The arena is silent as they await the arrival of the next War superstar will it be the Tag Team Champions, The Hardcore Champion or the only man not wearing gold in this match up? Their question is soon answered as they boo loudly when a familiar, yet unwelcome theme hits the P.A. system.
The arena fills with boos and John Cena walks ut from behind the cutrtain and onto the stage. The boos intensify as he raises both hands into the air and salutes the fans with his two middle fingers. He lowers them then grabs his chain and salutes to the Chain Gang before walking down to the ring yelling abuse at the fans on his way down the ramp.
He reaches the ring and climbs the steps and steps through the second rope. He then again flips his fingers to the fans who boo intensely. John then walks to the side of the ring asking for a microphone before he addresses the fans.
John Cena
Yo Shut up all of you Shut your mouths its not like I can understand a thing you are saying anyways homie. Now Brett Hart I am glad to see you came to your senses and gave me this match at Elimination Chamber because lets be honest what I did to Hunter last week was going to happen to you if my demands were not meant. But now you go and do a stupid thing like this. I mean come on you have me .... John F$&%ing Cena .... The biggest damn star on this roster versing two jobbers. Sorry sorry I mean "Tag Team Wrestlers" in a two on one handicap match? Are you fricken serious Homie???? These two jokes may be the tag team champions but hell I will pin 'em both with one hand tied behind my back. I mean really Eddie Guerrero dude wh do I keep getting booked against people who don't know when to call it quits. Eddie its over let it go, no Latino ever gonna make it in WWE hell Mexico is a bigger shit hole than than Canada. And R-Truth. Who the hell is this guy .... I mean didn't he have a psychotic breakdown at somepoint in his career start talking to himself or somthing???
The fans boo loudly as Cena laughs to himself. Cena snarls as he stares around the arena looking for anything interesting as the fans continue to express their disdain towards him. He then continues to talk even though no-one is really listening to what he has to say.
John Cena
No Yo Yo ... YO!!! I will get back to those to in a minute because I am sure man of you are wondering why I refereed to this as a Handicap match and that is because I do not expect my partner Triple H to even have the curtisy of even turning up for this match. But even if he did I doubt he would be any help anyway because he is a joke. I mean we all know that he got lucky and hell he is only wearing that belt because Sheamus couldn't full-fill his duties with it after the beating I gave him. So HHH be warned that once that bell is tolled and MY hand is raised as the victor this Monday on Raw Supershow I will give you the biggest beating of your life just to show you what the hell you have in-store for you at Elimination Chamber. I mean at least bring Steph with you man because you know that I will need to celebrate my victory this week and who better to do it with than that hussy. Wait strike that I would probably catch something .... I mean shes been around more times than a carousel horse. So Steph best you stay out back so I am not distracted by the stench you give off when ever you are around.
John lowers his microphone for the second time and takes a deep breathe. The boos have continued throughout his entire time in the ring. The heat is so intense that the sound crew has to turn the volume on Johns microphone up. He continues to the frustration of those in attendance in the O2 Arena.
John Cena
Could all you German Jackasses shut your God damn mouths! Back to the two clowns who I will be beating this week. Now R-truth congratulations on your Undefeated streak I mean even though technically I did all the work for you in your match last week. Hell I even rang the bell for you because I am just that sort of guy. But what I dont understand is how you think that you are going to beat me. I mean it is obvious that I am better than both you and your ..... foreign shall I say counterpart. I mean im more talented than the two of you dumb-asses combined and everyone in this god damn industry knows it. So Guerrero this week you wont be able to rely on your cheating and stealing ways because I have your number. And I think that both you tools have to be taught a lesson by the Chain Gang Leader. I am sorry that you just like Jericho are going to be examples of what I am capable of .... wait no, Im not sorry for that at all. But you can be sure that the only Remedy that you will be receiving this week on this Supershow is a Loss!
John again pauses after growing tired of trying to talk over the constant boos and abuse being thrown in his direction. Some fans in the front row throw a drink at John and the arena errupts as it hits him in the Chest. He picks it up and throws it right back at the fans and flips them the finger whilst yelling abuse at them. Clearly irate about being hit by the drink Cena expresses problems with the german fans.
John Cena
Yall shut your traps. Hell you people do not deserve to be in the same arena as me, let alone deserve to have me in your damn country. You are all a group of first class slobs. Did you know they only sold half the seats in this place and we are filled to capacity. Put the finger rolls down fat ass. Chain Gang is going to tear this town apart we going to take your money, leave your women and just cause shit al because we can. Because Chain Gang is the Click and not a damn thing any yall can do to stop us!!! When its over this Monday ill leave you in shock Eddie and Truth yall a joke you can just suck my co--
Before he can finish he is cut off and the crowd Cheer loudly. John Cena is clearly pissed off about being interrupted and turns to face the ramp as he screams at the fans to Shut Up. He then waves his hand infront of his fce and mouths you cant see me to the ramp when ...
The arena fills with boos and John Cena walks ut from behind the cutrtain and onto the stage. The boos intensify as he raises both hands into the air and salutes the fans with his two middle fingers. He lowers them then grabs his chain and salutes to the Chain Gang before walking down to the ring yelling abuse at the fans on his way down the ramp.
He reaches the ring and climbs the steps and steps through the second rope. He then again flips his fingers to the fans who boo intensely. John then walks to the side of the ring asking for a microphone before he addresses the fans.

John Cena
Yo Shut up all of you Shut your mouths its not like I can understand a thing you are saying anyways homie. Now Brett Hart I am glad to see you came to your senses and gave me this match at Elimination Chamber because lets be honest what I did to Hunter last week was going to happen to you if my demands were not meant. But now you go and do a stupid thing like this. I mean come on you have me .... John F$&%ing Cena .... The biggest damn star on this roster versing two jobbers. Sorry sorry I mean "Tag Team Wrestlers" in a two on one handicap match? Are you fricken serious Homie???? These two jokes may be the tag team champions but hell I will pin 'em both with one hand tied behind my back. I mean really Eddie Guerrero dude wh do I keep getting booked against people who don't know when to call it quits. Eddie its over let it go, no Latino ever gonna make it in WWE hell Mexico is a bigger shit hole than than Canada. And R-Truth. Who the hell is this guy .... I mean didn't he have a psychotic breakdown at somepoint in his career start talking to himself or somthing???
The fans boo loudly as Cena laughs to himself. Cena snarls as he stares around the arena looking for anything interesting as the fans continue to express their disdain towards him. He then continues to talk even though no-one is really listening to what he has to say.

John Cena
No Yo Yo ... YO!!! I will get back to those to in a minute because I am sure man of you are wondering why I refereed to this as a Handicap match and that is because I do not expect my partner Triple H to even have the curtisy of even turning up for this match. But even if he did I doubt he would be any help anyway because he is a joke. I mean we all know that he got lucky and hell he is only wearing that belt because Sheamus couldn't full-fill his duties with it after the beating I gave him. So HHH be warned that once that bell is tolled and MY hand is raised as the victor this Monday on Raw Supershow I will give you the biggest beating of your life just to show you what the hell you have in-store for you at Elimination Chamber. I mean at least bring Steph with you man because you know that I will need to celebrate my victory this week and who better to do it with than that hussy. Wait strike that I would probably catch something .... I mean shes been around more times than a carousel horse. So Steph best you stay out back so I am not distracted by the stench you give off when ever you are around.
John lowers his microphone for the second time and takes a deep breathe. The boos have continued throughout his entire time in the ring. The heat is so intense that the sound crew has to turn the volume on Johns microphone up. He continues to the frustration of those in attendance in the O2 Arena.

John Cena
Could all you German Jackasses shut your God damn mouths! Back to the two clowns who I will be beating this week. Now R-truth congratulations on your Undefeated streak I mean even though technically I did all the work for you in your match last week. Hell I even rang the bell for you because I am just that sort of guy. But what I dont understand is how you think that you are going to beat me. I mean it is obvious that I am better than both you and your ..... foreign shall I say counterpart. I mean im more talented than the two of you dumb-asses combined and everyone in this god damn industry knows it. So Guerrero this week you wont be able to rely on your cheating and stealing ways because I have your number. And I think that both you tools have to be taught a lesson by the Chain Gang Leader. I am sorry that you just like Jericho are going to be examples of what I am capable of .... wait no, Im not sorry for that at all. But you can be sure that the only Remedy that you will be receiving this week on this Supershow is a Loss!
John again pauses after growing tired of trying to talk over the constant boos and abuse being thrown in his direction. Some fans in the front row throw a drink at John and the arena errupts as it hits him in the Chest. He picks it up and throws it right back at the fans and flips them the finger whilst yelling abuse at them. Clearly irate about being hit by the drink Cena expresses problems with the german fans.

John Cena
Yall shut your traps. Hell you people do not deserve to be in the same arena as me, let alone deserve to have me in your damn country. You are all a group of first class slobs. Did you know they only sold half the seats in this place and we are filled to capacity. Put the finger rolls down fat ass. Chain Gang is going to tear this town apart we going to take your money, leave your women and just cause shit al because we can. Because Chain Gang is the Click and not a damn thing any yall can do to stop us!!! When its over this Monday ill leave you in shock Eddie and Truth yall a joke you can just suck my co--
Before he can finish he is cut off and the crowd Cheer loudly. John Cena is clearly pissed off about being interrupted and turns to face the ramp as he screams at the fans to Shut Up. He then waves his hand infront of his fce and mouths you cant see me to the ramp when ...