I don't understand why everyone has gone so over the top.
What happened was EoR asked me if he could bring in a second fed and I said no.
Case closed. It is as simple as that yet I get 400 messages from Andrew saying he is frustrated I am bringing in a fed and then I see this from what is supposed to be the fed staff.
FFS all of you are ridiculous in the way you have reacted. Anytime you hear stupid shit like this then all you have to do is contact ME. Send me a pm and I will give you a straight answer everytime. I am the owner so I decide if things like this happen, don't believe what anyone else says just ask me since I am the one that has to approve it.
This was handled poorly by both sides and I am disappointed that no-one, not one of you, came to me and simply asked me in a polite manner what is happening.
Please next time you hear crazy rumours, or if you just have a general question or even just want to chat, just send me a pm and I will give you an answer. I am on nearly every day so you will get a quick answer and I never ignore a pm. I am an honest person and I hate bullshit like this because it goes completely against what WS stands for.
There will be no second fed, most likely ever. One fed is more than enough and everyone can work together. With Killz apparently gone I will start working on finding an owner to over see this because by the way this was handled it is evident CWF needs someone in charge. If Killz was here I am sure this wouldn't have gotten so out of hand.
I will work something out and I have a few ideas in mind how to use the other guys that want to write and these ideas will help make CWF stronger. Give me some time to think it all over and on the weekend I will post my plan and start contacting people.
I know that after people read that last paragraph they will want to know what I have in mind so here is a hint. What would you do with 8 writers in the one fed?
Peace out