CWF 2011: Trashtalking - Supershow

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Aug 9, 2011
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The arena is silent as they await the arrival of the next War superstar will it be the Tag Team Champions, The Hardcore Champion or the only man not wearing gold in this match up? Their question is soon answered as they boo loudly when a familiar, yet unwelcome theme hits the P.A. system.


The arena fills with boos and John Cena walks ut from behind the cutrtain and onto the stage. The boos intensify as he raises both hands into the air and salutes the fans with his two middle fingers. He lowers them then grabs his chain and salutes to the Chain Gang before walking down to the ring yelling abuse at the fans on his way down the ramp.

He reaches the ring and climbs the steps and steps through the second rope. He then again flips his fingers to the fans who boo intensely. John then walks to the side of the ring asking for a microphone before he addresses the fans.


John Cena
Yo Shut up all of you Shut your mouths its not like I can understand a thing you are saying anyways homie. Now Brett Hart I am glad to see you came to your senses and gave me this match at Elimination Chamber because lets be honest what I did to Hunter last week was going to happen to you if my demands were not meant. But now you go and do a stupid thing like this. I mean come on you have me .... John F$&%ing Cena .... The biggest damn star on this roster versing two jobbers. Sorry sorry I mean "Tag Team Wrestlers" in a two on one handicap match? Are you fricken serious Homie???? These two jokes may be the tag team champions but hell I will pin 'em both with one hand tied behind my back. I mean really Eddie Guerrero dude wh do I keep getting booked against people who don't know when to call it quits. Eddie its over let it go, no Latino ever gonna make it in WWE hell Mexico is a bigger shit hole than than Canada. And R-Truth. Who the hell is this guy .... I mean didn't he have a psychotic breakdown at somepoint in his career start talking to himself or somthing???

The fans boo loudly as Cena laughs to himself. Cena snarls as he stares around the arena looking for anything interesting as the fans continue to express their disdain towards him. He then continues to talk even though no-one is really listening to what he has to say.


John Cena
No Yo Yo ... YO!!! I will get back to those to in a minute because I am sure man of you are wondering why I refereed to this as a Handicap match and that is because I do not expect my partner Triple H to even have the curtisy of even turning up for this match. But even if he did I doubt he would be any help anyway because he is a joke. I mean we all know that he got lucky and hell he is only wearing that belt because Sheamus couldn't full-fill his duties with it after the beating I gave him. So HHH be warned that once that bell is tolled and MY hand is raised as the victor this Monday on Raw Supershow I will give you the biggest beating of your life just to show you what the hell you have in-store for you at Elimination Chamber. I mean at least bring Steph with you man because you know that I will need to celebrate my victory this week and who better to do it with than that hussy. Wait strike that I would probably catch something .... I mean shes been around more times than a carousel horse. So Steph best you stay out back so I am not distracted by the stench you give off when ever you are around.

John lowers his microphone for the second time and takes a deep breathe. The boos have continued throughout his entire time in the ring. The heat is so intense that the sound crew has to turn the volume on Johns microphone up. He continues to the frustration of those in attendance in the O2 Arena.


John Cena
Could all you German Jackasses shut your God damn mouths! Back to the two clowns who I will be beating this week. Now R-truth congratulations on your Undefeated streak I mean even though technically I did all the work for you in your match last week. Hell I even rang the bell for you because I am just that sort of guy. But what I dont understand is how you think that you are going to beat me. I mean it is obvious that I am better than both you and your ..... foreign shall I say counterpart. I mean im more talented than the two of you dumb-asses combined and everyone in this god damn industry knows it. So Guerrero this week you wont be able to rely on your cheating and stealing ways because I have your number. And I think that both you tools have to be taught a lesson by the Chain Gang Leader. I am sorry that you just like Jericho are going to be examples of what I am capable of .... wait no, Im not sorry for that at all. But you can be sure that the only Remedy that you will be receiving this week on this Supershow is a Loss!

John again pauses after growing tired of trying to talk over the constant boos and abuse being thrown in his direction. Some fans in the front row throw a drink at John and the arena errupts as it hits him in the Chest. He picks it up and throws it right back at the fans and flips them the finger whilst yelling abuse at them. Clearly irate about being hit by the drink Cena expresses problems with the german fans.


John Cena
Yall shut your traps. Hell you people do not deserve to be in the same arena as me, let alone deserve to have me in your damn country. You are all a group of first class slobs. Did you know they only sold half the seats in this place and we are filled to capacity. Put the finger rolls down fat ass. Chain Gang is going to tear this town apart we going to take your money, leave your women and just cause shit al because we can. Because Chain Gang is the Click and not a damn thing any yall can do to stop us!!! When its over this Monday ill leave you in shock Eddie and Truth yall a joke you can just suck my co--

Before he can finish he is cut off and the crowd Cheer loudly. John Cena is clearly pissed off about being interrupted and turns to face the ramp as he screams at the fans to Shut Up. He then waves his hand infront of his fce and mouths you cant see me to the ramp when ...



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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Supershow - Batista vs. Alex Riley

The stage for the supershow is vamped up a lot more than normal, due to the size of the o2 World. The size of the crowd is amongst the biggest CWF has seen and they are all here to see their favorite superstars, just days before their huge Elimination chamber Pay Per View! The fans can sense somethings about to happen as the cameras all rush to the stage and the lights flicker.....



The crowd show their disdain as Batista walks out onto the ramp, and slowly takes a breath before spinning with his arms held out, and punches the air before walking forward, and with a smirk, stopping, slaps he ground and performs his turret taunt as fireworks go off behind him. One more punch in the air and The Animal makes his way towards the ring.


Batista walks up the ring steps and climbs into the ring, to get a microphone. When he gets it he stands in the middle of the ring, and awaits the spotlight to shine on only him, and his music stops. Batista looks around at the crowd in Berlin and starts to talk.


The Animal, Batista: Berlin, this is going to be a night of newly accustomed circumstances for you. For generations the strongest thing that has stood in this country, in terms of physical stature and political prowess, has been the Berlin wall. It was something that signified Germany in all of its defensive glory, being two sides of the wall, and when it was taken down, the diversity between the two of you being strong than the wall as a team. Times, have changed however. The physically strongest thing you have in Germany right now... is Dave Batista. Soon to be CWF World Heavyweight Champion, I could have done in an instant what it took you lot years to accomplish. I could break the wall down within a matter of moments and this Wednesday, when I take down Alex Riley in similar fashion, all of you will have to sit back and admit that the words I say are the absolute truth.

The crowd all boo the cocky Elimination Chamber competitor, as he paces the ring slowly, the spotlight following him.

And we all know the only reason that I'm in this match, the only reason that this super show is happening, is because of how badly I put the Big Red Machine Kane to the sword in the first ever interpromotional match, and now, other people are going to get the chance to equal my accomplishment, but that's not going to happen. Because, you see, Alex Riley is also from Honor.... and well.... he can't even beat Billy Gunn, a tag team wrestler, in singles competition. So, to go from that, to Batista, it's like skipping medium from easy mode and going straight to damn im-frickin'-possible! You are getting in the ring with the proven best singles competitor in this business Alex, I don't think you actually realize that. You are the man that I am being given as a warm up to the biggest show in CWF history, and that is the throning of The Animal in his cage. I know it, Finlay knows, Jericho, they all know it. But Alex Riley, you are going to be the very first person to know it first hand.

You think any different..... Step forward.

Batista positions himself in the middle of the rope looking at the staging, as if to protect his territory. He awaits Alex Riley's arrival....

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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"Coma White" by Marilyn Manson comes blasting over the PA system, pulsating through the arena as the fans begin to boo. As they all rise to their feet, the members of R.E.M.E.D.Y. make their way onto the stage. If one were viewing this on a television screen, R-Truth would be on their right and Eddie Guerrero would be on their left, with Jesse Ventura walking behind both of them. Truth walks in front of the other two, as the music fades to silence.


R-Truth: I neva' thought I'd see the day that I walked into a CWF arena, and there was someone the fans hated more than me and Eddie. Then again, a very short portion of your career was spent with them entirely behind you, so I'd say you're used to it by now. Now you might have tweaked your demeanor, John, but your attitude hasn't changed a bit. Telling someone like Eddie Guerrero to retire, that's disrespectful. Approaching this upcoming match like it's going to be a walk in the park, that's arrogant. And no-selling the tag team championships, that's jealousy. If anyone's a jobber around here, I'd say it's you, John. I mean, for crying out loud, you're going after the Hardcore Championship. But that's okay, you keepin' suckin' on your sour grapes, because nothing you say is going to change what has already come to pass. The last straight up tag team match we were in was against John Morrison and Sheamus on our first night in the company. John Morrison didn't show up, and Sheamus nearly got his head caved in by steel.

Here we are several weeks later and it's deja vu. Playing the part of John Morrison will be Triple H and playing the part of Sheamus will be you, John, because you're right, Triple H isn't going to show. Not today, not tomorrow. Not Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or next Thursday. He's become complacent, lethargic, a shell of his former self. He's become, well, a jobber. So you may take the Hardcore Championship, but you won't have to fight for it, and where's the honor in that, huh? Of course, I'd say that doesn't matter to you at all, you're used to being handed titles.

Eddie takes the microphone.


Eddie Guerrero: Ain't no Latino gonna make it in the WWE because Mexico is a bigger shithole than Canada. Just wanted to make sure I heard you clearly pendejo and verify that you indeed sound that stupid when you speak. I don't know where you think you are, John, but it isn't the WWE and it isn't Canada either. Because if it was the WWE, you would be in the Elimination Chamber defending the CWF Heavyweight Championship, but instead you're closer to the bottom of the card where a talentless, limited son of a bitch like you belongs. Let me break it down for you, holmes, when you and Hunter step into that ring with me on Truth on CWF Supershow, not Raw, it's going to be you that is on the receiving end of the worst beating of your life.

It's like this, white boy, our match with you will be another disappointing contest that requires little effort on our part to win because you're not going to be a challenge, especially since you'll be going this one alone. As Truth pointed out, Morrison never showed and Sheamus fell faster than your album did down the Billboard charts. Jeff Hardy was an effortless win, Triple H was an effortless win, and Mattitude was an effortless win. You have a skewed outlook on the way things operate around here, ese', although you think we're enhancement talent we're really the ones that are fed them. Everyone that has opposed us has been made to look like enhancement talent, and that's not going to change because you're John Cena, vato. Because being John Cena means the same thing as being The Miz or the New Age Outlaws nowadays. You talk a big time but everyone knows you're nothing special.


Jesse Ventura: So you're the one all the women and children were making all this fuss about, huh? Well quite honestly, I don't see why, especially now that you're pissing and moaning about being in a company you actually have to earn your spot in. Big Daddy Vince isn't around to slip you the peach cobra anymore, kid, everything you have and don't have is on you now. I heard that little rhyme you tried to kick at the end of your tantrum, you must think you're hot shit for that, John. Well you're half right, John, you're shit. Of course someone in the crowd must of thought you were hot too since they threw a drink at your head. You keep talking about your Chain Gang. Your Chain Gang's gonna do this, your Chain Gang's gonna do that, and no one can do a thing about it. Well kid, last I checked you're still in that ring alone and every person in this arena is booing you, so who's in this so-called Chain Gang of yours?

It'll almost be pointless for Eddie and Truth to maim you next week, because you do such a good job at sabotaging yourself. That's how it's gotta be though, John, so I hope you're ready for your diarrhea of the mouth to be cured. In other words, you're diseased, and my prescription is a complete and total whitewashing.

All three men look at John Cena as they wait to see if the Cerebral Assassin will show up.


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The CWF Universe burst into cheers as Alex Riley makes his way out from the back. Riley emerges with a smile on his face as he stands at the top of the ramp and soaks in the positive atmosphere. Riley looks around at the crowd for a moment before deciding to walk down the ramp and towards the ring


Riley high-fives some fans as he rounds the corner and walks up the steel steps. He stands on the ring apron with the smile still on his face, before entering the ring. Riley walks over to the turnbuckle, climbs up it and raises his arm in the air. The CWF Universe cheers him as he gets off the turnbuckle, reaches through the ring ropes and is handed a microphone from an official. Riley walks to the middle of the ring and raises the microphone to his mouth


Alex Riley

Hmmmm. CWF Universe, I'm a little confused about something. Right now, I am standing inside a wrestling ring... at least I thought I was. I can't help but have that daunting feeling as if I've just stepped inside a classroom once again, ready to learn some modern history before a very important exam. I have to admit, my teacher isn't the most attractive person I've ever laid eyes on, but think about it, are any history teachers that attractive? Yeah, they're not really, which all but explains why Batista just bored us to death with his little lesson in German history. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure you're all proud of your country's history in terms of eliminating a structure of immense political authority, but you can't tell me that Batista didn't just make you fall asleep. I mean come on, you people aren't here study or to look for extra curriculum on your history paper, you're here to watch Alex Riley get in trouble with the ASPCA when he beats the crap out of an Animal.

The crowd burst into cheers as the confident young superstar looks over at Batista with a big smile on his face

The fact that I'm out here, Dave, obviously means I thought what you had to say was nothing but a load of crap. There's no denying that you've beaten some big names while a part of this company, whereas I lost to a tag team wrestler in a singles match last week, but as far as I'm concerned we all have our off weeks. Now I'm not using that as any excuse, because I know for a fact that if I was to face Billy Gunn one-on-one again, I'd be the one leaving with my hand raised. To further prove that last week was an off week for me, I'm going to do the unthinkable this week. I plan on stepping foot in this ring on the 20th of October, looking you dead in the eyes, and proving why I'm not a man to be messed with. There's a little saying that goes "miracles can happen", but the only miracle that'll occur next week is you making it to the Elimination Chamber after I dismiss you and walk out of this ring knowing that I'm one step closer to becoming Intercontinental Champion!

The smile on Riley's face is now gone as he looks right into Batista's eyes

I'm not afraid of you, I'll not intimidated of you, and frankly I never will be. I've got nothing to lose but everything to gain next week, but the same can't be said for you, one of six men who are vying to become World Heavyweight Champion in 9 night's time. I don't think I'm the only one that'd find it damn hilarious if big, bad Batista gets beaten by his "warm up" opponent.

It doesn't take very long for the smile to return to Riley's face, as he waits for Batista to speak again

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Apr 23, 2011
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SuperShow: Sheamus vs Del Rio

Read The Words That Are Written In My Face ...
Why Believe Them? I Believe Them!


Theme of Celtic Warrior and also called Irish Curse Sheamus, but also Hardcore Champion hits the PA System of the arena. Sheamus comes out of backstage area and goes straight to the ring. On the ramp, while he's walking, he's hitting his chest as a sign of his great power. He stops in front of the ring and look at both sides of the arena. The crowd cheers loudly, but Sheamus gives attendance just a sarcastic smile and continues his way to the ring over the steel steps to the apron, where he stands for a while and looks at the crowd again. Then over the second rope he enters the ring and starts to hit his chest again. The crowd cheers even more loud and Sheamus asks for microphone, so he can start to speak ....


Oi have come he'e, because befo' I sta't to destroy Alberto Del Rio ta talk 'bout past few weeks. Those past few weeks weren't tha best fer me, because when Oi sum it up, Oi have lost almost every match. Oi am sure, that yer info'med 'bout it very well, so ye know, that Oi lost me Ha'dco' Championship and last week Oi lost me match, where my partner was Edge and we weren't able ta defeat Finlay and Tha Animal Batista. Oi can't say that it was Edge's fault, but we all know, that Edge was tha worse one from us. But that's not tha main pa't of what Oi wanted ta say, tha main t'ing is, that Oi was comfi'med fer that World Heavyweight Championship match and Oi can guarantee ye, that Oi will make lifes of my enmies a livin' hell. Seems like yeste'day when Oi came to CWF and Oi wasn't too successful he'e, but with tha time, Oi am becoming bette' and bette' and now Oi have enough guts ta win that titel and believe me, that Oi will wea' that gold on me shoulde' really proudly. And this time, it is Alberto Del Rio, who is anothe' victim of Tha Celtic Warrio'. Alberto will feel tha pain and tha fea', when Tha Great White Sheamus will run against 'im …

Sheamus makes a pause and continues …


Ye know Alberto … ye can have yer seňoras, seňores and yer ring announce', but Oi have tha whole crowd standin' behind me. And not only that Oi was Ha'dco' Champion, while ye haven't achieved anythin' he'e in CWF, but also at Elimination Chambe' Oi am a pa't of World Heavyweight Championship match and Oi've got a question … Whe'e a' ye? Well, Oi don't know if ya even have a match at this Pay-Pe'-View, but if ye have any, yer somewhe' down, while me, Tha Celtic Warrio' is in a main event. Ye bette' focus on a tag team divison, 'cause as individual ye don't stand a chance against anybody. Ya know that Finlay and those othe' men, they a' no match fer me, just like yer not. Oi am gonna destroy ya Del Rio and make su'e to don't ferget me words … Ya won't walk away frem this ring on yer own feet, believe it o' not. And even if yer gonna stand a little chance against me o' even if ye want ta fight me like a man, it won't be easy. Oi am frem Ireland, tha greatest country in tha world, full of beave men, who were fightin' fo' ou' country and Oi am exactly tha same. Oi will fight fer me country he'e in CWF and Oi am gonna destroy anybody who will stand in me way and currently, fer yer bad luck, it is ye Del Rio. And how do ye say that? It is me destiny, ta beat ye like a little kid …

Crowd cheers for Sheamus loudly and Sheamus is ready to say few last words …

Ye bette' realize Del Rio, that yer standin' against Tha Irish Cu'se, Tha Great White Sheamus. And Oi am not like tha othe' ones. Oi am bette', stronge' and badde'. And Oi am gonna make ye pay fer yer sins, ye have done in tha past. Oi am gonna make ye screaming in pain so much, that these people will stoppeth thei' ea's. Now Oi hope ye have enough guts, ta come down he'e and say ta me face ta face yer pa't, because Oi know that ye have always somethin' on yer mind, but that's not gonna protect ye frem me ange' …

Sheamus drops the microphone and waits for arrival of his rival ...


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Feb 20, 2011
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CWF Supershow - Mr T & Roddy Piper V New Age Outlaws

‘Rowdy’ Roddy Pipers theme song plays over the arena when the ‘Hot Rod’ takes to the stage along with Mr T. The boos rain down on them as they both walk down the entrance ramp with Piper shouting stuff at the crowd. They get to the ring and they climb the steps and get into the ring before Mr T picks up a mic that was laid out for them.

Mr. T: Shut up you crazy fools. Nobody in their right mind would dare to boo our greatness. The great Mr T and Rowdy Roddy Piper have arrived here in CWF with one thing on our mind, domination. I’m sure you all know who I am and that I don’t play nice. When I say I’m gonna kick yo’ ass, I’ll do it. Now, at Elimination Chamber we have a number one contender’s match which consists of more talentless fools. In fact, I never seen so many damn fools inside one building. We are here to wipe them out and to bring stability to the CWF roster. But first, first we have to focus on our match this week. The first step to domination will start this week and we are facing the current number one contenders to the tag team champions, The New Age Outlaws. Why they have that status is beyond me, but they will be lucky to even make it to the Pay Per View. You see, after we are finished with them, R.E.M.E.D.Y will be holding a party backstage. Now the tag team champions, they are more fools than New Age Outlaws are. They have a history of attacking people from behind and usin’ sneaky tactics to get the win. Well, me and Piper will not be fallin’ for them traps. So, I suggest you change your tactics real fast, get some nuts and grow up otherwise your titles will be gone before ya’ can say 1-2-3!

The crowd boo loudly and Piper screams...


‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper: Shuurruppp! Ya’ see, I’m sick an’ tired of this idiotic waste of space that is you lot. Ya’ have no respect whatsoever for the abilities that we possess. Ya’ know what I see while I’m watchin’ this programme huh? I see pieces of trash come down ta’ this ring and speak the biggest load o bullshit I ever seen in ma’ entire life. I see them rantin’ on like theres no tomorra’. An’ I see you lot buyin’ the crap that is comin’ out of their filthy mouths. Now, that makes me sick. We’re here ta’ change that. I tell ya’ the entire roster should be on notice, if you cross paths with us, that’ll be the last thing ya’ ever do. This is not a threat, this is a promise, just you watch, I hope ya’ all watch our match this week. When Mr T and The Hot-Rod make sure that these complete dim-wits won’t make it ta’ Elimination Chamber. Now, I already know whatcha all gonna’ say. You’ll shout come on DX or NAO. Well guess what, enjoy it while ya’ can because while we’re here, ya’ will be watchin’ domination.

The crowd erupt in boos when...


OOC: Good Luck lewb, had to use that pic as couldn't find anything else.


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CWF Supershow: Christian vs. CM Punk

Smoke begins to pour up from the entrance ramp as a man is standing facing opposite the ring. He stretches his hand out wide.


He turns around as he takes off his hoodie which reveals his Christian tank-top and his usual attire. He prepares himself by jumping up and down a couple of times before looking at the ring as he makes his way.


Christian then goes to the top rope straight away as he motions for the CWF Championship belt.


Christian then takes off his tank-top as he pretends to throw it to the crowd but instead throws it on the floor, he then gets a microphone from a ringside worker.



Just three days before I'm scheduled to compete I'm put in a match against a man who probably won't even turn up, CM Punk. Don't get me wrong or anything but CM Punk left the business after he lost his chance to become Champion, against a man I've beaten before, Finlay. Maybe it's time people understood how it works around here, I've beaten former champions and come Sunday October 23rd, I will walk away your CWF Champion. While CM Punk tries to use his name 'Phil Brooks' and try to deliver shoots and a whole lot of crap around here, I want him to take notice where it really belongs, I want CM Punk to realize that I don't care what he has to say. I don't care for him at all, the last time CM Punk was here he tried to prove that he was the 'Best in the World' but as far as I'm concerned I believe you stole that line from Chris Jericho. Now about Chris Jericho, he can say whatever he wants but he cannot back it up, that's the thing about the both of you. You can steal catchphrases, you can intimidate us by your words but the action speaks for itself and that's something you cannot do CM Punk. The world was told that you'd beat Finlay and what happened, you didn't get the job done! So if you even turn up, I'd like to expect something better from you. While you're facing William Regal at Elimination Chamber, Regal hasn't wrestled in God knows how long... But I must admit he's probably a hell lot more talented then you are Punk. I don't buy your blantant bullcrap that you bring here to CWF, everything you've tried to do doesn't seem... to work. Maybe you should pay attention to what I say or what I do in the ring, I always deliver and the outcome is always what I say it will be.

The crowd gives out a mixed-reaction here... Christian's a bit surprised.

You try win these people over by supposably speaking what we want, you claim we don't have the balls to do what we want... but I can assure you I can deliver something that ensures you don't get up for the thr-

Christian's suddenly interrupted.

OOC: Let's keep it short, show's Wednesday

The Hoov

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Oct 31, 2010
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Supershow- Edge vs. Matt Hardy


The crowd immediately breaks out into a booing frenzy as Matt Hardy Version 1 emerges from the back being escorted by his new MF'er Lita. The crowd looks on in shock and awe as the two embrace at the top of the ramp. They then start walking down the ramp. Lita runs ahead and slides into the ring. Matt stays behind and hams it up to the crowd. Today's Matt Fact flashes on the screen reading “Matt has seen every Friday the 13th filmâ€￾.


Matt then climbs into the ring and tosses up a V1 hand sign, much to the crowd's dismay. He is handed a microphone and wastes no time.


Matt Hardy: They all doubted me. They all counted me out. They all said it couldn't be done but here I stand before you not only a competitor in the Elimination Chamber match for the CWF Heavyweight Championship but I'm also the odds-on favorite. I mean, why don't we look at the facts. In a matter of weeks, I have defeated CM Punk one-on-one, obliterated the biggest wrestling star in history Stone Cold Steve Austin, and decimated the man everyone calls the “Rated R Superstarâ€￾ Edge.

The crowd cheers at the mere mention of his name. Matt and Lita roll their eyes as Matt continues.

Matt Hardy: Yes, you all just love Edge, don't you? My question is: Why? Why would anyone look up to someone who takes shortcuts at every turn? Why would anyone wear a t-shirt bearing the picture of a man who takes advantage of others for his own personal gain? And riddle me this, why would anyone cheer on a man who's had more wives than my brother has had second chances? Edge, you are scum. It's as simple as that. You constantly use others for your own volition. Edge, or should I call you Adam because Edge was a man who used to be my friend once upon a time. Once upon a time, we used to be inseparable but your jealousy and pettiness and selfishness got in the way. You see, this woman right here, she fell for your B.S. Hook, line, and sinker. She was then subjected to being chewed up and spit out like a dirty, used piece of bubble gum. Then, like an addict, after being dumped by you the first time, she goes crawling back to the same exact result. She was at her absolute lowest. And that's where I come in.

The crowd is booing these two right out of the building. Matt takes Lita's hand and starts speaking solely to her.


Matt Hardy: I've asked you this before, but are you ready to accept Mattitude into your life? Are you truly willing and capable to hand your life over to the Sensei of Mattitude and 100% give your life over to it? Only those willing to do these things are the ones who succeed in turning their pathetic, miserable lives around. Just look at my brother Jeff and Shannon. Those two were heading down a rough patch, especially my brother. My brother came to me on his hands and knees, begging to be saved and I obliged. Now, Amy, are you willing to do the same? Are you willing to accentuate your Mattributes and become a Follower of Mattitude. Lita, are you or aren't you an MF'er?

Matt hands Lita the microphone as she addresses the audience.


Lita: You people shut it when Matt is talking!

The crowd is just booing louder than they have in a very long time. Lita then continues.

Lita: Matt, I would love nothing more than to be an MF'er. You are more of a man than Edge ever could be and that's because you have principles and morals. Edge, he doesn't have any. Adam, if you think you have what it takes to defeat the next CWF Heavyweight Champion, then by all means try but something just tells me nothing you could possibly do can keep Matt Hardy Version 1 down.

Lita then looks over to Matt and kisses him on the cheek before addressing Edge again.

Lita: Because Matt Hardy Version 1 WILL....NOT.....DIE!!

Just as Lita finishes her sentence.....


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CWF Supershow: Finlay vs. Kevin Thorn

This match is for Finlay (Ants) and Thorn (Sam)

Good luck!


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CWF Supershow: Lesnar vs. Kane

This is for Lesnar (Slim) and Kane (Dredson)

Good luck!

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Theme of Alberto del Rio hit the PA system and fans get of their seats and they wait for Alberto's car, but Alberto comes out in his wrestling attire right on the stage and just instantly walk down to the ring, but then he little bit walked back and makes his usual taunt and pyro behind him begin to fall down...


After Alberto did his taunt camera focus on Ricardo that grab a microphone and introduce Del Rio...


Ricardo Rodriguez: Señoras y señores,
Ponte de pie!
Y me ayude a introducir ese gran hombre!
Él es un hombre de gran inteligencia
Y nunca deja una gran oportunidad de ir a los residuos
A diferencia de que los campesinos
Él es la esencia de la excelencia
Él es Alberto del RRRRRRRrrrriiiiiioOOOOoO!

After Ricardo introduced Del Rio, Alberto stands before ring and with arrogant smile look at Sheamus and begin to talk...


Alberto Del Rio: Ah, poor little Sheamus. You just gave me everything I wanted. You, just proved to me and to all these peasants, that stands behind you, that you are just like everybody else back there. You are arrogant, rude, your point of IQ is somewhere around the zero and your words just spoke louder than your actions beside the fact, that typically, your words makes absolutely no sense this time, it was more useful than thousands words of somebody else with more IQ... Fella, congratulation. You don't even know how important your words are. It gonna be little hard for you to understand me, but I'm gonna explain it to you little bit Señor.. You are throwing around here with fact, that you was Hardcore champion and that I accomplished nothing. Well, let me get this straight. Six months ago, before I was taken out, I was World Heavyweight Champion in CWF and for your information, I was undefeated. Thing, that you are in World Heavyweight Championship elimination chamber match is because of me. It's because I gave up from my deserved rematch for that title. And to answer your question, where am I? Well, I think you need to watch the situation around CWF. Lot of thing changed. After your sentence, that I should, how it was, that I should focus on tag team division, I should get you on the right way. If you didn't mentioned, my former tag team partner, was cause some secret reason fired and I was brutally attacked by someone and cause of that I nearly broke my neck. So Sheamus, I don't know how intelligent you are and how well you know wrestling rules, but if there's someway how to be in tag team division without any tag team partner, then tell me, I really would love to know that... But Shame'O, where I am? I am in match with no reason against Rey Mysterio and why I'm not somewhere bigger? Well, I'm asking the very same question each and every single second....

Fans give Alberto mixed reaction and Alberto roll into the ring and look at Sheamus before continuing...


Alberto Del Rio: Sheamus, I see you still don't clearly understand me, but I take it. I know you don't have as big brain as I would be expecting from someone, but that's OK, I will give you few more examples... Sheamus, you said that I don't stand a chance against anybody. Well, I don't know if you were drugged last week or what, but if you didn't mentioned, before you brutally and with no serious reason attacked me, I made The Miz tap out. But I know, after this you should say that then you came out and kick my head out of my neck and YEAH, WHAT A HERO YOU ARE! You destroyed guy, that just won a hard and long match, you are tough guy Sheamus! Really, you really as dangerous as you are saying. And maybe that's the reason why you gonna become next World Champion. Or maybe that gonna happen because you have some personal relationship with Bret Hart, but it doesn’t truly matter...But Sheamus and all of people that stands behind you now LISTEN!... Sheamus, there was one thing that you was right about.. As you said, after our match, I will not gonna walk away on my feet. I will not be able to. And that's the reason, why I gonna ride out in my brand new Porsche! Isn't that awesome fella? While you gonna be holding your arm in a pain, after I gonna break it in a half, I gonna ride right back to the Mexico in my new Porsche! And that's how true aristocrats are making their ways back home. That is how true MEXICAN aristocrats are making their way back home. Not Irish aristocrats. Why? Because in Ireland, there's no aristocrats. There's no intelligent people! Why? Because you have bigger problems with drinking Whiskeys and beers and you don't really care about your true future. And that gonna be your fall Sheamus...


Alberto Del Rio: Now, at the end Sheamus, I just wanna say thank you. Thank you for showing to everyone, how truly idiotic this federation is. Thank you, for another incriminating material in a upcoming lawsuit against CWF. And you for giving a chance tonight to show to these peasants why it is my future to lead this company to the bigger and better future. Sheamus, you are maybe just a small fish in a big aquarium, but with time, when I gonna catch all your little fishes, Biggest fish gonna die cause of no more fishes to eat. And that's not just guess, that's the future and it is given by destiny. Think about this...

Alberto drops the microphone and walk to back..

Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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The scene opens up on Kane standing in front of a purple background.


Kane: Brock, what is currently unfolding I promise you will make this the worst week of not only your career, but your life. Thursday night at the Supershow I will shame you in the middle of that ring with little effort, and three nights later you will lose what you've held so dear since you captured it, the Intercontinental Championship. And that's the shortest, simplest way to put it to you, Brock. Your lack of making yourself heard lately lets me know that there's no need in getting long-winded, because you aren't going to respond. So I leave you with another promise, very soon CWF will bid farewell to you.

Kane ends with that thought as the screen goes black, the evil laughter of the Big Red Machine being heard.​


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Sep 14, 2010
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Brock: I can assure you Kane that Brock Lesnar is not finished. Far from it. Brock Lesnar is alive and well and Brock Lesnar will be appearing at the SuperShow to take care of some red freak named Kane. I fear nobody. Nobody. And the shame that you are referring to is the shame you will be feeling as you will be forced to eat each and every bit of your words not only at the Super Show but just a few days later when I will successfully defend my belt. A belt that nobody has been able to take from me ever since I first took it from whoever it was so long ago. Its been so long ago that nobody knows who it was that had it before me. My reign of terror has been on full display ever since that day and will continue through this show and through the pay per view. You Kane... are nothing more than a piece of meat that is going to be beaten down starting at the show. But after the show... I feel a need for some grilling since you do seem to like fire. Wouldn't mind roasting some Kane.

Brock lowers his mic as he starts to laugh.

Big Red Jericho Punk

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Sep 28, 2010
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OOC: Sorry I been really busy with so many things. I will get a post up tomorrow morning American time. So Andrew I know your probablydoing show for american time at night so just wait up.


Jun 5, 2010
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NSW, Australia
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R.E.M.E.D.Y stops and awaits Triple H to make an appearance but they aren't made to wait long as suddenly a theme song that instantly has everyone jump to their feet hits the PA System as the arena flashes purple and green


'My Time' plays out over the arena as the fans haven't heard the theme for a while, but still know that the arrival of the Game is coming. Triple H slowly appears on the stage as he doesnt look impressed, he doesn't stop on the stage either as he just makes a beeline for the ring


Triple H reaches the end of the ramp, looking from side to side to the crowd and then turning back towards the ring, looking at the people standing in it. He slowly slides underneath the ropes, not making his trademark entrance as walks past all of them, asking and recieving a mic from the ringside assissant. He makes his way to the center of the ring again when he starts to speak.


Triple H: Well, well, by the looks of it, or may I correct myself and say that by the sounds of it, everyone in this ring was worried about what The Game was doing, is Triple H going appear, is the King of Kings going to be a factor in this match, oh dear lord has Triple H gave Stephanie the old grab around yet today? It's alright Eddie, R Truth, Jesse and John, it's alright, all stay calm because I will give you all the answers, yes, yes and unluckily no but when I'm done wasting my time out here with each and everyone of you, I certainly will change that last answer to a Yes.

The crowd laugh a little as Triple H pats his stomach whilst looking at the opposing team. He laughs a little himself before starting to talk again.

You could all proberly tell by now that I am missing two things, one is quite important because this is something that could stand in the way of my own team at this supershow and the second one is backstage minding that certain thing as I didn't want her to get hurt, I am of course talking about my lovely wife Stephanie McMahon and of course the other thing is my Hardcore Championship that I demolished Sheamus for. Now, I bet you are wondering why it's just little old me out here by myself, after all, everyone watched what happened on War didn't they? R Truth was about to recieve the ass kicking of his life courtesy of myself but John Cena just couldn't keep his nose out of my business, attacking me from behind and really doing a number on me before throwing me into that ring so R Truth could defeat me, making Eddie one happy mexican and making Jesse Venture get something he hasn't for a few years, an erection. Well done John, I previously had no problem with you, you were just another guy in the lockeroom, but with one stupid mistake you became the biggest dumbass in that lockeroom and whether it's at this Supershow or I have to wait until Elimination Chamber, your ass is going to severly beaten by yours truly and R.E.M.E.D.Y, I bet you don't hear this too often but John and I, we aren't going to be a team this week, I don't see the point in pretending like we could be a force that works together so enjoy your handicap match, you just better hope Cena doesn't get that tag because I like it when my back is against the wall. Now, lets get down to business, I'm tried of listening and talking, it seems I'm a little outnumbered as well so excuse me a sec fellows.

With those last words, Triple H quickly drops his mic, drops to the outside and searches below the apron. He isn't searching long as he finds what he is looking for like it was placed there before. He quickly emerges from underneath, lifting up his trusty sledgehammer, looking at it and smiling before looking into the ring where Cena and R.E.M.E.D.Y look a bit scared. Hunter starts to walk towards the steps when suddenly .....

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