*Fireworks inside the arena explode, the Boston crowd erupts into cheers*
(Michael Cole) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night RAW!
(Jerry Lawler) And have we got a show in store for you tonight?! Tonight, we wilol begin a tournament to name our first ever WWE Champion!
(JBL) Yes King, tonight we will begin a tournament including all out top superstars, this tournament will continue over the next month until the final that will be held at SummerSlam!
(Michael Cole) Also tonight, in our main event, a battle royal to name our first ever United States Champion! Good luck to all the superstars involved!
Match 01 - WWE Championship Tournament 1st Round Match
Cody Rhodes vs. Daniel Bryan@Rhodes vs. @Samalan
(Justin Roberts) Ladies and gentlemen, this is a WWE Championship tournament first round match, set for one-fall! Introducing first, from Aberdeen, Washington, weighing 210 pounds, Daniel Bryan!
(Justin Roberts) And his opponent, from Marietta, Georgia, weighing 215 pounds, Cody Rhodes!
*Ding ding ding* Ladies and gentlemen, this is our first match of the night! Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and John "Bradshaw" Layfield at ringside, we are watching the first match in the tournament to name the new WWE Champion! Cody and Bryan lock up! Both men are about as strong as each other, but Cody's slight weight advantage may give him the advantage, here. Cody with a gut kick, into a side headlock! Bryan pushes Cody off and he runs off the ropes, Cody goes for the clothesline but Bryan ducks, Cody bounces off the ropes - Bryan with a jumping elbow to tha face! Cover! 1! Kick out! Bryan goes straight back to work on Cody, with another headlock. Cody manages to push Bryan off - roll up by Cody! 1! 2! Bryan manages to get out of it just in time! Oh! A kick to the back of the head of Bryan, he's gotta be out! Cody could cover him here, but he decides to throw a few punches to the downed Bryan! He goes for the cover! 1! 2! And Bryan kicks out! Cody pulls Bryan up by the hair, the referee warns him, Cody just waves him off. Bryan with a kick to the side of the leg! Irish whip into the corner! Bryan with a kick to the chest! "Yes!". Another kick! "Yes! Another! Another! Another! Another! Another! Another! Cody stumbles out of the corner, Bryan climbs the turnbuckle! Cody, seemingly unaware of where he is right now, turns around, and a dropkick from the top rope! That's it! A cover! 1! 2! No! Cody kicks out and gets on his knees! Bryan with a kick to the chest! Again! And again! A huge kick to the side of the head! And another cover! 1! 2! Thr - oh! Cody just kicks out! Bryan is absolutely taking to to Cody, here! That's what you need to do if you want to become WWE Champion! Cody struggles up, Bryan goes for another kick, but Cody catches Bryan's foot! Cody spins Bryan around, clothesline! Bryan is down, Cody runs to climb the turnbuckle! Cody is on top! Cody goes for a jumping knee drop to the sternum! Yes! It hits! Cover! 1! 2! And Bryan! He manages to kick out, somehow! Bryan struggles up, he turns to Cody, disaster kick! Oh my! That's it! Another cover! 1! 2! Ah! Bryan has the arm! He locks in the No lock! It's in! Bryan has the No lock locked in on Cody right in the middle of the ring! Cody is trying to drag himself over to the ropes! Slowly, so slowly! He's there! 1! 2! 3! 4! And Bryan lets go! But I think Cody's been worn out! Bryan looks at Cody. He looks over at the turnbuckle! I think I know what he's thinking! Bryan climbs the ropes! Yes! He jumps! Diving headbutt, it connects! Cover! 1! 2! It's okay, Cody gets his foot on the bottom rope. *Ding ding ding*
(Justin Roberts) And your winner, and contunuing on the the second round, Daniel Bryan!
Wait ... what? The referee counted his shoulders down. Bryan is the winner! Cody doesn't know what happened, he's looking at the referee! Bryan is celebrating! Cody is trying to explain the referee that he got his foot on the ropes, but the referee didn't see it! Rhodes is furious, but Bryan is victorious!
Match 02 - Tag Team Match
Rob Van Dam & Ryback vs. Yoshi Tatsu & Sin Cara@Forrest & @DKJames vs. @Suicide & @Seabs
(Justin Roberts) The following tag team match is set for one-fall! Introducing first, from Mexico City, Mexico, weighing 180 pounds, Sin Cara!
(Justin Roberts) And his partner, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 211 pounds, Yoshi Tatsu!
(Justin Roberts) And their opponents, first, from Las Vegas, weighing 291 pounds, Ryback!
(Justin Roberts) And his partner, from Battle Creek, Michigan, weighing 235 pounds, Rob Van Dam!
*Ding ding ding* Here we go, the first and only tag team match of the night! We start here with the Mexican sensation, Sin Cara, and the monster, Ryback. Usually, the two guys would lock up, but Sin Cara has no chance against Ryback! Sin Cara is stalking Ryback, bouncing around, whilst Ryback is just standing in the middle of the ring, staring at him. Sin Cara goes for a few kicks to Ryback's knees and legs, with no effect. He tries again, failing. Sin Cara looks at Ryback for a moment, and nails him right in the jaw with a punch! Bad idea, Sin Cara! Ryback goes wild on him, with huge punches in the corner, a huge Irish whip to the opposite corner, clothesline into the turnbuckle! Sin Cara stumbles out of the corner, Ryback with a kick to the gut! He puts Sin Cara's head between his legs! Powerbomb! Slamming Sin Cara right onto the mat! Ryback isn't finished yet, he lifts Sin Cara up onto his shoulders, running powerslam! No, Sin Cara struggles out, he jumps across the ring! Tag to Yoshi! Here comes Yoshi! Tatsu with a few punches to Ryback, he attempts to irish whip Ryback onto the ropes, but Ryback doesn't budge! Ryback lets go and Yoshi stumbles, turns around, a huge clothesline from Ryback! "Finsih it!" yells Ryback! He pulls Yoshi up by the hair, and lifts him up into the shellshock position! Shellshock! RVD wants in! Ryback reluctantly tags him in and RVD climbs the ropes! 5 star frog splash! Right to the sternum of Tatsu! 1! 2! 3!
(Justin Roberts) Your winners, Ryback, and Rob Van Dam!
What a great showing by both men, escpecially Ryback, completely squashing the opposition!
Match 03 - WWE Championship 1st Round Match
Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose@Punk_Axel_Ziggler_Fan vs. @Adam568
(Justin Roberts) The following is a WWE Championship tournament first round match, set for one-fall! Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing 235 pounds, the viper, Randy Orton!
(Justin Roberts) And his opponent, represent The Shield, from Cincinnati, Ohio, weighing 225 pounds, Dean Ambrose!
*Ding ding ding* This is the second tournament match of the night! Daniel Bryan, although controversially, did beat Cody Rhodes, so the winner of this match will face Bryan in the secnd round. Orton and Ambrose lock up, Ambrose with a knee to the gut and a punch to the back of the head, sending Orton onto his knees! Ambrose goes for a headlock, but Orton with the height and weight advantage, escapes and attacks Ambrose with a series of right hands. Now, you gotta remember, Orton has gotta be a little worried, as he knows that it's possible that The Shield could attack at any moment, so he has to watch his back. Orton has Ambrose in the corner now. Orton steps onto the second rope and delivers right hands to Ambrose, as the crowd follows along. "One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Nine! Ten!". Orton steps off and the referee, who just got to a count of 4, has words with Orton. Ambrose struggles up, and Randy grabs him by the hair, but Ambrose pulls Orton down and Ortons throat hits the second rope! Orton rolls onto the floor, holding his throat. Ambrose crawls over to Orton and delivers punches and elbows to Orton's head. The referee counts to one, two three, four! Ambrose goes for a cover just before 5. One! Two! Kick out at two! Ambrose lifts Orton up and Irish whips him to the ropes. Orton bounces off and Ambrose delivers a dropkick, cover again. Kick out at two, again. Ambrose stands up and delivers a knee to Orton's sternum, and again. He goes for it one more time, but Orton rolls out of the way! Clothesline! Clothesline again! Ambrose goes for a clothesline but Randy ducks! Ambrose runs off the ropes! Scoop slam! Orton goes for his jumping knee drop! It hits Ambrose right in the mouth! Orton goes for a cover! 1! 2! Ambrose kicks out, and Orton diesn't even give hima second to cooperate! Orton picks him up and throws him throught the ropes, he gets Ambrose in the suspension DDT positon! Orton stares at Ambrose, and a sick smile from Orton! DDT! Vintage Orton! Orton gets up and looks at the crowd! "C'mon!" he yells. He drops onto the ground and does his viper fist stomp! Ambrose uses the ropes to pull himself up, he turns around ... RK - no! Ambrose pushes Orton off onto the mat! Ambrose with an elbow drop to Orton! Ambrose drags Orton towards the bottom rope and pushes his neck onto the rope, choking him. The referee counts to four, and Ambrose lets go. He walks over to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle. Ambrose goes for a diving elbow drop! It hits! Cover! 1! 2! Thr - Orton kicks out just before 3! Ambrose, who now looks frustrated, attacks Orton with punches and kicks. Orton rolls away and gets up, Ambrose goes for a kick to Orton's leg but Orton dodges and delivers a punch to the stomach! Orton drags Ambrose over to the corner and lifts him onto the second rope! Orton goes up with him, and I think he's going for the superplex! He gets Ambrose in the position, but Ambrose pushes Orton off and he lands on his feet. Ambrose goes for a dropkick from the top rope! Orton steps out of the way and Ambrose hits the referee who was behind Orton! The referee goes down, Ambrose quickly gets up and turns around, RKO! RKO! Orton's going to the second round of the WWE Championship - wha - is that, is that Cody?! Cody Rhodes?! Cody with a disatser kick, nailing Orton in the side of the skull! Orton stumbles, Cody grabs him! No! Not like this! Cross Rhodes! Cross Rhodes! Cody slides out of the ring and walks down the ramp, smiling to himself. Ambrose crawls for the cover, nudging the referee to wake him up. .... One! ... No .... Two! ... No, not like this!.... Three!
(Justin Roberts) And your winner, and continuing on the the second round, Dean Ambrose!
I can't believe it! Why? What did Cody attack Orton? What does Cody have to do with any of these men? I have no idea...
Match 04 - Last Man Standing Match
The Rock vs. Titus O'Niel@Rhodes vs. @Fluttershy Farooq
(Justin Robert) Ladies and gentlemenn, the following is a last man standing match! There will be no pinfalls, no submissions, no count outs and no disqualifications; the only way to win is to keep your opponent down for the referee's count of 10. Introducing first, from Live Oak, Florida, weighing 270 pounds, Titus O'Neil!
(Justin Roberts) And his opponent, from Miami, Florida, weighing 260 pounds, The Rock!
*Ding ding ding* Here we go! Rock vs. Titus in a last man standing match! Rock and Titus deliver punches to each other, and The Rock gets the upper hand! Titus staggers backwards and Rock nails him in the jaw with a right hand! Rock goes for the Rock Bottom already! But Titus excaped and rolls out of the ring. Titus grabs a steel chair and slides back in. He swings for The Rock but he dodges, and Irish whips Titus into the ropes, Rock with a spinebuster! He walks over to Titus' head but Titus rolls out of the ring again. The Rock doesn't wait this time, he slides out and delivers a clothesline to Titus! The referee is counting now, 1! ... 2! ... 3! ... 4! And Titus is up! Rock, meanwhhile, has set up a table in the ring. Titus grabs another chair and slides back in, Rock grabs the chair from Titus, but Titus punches Rock in the nose and he drops it. Titus goes for his own spinebuster, right on the chair!!! The referee counts! 1! ... 2! ... 3! ... 4! ... 5! ... 6! ... 7! ... And The Rock is up! Titus goes for another spinebuster but The Rock elbows Titus in the back of the head! Titus drops Rock and - OH MY GOD! ROCK BOTTOM! ROCK BOTTOM THROUGH THE TABLE! Rock grabs the chair and places it on Titus' chest! The Rock ... people's elbow! On the steel chair! The Rock is holding his elbow, and Titus is down! 1! ... 2! ... 3 ... 4! ... 5! ... 6! ... 7! ... 8! ... 9! ... 10!
(Justin Roberts) Here is your winner, The Rock!
What a match! The Rock celebrates with the crowd! Ladies and gentlemen, the United States Championship battle royal is up after the commercial break!
Match 05 - 11-Man Battle Royal for the United States Championship
CM Punk vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Dean Ambrose vs. The Rock vs. Justin Gabriel vs. Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Ryback vs. Sin Cara vs. Titus O'Niel vs. Yoshi TatsuShannon_724 vs. @Rhodes vs. @Nick1698 @Samalan vs. @Adam568 vs. @tgill85 vs. @NanoRah14 vs. @Punk_Axel_Ziggler_Fan vs. @Forrest vs. @DKJames vs. @Seabs vs. @Fluttershy Farooq vs. @Suicide
*Ding ding ding* Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to RAW, this is a 13 man battle royal for the United States Championship, all the superstars are in the ring! RKO! RKO to Cody, the man who cost Orton his match earlier! Orton flings Rhodes over the rop rope, Cody has been eliminated! Ryback and Justin Gabriel, who will be going one on one in the WWE Championship tournament next week, are going at it in one corner, and Dean Ambrose is taking it to Yoshi Tatsu in the other corner! The Rock, who is still worn out from the last man standing match that just took place is trying to push Titus O'Niel, who is equally worn out, over the top rope, and RVD is taking it to Bryan and Punk in the middle of the ring! RVD with a dropkick to Bryan, look! Sin Cara with a hurricanrana to Punk! Sin Cara tries to get Punk over the top rope, but Punk manages to push him off, and Sin Cara falls to the floor, he is eliminated! There goes Titus, who is eliminated by The Rock! Ryback has gained control against Gabriel, now. Ryback pushes Justin against the ropes and steps back, he goes for a clothesline! Gabriel runs out the way, Ryback hits the ropes, Gabriel pushes him! And Ryback has gone over! The crowd goes wild for gabriel and Ryback is fuming! "I'll get you next week!" he yells. Yoshi Tatsu and Damien andow are fighting in the corner, Sandow gets the upper hand and tries to eliminate Tatsu, and with help from Punk, he does! There goes Yoshi! Justin Gabriel hits a big heel kick to Orton! Orton's down, and Gabriel climbs the top rope! 450 splash! No, Orton rolls out the way, and throws Gabriel over! Damien Sandow and Daniel Bryan are at it, now, Bryan pushes Sandow to the corner! Huge kicks to Sandow! Yes! Yes! Yes! Sandow stumbles out of the corner and Bryan with a clothesline to Sandow over the top rope, and he hits the floor! Yes! Yes! Yes! Bryan celebrates, but from behind! Ambrose! Ambrose pushes Bryan over! Bryan's eliminated! The Rock, meanwhile, is basically hanging off the apron, after being pushes over by Punk. Rock gets up and Punk with a drop kick! Rock falls to the floor! Seeya later, Rock! We're down to the final four, now. Dean Ambrose, Randy Orton, CM Punk and Rob Van Dam. All four men are squaring each other, staring each other down, one man in each corner. And all four men go for it! Orton! Punk! RVD! Ambrose! Orton hits an RKO on Ambrose! Orton gets up and - what?! Cody! Cody Rhodes throws Orton over! Cody was eliminated by Orton earlier! Cody runs to the back, laughing. Orton is absolutely livid! Orton kicks the barricade in rage! A referee confronts Orton and tells him to go to the back! Orton! Orton throws the referee into the barricade, Orton is a mad man! Cody Rhodes, you are stupid to make this man angry! Meanwhile in the ring, CM Punk and Ambrose are exchanging Punches, whilst RVD tries to recooperate in the corner. Punk is about to push Ambrose over, but Ambrose with a thumb to the eye of Punk! Punk holds his eye in pain, Ambrose grabs Punk and pushes him over the top, Punk's eliminated! Ambrose and RVD, the last two! Ambrose picks RVD up, he's gotta end this quickly! Ambrose points at the United States Championship belt over by the announce table, and he goes to throw RVD over! RVD! RVD counters, and pushes Ambrose over!!!
RVD wins! He wins and the crowd is going nuts!
(Justin Roberts) Your winner, and the new United Sta -
Wait, The Shield, Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, they attack Rob! They are mauling him like a pack of dogs! Rollins and Ambrose lift him up, and push him towards Roman Reigns, spear! Spear to the new US Champion! We all know what's coming now, Rollins and Ambrose lify RVD up and Reigns roars. They lift him up onto Reign's shoulders! Triple powerbomb! Ambrose gets a microphone and picks up the United States title.
(Ambrose) Ladies and gentlemen *laughs* let me personally ... congratulate your new United ... States ... Champion.
Ambrose throws the title over the body of RVD, and The Shield walk off with a smug look on their faces. Good night, ladies and gentlemen.