the jury was a piece of selfish no good hearted mother hateing horse shit smelling piss drinking dumbasses...they knew that if they voted guilty, they would have no 15 minutes of fame, no real interview time, no book deals, no nothing. rat bastards makes me sick to know that not only one person got away with murdering a innocent 2yr old child, but 13 people got away with murdering a innocent 2yr old child. what other evidance did they want? how could they say that the child was not child abused, when she was duct taped inside a truk for 30 ...fukin days! what do you call that, if not child abuse?
she's gonna get herr ass handed to her on a platter, once she comes out of jail in 6days, WHAT? and that shiteatting fuck lawyer of hers, says that justice was done for her and the innoccent 2yr old girl...what? somebody should kick that dickface asshole starightin his shit smellin nose 9 times over... feel the pain asshole, know what pain feels before you say stupid shit again mofo....!