Donnie watches TNA 2006

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christoper Daniels-12/3/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05

March 25th, 2006
Impact Zone


In the ring, Mike hypes up Lockdown where every match takes place in a cage. He brings out a very angry and grumpy Samoa Joe. He's shaking and looks like he wants to outright murder someone as Mike says this will be the first time he's ever been in the cage. Joe says Larry was right about this, he is the greatest wrestler in the industry right now. He has made a living of letting his actions speak louder than his words, and he wants to know who's head he needs to cave in to get what he wants. THE VIDEO PLAYS AND IT'S SABU. HOLY FUCKING CHRIST ARE YOU KIDDING ME. JOE LOCKS HIS JAW AND STARES DOWN THE VIDEO LOOKING READY FOR THE WAR OF A LIFETIME.

In the back, Team 3D love America and don't care for Canadians. Xenophobic assholes.

Match#1 Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt vs The Diamonds in the Rough
Good showcase for Team TNA/USA. DIR are fine jobbers, or i should say DY is and can make anyone look fantastic. He does just that, and the boys are amazing as always. Jay is the standout for the faces as he's stupidly smooth and going nuts whenever he gets a chance, and it's super endearing. Cradle Shock ends it

In the back, D'Amore is very upset about this being a cage match and blames Larry for it. He says this is personal between him and Larry, and he wants to put them in with these morons and monsters. Larry walks on and says this isn't personal, it's about ratings. D'Amore says they'll be fine upstanding men, and then they're going to sort this out after. Slick Johnson walks on and asks to be the ref, but Larry refuses. They trade bald jokes for a while.

The Sting interview is up now. He says Final Resolution was the perfect ending to his career after how it ended 5 years ago. He was in that ring and the smell and feel meant more than he could put into words for him, and he didn't want to taint it. However, Jeff did just that by invading his private life and putting his family on camera for the world to see. They stepped over the line and violated him and he can't put into words how it feels. How would Jeff feel if that happened to him being mocked and being made fun of. He came back with a mission to get back at Jeff, but then he got one-upped. Jeff is a cancer that needs to be removed and he's asked TNA to reinstate him right now. He wants a special match and he was licking his wounds and pondering on times past when he wanted to get revenge, he thought about WARGAMES. Six sides of steel where no one can run or hide, and if he has his way there will be a roof on it with weapons hanging from it. Jeff must take this match, or he has to walk away from wrestling. Jeff can get his army, and he'll get his. He tells Mike to tell Jeff that Steve Borden isn't coming to Lockdown, Sting is. Fantastic work.

JJ and Steiner walk out and come to the booth and yell at Mike and DW for being Sting's mouthpieces. The Naturals come out for their match with these two, but they get jumped from behind and get killed by Steiner suplexes and awesome Jarrett punches. SCOTTY SMASHES A CHAIR OVER ANDY'S HEAD, AND HE HITS HIM AGAIN AND AGAIN RIGHT IN THE SKULL. HE LOCKS HIM IN THE RECLINER AND SCREAMS FOR STING TO COME BACK BECAUSE HE'S NOT DONE WITH HIM. This fucking rules.

Coming back, Andy is placed on a stretcher and taken away by EMT's.

In the back, JB is with LAX. Konnan says this is how they run things where they smash and bash you, and then give you walking papers. They gave him his walking papers after losing to Shark Boy and Bob Armstrong. JB says Konnan ran from Bob, and K-Dawg says he pulled a knife on him and he needs to watch the tape. AMAZING. James Gang and Bob walk on, so LAX walk away. Bob says back in the day they used to settle things with arm wrestling, and he wants to challenge Konnan to a contest to see who can put each other down. Yeah, lets not do that.

Hype for the main event.

Match#2 Team 3D vs Bobby Roode & Eric Young w/Team Canada(Six Sides of Steel)
Within a minute both of the kids are eating the cage and taking wild bumps for these old dickheads. Both of their heads are ripped open with some nasty gushers, and they take crazy bumps on top of for these two. 3D's actual work is bad and lazy and downright horrible, but TC are so good that you can hardly tell because they're incredible. EY's selling is immense as well. TC take over and work super hard to get these fucks to bump and sell, and bless them for at least trying when 3D don't care. 3D make a lame comeback and beat EY with the 3D because of course they fucking did. The day these assholes lose clean will be the day i die.

Post match, AMW jump in the cage along with the rest of TC, and they lay waste to these shitheads. YEAH KILL EM DEAD. AMW lock the door and beat up Sabin Dutt and Lethal when they try to help. Petey puts Bubba through a table with a splash, and then send him through another one head first. They focus on D-Von and bust him open, and then they bury these assholes underneath the Canadian Flag. EY is dead and can't even stand, which is the coolest part of all of this terrible feud,


Alex and Mitchell are driving alongside a house as James says she's all alone. They sneak up on the house we see a young lady inside called Denise. Alex says not to worry as he's done this before. OH NO. James commentates her doing things and says she better get used to it as she's going to be feeding CHRISTIAN CAGE through a straw when Abyss gets done with him. They hope she gets into the shower as it cuts away, We pick it back up where they have followed her into a supermarket and a tanning salon. They walk in and confront her and tell her not to be scared, but they ask if she wonders if it strikes her as odd that someone would leave her alone and vulnerable. He stops her from calling the cops, and tells her to tell her husband they'll see him soon.

One of the most pure evil and shithead things ever. PRO FUCKING WRESTLING.



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christoper Daniels-12/3/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05

April 1st, 2006
Impact Zone

D'Amore, Roode & EY are in the ring to start the show singing the anthem. 3D run in attack them from behind like real cowards would do. The kids once again bump like crazy for them, and EY is a true and proper crazy bastard dying over and over for D-Von. They go tor put them through tables, but the rest of TC run down and kick the crap out of them and leave them laying. D-Von gets put through a table after a sick elbow drop from EY. They bury them under the flags again as D'Amore screams about how much America sucks and burying two of their own. God Bless Canada.

They now throw it to the intro in a really cool bit.

Tonight; AMW vs James Gang. Sting is here. 4 way #1 contenders match for the X-Division title. Jeff Jarrett announces his team for Lockdown. DW keeps screaming that Sting is here.

In the back, Planet Jarrett are in full with JB. Jeff runs down Sting getting to dictate to TNA and him all the things he wanted, and that's fine with him. He's going to dictate an 8 man war with himself, AMW and Scotty Steiner as his team. God yes. Before this night is over, he and Sting face to face. Scotty says he hasn't heard from TNA management yet, and the longer he waits the more people are going to get hurt.

Before the tag match, Gail tries to tip beer over Jackie, but Storm snatches the bottle away to save his beer. AMAZING.

Match#1 America's Most Wanted (c) w/Gail Kim & Jackie vs The James Gang (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Not sure how these goofs lucked into a title shot when they haven't won a singles tag match in months, but TNA is going to TNA sometimes. AMW do their thing and bump wild for the faces, and it's another great moment from the most underrated team of all time, imo. BG is isolated after they use the WGTT leapfrog spot, and they beat his stupid face for a little while before Jackie trips Harris from the outside to turn the tide. Kip has a crappy hot tag before the nonsense hits as the ladies yell at each other again, and Kip has it won off a famasser. Konnan sneaks in and smashes a sllapjack over Kip's head, and Storm rolls on top to steal it.

Post match, Bob and Kip check on BG and calls for Konnan to get in fight, but he refuses. Mike says the arm wrestling contest is happening next week.

Recap of Alex and Mitchell stalking Cage's wife last week.

Abyss & Mitchell make their way out, and Mike says next week he's facing AJ in a rematch of last years Lockdown classic. JB is very angry at them for their disgusting act of breaching Christian's family's privacy, and he wants to know what he has to say for himself. James says mission accomplished. Cage has claimed the NWA title was his life's dream, yet once he got it he ran off to make movies and not defend it against Abyss. He took a vowel to protect his wife, but he left her alone and that lead to what happened last week and the loss of her dignity. Cage didn't take them seriously, and Abyss doesn't look like a man who cracks jokes and waxes poetic, and he does he look like a liar to you. Last week should have taught him his lesson, but they haven't heard from him all week. They're going to further this public humiliation by presenting part 2 of their cinematic masterpiece.

We go to Alex in his car filming Christian's house in the daylight this time. He says this has been excellent so far as it's all hands on footage. Christian walks out and spots him, and Alex says it's not what it looks like. Cage tackles him and says not to come near his wife or he'll put him in the ground. Abyss comes out of nowhere and jumps him and beats the holy hell out of him. He throws him into a wall and they go inside the house as Alex shouts "HONEY, I'M HOME" They have a fantastic brawl where Cage tries his best, but Abyss is too much and just nukes him. Mitchell screams the peeps aren't doing anything for him. They fight out near the pool and Abyss kicks him into it, AND HE TRIES TO DROWN HIM AS MITCHELL SHOUTS TO GIVE HIM A SWIMMING LESSON. ABYSS SCREAMS, BUT JAMES TELLS HIM TO STOP BECAUSE HE CAN'T WIN THE TITLE FROM A DEAD MAN. AMAZING. Abyss lets him up, and James stands over his body and tells him they will do anything to get the title, but what is he prepared to do. A graphic pops up asking if this will he continued on the 23rd.

Back in the Zone, Mitchell walks over to the booth and says the Alex wins the Oscar for best director. He told everyone what to expect and this will only get worse if they don't get what they want. DW asks how many felonies did they commit there as that was attempted murder, and he walks away from the booth. What a thing.

Hype for Sabu's return.

Christopher Daniels joins commentary.

Match#2 Samoa Joe vs Alex Shelley vs Sonjay Dutt vs Chris Sabin (#1 Contenders Match)
Now that's a match. Sadly only 4 minutes as this episode is very angle heavy and Lockdown build, but it's still really rad no matter how short it is. Alex and Joe work together as much as someone can work with Joe at this point, and it's worked as a tag match for a little bit, and it's a lot of fun and i want to see it for real. We come back from break where Sonjay is getting his head kicked in, and Shelley blind tags in, AND JOE KICKS HIM IN THE ASS OUT OF ANGER. AMAZING. Sabin finally gets in and fights Shelley again. Joe rushes in and throws MCMG out and quickly kills Sonjay with the Muscle Buster to win and face Daniels on the 13th.


In the back, Planet Jarrett walk in force and say they're calling Sting out.

Recap of the Sting/JJ feud.

Planet Jarrett make their way out, and again look like the coolest group in wrestling. Fuck Evolution, these are our bastard Four Horseman. Jeff says they're tired of waiting for Sting and Lockdown, so lets get this on tonight with no mindgames. The lights go out, and we find Rhino and the James Gang in the crowd. Rhino says the mindgames have only just begun, Jeff says 3 men and not a single brain between them as they're outnumbered. Truth's voice now rings out, and we find him, Sharky and the Nats on the other side of the building. Truth says he's speaking on behalf of everyone, they've had enough of them. He sings his song, and Jeff tells him to cut the rap concert. Scotty is going to kick his teeth down his throat. AJ now pops up on the balcony with Team TNA. He says he;'s getting his war tonight. THE LIGHTS GO OUT AND STING IS IN THE RING. HE TAKES AMW AND SCOTTY OUT WITH THE BAT. He hits Roode and scares EY off. The numbers get too much and they attack him, but all the faces rush the ring and save him as DW shouts he wanted a war and now he's got one. Mike says next week Sting speaks like in the Zone and we will find out whose on his team.

Fantastic episode.

Tommy Shelby

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Peak TNA from 2006-2008 Absolutely fantastic wrestling. Hope you Keep Enjoying @BigVanDonnie some great feuds happen during this time period. Wait till Kurt V Joe V AJ happens . Some of the best wrestling I've ever had the pleasure to watch.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christoper Daniels-12/3/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05

April 8th, 2006
Impact Zone

Tonight. AJ vs Abyss. Sting speaks. Team TNA qualifiers

Match#1 AJ Styles vs Abyss w/James Mitchell
TNA opening every show with the first promoted match is cool, but mix it up every once and a while. Hell yeah for this though. AJ again has no fear for this big son of a bitch as he runs right to him and fights him, and it's the best stuff as always as no one gets the best out of Abyss like he does. Abyss finally swats him down and goes to work with a great monster control seg that wreaks AJ, and his selling and bumps are amazing. He plucks him out of the air and smashes him down face first, and it's such a brutal and cool looking thing to do. AJ's comeback rocks as he drops the big man with some bombs, and they switch into a fun back and forth for a little while. Mitchell hits AJ with his cane and the big man goes for the kill with the bag of tacks. CHRISTIAN PULLS UP IN THE BACK AND GETS OUT WITH AN IRON BAR. HE RUNS INTO THE RING AND HITS ABYSS FOR THE DQ.

He swings at his head, but Abyss ducks and gets free. Cage chases after him, but blackshirts get in his way. Cage fights them off, but there are too many and he can't get past them. Christian walks back to the ring with a mic, and says he accepts the match at Lockdown. Abyss, he wants to know after what he did to his wife and him, is he prepared to DIE? Because he is.

In the back, Team 3D are with JB. It's made offical that they will be facing Team Canada in an Anthem Match??? Uhh, the fuck is that? Bubba makes fun of JB for being a loser, and says to never put that flag over him again. He wants to buried under the American flag not a second rate country with pansies in it. They will not survive the cage when they capture the flag. Ohhh, so it's a flag match. Just call it that then, you goons. Bubba does the pledge, but he's not Sarge, so fuck him.

It's time for the Arm Wrestling contest. Bob is insane shape for a 66 year old dude, and full credit to him for working hard. The ref kicks all the seconds out of the ring to make it fair as Ci has the slapjack in hand, so he has no choice. K-Dawg keeps refusing to engage and stalls for time. They finally lock up and the old man kicks his ass with ease, BUT A GIANT MAN SHOWS UP AND HITS BOB WITH A SLAPJACK. MIKE SAYS HIS NAME IS HERNANDEZ. FUCK YEAH, SUPER MEX IS HERE AND LAX CAN FINALLY LIVE. Anyway, Konnan hits him again and leaves with his new friend.

In the back, Larry hypes up the world X-Cup. He says Daniels will be facing Jushin Thunder Liger at Lockdown!!!!!! Slick walks in and says the ref dropped the ball just then, and he wants to ref the X-Division match. Larry refuses, so Slick says they'll wait to here what the new guy TNA is bringing in has to say. Oh no, don't tell me.

The Diamonds in the Rough vs Shark Boy & Norman Smiley is set to happen, but Planet Jarrett come down to the ring and kill the faces. Jeff gets on the call and says this is Sting's fault and on his head after he came back. They're going to destroy him at Lockdown in the match Sting demanded. Scotty murders Norman in amazing form with suplexes over an dover, and he kills him with a chair shot to the shoulder. He locks in the Recliner and chokes him out as Jeff says he's toast like Andy Douglas.

Match#2 Alex Shelley vs Roderick Strong vs Chase Stevens (Team TNA Qualifier)
Roddy is alive and back in the most obvious gimmie match possible. Fun sprint for 5 minutes with GenNext being awesome as always and getting time to work together and use Chase a punching bag. Lots of cool double teams before it breaks down and everyone fights for the spot. Shelley beats Roddy with the Sliced Bread#2

Sting comes out and says he loves wrestling and the fans and TNA, and that's why he came back. He talks about Jeff crossing the line and making him bitter, so he had to come back and goozle Jeff's throat. Getting attacked let his blood loose and he felt it again, so he got his special match to get his revenge on Jeff in a match where he can't run or hide. He says Jeff is stupid for saying whose on his team, as he's not telling on who is on side until next week. Next week he wants to face JJ in the main event of the show. He says he'll take anyone out that Jeff sends at him and chop their feet off, and then rip Jeff's heart out.

JJ and his army come out now and try to get in, but all the faces come out and scare them off. WHO WILL STING CHOOSE?????
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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Peak TNA from 2006-2008 Absolutely fantastic wrestling. Hope you Keep Enjoying @BigVanDonnie some great feuds happen during this time period. Wait till Kurt V Joe V AJ happens . Some of the best wrestling I've ever had the pleasure to watch.
Thank you so much for reading. I can't wait to get to that period and beyond as it;'s been years and years since i've seen it. So, lets all enjoy it together.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christoper Daniels-12/3/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05

April 13th, 2006
Impact Zone

Match#1 Christopher Daniels (c) vs Samoa Joe (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)

Ok, so this is actually JIP after about 4 minutes, but TNA released the start of the match on Youtube back in the day, and i was finally able to find it after years of looking, so lets do it. Joe turns it right into a fight, and it's amazing again with both dudes showing all the hate in the world and throwing super stiff and means stuff at each other as they should be. Daniels uses a massive shoulder tackle to floor the big man and send him to the floor, and Joe is pissed and slowly gets back in and unloads hell on him with a barrage of insane shots. Daniels does his best to ground him to stand a chance, but Joe goes on the attack and beats him worse and worse. We lose a little between the video ending to the show start as DANIELS IS A BLOODY MESS, AND JOE RUNS AT HIM AND KICKS HIS FACE INTO THE RAIL AGAIN. We see the replay that Daniels was doing well, but Joe slammed his head into the post to bust him open, and then uses the Ole kick to make it worse. Joe targets the cut and is a complete savage about it with kicks and bites on it, and makes the cut even grosser and ugly to look at. Tenay says Liger can't make Lockdown as he doesn't want to be in a cage, but team Japan is coming. JOE SQUEEZES THE CUT AND WE GET A CLOSE UP OF DANIELS HEAD BEING SQUASHED TOGETHER. GODDAMN. Joe stays on him with knees and chops, and poor Daniels is dead and his selling is amazing as hell. Joe cuts him off with a running knee that folds him backwards in a sick bump. Joe goes crazy with punches in the corner sending Daniels into a heap over the ropes, and the camera zooms in on his face and it's gnarly. Joe's body is covered in his blood, and he doesn't back off at all as he beats him even worse, and Daniels is dead. Chris finally mounts a comeback for 20 seconds, but Joe snatches him with the Uranage and DRILLS him down to the mat. Joe locks in the full body crab and then the STFJOE and punches at the cut as he does it, just to do it. Chris comes back to life again and does even better this time as he hits him over and over and finally knocks him on his ass with a flying lariat. He hits a Hurrcianrana off the top for a super close near fall. Joe won't die and peppers in shots and nails the snap Powerslam for a close call of his own. They stay on each other and get into a slap war, DANIELS MOVES AHEAD, SO JOE KICKS HIM IN THE GUTS, BUT DANIELS HITS THE STO AND NAILS THE BME, BUT JOE FUCKING KICKS OUT. OH NO. THEY FIGHT ON TOP, AND JOE PUTS HIM ON HIS SHOULDERS AND KILLS HIM WITH A GODDAMN SUPER ISLAND DRIVER TO WIN THE TITLE BACK. MY GOD

Post match, Sabu's music plays as Tenay screams that Joe must now defend his title against him at Lockdown.

In the back, JB hypes up Sting's return match on TV, and Sting walks on and lets out a massive woo. He loves how that sounds and he wants to be in the middle of it. He's heard Jeff's being in the bathroom as he's nerved out of his mind. He'll talk about his team later as it's Showtime, folks.

We go to a pre-tape with Christian. He speaks about knowing he would have to give up a lot being in the public eye, and he felt hopeless and mad when his wife went through that. He knows being champion means a lot of people are out to get him, but his wife never signed up for any of this. He can't describe the feelings and emotions he's going through right now after nearly being killed and wondering if it's worth it. This isn't a title match, it's personal and he's never wanted to beat anyone as bad as he wants to beat Abyss at Lockdown.

Match#2 America's Most Wanted w/Gail Kim & Jackie vs Team 3D (Street Fight)
Everyone has come dressed as they are, but in Bubba's case he always looks like this. They have a fun fight to start before D-Von is isolated as this one of those awful matches where they work legal rules in a street fight. Hate it so much, but not as much as when they do it in a cage match. It thankfully turns into another wild brawl that's much better as 3D try and give a shit, and AMW are more than game to hit them as hard as they can and hopefully kill them off for good. Great punches from everyone and Storm bleeds as well to add something more, so i'm happy with it. Some plunda gets used on Bubba's stupid face, and he actually takes an honest to God bump. Team Canada get involved and lay these morons out again, and the ref is attacked so it's a DQ in a street fight.

Post match, they try to put them through tables again, but SPIKE DUDLEY makes his debut and takes Petey out with an Acid Drop. A1 is 3D through a table. He's not named, so DW is forced to say "the other member" and Mike calls him the runt of the family. Oh no, don't tell me.

Recap of the Sting/JJ feud,

In the back, JJ says he's never backed down and always solved his own problems. He's going to teach Sting that he shouldn't have come back. Sting was right, it's Showtime. He forces EY to take his place and fight Sting for him. EY wants none of it, but everyone chants his name and he's got no choice.

Match#3 Sting vs Eric Young w/Scott D'Amore
EY is scared to death, so D'Amore slaps him and makes him fight. Shelley walks out film this as he didn't listen to Sting's advice. Sting beats the hell out of EY has only he can, and it's such a cool thing to watch and get to write about because Sting rules. He beats up Alex as well, but he misses a Splash and hits the rail to hurt his ribs. EY has a short but super fun control seg on Sting with killer basics, and Sting's selling rocks. Stinger fights back and cleans house on everyone and beats EY with the Deathdrop.

Post match, Shelley attacks him. Sting fights him off and locks in the Deathlock to make him pay for his sins. JJ runs out and fights Sting. Classic great stuff between them, and Sting breaks the guitar with his bat. AMW and Scotty run in and beat him up, but AJ, Rhino and Truth run down with bats and run them off. Jeff is scared to death, and Sting gets the mic and tells the kids to go back to their mum and dad. He's got his team and they'll see them at Lockdown. FUCK YEAH THAT'S GOING TO ROCK.

Jesus Christ, that was a tremendous episode of wrestling TV.

Tommy Shelby

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For me it was one of three great time periods of wrestling. Enjoy man.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Samoa Joe-13/4/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05

April 20th, 2006
Impact Zone

Tonight; AMW & Jarrett vs All 3 members of Team 3D

Match#1 Team Canada w/Scott D'Amore vs Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal & Alex Shelley
DW immediately asks how Shelley can be a real teammate when he's so close with Pnaet Jarrett. Alex waves at TC to start, but that's just good sportsmanship. Fun opening with the great wrestlers getting the chance to shine, and that doofus A1 is mostly kept away. Jerry Lynn has a cut in saying he was a proud captain of Team USA once, and the next man to take the role is Chris Sabin. Alex refuses to fight TC because he's a nice man, and his team gets mad at him. Tenay says he as given a note that Daniels will face a mystery man at Lockdown. Sonjay us isolated after A1 drops him on the ropes, and TC's control is super solid as hell like always thanks to the 3 good wrestlers doing the world. Sonjay gets out of harms way and tags in Shelley! The faces drop off the apron and make him fight, and he gets his ass handed to him and we get a sick array of bumps. Jay tags in and goes on a run before it all turns crazy and everyone fights as they tend to. SHELLEY HITS JAY IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD AND A1 BEATS HIM WITH A PUMPHANDLE. SON OF A BITCH

Hype for Joe/Sabu. This is the best build possible without having them kill each other every week.

Match#2 AJ Styles, Rhino & Ron Killings vs The Diamonds in the Rough
Awesome showcase for Sting's Squadron against these rubes. Big dives, awesome offence and a little bit of selling. All it needs, and should be. AJ is isolated and we get some killer exchanges between him and the good members, and it's a blast. Rhino's hot tag is whatever, but it thankfully doesn't last long before things break down. Truth beats Skipper with the Axe-Kick

In the back, Larry tries to hype the PPV, but Slick walks in. Larry kisses up and offers him the head ref's spot, but he says the new guy will give him a clean slate. He will say he heard that RAVEN is coming back, and Larry freaks out. They make bald jokes again, and it's bad.

Christian makes his way out to the ring and shouts out the Peep Zone. He says Abyss has made this more than personal after what he's done, and it's pissed him off and made him want to beat him worse than anyone else before. He knows he's not 6ft8 and 350 pounds, but he's the world champion who will die in the ring for the title. He saw fear when he hit him with the tireiron, and he's scared of the fact that Christian isn't afraid of him. Mitchell pops up on the screen and tells him to stop the swaddle. He says they knew if they pushed him far enough he would his focus and control and become an ex champion. He promises that Abyss is going to walk out as champion. Abyss slides in from behind and attacks Cage. Christian fights back and has a great run of offence, but Abyss catches him with the BHS. He picks up his chain and strangles Cage with it!!! Blackshirts finally pull him free as Cage is dead. Abyss attacks some blackshirts to close it out.

Match#3 America's Most Wanted & Jeff Jarrett w/Gail Kim & Jackie vs Team 3D & Brother Runt.
Hideous name change. Brother Spike was right there, you dopes. He dies huge right away for JJ, and it's the best stuff he's done since 2003ish. JJ beats the hell out of him, but Runt fights back and has a sweet run of offence that JJ sells huge for. We come back from the break for our weekly Impact Zone brawl, and once again it's fun times thanks to the heels being really good at this. They fight back to the ring where Runt is isolated because, well yeah. Good beating on him again, and it's nice to see JJ giving a shit and working like a top heel for once. D-Von has a fun hot tag before the bullshit hits with some plunda and a ref bump that lets Gail lowblow Bubba. RUNT HITS HER WITH THE ACID DROP. FUCK YEAH. Roode runs in and hits Runt with the flag, and JJ nails the Stroke to win.

Planet Jarrett jump the faces and beat the crap out of them. Team Sting runs down for the save and an even bigger brawl breaks out, and it's wild and fun as hell. Abyss joins in and attacks Rhino for the hell of it, but Cage runs down and fights him as well. Steiner turns the tide as it gets more insane. STING SHOWS UP AND CLEANS HOUSE. WOOOOO SITNG BABY.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Samoa Joe-13/4/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05


APRIL 23RD, 2006

Before the opening match, Shelley gives his camera to a debuting So Cal Val!!

Match#1 Black Tiger, Hirooki Goto & Minoru vs. Alex Shelley, Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt
Mike says Liger will be the captain of the team and it starts on Impact this week. Goto is the best loser ever and it's so class to see him on my TV for the first time in a review. BT is Rocky Romero under a mask for those keeping score at home. Really fun feeling out to start everyone gets something in and looks good, and fills me with more hope for this X-Cup than ever before. Rocky vs Shelley rules a ton for what we get, and i hope they meet again during this. Lethal is the big standout as he again shows how amazing and talented he is off the bat, and this is the perfect place to let him go wild. Sonjay is isolated and we get a fun control seg thanks all the members of Japan being really good beating the hell out of him, and Dutt bumps his ass off. Jay has a killer hot tag before it breaks down and everyone goes insane and then some. Lots of close calls and big bombs, and it's everything we want and need. Shelley hits Sonjay with a superkick by accident to take him out! BT beats Jay with the Tiger Suplex.

In the back, JB is with Team 3D. More horrible anti Canada stuff, and some lame WWE sux nonsense. Fuck this.

In the back, Larry asks JB about some special announcement being made, but JB knows nothing about it.


Match#2 Senshi vs Christopher Daniels
Daniels is in shock at his former running buddy and mortal enemy making his return for the first time in two years. Ki wastes no time turning this into an insane strike battle as he's a cunt and hates the world now, and Daniels is more than game to get his head rocked and rock him back. They have a great back as they always do, and Ki is able to forge ahead as he's quicker and catches him with gross kicks to control. Awesome stuff from him as you'd expect as he holds nothing back on his strikes, and Daniels sells his ass off. Chris fights back and they have a sweet finishing run with a lot of cool twists and turns, and i pray we get more of this before Ki pulls a Ki again. KI HITS THE FUCKING JOHN WOO INTO THE CAGE AND DANIELS BOUNCES OFF. GODDAMN. Daniels ribs are wreaked and he sells like hell as Ki ramps up the beating with chops. Daniels pulls a DVD out of nowhere and hits the BME, but Ki kicks out. They fight on top of the cage, and both men take nasty bumps into it. Ki misses the Stomp and messes his ankle up, but he powers through and gets a bridging counter to the Angel's Wings and puts his feet on the ropes to win. Not the best finish, but a hell of a fight nonetheless.

In the back, James Gang and Daddy Armstrong talk about strapping dudes and whatnot.

Hype for the armwrestling contest. Yes, really.

Bob wins said contest and gets to lash Konnan with a belt 10 times. LAX refuse and try to leave, but BG somehow gets to say they'll be suspended if they don't do it. LAX agree to it, and our new heel trio are lashed with belts like nerds by these assholes. LOLTNA

In the back, Larry tells Planet Jarrett they won the coin toss for the man advantage, but he wants to know what they know about this big announcement. JJ refuses to answer and tells him to find someone else. Storm drinks his beer and says they're going to kick some ass. Sorry, bout your damn luck. Harris rightly says they're the men who made the 6 sides of steel, and Sting and his army's blood with be on their hands. Steiner says he's a hired assassin whose going to kick some ass because he's ready to snap.

Match#3 Chris Sabin vs Elix Skipper w/Simon Diamond vs Petey Willams w/Scott D'Amore vs Puma vs Chase Stevens vs Shark Boy (Xscape Match)
Like last year, wrestlers are eliminated via pinfall or submission and then it's escape rules for the last two men. The two heel managers make a deal to have their men work together. This is a pretty fun sprint as they get 13 and waste zero time doing cool moves off the cage and taking gross bumps as a result. Petey gets rid of Sharky first with the CD like a real bastard. He fights Sabin again, and the cage gives them a new thing to do and it's good fun. They all get in and go crazy for a while, AND CHASE HITS A SHOOTING STAR PRESS OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE. Skipper gets back up and hits the POD to get rid of him soon after. Petey turns on Skipper and rolls him up with the tights to get him out of there. Sabin beats Puma with the Cradle Shock, and we're down to two. Good 3 minutes between them as always, and Sabin gets out of first to win.

In the back, Mitchell & Abyss are in a lair, Mitchell drops the all timer "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you" This should ring bells as Abyss has turned him into an emotional biohazard who is the best in the world because of the title he's holding, but he's not living up to what he should be. Off filming movies and leaving his wife alone because that's how he rolls. There will be a changing of the guard tonight as Abyss is walking out with the NWA worlds championship, and the only thing rolling tonight will be Cage's head thanks to Abyss,

Hype for Joe/Sabu.

Match#4 Samoa Joe (c) vs Sabu (NWA-TNA X-Divison Championship)
Sabu's arm is broke because he's Sabu, so now Joe has a target in a cage match on top of it. SABU TOSSES A CHAIR AT HIS HEAD AND TAKES OUT HIS LEG AND LOCKS IN THE CAMEL CLUTCH, AND JOE FIGHTS OUT AND KICKS HIM IN THE GUTS OVER AND OVER AND SABU JUST SCREAMS "OH SHIT" IN PAIN. SABU TOSSES THE CHAIR BACK AT HIS HEAD. They punch the shit out of each other and hold nothing back as you can hear the crack of each one as they get harder and harder. Joe tosses him into the cage to bust him open and Joe goes for it with a gross knee right to the cut with all his weight coming down on his face. Sabu won't die and uses the chair to stay alive and hits a few air Sabu's to hurt the monster, and the cage adds to the height and craziness of all of them. SABU USES A SPIKE, BUT JOE GRABS THE BROKEN ARM AND TURNS INTO AN ARM BAR AND ELBOWS THE CAST. HOLY SHIT. Joe murders the arm and tries to break the cast as he smashes it off the mat and wrenches it backwards. THEY FIGHT ON THE TOP AND JOE SMASHES THE ARM INTO THE CAGE AND HITS A FUCKING ACE CRUSHER. WHAAAA. SABU WON'T DIE AND GOES FOR ANOTHER AIR SABU, BUT JOE THROWS THE CHAIR AT HIM AND DRAGS HIM OFF THE SIDE OF THE CAGE INTO THE MUSCLE BUSTER TO WIN. WHAT A MATCH

In the back, Team Canada don't like America. Larry walks on and tries to suck up so they'll help him, but D'Amore tells him to fix it himself.

Hype for the Anthem Match.

Match#5 Team 3D & Brother Runt vs Bobby Roode, Eric Young & A1 w/Scott D'Amore (Anthem Match)
Son of a bitch, Bubba and Spike have this awful face paint on that makes them look like even bigger jerkoffs than normal. I don't want to be a prick as i adore wrestling, and i love the Dudz in ECW/early WWF, but this run has been trash and it's not changing until they turn heel and hopefully give a shit again. This is also a bad match as Roode and EY are men without countries and can't do a ton but a bump like crazy to get anything out of it, but it's for naught as 3D don't care and aren't killing themselves even in matches they're going to win. Bad sloppy lazy stuff in between people climbing and trying to grab the flag. There's a ref bump in a cage match because fuck me, i guess. 3D get the flag, but all of TC attack them and put it back up so the ref can't see it. A table is bought in after D'Amore attacks a ref who has the key, and he cuts the door open. EY nearly kills himself going through it with a missed elbow. 3D fight back and grab the flag to end this horrible feud.

Post match, D'Amore tries to stop them from getting the anthem played, so 3D finally 3D him. Please let this be done.

Christy Hemme makes her debut dropping off a letter to Mike and DW. Mike reads said letter and it's about TNA reviewing all officer personal and making them held accountable for their actions, and a new person is coming in to be the face of TNA. Said person is now placing Larry on probation for his awful actions as of late. Larry storm out and yells at Tenay for turning his back on him after years of carrying him. Mike reads more of the letter and says Raven is reinstated as of right now. He makes his return looking even more bloated and sad than he was a few months ago. He slowly stalks Larry around the ring. He chases him into the cage, but Larry locks the door and demands blackshirts get him out of there, which they do. Horrible stuff.

In the back, Christian refuses to speak to JB.

Hype for Cage/Abyss.

Match#6 Christian Cage (c) vs Abyss w/James Mitchell (NWA-TNA Worlds Heavyweight Championship)
Cage jumps him on the ramp and we get ourselves a proper fight as it should be after all that has happened. Abyss hurls him against the cage and chokes him in an awesome visual. They brawl in the crowd (and somewhere JJ is getting ready to sue) and it's very good stuff with a million cool strikes and bumps into all the places they fight into. Christian gets hit with the door like he did to AJ last year, but not as cool or gross as that all timer, sadly. Abyss throws him into the ring and kicks his ass for a while, and it's a good control seg but sort of lacking given how amazing this feud has been. Good bumps and selling, but just missing that spark that really gets me into it. Cage fights back and then we get another fucking ref bump when Abyss takes his head off. FUCKING STOP. They fight some more as another ref comes out, and Christian hits a massive Frog Splash off the top for what should be the end, but Abyss kicks out. They break out tumbtacks because Abyss is now lost without using them every match, sadly. Abyss kills the second ref by throwing him into the cage. He climbs up and fights Cage and gets susnset flipped into them like last year's match. He kicks out of it though in a good call. They fight more and Cage hits the Unprettier into the tacks to win.

Post match, Cage goes after Mitchell, but Abyss saves and kills him with his chain and chokes him for a while. He steals the title to at fulfil part of his promise.

In the back, Team Sting talk. Truth sings his awful song. AJ is beyond humbled that Sting chose to wrestle in TNA when he could have gone anywhere, and he won't let him down. Rhino says he's a war machine that was built for this match. Sting shows up and screams IT'S SHOWTIME, FOLKS

Hype fior Lethal Lockown.

Match#7 Sting, AJ Styles, Ron Killings & Rhino vs Jeff Jarrett, Scott Steiner & America's Most Wanted (Lethal Lockdown)
-AJ & Harris are in first
-Wonderful, wonderful fight between two men who really haven't touched in nearly two years, and only got back into this year and are pure magic this time.
-AJ misses the Dropkick, but Harris stupidly taunts him, so AJ hits it and it's gross as fuck as he catches him right in the face
-Harris throws him into the cage to hurt his back, and we get some brutal Harris control work, and wild AJ bumps
-AJ fights back and hits INSANE Stinger Splashes to crush Harris against the cage and busts him open
-AJ hits the Clash, and that stupid old man Hebner counts a fall despite it not being legal.
-James Storm is next drinking a beer
-Storm goes after the cut and beats the piss out of him, and it's even better than Harris' work from before
-AMW work together to hurt him even more
-Rhino is next
-He's all fired up and trying hard, so this rocks as well
-He rams Storm into the cage to bust him open, and James is a great bleeder.
-AMW take back over and we get a mini tag match that rules
-JJ is next
-Rhino runs down and fights him on the ramp, and AJ joins in because fuck this asshole.
-JJ gets in and the trio beat the shit out of heroes with some great cage work, and AJ ups his bumping like a true nutcase
-Truth is next
-All time house of fire work from him as he pinballs the heels all over the place
-Scotty is the last man for the heels
-He murders everyone with suplexes, and AJ takes another wild bump off of it.
-Sting is the last man
-He kills everyone as only the man called Sting can
-He stacks them all in the corner and kills them with Stinger Splashes
-The roof now comes down with weapons attached to it
-Tons of plunder shots happen and it's all my jam.
-Storm and AJ climb out up the roof to fight as DW loses his mind
-Gail tries to help, but AJ stomps on her fingers, and Jackie pulls her skirt off and drags her away
-Storm sets up a table, but AJ kicks him in the face and puts him on it
-Back in the ring, Sting breaks the guitar again with the bat, but Scotty lowblows him, and JJ breaks another one over his head
-More wild fighting happens in the ring, and Sting hits Steiner with the Deathdtop
-Harris smashes a bottle over his head and locks in a sharpshooter, but Sting reverses into the Deathlock to win.

One hell of a show.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Samoa Joe-13/4/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05

April 27th, 2006
Impact Zone

In the back, Abyss is holding the stolen title as Mitchell says he told he would have it in his hands and make him champion. The world is his after he embarrassed Christian in front of his wife and fans. He's the real world champion. His amazing evil cackle closes us out.

Tonight; The X Cup begins. Samoa Joe vs Jay Lethal for the X-Division title.

Abyss now comes out to the ring with the title and Mitchell. James says he's sure that Cage feels he still has some type of ownership of this,, but possession is nine-tenths of the law. He dares anyone who thinks they can it out of Abyss' hands to come out here and try. Rhino answers as he's Cage's best buddy in the entire world, and a match breaks out.

Match#1 Abyss w/James Mitchell vs Rhino
Rhino rushes him as always and a good monster fight happens with solid strikes and big bumps from both. Abyss takes his face off with a boot and goes to work on him, and it's a standard ok fun monster work, but he's still sort of lacking and getting lazy with it as he's not changing much up, sadly. Rhino makes a bad comeback before the bullshit hits as Mitchell distracts the ref, and Roode slides in and knocks Rhino out with the Northern Lariat. Abyss hits the BHS to win,

Post match, Christian runs in and fights him and hits a spear, but Mitchell steals the title again and runs up the ramp. Cage clears the ring of Abyss, and grabs a mic. He says he thinks they have something that belongs to the peeps. No one wants to see Shrek as the champion, so at Sacrifice we're going to suspended the title above the ring and add in Tables, Ladders and Chairs and Chains. FULL METAL MAYHEM, YOU UGLY BITCH. The true champ is taking his belt back because that's how he rolls. Awesome stuff once again. Fingers crossed this match is good.

In the back, JB announces on the 14th is will be Jeff Jarrett & Scotty Steiner vs Sting and a partner of his choosing. Scotty says he can pick anyone he wants after he got the match he wanted, and he's the only weapon that is needed. Larry walks on and says Sting has asked to meet him in the ring later to find out who his partner will be. Larry asks JB to tell him if Raven shows up.

In a pre-tape we find Alex Shelley in a hotel. He says's he's got a BIG interview and he's putting himself in front of the camera as everyone has wanted to talk to this guy. He walks over to a door and picks up some newspapers and knocks on the door...AND BIG SEXY KEVIN NASH ANSWERS AND INVITES HIM IN. ALEX SAYS HE'S PICKED THE PAPERS UP EARLIER FOR HIM. OH MY GOD YESSSSSS IT'S HAPPENING.


-1st Round is tag team matches worth 2 points each
-2nd Round is singles matches worth 3 points each
-3rd Round is a Gauntlet For The Gold, to be held at Sacrifice. The two final men each get 2 points, and the winner gets an additional 3.
-In the event of a tie, the captains of the tied teams will have a singles match
-Finals take place at Sacrifice.

D'Amore & Petey join commentary to hype their chances, and to announce Devine & Dux will be joining the team.

Match#2 Alex Shelley & Sonjay Dutt vs Minoru & Hirooki Goto
Super fun 6 minute sprint to get this entire thing over as exactly what it should be with dudes from all around the world going nuts to show how good they are, and why their style is the best. Cool mat work from Shelley and both Japanese wrestlers, and he fits right in because he's a freak hybrid wrestler that can do anything. Sonjay is good always, but yeah Alex is the best. Dutt has a short and fun hot tag before the finishing run happens for a little bit. Everyone gets some cool shit in like Shelley using the codebreaker on Goto to keep him in place so Sonjay can hit a moonsault onto his back!! More cool stuff happens and Shelley kills Goto with the Slice Bread, and Sonjay hits a SSP to beat him.

USA now has 2 points.

In the back, JB is with AJ & Daniels. AJ turns his hat backwards and says AMW have opened his eyes after Lockdown with how they've conducted themselves being with JJ, and now they've tarnished the tag titles. He wants that to change, and he's picked Christopher Daniels to help him do just that. JB says Larry has made the title match for next week!! Daniels says people will ask what qualifies them as a championship team, well AJ is the most prolific champion in company history, and he's the longest champion in the X-Division's history. The world has seen what they've done to each other, now imagine what they'll do together. Next week AMW will see it first hand.

We get an awesome Senshi hype video talking about his martial arts history and time in Japan, and how is now here to rule the X-Division.

Before the main event, Raven waddles through the crowd with horrible blue hair to chase Larry off to the back. Joe uses this distraction to attack Lethal to start the match.

Match#3 Samoa Joe (c) vs Jay Lethal (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
Joe pummels him with strikes and gross throws, and Jay takes a wicked beating as a result with a million nasty bumps. We come back from the break to more killing and Jay dying, as it should be. He ups the beating worse and worse, and Jay rules fighting from underneath as he shows a ton of fire and what he can and will bring to the table in the next few years. He mounts a sweet comeback, but Joe cuts him off with a gross Uranagie and then a running knee followed by the Combo to win.


Back from the break, Sting comes out, and JJ demands to know who the partner is. Sting mocks the demands, and says he's going to let JJ choose his partner. He says behind each tunnel is a wrestler who Jeff can decide upon. Yes, there are wrestlers behind each one. Jeff asks if this is is price is right, and Sting says he's here to cut out the cancer called Jeff Jarrett, Jeff confers with Scotty as Sting brings out Christy as his host of this game show, and then plays music on top of it. He gives Jeff 30 seconds to pick a tunnel, and Jeff thinks about it. Sting says he either choses one of them tonight, or next week there will be two more wrestlers to choose from. Jeff says he's not playing these games and Sting can bring whoever he wants to the PPV, he's done with this. Sting describes one of the wrestlers as a former member of the NWO, and Jeff freaks out about it. Sting says he's a former 5 time WCW tag champion and on probation in Georgia right now, and that's a shoot. It's BUFF BAGWELL. Oh thank God, Jeff didn't pick. Jeff laughs about it as does Scotty seeing his old pal. Buffy struts down to the ring, and Sting says he's still the stuff.

He reads the card for the next man, and he's a former bodybuilder who worked for the WBF and he's an international fugitive. A former two time WCW champion...Lex Luger. GET FUCKED PUTTING THIS SACK OF SHIT BACK ON TV. I love Sting, but Jesus Christ he has the worst taste in friends.

Jeff and Scotty walk away to close the show.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Samoa Joe-13/4/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05

May 4th, 2006
Impact Zone

In the back, Jackie and Gail are yelling at each other when AMW walk on. Harris tells Gail to get her in check right now because they've got a title match and he's had enough. Storm walks on and says AJ, Daniels and then skulls his beer and smashes it on the ground, and finishes by saying "get ready" LOVE that AMW aren't fucking around when it comes to the super team because they know one mistake and it's all over.

Tonight; Shelley vs Christian.

Match#1 America's Most Wanted w/Jackie & Gail Kim vs AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Harris and Storm are bandaged up from Lockdown, and Mike says AJ is hurt as well. Awesome opening fight as AMW jump them and beat the crap out of them with stiff shots and awesome double teams, so our heroes have to fight back and get right to it by working together to turn the tide in killer fashion. We come back from the break where AJ and Storm are having battle with both dudes being badly hurt and selling like hell. AJ hits the dropkick and it's a stiff as the one at Lockdown as he crushes James's face, and Daniels follows up with a beating on the ribs. Harris blindsides Daniels with a punch to take over and AMW have another tremendous control seg working on his back with great double teams, and shithead cheating as they've now become amazing at. Daniels selling rocks likes always and adds a ton to it as well as he's badly hurt, and the cut offs and beating gets more and more violent. AJ gets the hot tag and goes ballistic on these bastards as he only he can with all the fire in the world, and AMW bump like nutcases for him. HE BREAKS OUT THE SPINNING RACK BOMB ON THE BAD RIBS ON STORM, AND HARRIS HAS TO PULL THE REF OUT TO SAVE. GAIL JUMPS OFF FOR A RANA, BUT AJ CATCHES HER INTO THE CLASH, BUT STORM GETS BACK UP AND KILLS HIM WITH THE SUPERKICK! GAILS HITS A FUCKNG SNAP RANA TO KILL HIM, AND STORM PULLS THE TIGHTS TO STEAL THE WIN. SON OF A BITCH.

Post match, AWM quickly grab the belts and pose on the ramp as Daniels stares them down. We've only just begun.

Senshi will be the new face and dominator of the X-Division.

Match#2 Eric Young & Johnny Devine w/Scott D'Amore vs Magno & Shocker (World X-Cup-Round 1)
Sucks to see Devine back as he's not very good at all, but it's a good thing for Shelley at least Speaking of, Alex is filming at ringside. Magno isn't much at all and botches a lot, so it's up to EY and Shocker to save it. So of course, they don't get much against each other and the match dies as a result. Shocker beats Devine with a prawnhold after Alex accidently distracts Devine.

USA & Mexico are now on 2 points.

Post match, Team Canada yell at Alex.

Larry joins the booth and complains about being placed on probation and calls this high school. He makes a rematch between AMW & AJ & Daniels for Sacrifice with Gail and Jackie banned from ringside. Raven's blue bloated ass jumps the rail and chases after Larry again. Stop this right now.

Scott and Jeff make their way out to the ring for round 2 of this very weird and odd gameshow Sting is now playing. Sting says they've only got one choice this week and he wants a yes or no. Jeff says this isn't family feud or the dating game, nor is the game show network. He's got the best partner in the world in Scotty. Steiner has enough and chokes Jeff and demands he take the deal, but Jeff doesn't pick. He actually allows the fans to pick if he should do it or not, but he says he's not that stupid and he's waiting until next week. Sting reads the bio for the unpicked wrestler and he's a real estate agent and a former 10 time WCW tag champion and he hunts and kills for fun. It's Rick Steiner. Scott flips out and storms out. This is all very stupid, but also awesome in bullshit pro wrestling ways.

-Kevin starts off by saying he had a little health scare last year, and he saw Sting and Steiner come back and his phone hasn't rung.
-He clarifies by saying it DOES work, it's just no one from TNA has called him.
-He says those men are under his significant stature
-He shows a graph showing the best drawing WWF champions from Hogan, Bret, himself, Austin & Rock He says Nash drew 100 million without any merch factored in as that would need another chart. AMAZING.
-Austin was close to his run, but not close as him.
-Had the NWO spiked he would have made another 100 million.
-Alex says that's a lot of spiking leading to Nash saying now imagine him on Spike
-He's not tooting his own horn, but he's the best mic worker and most charismatic wrestler ever. Maybe even the most handsome to ever wrestler. Never did drugs as he's a pure champion.
-He thinks the X-Division can give you a good little match with good little guys, but it's basically filler
-To be continued next week.

Match#3 Christian Cage vs Alex Shelley
SO cool to see TNA not forgetting about Alex's role and making sure he dies for it. Cage is all fired up and drops him with awesome strikes and it's the best he's looked as a face thus far as he's mean and pissed off, and has the perfect person to hold up the other end for him. Alex takes some wild bumps for him including a gross one onto his neck on the apron for an inverted DDT. Cage grabs the camera and says he's making a film too, called BOOT TO THE SKULL AND HE KICKS ALEX IN THE FACE. Cage keeps it up after the break as TNA is now getting better at handling them and not losing too much in-between. Alex takes over with an STO to the buckles and hits a wonderfully nasty Tope right to the neck. Awesome control seg working the neck for a while with cool holds, and Cage sells his ass off for it all. His comeback is great as well, and this feels like him putting it together after a few months of working out what is going to work best for him. He hits a classic babyface crossbody and a sweet sitout powerbomb, and it's a blast. Finishing run is good shit as Alex nearly gets it done with a Slice-Bread, but Cage sends him super hard into the buckles and hits the Unprettier to win

Post match, Cage gets the mic and says Abyss runs fast for a monster. He's ten days away from getting his ass kicked, and he's ten days away from getting his title back.

In the back, Mitchell and Abyss are in the lair. James says if he wants the belt back, he suggests he shows up next week and try and take it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Samoa Joe-13/4/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05

May 11th, 2006
Impact Zone

Team 3D make their return after a wonderful two week break. Bubba talks about fighting anyone and everyone like warriors over the last decade, but they don't see how AJ and Daniels got a shot before them. Well, they rule and work hard and actually give a shit, Bubz. He says they're great wrestlers, but they aren't a great tag team like they are. They deserve the rematch with AMW. James Gang's music hits and they come out with mics, and say sorry for busting up the interview. But they had to answer some things that troubled him, things like them saying they're the most distinguished team in history. They never beat them. Bubba says he never beat them aside from the time they beat them for the WWF tag titles for the first time. BG says they sold out MSG 46 times in a row, while they were bringing 350 people into a bingo hall. Bubba says they're jealous because they could never get over in that bingo hall. BG says he doesn't play bingo, AND BUBBA SHOUTS B52, AND BG SAYS HE SUNK HIS BATTLESHIP. DEAD. BG says the big boys play in the 6 sides and the bickering is getting them nowhere, so they want their dance card filled at Sacrifice. Bubba agrees to settle some old business, and they shake hands. BG kisses D-Von before leaving,

Tonight; Sting picks his partner.

Match#1 Puma w/Shocker vs Chris Sabin (World X-Cup Round 2)
Now this is our jam. Fast as hell and super smooth work from two of the best the world has to offer for 9 minutes. Lots of fancy mat work and counters from Puma, and Sabin's attempts to get out to have a chance are very fun. Puma moves ahead and controls for a while with more tricky holds, but Sabin finally gets free and goes for high flying bombs to get anything going. They have a sweet finishing run with some more high speed crashes, and Sabin nails a corner dropkick and the CradleShock to win.

USA is now in the lead with 5 points.

In the back, JB says it will be AMW & Roode vs AJ, Daniels & Rhino. AMW mock Jackie for crying and being pathetic, so they kick he rout of the room. Storm is drunk and can't stand, so Harris shouts he can't anymore beer. Larry walks on and asks D'Amore for help with Raven, but Scott once again refuses. He thinks about it and asks for A1 vs Raven as he feels that A1 has been in the background for too long. Larry agrees to it.

In the back, Team USA are talking. Shelley says he doesn't like them, and they don't like him. He felt it would be remiss if he didn't come here as a friend and teammate to help them and to show them this video. He then throws it to...

-Alex says he knows this is only happening to benefit Nash, and he understands that. So, why did he come back.
-Nash says he knew this would get back to TNA as his contract runs until October of 07 and they will honour it.
-If they do that for Sting, they should do it for him. Because they haven't he's going to show them up by going after their pried and joy in the X-Division.
-If he destroys identity then he becomes the new one and that means more money and the numbers will go back through the roof and he'll re-negotiate
-You can line up the entire division in alphabetical order and he would beat them all. A mediocre big man would destroy the best small man night in night out
-Kevin asks what the motto of the division is, and Alex says he didn't come up with it before telling him.
-“Number one, always take credit for anything you can. You should have said, ‘I came up with that’.”
-he wants to see if anyone can back it up after they take a size 16 to the face
-He kicks Alex out of the room

Back in the room, the faces are pissed off at Alex, but he says they missed him defending the division. He says Kevin will be at the PPV, so Sonjay says it's time for the dinosaurs to go away and he'll meet his boot.

As Abyss makes his intro, Mitchell shows up on the screen hyping up the FMM match and says Abyss has a preview. Abyss pulls out a ladder for said preview.

Match#2 Abyss vs Chase Stevens
Abyss kills him with gross plunder shots for 2 minutes, and it's pretty fun and brutal. Abyss wins with a BHS through a table.

Post match, Christian runs down and attacks him with a ladder. He climbs up and hits a sick dive onto him and blackshirts and beats his head in for a while. Fuck yeah.

It's time for part 3 of Sting's gameshow. He walks out with Luger, Buffy and Rick because these dicks needed more TV time for some reason. Sting says Jeff was originally going to make the choice because he wanted him to have the ball in his court, and he can have one last chance tonight. Jeff gets mad and says he has made a career from reading people's faces and he's the smartest man in wrestling. He knows Sting is out of partners and he can't pick someone like Hogan because he's filming bad reality shows. It won't be Scott Hall because his old lady dumped him. It would be Nash because he's pissed at the X-Division. Nor will it be Savage who is locked in the looney bin. He demands to know who it is, and Sting struggles to read the card. He says he was a solo performer at the 1984 Olympics, and Jeff starts laughing like crazy. He's a former mortgage broker who former English teacher was Tank Abbott's dad. He's a former bouncer, and Jeff says he won the game. Sting says he's not done BECAUSE HE'S CURRENTLY THE UNDEFEATED SAMOAN SUBMISSION MACHINE, SAMOA JOE. JOE WALKS OUT WITH A MASSIVE SMILE ON HIS FACE!! The heels bail the ring as Sting holds up an amazing "Joe is going to kill you" shirt. Fantastic stuff.

Match#3 America's Most Wanted & Bobby Roode w/Gail Kim & Scott D'Amore vs AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels & Rhino
Tenay announces it will be Rhino/Roode on Sunday after last week. They have a good power fight with Bobby again stepping up big time. The tag teams go at it again and it's the coolest stuff in the world as they're breaking out new double teams and really beating the piss out of each other. AJ is isolated after getting hit with a flag to the face, and we get a super fun control seg with the future Beer Money working well together!! Rhino's hot tag lasts 10 seconds before it all breaks down and everyone goes crazy as they always seem to do. Very fun finishing run before Jackie walks down and throws water in Harris face, and he walks into the Gore

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Samoa Joe-13/4/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05


MAY 14TH, 2006

TNA once again kills it with an epic opening video with a narrator reading “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate" over the top Best production team in the world at this point.

Match#1 Jushin Thunder Liger w/Team Japan vs Petey Willams w/Scott D'Amore (World X-Cup Round 2)
He's finally back on PPV, and my goodness i've missed him. He's all in black in a sick contrast with Petey's white and red gear. Also, he's the leader of Control Terrorism Unit!!!! what a name. Fun ass kicking from Liger to start as he throws Petey around and kills him with a big dive off the top. All the seconds attack Petey for being alive, so Liger stays in control and beats him down in a heel control seg in an unexpected twist. Liger isn't going nuts of anything, but he's super mean and dickish, and it's more than enough. Petey has a cool comeback showing a lot of fire and maybe a role as an underdog face down the line as he unloads a ton of great kicks and DDT's to knock him down. They have a back and forth with a lot of near falls and big moves, and Liger kills him with the Running Liger Bomb, and Petey kicks out!!! He fights back and goes for the CD, but Team Japan distract him, and Gotot slips in a lowblow. Liger hits a Wheelbarrow Slam to win.


In the back, Sting is in is locker room alone, and Joe is is getting ready in his. Will be they able to coexist???

In the back, AMW, Jackie & Gail are with JB. Jackie keeps crying and being sad, and Harris snaps at her and tells her to shut up as it's about them. He's sick of two guys getting together thinking they can take on the best. They've been the best for 4 years and that's not changing. They've got friends in high places. Storm says AJ couldn't get the job done at Lockdown because he's still breathing and drinking!! He gets in Jackie's face and tells her if she costs them a match again, she better dig her grave and jump in. JB finally ask Jackie why she's upset, and she says she's pregnant! Gail says they all hate her, and then fires her on the spot. Brutal sport as she's gone after this for real.

Hype for the Tag Title match.

Before the match, Harris makes DW wish his mother a happy's mothers day.

Match#2 America's Most Wanted (c) vs AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships-Gail & Jackie are banned from ringside)
THE FACES JUMP THEM THIS TIME AND KICK THE SHIT OUT OF THEM. FUCK YEAH. They give them zero time to breathe as they reign down hell on them and kick their stupid faces in for the last few weeks. Daniels takes the lead and controls both of them with arm work and sweet basics, and AMW eat tons of shit for him. AJ gets in on the fun and controls Harris, and it's just a killer display of tag wrestling. Harris pokes Daniels in the eyes and shoves him into he corner so Storm can beat on him, and AMW take over. Fantastic long control seg on him with a lot of brutal double teams and strikes from both, and Daniels sells and bumps his ass off for them. They break out new cutoffs and show even more growth for this all time run they've been on. Storm throws these nasty uppercuts right to the face with a nasty sound to them, and Harris is all around solid bastard. AJ get the hot tag and goes insane on them with a million cool things and cracks them over and over. They break out the Tower of Doom, but Daniels shoves Storm off and he dies on the landing and Chris hits a crosbbody for a near fall. Harris is thrown into the crowd by Daniels, AND AJ HITS THE FOREARM ALL THE WAY OVER THE RAIL AND NAILS HIM RIGHT IN THE FACE. GOOD LORD. Daniels and AJ move ahead after a fun ringside brawl, and break out a fucking Pele/DVD combo for a 2.9 count, AJ hits another dive onto Storm, but he moves and AJ hits the ground. Storm kills Daniels with the Speak, but he kicks out. AJ gets back in and hits a springboard double lariat, and get more violent and nuts in any attempt to win. AMW hit a reverse double bulldog for another near fall. The faces get Storm alone again, and Daniels hits the BME and AJ follows with a gorgeous Frogsplash from halfway across the ring, and he kicks out again. Holy shit. Storm and AJ fight alone and AJ gets lowblowed and eats a gross superkick, AND HE KICKS OUT. GODDAMN. Daniels hits the Angels Wings, but that gets broken up as well. The ref gets taken out by Harris and Daniels falling on them. A NIGHTSTICK FALLS DOWN INTO THE RING AND WE SEE GAIL ON TOP OF A CATWALK. AJ HITS STORM WITH THE CLASH, BUT HARRIS KILLS HIM WITH THE STICK RIGHT TO THE BACK OF THE FUCKING HEAD AND AMW STEAL IT.

In the back, A1 is working out as Larry begs him to take Raven out. A1 calls him Barry and says he's got this. Slick Johnson walks in and again says Larry is in trouble with TNA management and he needs to find an ally to help him out. He suggests he could call Piper or Russo, but Larry says they hate him. Slick says the new face of management will be at Slammiversary

Hype for A1/Raven. Yes, really.

Match#3 Raven vs A1 w/Larry Zbyszko
Raven looks like he just crawled out of Oscar the Grouch's house after a 3 week bender on drugs no one can pronounce or spell. A1 throws a chair into Raven's face, and Larry gets some cheap shots in. Match is horrrrrrid as Raven can't cary anyone even if tried, and A1 is not good at all as he's a very, very limited big man that reminds me of Test before he got good in 2000/01. A1 is never getting good or getting any time to actually show growth, so he drowns on PPV and it's not his fault at all. Raven wins with the Evenlofw (no caps as always)

Post match, Larry demands he get back into the ring so they can solve this man to man. Raven rolls back in and Larry kicks him for a little bit. Raven gets back up and they have a terrible pull apart. Begging someone to end this feud before it ends me.

In the back, Jarrett claims Sting got desperate to find a partner and that's why he picked Samoa Joe instead of a friend. Mark his words, they'll never be able to coexist. Scotty says when people make mistakes around him they get hurt, and Joe is mistaken if he thinks he can wrestle outside of the X-Division against the largest arms in the world. His undefeated streak ends tonight.

Hype for Rhino/Roode.

Match#4 Rhino vs Bobby Roode w/Scott D'Amore
Roode stands up and turns this into a meaty slap fight from his end and works as hard as can, but Rhino is now on the verge of being washed and unable to do much at all. Sad stuff, but father time and all that jazz. Control seg from Bobby is fine enough, and Rhino does sell it, he's just not killing himself. Lots of bullshit happens after and D'Amore slips in a stick shot to the head, and Roode hits the Lariat to win.

In the back, Team 3D are standing by. Bubba talks about remembering where you were for historic moments such as 9/11, or Bush being reelected for another term. He brings up OJ being found not guilty, and D-Von is not pleased, so Bubba says he knows he whacked that white lady. He then says he remembers where they were on the 27th of February 2000 when they won their first WWF tag titles as a team known as The Dudley Boyz. They're going to remember tonight as the second time they beat that team.

Match#5 Team 3D vs The James Gang
Bubba's fit update; Jeans and a lame American themed TNA shirt that looks like the one he wore at Lockdown. This is worked at a snails pace as all 4 men are different degrees of washed or not caring, or possibly high given what we know about the NAO during this point. Bubba hits a dropkick and his pants nearly fall down as a result. D-Von crotches BG on the post to take over, and while it's nice to see them work heel for once, it's a bad and sorry excuse of a control seg as no one gives a fuck, and i want to kill them all for making me suffer. Things break down after Kip's bad hot tag, and BG hits D-Von with a pipe in the face to steal one 6 years later.

In the lair, Mitchell talks aboutChristian' being hung up like a pig in a slaughter house last month so this match means nothing to them despite it being his famous match. Abyss is going to send him through every piece of metal out there, and then he will click doomsday and Abyss will send him through the last table waiting for him at the local morgue. Hell of a closing line.

Match#6 World X-Cup Gauntlet
-Winner gets 5 points, runner up gets 2
-Puma is first for Mexico
-Minoru is second for Japan
-Fun fight between a kicking dude and a flippy mat wrestler
-Puma has some cool counters and avoids getting his head kicked off for as long as he can
-Minoru eventually indeed kicks it off and kicks his ass with a nasty brainbuster
-Petey for Canada
-He's working hard and throws some nice strikes to both of these men
-Chris Sabin for USA
-Fantastic fire and run of offence as always with cool dives and strikes
-Goto for Japan
-Nice kicks and strikes for him, and a fun fight with Petey after earlier.
-Incognito for Mexico
-He's in all red and has some nice lucha moves on everyone
-Tenay says he was training to become a priest before he found wrestling, and then he plugs Nacho Libre
-Johnny Devine for Canada
-He looks like a smaller Van Hammer
-He also still sucks a ton of shit
-Sonjay Dutt for America
-He hits a crossbody and helps Sabin fight people
-He kills Devine with a poison rana
-Incognito and Sabin are having a great fight
-Black Tiger for Japan
-Rocky is again smooth and wonderful on offence, and adds a lot to this
-Magno for Mexico
-He botches a ton and looks awful fighting Devine
-No one has been thrown out yet
-Eric Young for Canada
-EY is now very scared and worried, but he snaps out of it and puts everyone in headlocks
-Sonjay Hurricanrana's Magno out, but he falls out as well and hurts his ankle
-Refs have to carry him out
-Canada are working together
-Alex Shelley for America
-He has a fantastic babyface run of offence on everyone as takes everyone down with his super cool offence.
-Devine lariats Sabin out
-Shelley thankfully dumps that dweeb right after
-Goto fights Shelley
-Jushin Liger for Japan
-More awesome stuff from him as everyone dies for him
-Shocker for Mexico
-Fancy lucha stuff, and he finally fights Shelley again and it's great.
-BT and Shocker have some lucha stuff right in the middle of this
-Shocker slingshots BT out
-Tyson Dux for Canada
-He's not much at all, but a good warm body for others to do stuff to
-Shelley superkicks Goto out
-He's the MVP of this
-Jay Letha for USA
-Another wonderful flurry of offence from him
-He kicks Minoru out
-Shocker and Alex fight again, and they get fancy
-Shocker runs at him, but Alex gets his feet up and sends him out and over
-Liger beats the shit out of EY and Tyson
-Sadly, Dux pushes Liger out
-Lethal closeslines EY out
-Shelley also closelines Dux out
-Shelley and Jay work together and do very well for a time
-Shelley missses a running knee on Petey, and he falls out to the floor
-Puma backdrops Jay out
-Puma and Petey have a sweet 50 seconds of fighting before Petey nails the CD to win

USA & Canada are now both tied on 5.

Post match, DW wonders how this tiebreaker will be fixed by Larry. NEVER MIND THAT SHIT, BIG SEXY KEVIN NASH COMES OUT AND JACKKNIFES PUMA. HE KICKS HIM IN THE FACE JUST TO DO IT. FUCK YEAH, BIG KEV. He grabs the mic and says it looks like someone pissed him off to get him here on Mothers Day. He points at Puma and asks if that's incognito, or if this was the incognito battle royal because he doesn't know who the hell any of these guys are. This guy was the runner up and he didn't get any offence in on him, and he hasn't wrestled in a year. A mediocre big man will drop an X-Division Superstar every night of the week, and he ain't even mediocre baby, he's pretty damn good. He stands over Puma and says he doesn't know what his old lady's been telling him at home, but my boy, size matters. God Bless.

In the back, JB is with Samoa Joe. Joe says he was bought here to complete a task, and last time he checked he didn't need to hold hands or sing Kumbaya to kick someone's ass. Jarrett you call yourself the King of the Mountain! Well, it looks like you're long overdue to have someone kick you off your throne. As for your muscle Scotty. You made a big reputation for himself, but it's a shame he's going to make one by killing his.

Hype for the tag match.

Mike announces that Larry has made Petey vs Sabin in the tiebreaker for Impact.

Match#6 Sting & Samoa Joe vs Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner w/Gail Kim
The crowd is 100% behind Joe as he's the coolest motherfucker in the world, and it's the easiest thing in the world to get behind him after he's killed everyone and is now moving onto cracking skulls of people they hate. Sting fights them both to start in a wonderful 3 minutes of classic Stinger action, and the heels stooge and bump all around for him. DW wonders if Joe can be trusted, but he gets in and faces right off with Scotty. Sick battle of the bulls breaks out as they throw super stiff shots on each other to the face and body, and the crowd roars for Joe and breaks out the famous "Joe's going to kill you" chant' SCOTTY HITS A CLEAN OVERHEAD BELLY TO BELLY TO DROP HIM ON THE BACK OF HIS HEAD AND JOE GETS BACK UP AND PISSED THE HELL OFF. Joe goes nuts with gross shots in revenge, but Scotty breaks out the Steinerline and the pushups. THEY GO NOSE TO NOSE AND STEINER PUNCHES HIM IN THE TEMPLE, SO JOE THROWS EVEN HARDER SHOT BACK AND SLAPS THE FUCK OUT OF HIM. HE HITS TWO NASTY RUNNING FOREARMS TO NEARLY DROP HIM, BUT JEFF SLIPS IN A KNEE TO THE BACK AND SCOTTY HITS ANOTHER SICK OVERHEAD. JJ attacks Steiner on the floor like a coward bitch. He gets in and has a sweet dropkick and lays in some great shots and it's the best he's looked in months and months. Joe kills him with the Urangie and tags in Stinger. He has a great false hot tag before he's isolated as well, and the heels beat the shit out of him in classic fashion and it's the best stuff. Lots of cut offs and missed tags throughout. Joe gets the hot tag and unloads another wild beating on them, and he and Jeff match up so well together. He beats Steiner's ass with ease this time as time waits for no man. Sting gets in and helps to double team them, and then he fights Steiner on the outside. Joe and Jeff go at it, and it's a blast as Joe takes a beating and gets to kick out of the Stroke! Jeff stupidly puts him on top for the Super one, BUT JOE SLAPS HIM IN THE FACE AND ROLLS HIMSELF DOWN TO THE MAT AND RUNS BACK AND HITS A RUNNING KICK TO THE FACE AND DRAGS HIM DOWN INTO THE MUSCLE BUSTER AND HE BEATS JEFF JARRETT CLEAN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING. FUCK YES

Post match, Sting offers his hand and Joe is reluctant to do it. The crowd cheers for it, and he slowly walks over and shakes it! He walks out of the ring and up the ramp as the camera focuses on him, and we see Steiner sliding back in and killing Sting with a chair shot. Joe clearly hears it and thinks about what to do as JJ gets in and breaks the guitar over Stinger's head. JOE RIPS HIS TOWEL OFF HIS NECK AND TURNS AROUND AND STARES AT THEM AND THE CROWD LOSES THEIR MINDS. BUT JOE TURNS BACK AROUND AND WALKS DOWN THE TUNNEL. The heels continue to beat on Sting until Team TNA, Daniels and the James Gang make the save.

LOVE Joe being the man who came here with a task in mind and completed it by not only beating the shit out of a legendary psychopath like Steiner, but pinning Jeff Jarrett right in the middle of the ring. But once he left the ring his job was done in his mind, and while he's got no problems with Sting, he's not battling them again without a reason. Now it's time for TNA to find the reason for Samoa Joe to become the hero it needs.

Hype for Cage/Abyss

In the back, JB is with Christian Cage. He says carrying a world title around doesn't make you champ, nor does attacking his wife or nearly drowning him do it either. Hell, you can carry a title around for 4 years and not be a champion, just ask Jeff Jarrett. This is the match he made famous and you can throw in Tables, Ladders, Chairs and even the chain,The and he's going to beat this ugly Neanderthals ass and take HIS title back because that's how he rolls.

TNA does another incredible production job by showing both men walking out of their respective loclkerooms/lairs and slowly walking down to the ring for the match. It's perfect, perfect stuff.

JB does the big intros for the cherry on top.

Match#8 Christian Cage (c) vs Abyss w/James Mitchell (NWA-TNA Worlds Heavyweight Championship-Full Metal Mayhem)
-They have a good back and forth to start with both men's finishers being countered.
-Abyss goes for the ladders first and gets it baseball slided into his face
-Abyss no sells it and trudges on with his beating, and its a slow and cool clubbering.
-Cage jumps off the apron and pushes the ladder up into Abyss' jaw with a hideous crack
-They have a crowd brawl because TNA is unable to stop doing this even when it's not needed
-Good fight as always and it doesn't last long, but super jarring stuff nonetheless
-They have a fun fight in the ring over a ladder and Abyss throws it right into Cage's face.
-They keep fighting and Cage kicks him in the dick and sends him face first into a chair
-Abyss hits a sick running belly to belly onto the ladder that crushes Cage's spine
-Abyss hurts his hand and is favouring on everything he does after
-Cage misses a frogsplash and crushes his ribs onto the ladder.
-He no sells it and quickly strangles Abyss with his chain for some sweet payback, but Abyss throws him off into a table
-Abyss climbs the ladder, but Cage comes back with a chair shot and they fight on top
-They both fall off and Christian lands on the ropes
-Mitchell breaks out the bag of tacks for the 100th time
-Cage hits the unprettier on a ladder, and finally gets his hands on Mitchell and slams him onto the tacks. YEAH KILL HIM
-He climbs back up and gets the title down to win.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Samoa Joe-13/4/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05

May 18th, 2006
Impact Zone

TNA opens with a tremendous recap of the PPV.

Tonight; Petey vs Sabin in the tiebreaker for the World X-Cup

Christian Cage makes his way out and walks into the crowd with a mic. He says last Sunday was the best night of his career since he won the world title. The fans flocked the ring that night and that might never happen again, so he's returning the favour for the Peeps while he can. He jumps back over and gets in the ring and brings up KOTM being next month at Slammiversary and a champion has never retained their title in that match, but he says to hell with that he's going to be the first. He demands to know whose going to step up right now, and hey Monty sadly makes his return to say he owes Cage a Pounce. Rhino and Truth both come out, and Raven and Abyss are in the crowd as well.

JJ & Scotty walk out now and say they ain't nothing but wannabees and grandstanders and none of them deserve to be in this match. He's the real KOTM and the only deserving man to be in this. Sting's music now hits and he shows up in the rafters, and says he's got unfinished business with JJ, so he better be ready. Same goes for Christian. Larry now shows up on the screen and says there will be 4 qualifying matches over the next few weeks, and all these men need to stay in their gear because no one will know when they're wrestling until he announces it.

In the back, Samoa Joe is sitting in his locker room as Tenay shouts he will get an answer as to why he didn't help Sting.

Senshi will dominate and destroy the entire division.

Before the finals it's announced that Larry has banned all seconds from the Impact Zone.

Match#1 Chris Sabin vs Petey Willams (Word X-Cup Tiebreaker Finals)
Sabin vs Petey for 10 minutes for the 50th time as TNA refuses to run anything new and cool. It's a very good match as always as these two get how to have this match, but it's not breaking new ground in any way because they've done all they can do with each other at this point. The coolest part is getting shots of Konnan taking over the Spanish announce booth with LAX and having "No Entry" and "Spanish Only" signs in hand. Kevin Nash shows up in the back and attacks a blackshirt. Back in the ring, these two are doing their thing with high impact moves and cool counters as always. Sabin wins with the Super CradleShock

Post match, Sabin gets the trophy, BUT NASH RUNS OUT FROM BEHIND AND KNEES HIM IN THE BACK. Kev beats the shit out of him and breaks the trophy on the grounf and uses a piece of it to attack Sabin's face and bust him open. He throws him into the ring and KILLLLLS him with a nasty Jackknife Powerbomb. He gets the mic and says the X-Cup champion has nothing on him. He got all the offence, and he's proved once again that size matters. Team TNA runs down to check on him, and Shelley pretends to be sad about it as Nash points at him and laughs. Shelley leaves the ring, AND STANDS BY NASH'S SIDE AND LEAVES WITH HIM. YESSSSSSS.

In the back, all the wrestlers are in the back getting ready to see who will be picked. Scotty has enough and kicks a wall and storms off.

We see clips of Sabin in the trainers room a bloody mess.

Scotty Steiner makes his way out to the Zone and gets in Tenay's face and demands to fight Sting right now. He starts choking poor DW and threatens to punch him. Joe's music hits as he comes out for his match, AND THEY GO NOSE TO NOSE AGAIN. Scotty says he's not man enough to fight him again and he better get in the ring and not mess with him. Scotty leaves up the ramp.I love this feud so much.

Match#2 Samoa Joe vs Chase Stevens
Awesome 90 second Joe murder of this poor fella. Gross knees and elbows along with all the brutal cool shit. He hits a powerslam and then locks in the Choke and strangles him to win.

Post match, he kicks him a few more times until Andy Douglas makes his return to save his partner. Joe is not happy, but he backs off. We then see Shane Douglas watching from the top of the other ramp. Hmmmmmmmm

In the back, Team 3D rant about the shoulder being attacked, and they yell at each about it. Bubba says Extreme times call for Extremes measures and that seems to be the flavour of the month, so leave it dead. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA FUCK OFF MAN, NO ONE HAS BEEN LIVING OFF THOSE 6 YEARS MORE THAN YOU. Anyway, he gives the James Gang props and says he thought it would be a clean wrestling match, but they pulled a pipe out. They're the best at using weapons and the next match will be in their style, so if you can swing it bring it. Oh, joy.

We see clips of Mitchell being slammed on the tacks to get rid of him for a little while.

Abyss comes out as the first man to be picked, and he's facing Rhino for the 400th time this year,

Match#3 Abyss vs Rhino (KOTM Qualifier)
Like the X-Cup match, there is nothing new being seen here in this tired and dead ass matchup. It's the same very ok monster fight for 11 minutes and change, and i am beyond done writing about it as you are reading it. Roode and D'Amore get invovled, and Abyss wins with the BHS.

Post match, D'Amore slaps Rhino and talks some shit to close the show.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Christian Cage-12/2/06
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Samoa Joe-13/4/06
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-22/10/05

May 25th, 2006
Impact Zone

We open the show with Senshi making his Impact debut in a 4 way X-Division match.

Match#1 Senshi vs Alex Shelley vs Shark Boy vs Jay Lethal
Holy hell yeah. Jay and Ki start us off and it's sooooo good as always, and i pray TNA runs it again. Shelley and Ki fight as well, and goodness is it fucking great and everything i'd imagined. this match is sponsored by X-MEN 3. Which i haven't seen this i was a kid. Everyone gets in and goes nuts for the next 3 minutes and it's an absolute blast of high flying nuttiness and gross offence from Ki. Tenay says LAX are refusing to wrestle, and we see them in the crowd with their backs turned on the camera. Ki beats the snot out of Jay with wicked kicks and you can hear and feel each one. He wins with the Warriors Way/Double Stomp that CRUSHES poor Jay.

Post match, Kevin Nash comes out and targets Jay as Shelley films it. He hits a Jackknife on the kid to kill him dead, and Shelley gets right in his face with the camera. Kevin says the undefeated cruiserweight bully has done it again. Size Matters, son.

In the back, JB is with the rest of the KOITM wrestlers waiting to be chosen.

KOTM hype video.

Match#2 AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs The Diamonds in the Rough w/Simon Diamond
Our guys are now making their intros together with matching gear. Awesome showcase for them as the DIR are perfect shitheads to bump like crazy for them, and our guys look fantastic as they're getting better as a team each time. AJ gets isolated and rocks fighting from underneath, and Daniels hot tag is class. AJ HITS A SUMMERAULT PLANCHA AND CATCHES HIS LEGS ON THE RAILS. JESUS FUCK. DANIELS HITS THE ANGELS WINGS BUT STORM DISTRACTS THE REF, AND HARRIS HITS DANIELS WITH THE NIGHTSTICK AND THROWS DY ON TOP AND THE DIR STEAL IT.

Post match, AMW laugh as DIR party like it's 1999.

In the back, JB is with Sting. He's seen wrestlers and companies come and go, but TNA is where the best are and that's why he came here. The only way to keep the future safe is to get rid of those with bad motivations and protect the future of wrestling. He's coming after Jeff Jarrett and he's not stopping until he's removed him forever. He'll take Steiner out and throw him into oblivion as well if he tries him. IT'S SHOWTIME, FOLKS.

The James Gang come out dressed as Team 3D, and Kip is in blackface

Fucking Christ. BG does a horrible Bubba impression as Kip just shouts testify over and over like a complete cunt. I don't normally get offended or bitch about wrestling moments as it's a very much "time and place things were fucked" but yeah this is cooked and there is zero need for this to ever happen again after the first time. More to the point, TNA not editing this out is wild. Anyway, they talk for a while and agree to a match at the PPV.

In a pre-tape, Raven hypes up his chances to go back to back in KOTM. Oh, my poor sweet summer child.

In the back, Jarrett tries to talk, but Steiner cuts him off and tells him to shut up. He's here to take out Sting, and if that redneck scumbag wasn't bullet proof, he would have done it already. Samoa Joe, he prooooved you ain't man enough to fight him, and you don't eye ball me son. I'll slap the taste ALL THE WAY OUT OF YOUR MOUTH NEXT TIME. YOU DON'T EYE BALL BIG BOOTY DADDY BECAUSE IT MAKES ME WANT TO SNAP.

Match#3 Bobby Roode w/Scott D'Amore vs Andy Douglas
Hell yeah, Bobby gets a showcase match. Andy works really hard and shows he's still got a lot to give, but Roode's improvements are on full display offence and bumping wise. Lariat does it.

Post match, TC jump Andy and Chase until Rhino makes the save. He gets the mic and challenges Roode AND D'Amore to a handicap match for the PPV. Shane Douglas is watching the Nats again, and Andy sees him and says something back to him.

Christian Cage joins commentary.

The KOTM match is Monty vs Truth like it's 2004.

Match#4 Ron Killings vs Monty Brown (KOTM Qualifier)
Monty is beyond done with TNA and caring for the most part as he's nearly out the door for his ill fated WWECW run, but Truth is a freak and gets him to care one more time. Really back back and forth to start with the classic power vs speed stuff happening. Monty moves ahead and beats the crap out of him with some good strikes and whatnot, and Truth sells very well. They have a cool back and forth with some close calls, and Truth gets the win with a rollup.

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