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July 16th, 2003
TNA Asylum
After the recap, Jarrett and Legend brawl down to ringside and it's horrible for the 3rd week in a row. Fucking baffling to think Jeff booked himself in this. Least book yourself to beat Truth or Red, or something.
Tonight; Battle of the futures for the X-Division title. Credible vs Lynn in a Last Man Standing Match
#1 Match will be pinfalls only
#2 Match is a submission Match
#3 Match will be a ladder match
Fucking Love them bringing this concept back after the tremendous AJ/Lynn series from last year.
D-Lo comes out and grabs the mic and says he won't need 3 falls to win the title because next week will be one on one. He says tonight he takes out Siaki for costing him the title last week, and after he win he gets 5 minutes with Russo at the end of the show.
Match#1 D-Lo Brown vs Sonny Siaki w/Trinity (D-Lo gets 5 minutes with Russo)
D-Lo's biggest carry job yet as Siaki is a dull fucking man as we know, but D-lo doesn't miss and throws everything out and has a really fun match. Huge dives and awesome strikes, and he makes Sonny's control seg look good for once. Trinity tries to crossbody him but he moves and she hits Sonny, and D-Lo gets a rollup to win
Hype Video for Credible/Lynn
"The key is to keep your opponent down for ten seconds. That means you literally have to beat the living tar out of them" -Don West
Match#2 Jerry Lynn vs Justin Credible (Last Man Standing Match)
True to DW' s wise words, the boys kick the living shit out of each other and it's really fun. Also, it's under Texas Deathmatch Rules, but TNA never bothered to call it as such. Lynn gets busted open bad, and Credible is awesome as a creepy nu metal guy trying to murder a classic metal guy. He digs his nails into the cut and blasts the hell out of him, and it's one of the best Credible moments ever. (it's a short list, but credit where it's due). Lynn makes a desperate comeback and sends Credible into the post, and he gets a fucking GUSHER. Ir turns into a ugly fight that feels super fitting for the feud, and both dudes throw everything into their offence and its fucking great. Lynn breaks out an awesome rana and sends Credible through a table!!! Credible fights through it and kills Lynn in revenge AND HE HITS A FUCKING TOP ROPE THAT'S INCREDIBLE AND LYNN SOMEHOW GETS BACK UP AT 9. HOLY SHIT. They trade tombstone reversals because Lynn is addicted man. Lynn hits a gross one, and then the Cradle Piledriver and both guys are down!! Credible nearly gets up first but Lynn drags him down by his jorts and gets up to win
Another terrible 3LK comedy thing
Jarrett and Legend brawl down to the ring again, and i can't even tell if it's a replay or another one. Fuck this
Match#3 Chris Sabin (C) vs Frankie Kazarian (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship. Battle of the FUTURES)
Only one of these men is actually the future and is still proving it today, so there is no need for this match, tbh. This falls into the category of "fun match, but nothing really more" Lot of trading of stuff with the occasional cool dive for a while, and that's it really. Nothing to write home about at all. Finishing run is ok and the ref gets bumped and they fight over the belt and Kaz hits Wave of the Future on it and he wins the title!
Another ref comes out and they talk and the first ref reverses it and Sabin retains.
In the back, New Jack cuts a promo about eating Nazis like a shark, and Sharky offers Jack a Shark Boy mask AND JACK ACCEPTS IT.
Match#4 SharkJack vs The Harris Brothers
Our heroes try their best against them and it's ok from their end, but yeah the Nazis are shit. Insane and heartbreaking to think of long they lasted because they were tall and strong. Truly two of the worst wrestlers ever. This of course means they beat New Jack with the H Bomb
30th of April, 1945
This week, Tenay interview Kid Kash and the big scary dude. Abyss is wandering around ripping things off the stage, and Kash tells him to stop because TNA don't pay him enough. Kash says he's been doing this for 13 years and paid his dues time and time again, and these kids get where they because of who they blew. He lists off everyone he's beaten and he's the best today. He shits on Tenay for being a smug twat and tells him to get in the ring and land on his head and see how long he lasts. FUCK YEAH, KID KASH. He calls Goldy and Trinity rats and says Trinity being the star of the show shows the truth. He gets Abyss to grab him by the neck, and Kash stands over him and says this could happen to him and he will respect him. Awesome stuff for anyone who rightly hates Smug Tenay.
A Watts hype video airs. hahahahahahahahhahaha die in a fire.
Coming from that, Hudson interviews him and Goldy, He says Eric from WCW will be here next week. Son of a bitch.
The strippers and Veronica and some new girl get into another terrible cat fight.
Another wonderful Fallen Angel hype video airs.
Elix Skipper comes out to the ring with a scale to show he's "Pound for Pound" the best in the world. He cuts said promo about it and challenges anyone, and Amazing Red makes his return!!!!
Match#5 Amazing Red vs Elix Skipper
Red's knee is fucked and that's why he was gone since the Raven angle, so he shouldn't be wrestling on it. But hey, TNA doesn't give a fuck as i will sadly cover a few times. This is also mostly a Skipper showcase and that's awesome, but still sad to see Red in pain and unable to do all his cool shit. Skipper breaks the scales over his skull to steal it
Cyrus and his new charge Edward Chastain come out with the stolen Hard Ten cup from last week. Cyrus does the intros and says has a MBA and he's the only man who can change TNA for the better and they downsized Sandman out of the company. He says the fans don't want hardcore wrestling anymore, and they get interupted by Norman Smiley and JB does the intros and i guess we have a match?
Match#6 Edward Chastain w/Cyrus vs Norman Smiley
Chastain is a bad fat wrestler who can hardly move and does really shitty basics, so this squash dies a death. He's blown up real quick and the crowd is dead, so this isn't long for the world. He wins with a terrible splash
They bring back that goddamn horrible TNA interrogation with AMW, so i have no choice but to cover it.
June the 25th: The greatest night of our careers
Daniels: One of the best wrestlers they've been in the ring with
Skipper; Extraordinary athlete, but the cage wasn't his house.
Eastwood or Wayne. MAKE MY DAY. FUCK YEAH.
Death Sentence off the cage; Insane
Bulls or Broncos; Either one
Disco Inferno; Jackass
Bret Hart; Best
TNA. Home
NWA Tag titles; Tradition
Fuck, i hate these segments.
In the ring, Disco and his team call JB in the ring and the tape starts to fuck up, and when we come back, AMW are beating up the heels! They clean house for a while but Disco slips the heels a chair and AMW get obliterated with gross shots. Disco says they aren't leaving until the NWA Director of Authority gives them a title shot. Tenay screams we won't find out who that is until next week, and i want to smash my computer because these assholes NEVER bought this up until right now. BUT NEVERMIND THAT SHIT, RAVEN'S EPIC THEME HITS AND HE WALKS OUT AND BEATS THE FUCK OUT OF THESE DORKS. Tenay and DW didn't even react to his music. God fucking damn it. AMW get involved and fight the heels off and Raven stays in the ring and grabs the mic.
He says he's not here to bitch or complain, he's here to demand that Douglas and Mitchell take a guided tour of the house of fun. Father James and Shane come out and Raven rushes them and fight Douglas. Raven sets up the EVENFLOW but SLASH and Lee make their return and beat the piss out of Raven and Mitchell says this is the first lesson in pain. They drop-toe-hold him on the chair twice and Raven is a bloody mess. Mitchell demands they do it again and Father Mitchell asks if he's had enough and Raven tells him to go to hell, AND THEY HIT THE DROP-TOE-HOLD A FUCKING FORTH TIME AND JAMES SAYS HE WON'T GO TO HELL, BECAUSE HE BOUGHT HELL TO HIM. Jesus Christ, this feud rules.
In the back, Legend cuts a terrible promo.
Match#7 Jeff Jarrett vs Legend
Yes, he's actually going by "Legend". I hate TNA, folks. Jeff jumps him and they have another horrible brawl forever, and Jeff can't get shit out of him, and truth be told, Jeff is dying a death as a face and it's not shocking that he'll be a heel again in 3 months. Jeff beats his head in with a chair which isn't a DQ?? Russo comes out and throws Legend a bat and he uses it on Jeff's shitty ribs to steal the win
This might be the worst feud TNA has run. Just, fucking die.
In the back, Russo has a hockey helmet on and cuts another terrible promo.
D-Lo is in the ring with the cage and Russo refuses to get in until a ref forces him. He hides behind the cage, AND OUR WORLD CHAMPION FINALLY SHOWS UP. GREAT WORK, YOU HORSES ASS. AJ and D-Lo have another wonderful fight and AJ gets locked in the cage with Russo. FUCK. Siaki shows up and attacks D-Lo from behind and tries to cuff him, but D-lo gets them and cuffs him instead. He also fights off Trinity, but our new top heel Legend is the one to turn the tide. hahahahahahahahahahhahahaha die. AJ breaks out of the shitty cage, which looks like it was made from cardboard, and he beats the shit out of D-Lo. He kills him with the Clash and puts on the Cattle Mutilation to weaken him for next week.
Horrible episode.
July 16th, 2003
TNA Asylum
After the recap, Jarrett and Legend brawl down to ringside and it's horrible for the 3rd week in a row. Fucking baffling to think Jeff booked himself in this. Least book yourself to beat Truth or Red, or something.
Tonight; Battle of the futures for the X-Division title. Credible vs Lynn in a Last Man Standing Match
#1 Match will be pinfalls only
#2 Match is a submission Match
#3 Match will be a ladder match
Fucking Love them bringing this concept back after the tremendous AJ/Lynn series from last year.
D-Lo comes out and grabs the mic and says he won't need 3 falls to win the title because next week will be one on one. He says tonight he takes out Siaki for costing him the title last week, and after he win he gets 5 minutes with Russo at the end of the show.
Match#1 D-Lo Brown vs Sonny Siaki w/Trinity (D-Lo gets 5 minutes with Russo)
D-Lo's biggest carry job yet as Siaki is a dull fucking man as we know, but D-lo doesn't miss and throws everything out and has a really fun match. Huge dives and awesome strikes, and he makes Sonny's control seg look good for once. Trinity tries to crossbody him but he moves and she hits Sonny, and D-Lo gets a rollup to win
Hype Video for Credible/Lynn
"The key is to keep your opponent down for ten seconds. That means you literally have to beat the living tar out of them" -Don West
Match#2 Jerry Lynn vs Justin Credible (Last Man Standing Match)
True to DW' s wise words, the boys kick the living shit out of each other and it's really fun. Also, it's under Texas Deathmatch Rules, but TNA never bothered to call it as such. Lynn gets busted open bad, and Credible is awesome as a creepy nu metal guy trying to murder a classic metal guy. He digs his nails into the cut and blasts the hell out of him, and it's one of the best Credible moments ever. (it's a short list, but credit where it's due). Lynn makes a desperate comeback and sends Credible into the post, and he gets a fucking GUSHER. Ir turns into a ugly fight that feels super fitting for the feud, and both dudes throw everything into their offence and its fucking great. Lynn breaks out an awesome rana and sends Credible through a table!!! Credible fights through it and kills Lynn in revenge AND HE HITS A FUCKING TOP ROPE THAT'S INCREDIBLE AND LYNN SOMEHOW GETS BACK UP AT 9. HOLY SHIT. They trade tombstone reversals because Lynn is addicted man. Lynn hits a gross one, and then the Cradle Piledriver and both guys are down!! Credible nearly gets up first but Lynn drags him down by his jorts and gets up to win
Another terrible 3LK comedy thing
Jarrett and Legend brawl down to the ring again, and i can't even tell if it's a replay or another one. Fuck this
Match#3 Chris Sabin (C) vs Frankie Kazarian (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship. Battle of the FUTURES)
Only one of these men is actually the future and is still proving it today, so there is no need for this match, tbh. This falls into the category of "fun match, but nothing really more" Lot of trading of stuff with the occasional cool dive for a while, and that's it really. Nothing to write home about at all. Finishing run is ok and the ref gets bumped and they fight over the belt and Kaz hits Wave of the Future on it and he wins the title!
Another ref comes out and they talk and the first ref reverses it and Sabin retains.
In the back, New Jack cuts a promo about eating Nazis like a shark, and Sharky offers Jack a Shark Boy mask AND JACK ACCEPTS IT.
Match#4 SharkJack vs The Harris Brothers
Our heroes try their best against them and it's ok from their end, but yeah the Nazis are shit. Insane and heartbreaking to think of long they lasted because they were tall and strong. Truly two of the worst wrestlers ever. This of course means they beat New Jack with the H Bomb
30th of April, 1945
This week, Tenay interview Kid Kash and the big scary dude. Abyss is wandering around ripping things off the stage, and Kash tells him to stop because TNA don't pay him enough. Kash says he's been doing this for 13 years and paid his dues time and time again, and these kids get where they because of who they blew. He lists off everyone he's beaten and he's the best today. He shits on Tenay for being a smug twat and tells him to get in the ring and land on his head and see how long he lasts. FUCK YEAH, KID KASH. He calls Goldy and Trinity rats and says Trinity being the star of the show shows the truth. He gets Abyss to grab him by the neck, and Kash stands over him and says this could happen to him and he will respect him. Awesome stuff for anyone who rightly hates Smug Tenay.
A Watts hype video airs. hahahahahahahahhahaha die in a fire.
Coming from that, Hudson interviews him and Goldy, He says Eric from WCW will be here next week. Son of a bitch.
The strippers and Veronica and some new girl get into another terrible cat fight.
Another wonderful Fallen Angel hype video airs.
Elix Skipper comes out to the ring with a scale to show he's "Pound for Pound" the best in the world. He cuts said promo about it and challenges anyone, and Amazing Red makes his return!!!!
Match#5 Amazing Red vs Elix Skipper
Red's knee is fucked and that's why he was gone since the Raven angle, so he shouldn't be wrestling on it. But hey, TNA doesn't give a fuck as i will sadly cover a few times. This is also mostly a Skipper showcase and that's awesome, but still sad to see Red in pain and unable to do all his cool shit. Skipper breaks the scales over his skull to steal it
Cyrus and his new charge Edward Chastain come out with the stolen Hard Ten cup from last week. Cyrus does the intros and says has a MBA and he's the only man who can change TNA for the better and they downsized Sandman out of the company. He says the fans don't want hardcore wrestling anymore, and they get interupted by Norman Smiley and JB does the intros and i guess we have a match?
Match#6 Edward Chastain w/Cyrus vs Norman Smiley
Chastain is a bad fat wrestler who can hardly move and does really shitty basics, so this squash dies a death. He's blown up real quick and the crowd is dead, so this isn't long for the world. He wins with a terrible splash
They bring back that goddamn horrible TNA interrogation with AMW, so i have no choice but to cover it.
June the 25th: The greatest night of our careers
Daniels: One of the best wrestlers they've been in the ring with
Skipper; Extraordinary athlete, but the cage wasn't his house.
Eastwood or Wayne. MAKE MY DAY. FUCK YEAH.
Death Sentence off the cage; Insane
Bulls or Broncos; Either one
Disco Inferno; Jackass
Bret Hart; Best
TNA. Home
NWA Tag titles; Tradition
Fuck, i hate these segments.
In the ring, Disco and his team call JB in the ring and the tape starts to fuck up, and when we come back, AMW are beating up the heels! They clean house for a while but Disco slips the heels a chair and AMW get obliterated with gross shots. Disco says they aren't leaving until the NWA Director of Authority gives them a title shot. Tenay screams we won't find out who that is until next week, and i want to smash my computer because these assholes NEVER bought this up until right now. BUT NEVERMIND THAT SHIT, RAVEN'S EPIC THEME HITS AND HE WALKS OUT AND BEATS THE FUCK OUT OF THESE DORKS. Tenay and DW didn't even react to his music. God fucking damn it. AMW get involved and fight the heels off and Raven stays in the ring and grabs the mic.
He says he's not here to bitch or complain, he's here to demand that Douglas and Mitchell take a guided tour of the house of fun. Father James and Shane come out and Raven rushes them and fight Douglas. Raven sets up the EVENFLOW but SLASH and Lee make their return and beat the piss out of Raven and Mitchell says this is the first lesson in pain. They drop-toe-hold him on the chair twice and Raven is a bloody mess. Mitchell demands they do it again and Father Mitchell asks if he's had enough and Raven tells him to go to hell, AND THEY HIT THE DROP-TOE-HOLD A FUCKING FORTH TIME AND JAMES SAYS HE WON'T GO TO HELL, BECAUSE HE BOUGHT HELL TO HIM. Jesus Christ, this feud rules.
In the back, Legend cuts a terrible promo.
Match#7 Jeff Jarrett vs Legend
Yes, he's actually going by "Legend". I hate TNA, folks. Jeff jumps him and they have another horrible brawl forever, and Jeff can't get shit out of him, and truth be told, Jeff is dying a death as a face and it's not shocking that he'll be a heel again in 3 months. Jeff beats his head in with a chair which isn't a DQ?? Russo comes out and throws Legend a bat and he uses it on Jeff's shitty ribs to steal the win
This might be the worst feud TNA has run. Just, fucking die.
In the back, Russo has a hockey helmet on and cuts another terrible promo.
D-Lo is in the ring with the cage and Russo refuses to get in until a ref forces him. He hides behind the cage, AND OUR WORLD CHAMPION FINALLY SHOWS UP. GREAT WORK, YOU HORSES ASS. AJ and D-Lo have another wonderful fight and AJ gets locked in the cage with Russo. FUCK. Siaki shows up and attacks D-Lo from behind and tries to cuff him, but D-lo gets them and cuffs him instead. He also fights off Trinity, but our new top heel Legend is the one to turn the tide. hahahahahahahahahahhahahaha die. AJ breaks out of the shitty cage, which looks like it was made from cardboard, and he beats the shit out of D-Lo. He kills him with the Clash and puts on the Cattle Mutilation to weaken him for next week.
Horrible episode.