In the context of mafia, what’s it mean?
So this post splits me into two minds.
One, I've already established that I think there was something weird about the Banez wagon, subsequent tap out and suspecting an early bus. If Ace was scum, this post would suggest that he isn't bussing Banez. Some of these points are going against the grain too such as Tweet, Poyser and Barry.
Not really a fan of Kajuh's posts tbh the one thing he seemed to put some thought into was kind of silly and easy (the spec about poyser bussing banez and why it was unlikely)
Starting to think Poyser sacrificed Banez and didn't expect bOMB to blow up in his teams face like that
I'm going to go ahead and retract an earlier statement of mine that with Banez' flip, it's likely that the scum team don't have theme knowledge. I don't think this is true anymore.
What made you change your mind about that?
I've read/seen a lot of death note but never finished it. got a ways into the stuff with NEAR
whoops capslock
Guys I am seriously not that interesting:
This was a weird post to me given my replicating town game involved constantly giving fake thoughts whereas in this scenario I did the exact opposite.
Not to say that I couldn't adjust my scum game but it felt to me like you were using what you could think of to make your point, rather than actually reasoning.
Here it is.
Tweet feels forced is the biggest thing sticking out so far. I'll dig back in a second to highlight it since I forgot to quote those posts.
I'm null on Poyser - his logic on me does make sense on a simple level regarding my previous town game vs making an entrance like I did. But it feels a bit too simple for him who would surely have acknowledged the potential WIFOM in the situation. Kinda feels like low-hanging fruit, but I'm not convicted enough on that to give a full scum lean.
I think Gambitto is town because I think latching onto Poyser's point feels a bit too risky as it could easily be called out for goodguying down the line. So minor townlean for that.
Smark null because I'm uncertain if Smark is overcompensating or if Smark is just playing Smark game. The fact that Smark was cognizant of his usual over-active game as town and inactive game as scum may be a point he'd bring up as someone trying to do a 180 on that.
Barry still feels ok although nothing concrete and, unlike others, Banez hasn't really rung any of my proverbial bells.
CP were you town or scum in the half-game again?
If you're not on this list I've forgotten you posted so soz
ooh interesting, that is not a convincing claim at all (busdrive I mean, I have nfi about this theme)
Haza has been very active since posting that gif.
Maybe you guys wanna push that next.
this reeks of a WIFOM scum post, leaning scum now, thank you for your assistance
You gonna townread someone over posting a gif?
Good talk.
im inclined to think banez is non-scum based on the theme knowledge being spouted so far.
Is indy bus driver a common thing? I can't imagine its particularly common or beneficial to indy so that would imply town
Nice research Hank.this reeks of a WIFOM scum post, leaning scum now, thank you for your assistance
3. Evans
4. Evans Jr
5. Tweet
6. Poyser
8. Ace
11. CP
13. Brutus
15. Rugrat
20. Barry
21. Haza
22. Smark
rest are null obvs
If I die tonight (hopefully my town pals can prevent this!) this is where my leans/reads are atm.
If Smark flips scum, I'd probably drop Poyser to null, but that's just some next level conspiracy after Poyser has had me fooled a few times recently. This is because he was telling Smark he thinks he's scum then dropped it due to Smark being on Banez early for the wagon.
Ace I've established in the readback posts why.
Brutus was town reading Banez for "doing stuff" then ignored my post asking what posts exactly made it look like Banez was doing much because on my readback, the only thing he really did was defend against Poyser and vote Haza lol.
Smark I've covered.
I like this list. Can you expand on your read on Haza?