I've found Cena to be pretty damn good over the course of this year. Heyman carried the Punk feud, the matches were nothing I would mark over, honestly. Punk Taker was decent, but again, Undertaker is why, because Undertaker.
I love to hate on punk, i enjoy some of his stuff less and less as the week's go on. I'll just point out one more hater comment, and run away before you correct my statement's and put me in my place. Punk working injured has been something i've read about/had discussions on/and joked about over the course of the year. Dude pays his dues, but no one outdid Cena this year, that guu he had on his elbow was awesome, and the promo he shot before heading out (before coming back essentially like Superman) I just can't hate on the dude winning, especially over a horribly stale, overused ADR.
Oh and Punk's promos have been shit recently, but the match I just saw on Smackdown between him and Ambrose was borderline boring/you can't wrestle chants (although it's smackdown, so the boo's would have to be edited in) Also i wasted 90 minutes and didn't see signs he brownstained outside of him constantly fixing his tights.