Jericho looks quite pleased with himself, almost a bit amused by the intimidatory tactics of Sheamus. He looks at him with his corny smile, before raising his microphone once more to interrupt Sheamus.
Jericho:Yknow, I've faced a LOT of guys in this industry, I've fought giants, luchadors, people's champs, canadian grapplers, and The Master of the Steveweiser. I've faced Irishmen before too, if you count good ol' Finlay. I like that guy. He got his own little sidekick, I used to have one, I called him Big Show. But the thing is, Sheamus, you're saying the exact same thing EVERY opponent has told me. "I'm gonna break you, I'm gonna beat you, take your title, end your career," Blah, blah, BLAH! The thing is Sheamus, you talk a big game, that's nice and all, but so far I haven't seen you really bring it. You've beaten Chuck Taylor and THE MEEEEEZ, but that's nothing really. The Miz isn't that bad I guess, I once looked at him and though I was having an out of body experience, looking at myself. Then I realised, I hadn't gotten that ugly and become that bad of a wrestler. Chuck Taylor, you had to surprise attack, savvy I guess. I'll give you that. You were pretty impressive at Ven- Oh wait. YOU WEREN'T AT VENGEANCE! Why not, man? We could've seen somebody kick your ass on Pay Per View, the ratings would've shot up!
Jericho paces back and forth in the ring, staring right at Sheamus, who looks quite emotionless, actually. He never takes his eyes off Jericho, despite perhaps the rage boiling up inside him.
Jericho:Awwww, whassa matter? You're not happy? Come on, be positive, you finally get to appear on CWF Pay Per View, right? I have too, I had some fun, I beat on, It'll come to me, I know you and him are buddies, you had some matches in the past before. Oh that's riiiight! John Cena! The lovechild of Marky Mark and what seems to be some sort of foul mutation, but something about your matches comes to mind for me..what is it? Oh that's riiight, again, another apiphany! Man, I'm on the ball today. You CAN'T beat Cena. You can't. You beat him when he slipped and when the Nexus won it for you, and those were both your two WWE Championships. Funny that. You remember what happened when I faced Cena at Vengeance? I thnk we got some visual aids for you here.
Suddenly, an image lights up on the titantron.
Jericho points at the image, almost in shock and surprise, as though he's never seen it before. You know he probably has a copy framed on his locker room wall or something though.
Jericho:Hey, hey, hey! Who's THAT handsome devil? I think there's probably a clue somewhere, maybe it's those words down there. How about all the little boys and girls, hell, the Jerichoholics of all ages, say it with me to help out our mascot for Hershey's in what Chocolate does NOT look like, Sheamus, with his english. Ok, let's go. NEW-INTERCONTINENTAL...CHAMPION...CHRIS. JERICHO. There we go, wasn't that so easy, even you could understand it, You Celti' Warrio' you. We're going to Extreme Rules, right? I sure do hope so. And hey man, let me tell you. I may joke and ass around, but don't think that means I'm not aware of what you can do. You ended the career of Jamie Noble. YOU KICKED OUT OF THE COBRA! I mean my god! Even McGillicutty couldn't do that, and it was his moment...starting right that very time, that would be the moment...starting right begin the genesis....OF A JACKASS! Seriously kid, work on how to speak, even this dude is more understandable. So anyway, Sheamoose. Extreme Rules right?
Jericho gives Sheamus a thumbs up with an over the top expression as the Celtic Warrior responds.

Jericho:Yknow, I've faced a LOT of guys in this industry, I've fought giants, luchadors, people's champs, canadian grapplers, and The Master of the Steveweiser. I've faced Irishmen before too, if you count good ol' Finlay. I like that guy. He got his own little sidekick, I used to have one, I called him Big Show. But the thing is, Sheamus, you're saying the exact same thing EVERY opponent has told me. "I'm gonna break you, I'm gonna beat you, take your title, end your career," Blah, blah, BLAH! The thing is Sheamus, you talk a big game, that's nice and all, but so far I haven't seen you really bring it. You've beaten Chuck Taylor and THE MEEEEEZ, but that's nothing really. The Miz isn't that bad I guess, I once looked at him and though I was having an out of body experience, looking at myself. Then I realised, I hadn't gotten that ugly and become that bad of a wrestler. Chuck Taylor, you had to surprise attack, savvy I guess. I'll give you that. You were pretty impressive at Ven- Oh wait. YOU WEREN'T AT VENGEANCE! Why not, man? We could've seen somebody kick your ass on Pay Per View, the ratings would've shot up!
Jericho paces back and forth in the ring, staring right at Sheamus, who looks quite emotionless, actually. He never takes his eyes off Jericho, despite perhaps the rage boiling up inside him.
Jericho:Awwww, whassa matter? You're not happy? Come on, be positive, you finally get to appear on CWF Pay Per View, right? I have too, I had some fun, I beat on, It'll come to me, I know you and him are buddies, you had some matches in the past before. Oh that's riiiight! John Cena! The lovechild of Marky Mark and what seems to be some sort of foul mutation, but something about your matches comes to mind for me..what is it? Oh that's riiight, again, another apiphany! Man, I'm on the ball today. You CAN'T beat Cena. You can't. You beat him when he slipped and when the Nexus won it for you, and those were both your two WWE Championships. Funny that. You remember what happened when I faced Cena at Vengeance? I thnk we got some visual aids for you here.
Suddenly, an image lights up on the titantron.

Jericho points at the image, almost in shock and surprise, as though he's never seen it before. You know he probably has a copy framed on his locker room wall or something though.
Jericho:Hey, hey, hey! Who's THAT handsome devil? I think there's probably a clue somewhere, maybe it's those words down there. How about all the little boys and girls, hell, the Jerichoholics of all ages, say it with me to help out our mascot for Hershey's in what Chocolate does NOT look like, Sheamus, with his english. Ok, let's go. NEW-INTERCONTINENTAL...CHAMPION...CHRIS. JERICHO. There we go, wasn't that so easy, even you could understand it, You Celti' Warrio' you. We're going to Extreme Rules, right? I sure do hope so. And hey man, let me tell you. I may joke and ass around, but don't think that means I'm not aware of what you can do. You ended the career of Jamie Noble. YOU KICKED OUT OF THE COBRA! I mean my god! Even McGillicutty couldn't do that, and it was his moment...starting right that very time, that would be the moment...starting right begin the genesis....OF A JACKASS! Seriously kid, work on how to speak, even this dude is more understandable. So anyway, Sheamoose. Extreme Rules right?
Jericho gives Sheamus a thumbs up with an over the top expression as the Celtic Warrior responds.