU DARE.

Sick hype video for Truth vs Joe.

Match#3 Samoa Joe vs Ron Killings
Truth fears nothing and rushes him with amazing strikes and lights him up like very few man have done in TNA. Joe cracks him with a kick to the head to finally stop him, but Truth fights him again and takes him out with a sweet flip dive. We come back to them fighting on the floor with Joe clobbering him to death. He moves ahead and kicks his head in as only he can, and it's a complete blast. He mauls him for 3-4 minutes in a classic control seg, and Truth goes out of his way to die on everything and make Joe look even killer than normal. Truth mounts a comeback and breaks out some old moves like the lie detector for a close near fall. Joe catches him coming off the top with a kick to crotch him, and hits the Muscle Buster to win.

In the back, JJ says he gets nothing out of this if Sting isn't putting anything on the line, so he wants his career. He wants the facepaint, merch and all of it to be burnt and for Sting to go away forever. He's got 7 days to give him an answer.

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