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April 23rd, 2003
TNA Asylum
Recap of the birth of the Gathering, Jeff slowly becoming a paranoid bastard, the ECW/NC feud, and AJ fighting SEX.
Not sure why any of that was necessary for the viewer, but it was well done at least.
In the back, Raven does that thing he does, so here you go.
"A great poet once said, Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes. Turn and face the strange. Jeff Jarrett your reign as NWA world heavyweight champion is about to come to an end in just seven days. 168 hours, ten thousand and eighty minutes, i will step in the ring with you and i will achieve my birthright. I will become the NWA world heavy champion champion, and there's not a damn thing that you can do about it. However, tonight, my Gathering, I'm going to need from you the ultimate in sacrifices . I'm going to need you to lay life and limb at my feet to accomplish what needs to be done to set the stage in order for my ascended's to the throne. It is going to be a glorious night, tonight will be the impedance that leads us into next week, and i will drop the mother of all bombs on Jeff Jarrett, that will make Hiroshima look like a love-in. AND THE MUSHROOM CLOUD THAT EMERGERS, I WILL RISE FROM THAT LIKE THE PHOENIX FROM THE ASHES AND I WILL ACHIEVE MY DESTINY. I WILL ACHIEVE MY DESTINY. QUOTH, THE RAVEN NEVERMORE"
Another masterpiece from one of the greatest talkers to ever do it. I probably spelled half of it wrong because he talks like a 18th century poet with an opium addiction, but i just have to write it out so everyone can get a taste of his greatness on display. Also, this is the perfect promo to cut before he wins the title and holds it hostage for the rest of the year before AJ becomes the hero TNA needs and takes it from him. A perfect story is brewing, and i'm sure TNA won't do anything stupid and halt destiny for two years like a bunch of stupid people that want to lose money and be laughed at by everyone, which would give us another classic LOLTNA moment.
In the carpark, Disco yells at Sanders for dressing like a dickhead, which is very funny given his gimmick. The rest of SEX show up and Disco slaps Sonny for being late, so DY gets in his face before they're pulled apart! SEX walks off AND AJ AND D-LO ATTACK DISCO AND SANDERS AND BEAT THE PISS OUT OF THEM, AND IT'S NOW A TAG MATCH.
Match#1 AJ Styles & D-Lo Brown vs Disco Inferno & Mike Sanders
The faces beat them all the way through the Asylum and into the ring, and it's such a wonderful sight watching this new super team come together and be amazing right off the bat. Smug Mike says AJ spent a few days in the hospital getting his knee drained after last week, so he's even more pissed off than before. Loads of ugly shots to Disco's stupid face, and D-Lo is awesome as always. AJ gets isolated when they go for his knee and nuke it. Good work from the heels as they have something to focus on, and AJ's selling is pretty good on top of it. D-Lo's hot tag is brief but pretty fun. Shit breaks down as it tends to happen. AJ tries to come off the top but Daniels shoves him off for the DQ
Lynn and Red rush the ring and fight XXX, while AJ beats the fuck out of Disco in the crowd. DY and Sonny join and turn the tide and our heroes are left laying.
In the back, Jeff says he doesn't understand Raven's cryptic bullshit and then runs down ECW because he's unoriginal dweeb.. Watts walks over and says we need to work on peace and love, and he has a straightjacket that he plans on using on Raven if he doesn't listen to him. EAT ALL THE SHIT.
DW says tonight we will have the Ultimate Sin match! James Mitchell will explain it later on.
Backstage, someone has laid out Chris Harris. Good, fuck him after last week.
XXX make their way out and Skipper says they aren't going to wrestle AMW in the #1 contenders match, and they should be awarded the spot. WAIT A FUCKING SECOND. Last week, we were told that Skipper/Daniels were fighting for the #1 contenders spot for the X title, not the tag titles. This shit wasn't even mentioned at all. MORE TO THE POINT, XXX WERE TAG CHAMPS LAST WEEK, SO WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY HAVE TO FACE OFF TI EARN ANOTHER SPOT WHEN THEY SHOULD HAVE A REMATCH CLAUSE. ALSO, AMW HAVE BEEN HAVING PROBLEMS AND HAVEN'T HAD A TAG MATCH IN A FEW WEEKS, SO WHY ARE THEY BEING REWARDED. Russo is actually braindead, and i will be too if this keeps up.
Storm rushes out to the ring and the match is on!
Match#2 Triple X vs America's Most Wanted (#1 Contenders Match)
Storm is a goddamn house of fire and beats the snot out of these fuckers. Just a big insane display of offence from him, and some killer bumps from the heels. He keeps trying to end it before the numbers get him, and it's a killer maniac run before they finally cut him off. Wonderful control seg as always and amazing FIP work, you know the deal by now. It seems all hope is lost, BUT CHRIS HARRIS STUMBLES OUT AND JUMPS ON THE APRON. Skipper blasts him off the ring and he takes header into the rail, and Storm keeps getting his ass kicked. Harris drags himself back up and finally gets the tag and he goes postal in one of the best tags of his short career. His head is wreaked so they cut him off as soon as they can. Storm gets kicked off the apron this time and Harris is all alone. He guts it out and survives the BME and looks like he can maybe do the impossible. He sets Elix up for the Catatonic, but Daniels punts him in the dick and the heels steal it
Post match, Storm helps him up and yells at him before leaving.
In the back, Alexsis promises to rip off Goldy's head if she doesn't fuck off. She walk off and finds Jeff grandma, AND SHE SHOVES HER INTO A WALL AND TRIES TO KILL HER, BUT JEFF HEADLOCKS HER FROM BEHIND AND DRAGS HER TO THE CARPARK AND DROPS HER IN A UTE AND WALKS OFF. Awesome shit.
At ringside, Watts shows up and says he'll put Raven in the jacket. Begging them to not do it.
In the back, Father James talks about the Ultimate Sin match. The ring ropes are covered in REAL barbwire and not the WCW kind. Yep, he's still mad at them. There's trash cans and canes on a pole. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Basically, there's a ton of plunda and it will be a massacre.
Match#3 The Sandman, Perry Saturn & New Jack vs The New Church (ULTIMATE SIN)
Another really fun bloody brawl between these 6. Nothing we haven't seen a million times at this point, but also not something that will ever really suck if everyone gives a shit. Everyone bleeds and murders people for a good while, and Slash is again the standout as a complete lunatic. This time he bleeds worse than ever and takes some horrid shots to the skull. Speaking of, Justin Credible shows up and turns the tide. He gets a bat from the roof (STING) AND JUMPS OFF A LADDER AND ENDS POOR SLASH'S LIFE WITH A HORRIBLE SHOT RIGHT TO THE HEAD AND PERRY STEALS THE WIN
The Biggie Credible pose happens post match.
Recap of Kash/Trinity. This is the worst rehash of HHH/Chyna ever.
In the ring, Kash says the same shit he's been saying for weeks. JUST FUCKING STOP IT. Trinity comes down and we've got a match
Match#4 Kid Kash vs Trinity
Trinity beats him all over the place and it's a lot of fun, both because she's cool and Kash is the shits. His work when he takes over is very bad, despite Trinity trying her best. SEX come out and murder Kash this time. I don't even. Trinity wins, and hopefully we can all move on
In the back, Father James yells at Slash to take care of it.
Shark Boy comes out for his match, but Slash ends his life on the ramp. He rushes the ring and grabs shitty JB. He says you don't play around with me who live in the darkness, and Credible attacks him from behind and we've got a match
Match#5 Slash vs Justin Credible
Half dead Slash is still better than this hack. Not shocking, but very funny to write. They have a big bloody brawl around the ring and it's good fun from Slash's end. JC is really bad and sloppy, and shouldn't be here, but Slash is the best. He uses the cane and batters this bastard for his 2000 title run, and the X-Factor run. They fight out in the carpark and the ECW guys attack him like cowards and the bell rings for the DQ.
Watts comes back out to the ring for this nonsense. He makes gay bants because he thinks Raven wearing a skirt means he's gay, and not just a junkie punk living life his way. Julio runs out and is tweaking from Raven's stash. Watts now makes birds jokes about his name. FUCK OFF YOU CUNT. He beats the shit out of Julio to ZERO reaction from the crowd. Literally nothing he does gets a pop. Alexsis runs down and kicks Watts in the dick and they beat him up for a while. Jeff finally shows up and easily beats them both up because he's the toughest man in the world. He powebombs Julio through Alexsis and leaves like a lone wolf badass. God, i wish Austin was here to stun him like old times.
Recap of Red/Lynn winning the titles. Love TNA re-doing the Kidman/Rey jnr angle. Really new and innovative stuff.
Match#6 Amazing Red vs Jerry Lynn (X-Division #1 Contenders Match)
Both men are hurt from earlier, so this isn't what it was last year, sadly. Still, i like that they bothered to sell and didn't ignore it like assholes, so kudos. They have a pretty fun back an forth for a while and neither man can really control the other for too long, so it's lots of cool counter and fun spots. The ref gets bumped and Truth makes his return and kills Lynn with the Lie Detector, and tells K-Dawg they need to talk. OH NO. Red hits the Infrared to win
In the back, Watts is sadly not dead and he's hunting Raven. Raven thankfully finds him first and ends his horrible fucking life with the EVENFLOW and shouts for Jeff.
Yes, I'm stupidly excited despite knowing the result will break me.
They replay the amazing hype video.
Jeff is STORMING like a badass again. He finds Raven and they have an amazing fight all over the place. Killer old school rasslin brawl between two sons of a bygone era. Jeff brains him with a gross chairshot and puts him in the straightjacket. He brains him again, and this rules because Raven will get his revenge next week when he wins. RAVEN GETS BACK UP A BLOODY MESS AND JEFF HITS HIM AGAIN. THE LIGHTS GO OUT AND WHEN THEY COME BACK ON THE EXTREME BLOOD-BROTHERS ARE STANDING BEHIND JEFF. HE TRIES TO FIGHT THEM OFF, BUT RAVEN KILLS HIM WITH THE EVENFLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! They wrap him in the jacket and wrap his legs with barbwire and really fuck his life up. Sandman stands in the corner refusing to move. RAVEN TAKES THE CANE AND BEATS THE SHIT OUT OF JEFF WHO IS HUNG UPSIDE DOWN IN THE ROPES. THEY POSE OVER HIM TO CLOSE THE SHOW
What an angle.
3 amazing episodes in a row, this means it's time for the fall.
April 23rd, 2003
TNA Asylum
Recap of the birth of the Gathering, Jeff slowly becoming a paranoid bastard, the ECW/NC feud, and AJ fighting SEX.
Not sure why any of that was necessary for the viewer, but it was well done at least.
In the back, Raven does that thing he does, so here you go.
"A great poet once said, Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes. Turn and face the strange. Jeff Jarrett your reign as NWA world heavyweight champion is about to come to an end in just seven days. 168 hours, ten thousand and eighty minutes, i will step in the ring with you and i will achieve my birthright. I will become the NWA world heavy champion champion, and there's not a damn thing that you can do about it. However, tonight, my Gathering, I'm going to need from you the ultimate in sacrifices . I'm going to need you to lay life and limb at my feet to accomplish what needs to be done to set the stage in order for my ascended's to the throne. It is going to be a glorious night, tonight will be the impedance that leads us into next week, and i will drop the mother of all bombs on Jeff Jarrett, that will make Hiroshima look like a love-in. AND THE MUSHROOM CLOUD THAT EMERGERS, I WILL RISE FROM THAT LIKE THE PHOENIX FROM THE ASHES AND I WILL ACHIEVE MY DESTINY. I WILL ACHIEVE MY DESTINY. QUOTH, THE RAVEN NEVERMORE"
Another masterpiece from one of the greatest talkers to ever do it. I probably spelled half of it wrong because he talks like a 18th century poet with an opium addiction, but i just have to write it out so everyone can get a taste of his greatness on display. Also, this is the perfect promo to cut before he wins the title and holds it hostage for the rest of the year before AJ becomes the hero TNA needs and takes it from him. A perfect story is brewing, and i'm sure TNA won't do anything stupid and halt destiny for two years like a bunch of stupid people that want to lose money and be laughed at by everyone, which would give us another classic LOLTNA moment.
In the carpark, Disco yells at Sanders for dressing like a dickhead, which is very funny given his gimmick. The rest of SEX show up and Disco slaps Sonny for being late, so DY gets in his face before they're pulled apart! SEX walks off AND AJ AND D-LO ATTACK DISCO AND SANDERS AND BEAT THE PISS OUT OF THEM, AND IT'S NOW A TAG MATCH.
Match#1 AJ Styles & D-Lo Brown vs Disco Inferno & Mike Sanders
The faces beat them all the way through the Asylum and into the ring, and it's such a wonderful sight watching this new super team come together and be amazing right off the bat. Smug Mike says AJ spent a few days in the hospital getting his knee drained after last week, so he's even more pissed off than before. Loads of ugly shots to Disco's stupid face, and D-Lo is awesome as always. AJ gets isolated when they go for his knee and nuke it. Good work from the heels as they have something to focus on, and AJ's selling is pretty good on top of it. D-Lo's hot tag is brief but pretty fun. Shit breaks down as it tends to happen. AJ tries to come off the top but Daniels shoves him off for the DQ
Lynn and Red rush the ring and fight XXX, while AJ beats the fuck out of Disco in the crowd. DY and Sonny join and turn the tide and our heroes are left laying.
In the back, Jeff says he doesn't understand Raven's cryptic bullshit and then runs down ECW because he's unoriginal dweeb.. Watts walks over and says we need to work on peace and love, and he has a straightjacket that he plans on using on Raven if he doesn't listen to him. EAT ALL THE SHIT.
DW says tonight we will have the Ultimate Sin match! James Mitchell will explain it later on.
Backstage, someone has laid out Chris Harris. Good, fuck him after last week.
XXX make their way out and Skipper says they aren't going to wrestle AMW in the #1 contenders match, and they should be awarded the spot. WAIT A FUCKING SECOND. Last week, we were told that Skipper/Daniels were fighting for the #1 contenders spot for the X title, not the tag titles. This shit wasn't even mentioned at all. MORE TO THE POINT, XXX WERE TAG CHAMPS LAST WEEK, SO WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY HAVE TO FACE OFF TI EARN ANOTHER SPOT WHEN THEY SHOULD HAVE A REMATCH CLAUSE. ALSO, AMW HAVE BEEN HAVING PROBLEMS AND HAVEN'T HAD A TAG MATCH IN A FEW WEEKS, SO WHY ARE THEY BEING REWARDED. Russo is actually braindead, and i will be too if this keeps up.
Storm rushes out to the ring and the match is on!
Match#2 Triple X vs America's Most Wanted (#1 Contenders Match)
Storm is a goddamn house of fire and beats the snot out of these fuckers. Just a big insane display of offence from him, and some killer bumps from the heels. He keeps trying to end it before the numbers get him, and it's a killer maniac run before they finally cut him off. Wonderful control seg as always and amazing FIP work, you know the deal by now. It seems all hope is lost, BUT CHRIS HARRIS STUMBLES OUT AND JUMPS ON THE APRON. Skipper blasts him off the ring and he takes header into the rail, and Storm keeps getting his ass kicked. Harris drags himself back up and finally gets the tag and he goes postal in one of the best tags of his short career. His head is wreaked so they cut him off as soon as they can. Storm gets kicked off the apron this time and Harris is all alone. He guts it out and survives the BME and looks like he can maybe do the impossible. He sets Elix up for the Catatonic, but Daniels punts him in the dick and the heels steal it
Post match, Storm helps him up and yells at him before leaving.
In the back, Alexsis promises to rip off Goldy's head if she doesn't fuck off. She walk off and finds Jeff grandma, AND SHE SHOVES HER INTO A WALL AND TRIES TO KILL HER, BUT JEFF HEADLOCKS HER FROM BEHIND AND DRAGS HER TO THE CARPARK AND DROPS HER IN A UTE AND WALKS OFF. Awesome shit.
At ringside, Watts shows up and says he'll put Raven in the jacket. Begging them to not do it.
In the back, Father James talks about the Ultimate Sin match. The ring ropes are covered in REAL barbwire and not the WCW kind. Yep, he's still mad at them. There's trash cans and canes on a pole. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Basically, there's a ton of plunda and it will be a massacre.
Match#3 The Sandman, Perry Saturn & New Jack vs The New Church (ULTIMATE SIN)
Another really fun bloody brawl between these 6. Nothing we haven't seen a million times at this point, but also not something that will ever really suck if everyone gives a shit. Everyone bleeds and murders people for a good while, and Slash is again the standout as a complete lunatic. This time he bleeds worse than ever and takes some horrid shots to the skull. Speaking of, Justin Credible shows up and turns the tide. He gets a bat from the roof (STING) AND JUMPS OFF A LADDER AND ENDS POOR SLASH'S LIFE WITH A HORRIBLE SHOT RIGHT TO THE HEAD AND PERRY STEALS THE WIN
The Biggie Credible pose happens post match.
Recap of Kash/Trinity. This is the worst rehash of HHH/Chyna ever.
In the ring, Kash says the same shit he's been saying for weeks. JUST FUCKING STOP IT. Trinity comes down and we've got a match
Match#4 Kid Kash vs Trinity
Trinity beats him all over the place and it's a lot of fun, both because she's cool and Kash is the shits. His work when he takes over is very bad, despite Trinity trying her best. SEX come out and murder Kash this time. I don't even. Trinity wins, and hopefully we can all move on
In the back, Father James yells at Slash to take care of it.
Shark Boy comes out for his match, but Slash ends his life on the ramp. He rushes the ring and grabs shitty JB. He says you don't play around with me who live in the darkness, and Credible attacks him from behind and we've got a match
Match#5 Slash vs Justin Credible
Half dead Slash is still better than this hack. Not shocking, but very funny to write. They have a big bloody brawl around the ring and it's good fun from Slash's end. JC is really bad and sloppy, and shouldn't be here, but Slash is the best. He uses the cane and batters this bastard for his 2000 title run, and the X-Factor run. They fight out in the carpark and the ECW guys attack him like cowards and the bell rings for the DQ.
Watts comes back out to the ring for this nonsense. He makes gay bants because he thinks Raven wearing a skirt means he's gay, and not just a junkie punk living life his way. Julio runs out and is tweaking from Raven's stash. Watts now makes birds jokes about his name. FUCK OFF YOU CUNT. He beats the shit out of Julio to ZERO reaction from the crowd. Literally nothing he does gets a pop. Alexsis runs down and kicks Watts in the dick and they beat him up for a while. Jeff finally shows up and easily beats them both up because he's the toughest man in the world. He powebombs Julio through Alexsis and leaves like a lone wolf badass. God, i wish Austin was here to stun him like old times.
Recap of Red/Lynn winning the titles. Love TNA re-doing the Kidman/Rey jnr angle. Really new and innovative stuff.
Match#6 Amazing Red vs Jerry Lynn (X-Division #1 Contenders Match)
Both men are hurt from earlier, so this isn't what it was last year, sadly. Still, i like that they bothered to sell and didn't ignore it like assholes, so kudos. They have a pretty fun back an forth for a while and neither man can really control the other for too long, so it's lots of cool counter and fun spots. The ref gets bumped and Truth makes his return and kills Lynn with the Lie Detector, and tells K-Dawg they need to talk. OH NO. Red hits the Infrared to win
In the back, Watts is sadly not dead and he's hunting Raven. Raven thankfully finds him first and ends his horrible fucking life with the EVENFLOW and shouts for Jeff.
Yes, I'm stupidly excited despite knowing the result will break me.
They replay the amazing hype video.
Jeff is STORMING like a badass again. He finds Raven and they have an amazing fight all over the place. Killer old school rasslin brawl between two sons of a bygone era. Jeff brains him with a gross chairshot and puts him in the straightjacket. He brains him again, and this rules because Raven will get his revenge next week when he wins. RAVEN GETS BACK UP A BLOODY MESS AND JEFF HITS HIM AGAIN. THE LIGHTS GO OUT AND WHEN THEY COME BACK ON THE EXTREME BLOOD-BROTHERS ARE STANDING BEHIND JEFF. HE TRIES TO FIGHT THEM OFF, BUT RAVEN KILLS HIM WITH THE EVENFLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! They wrap him in the jacket and wrap his legs with barbwire and really fuck his life up. Sandman stands in the corner refusing to move. RAVEN TAKES THE CANE AND BEATS THE SHIT OUT OF JEFF WHO IS HUNG UPSIDE DOWN IN THE ROPES. THEY POSE OVER HIM TO CLOSE THE SHOW
What an angle.
3 amazing episodes in a row, this means it's time for the fall.