WCW/ECW 2001 and Beyond - The Alliance Lives

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WCW Worldwide
September 14, 2002
Blue Cross Arena
Rochester, NY

Scott Hudson
: “Hello everyone, Scott Hudson here alongside Mike Tenay. We’re kicking things off on Worldwide with Chuck Palumbo against Test.”

Mike Tenay: “
We’ll also be discussing the announced main event for Fall Brawl as War Games returns to World Championship Wrestling.”


Chuck Palumbo vs. Test

Palumbo and Test lock-up, both struggling for dominance. Palumbo backs Test into the corner and catches Test with an elbow. Test fires back with some punches, leading to both men firing away at one another. Palumbo hits Test with another elbow, but Test gets an elbow of his own and slams Palumbo to the canvas. Quick cover, 1…2…Palumbo kicks out. Test suplexes Palumbo then locks in a chinlock. Palumbo powers out, sends Test off the ropes, and catches him with a Samoan Drop! Cover, 1…2…Test kicks out. Palumbo kicks Test in the head a few times, followed by hitting a suplex of his own. Palumbo decides to head to the top rope, not a common move for him, and Test takes advantage by shoving the referee into the ropes, causing Palumbo to get crotched on the top rope.

Test pulls Palumbo down from the top rope by the hair. Test hits Palumbo with some cheap slaps to the face, then prepares for the Big Boot. Test goes for it, but Palumbo ducks and Test ends up tangled up in the turnbuckles! Palumbo hits Test with a belly-to-back suplex! Another cover, 1…2…Test just kicks out. Palumbo heads to the top rope one more time and hits the flying bodypress! 1…2…Test kicks out again. Palumbo tries to hip toss Test, but Test counters and has Palumbo set up for the Pump Handle Slam, but Palumbo lands on his feet behind Test. Test turns around and Palumbo hits him with a Jungle Kick! Palumbo comes off the ropes and hits a jumping neckbreaker! He covers Test, 1…2…3!

Winner: Chuck Palumbo by pinfall in 5:33


Jazz vs. Molly Marvel

Jazz runs into the ring, but misses a wild clothesline. Molly comes off the ropes and hits Jazz with a flying headscissors! Jazz gets back to her feet, but Molly runs her right down with a clothesline. Cover, 1…2…Jazz kicks out. Molly punches away at Jazz, but Jazz hits a shot to the midsection, then hits Molly with a stungun. Jazz chokes Molly, with the referee counting up to four. Jazz switches to a rear chinlock, but Molly fights her way out. Jazz boots Molly in the midsection and hits a double underhook suplex. Cover, 1…2…Molly kicks out. Jazz comes off the ropes but misses a splash, and Molly gets a pinning combination for two. Jazz hits an elbow and sends Molly into the corner. Avalanche splash misses and Molly knocks Jazz down with a dropkick. 1…2…Jazz kicks out. Jazz hits another stiff kick to slow down Molly, then props her on the top rope. Jazz looks for the superplex, but Molly kicks her off the turnbuckles! Jazz gets up and Molly hits the Molly-Go-Round! Molly locks in the Twin City Twister for the pin, 1…2…3!

Winner: Molly Marvel via pinfall in 3:55

Molly Marvel
makes a belt gesture at her waist, making sure that Victoria knows that she’s coming for her!


Scott Hudson
: “That’s a big win for Molly Marvel over former Women’s Champion Jazz.”

Mike Tenay: “For sure, Scott. I understand that at Fall Brawl, which is just 15 days away, Molly Marvel will have her shot against Victoria for the World Women’s Championship.”

Scott Hudson: “Now, onto the big news we heard last Monday on Nitro. War Games returns as the main event of Fall Brawl will feature WCW against The New World Order.”

Mike Tenay: “Scott
, this may just be the most monumental showdown in WCW history! On the WCW side we have five former WCW World Champions, but each member of the team has their own strengths. Team WCW is stacked with the cunning of Diamond Dallas Page, the sheer power of The Giant, the athleticism of Booker T, the wrestling prowess of Kurt Angle and, maybe the greatest of them all, the stardom of Hollywood Hulk Hogan! But the New World Order boasts an incredible team as well, at least so far. The Cerebral Assassin, Triple H, the current WCW World Champion, leads the way. Joining him is perhaps the most dominant and, some will argue, the greatest tag team in WCW history, The Outsiders. Also, the NWO Team features perhaps the best young prospect in pro wrestling today, the dangerous Sean O’Haire. And that’s only 80% of the team, we still don’t know who member #5 is!”

Scott Hudson: “That’s true Mike. With the contract signing this Monday on Nitro, we will find out just who Eric Bischoff has secured for the New World Order at Fall Brawl. I understand Mike that some changes have been made to the traditional War Games match structure.”

Mike Tenay: “That’s right. It’s not so much the match structure but the physical constraints of the match itself. Yes, there will be two rings. But unlike in the past, the steel cage will surround the ring as opposed to being put up right against the ropes, similar to a Caged Heat match or for you WWF fans, Hell in a Cell. Also, the roof of the cage has been extended higher from 10 feet to 15. Everything else will go by classic War Games rules. The match will begin with two men, one from each team. Those two will battle for a five-minute period. A coinflip will determine which team gets to add a man to the match. Every two minutes afterwards, another man will enter the match, with the teams rotating after every period. After all ten men enter the match, we enter the Match Beyond. War Games can only end via Knockout or Submission.”

Scott Hudson: “Fall Brawl
and the return of War Games is only 15 days away!”


America’s Most Wanted vs. The Faces of Fear

“Wildcat” Chris Harris and The Barbarian lock-up to start, and Barbarian easily wins that test of strength, tossing Harris into the corner. Barbarian hits some strong blows, but when he sends Harris off the ropes Harris ducks the clothesline and hits a flying forearm. Harris tags in Storm, and they hit a double suplex on Barbarian. Storm follows up with an elbow drop and covers Barbarian, 1…2…but Barbarian powers out. Barbarian reverses an Irish whip into the corner and hits a hard clothesline, then tags in Meng. Meng hits Storm with rapid fire chops, then a big headbutt for good measure. Meng continues to dismantle Storm with more chops, finishing a combo with a deadly haymaker. Cover, 1…2…Harris breaks up the pin.

Meng tags Barbarian back in. Meng hits Storm with an atomic drop and Barbarian lays him out with a big boot. Cover from Barbarian, 1…2…Harris manages to kick out on his own. Barbarian sets Storm up for a powerbomb, but Storm rolls through and gets a pinning combination, 1…2…kickout from the Barbarian. Storm gets the tag to Harris as Barbarian tags Meng back in. Harris hits both Faces of Fear with shots to the face. Clothesline knocks Barbarian down, then Meng misses a clothesline and Harris plants him with a spinebuster! Cover, 1…2…Meng kicks out! Harris hits the ropes, but Barbarian drags him to the outside. Storm comes into the ring, hits the ropes and flies over the top rope, hitting Barbarian with a pescado! Storm and Harris roll back into the ring, but Meng takes them out with a double clothesline!

Meng calls for the Tongan Death Grip and gets it on Harris! Storm kicks Meng’s legs to break the hold, then surprises Meng with a hurricanrana! Barbarian tries to come into the ring, but Storm quickly takes him out with a DDT. Storm then uses all his strength to hold Meng in place as Chris Harris heads to the top rope. Harris hits the diving legdrop for the Death Sentence! Harris covers Meng, 1…2…3!

Winners: America’s Most Wanted when Chris Harris pinned Meng in 7:47

America’s Most Wanted
celebrate perhaps their biggest win so far as Worldwide goes off the air!


Quick Results

Chuck Palumbo pinned Test

Molly Marvel pinned Jazz

America’s Most Wanted defeated the Faces of Fear when Chris Harris pinned Meng


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Brock Lesnar on 8-4-02)

WCW United States Champion
Kurt Angle (Defeated Christian on 9-1-02)

ECW Television Champion
Sabu (Defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. on 9-1-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Outsiders on 9-1-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Tajiri on 8-24-02)

World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)

Roster Updates

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WCW Monday Night Nitro
September 16, 2002
Pepsi Arena
Albany, NY

Triple H:
“Hey, Eric, I haven’t heard from you all week. What’s going on?”

Eric Bischoff: Hunter, Hunter, I’m sorry, I went through the whole week finalizing the deal for our 5th man for War Games.”

Triple H: “Yeah I got that. Any chance, of, you know, telling me who it is?”

Eric Bischoff: “I…I don’t know if you’re gonna like it, I think it’s best until the end of the night at the contract signing. He hasn’t arrived yet either.”

Triple H: “Whoa, whoa, wait. Wait. I’m not gonna like it? I better like it? We have Angle, Booker, Page, Giant and Hogan out there and I need to team with this guy! What’s that supposed to mean that I’m not going to like it?!”

Eric Bischoff: “Look, Hunter, you gotta trust me on this one, okay? I know what we need, I know what I’m doing, I just think you might overreact a bit and I don’t want to blow things up before the contract signing tonight.”

Triple H: “You’ve gotta be kidding me. Overreact?!”

Eric Bischoff: “Listen, just get through tonight. By the end of the night, you’ll know who it is and we’ll get to preparing for the War Games itself.”

Eric Bischoff walks by Triple H as HHH stands backstage, completely frustrated!

Mike Tenay: “Welcome to Monday Night Nitro! Mike Tenay alongside Don West. Don, tonight the contract will be signed for one of the biggest matches in WCW history, it’s the return of the War Games Steel Cage Match. War Games takes place at Fall Brawl in Oklahoma City, just 13 days from now!”

Don West: “But we still don’t know who the New World Order’s 5th man is! Heck, Triple H doesn’t even know, Mike!”

Mike Tenay:
“We’ll find out tonight! Now, we’re kicking things off with Tag Team action!”

Elix Skipper and Shane Helms vs. William Regal and Fit Finlay

Finlay and Regal attack Skipper and Helms before the bell, but Helms and Skipper would get the upper hand with a pair of dropkick that sent Regal and Finlay to the outside. Skipper and Helms hit the ropes and came flying over the top rope with planchas, to take out their opponents! Skipper rolled Finlay back into the ring and hit a springboard legdrop, then made the cover. 1…2…Finlay with the kickout. Regal got a blind tag on Finlay as Skipper leapfrogged over him, allowing Regal to blast him from behind. Regal locked Skipper in an abdominal stretch, but Skipper works his way out of it. Regal still has a hammerlock, but Skipper flips through that and takes Regal down with a wristlock, surprising Regal! Skipper tags in Helms and they hit Regal with a double hip toss! Cover from Helms, 1…2…Regal kicks out.

Regal tags in Finlay. Helms leaps at Finlay, but ends up leaping straight into a European uppercut. Finlay continues to bash Helms,, but when he sends Helms off the ropes Helms springboards off the ropes with a crossbody! 1…2…Finlay kicks out then catches Helms in the mouth with another hard European uppercut (which busts Helms’ mouth open). Finlay stomps and chokes Helms in the corner before hitting him with an inverted atomic drop. Finlay tags Regal back in, who beats down on the back of Helms’ neck. Regal then drops Helms with a arm-trapped neckbreaker. 1…2…Regal is quite surprised when Helms kicks out. Regal wears Helms down a bit with an elevated armbar before tagging Finlay back in. They send Helms off the ropes, but the double backdrop is countered as Helms gets lifted into the air…but drops both Regal and Finlay on their heads with a double DDT!

Helms leaps towards his corner and tags in Skipper. Skipper gets good shots in on both Regal and Finlay, then hits them both with flying headscissors! Skipper leaps to the top rope and takes Regal out with a missile dropkick. 1…2…Finlay just makes the save. Helms attacks Finlay and we have a four-man schmozz! Spinning heel kick from Helms sends Finlay through the ropes, and Helms is right on him with a suicide dive! Regal gets the better of Skipper in the ring, nearly locking in the Regal Stretch after a drop toe hold, but Skipper escapes, then nails Regal with the Play of the Day! Skipper covers, but referee Charles Robinson is pulled out of the ring by Finlay. Skipper turns his attention toward Finlay…allowing “Squire” David Taylor to jump into the ring and bash Skipper with brass knuckles! Taylor puts Regal on Skipper as he escapes to the outside, 1…2…3!

Winners: Fit Finlay and William Regal when Regal pinned Skipper in 10:00

Shane Helms
gets back into the ring and drops Regal with Nightmare on Helms Street before David Taylor smashes him in the side of the head with brass knuckles as well! Taylor and Finlay beat the hell out of Helms and Skipper before Regal joins in. Regal locks Helms in the Regal Stretch, adding to the beatdown. Regal, Finlay, and Taylor walk off, leaving Helms and Skipper lying.


Mike Tenay:
“What the heck is “Squire” David Taylor doing here?”

Don West: Regal always has someone in his back pocket…hey Mike, I’m hearing a car is speeding into the parking lot!”

Mike Tenay:
“Hey, isn’t that…”

The car Albert drove off with on ECW RISE pulls in, and all three members of X-Factor run out. Mike Awesome’s car storms into the parking lot as well! Total Impact are in pursuit and the fight is on! Awesome and Albert trade blows, as does Candido, Storm, X-Pac and Justin Credible!

Shane McMahon: “HEY, HEY, guys, break them up!”

Officials and some of the underneath guys get between Total Impact and X-Factor.

Shane McMahon: “We’re gonna do this tonight, alright? Awesome, Albert, tonight. Now you guys get to your own locker rooms and settle things out there!”


Jacqueline vs. Molly Marvel

Molly gets an armbar, but Jackie reverses it into one of her own. Jackie hits Molly with an armdrag then quickly covers Molly, 1…2…Molly kicks out. Side headlock from Molly, then a snap suplex. Cover from Molly, 1…2…Jackie kicks out. Molly sends Jackie off the ropes but misses a clothesline. Flying bodypress from Jackie! 1…2…Molly kicks out. Jackie hits Molly with some right hands, but Jackie misses one and Molly sends Jackie into the corner. Molly charges, but Jackie catches her with an elbow, then snapmares Molly down and locks in a rear chinlock. Sidewalk slam from Jackie. Jackie heads to the second rope, but flying elbow misses! Hard chop from Molly! A second one! Molly backdrops Jackie, then hits her with a Northern Lights Suplex! 1…2…Jackie just kicks out! Molly boots Jackie, then hits a neckbreaker. Molly locks her foot in Jackie’s legs and hooks the Twin City Twister! 1…2…3!

Winner: Molly Marvel via pinfall in 3:01

As Molly celebrates her victory, the lights go out. When they come back on, Daffney is in the ring on her knees, crying. She screams to Molly that “she doesn’t want to do this!” This distracts Molly enough that she doesn’t see Victoria run in! Victoria levels Molly with a high kick. Victoria then looks menacing at Daffney, who continues to cry as Victoria admonishes her up the ramp.


Mike Tenay:
“Ladies and Gentlemen, viewers at home. We have a special interview coming up. Right now, backstage, please welcome “Mean” Gene Okerlund!

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: “Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here with the one and only, Hulk Hogan! Hulkster, War Games is right around the corner, and the Triple H-led New World Order has been causing chaos all over WCW. How are you feeling about the War Games?”

Hulk Hogan: “Well, you know something, Mean Gene? The NWO thinks they can just walk all over WCW. Well, not on the Hulkster’s watch, brother! Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sean O’Haire, you guys think you’re the big deal, but you’re looking at the original big deal right here! And let me tell you something brother, I’ve got Angle. I’ve got DDP. I’ve got Booker. And I’ve got the Giant in my corner to watch my back!”

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: “But Hulkster, there’s no denying the threat that the New World Order presents. They’ve been running rampant. And, with this unannounced 5th man, they’re perhaps stronger and more mysterious than ever. What’s your strategy going into the War Games?”

Hulk Hogan: “I’ve been playing this game a lot longer than anyone, brother! Look, I’ve got the Heat, the Diamond Cutter, the Giant and one of the rare people on this Earth who we can really call a Real American in Kurt Angle. If that 5th man was smart, he’d turn around and walk away. But I know the NWO's deal. They’re gonna come right at us, but we’ll be ready. So NWO, I have one question for you. WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN HOLLYWOOD, THE POWER OF HULKAMANIA and TEAM WCW RUN WILD ON YOU?!”


“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan
comes down to the ring for a match, but everyone in the Pepsi Arena is surprised when WCW World Champion Triple H makes his way down to the ring. HHH looks exceptionally angry.

Triple H: “I’m just going to cut to the chase. I’m pissed off. I’m angry. So Duggan, you’re in the ring right now, and I’m going to kick your ass!”

“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan vs. Triple H

HHH hands the WCW World Title to Charles Robinson
, but Duggan gets in the Three Point Stance…and whacks Triple H in the mouth with a clothesline! Duggan covers, 1…2…HHH just kicks out as we almost had a major upset! Duggan hits HHH with rights and lefts, then sends HHH off the ropes. Duggan goes for a backdrop, but HHH hits him with a facebuster, then hits a running choke. HHH chokes Duggan all the way to a four count, then violently stomps away at him. HHH hits Duggan with a suplex, then goes back to stomping him over and over again. HHH boots Duggan in the midsection then plants him with the Pedigree. 1…2…3.

Winner: Triple H via pinfall in 2:02

goes right back to stomping on Duggan, letting out his frustrations. Shawn Michaels runs down to the ring to calm him down. HBK walks HHH up the ramp.


Super Crazy, Billy Kidman, and Low-Ki (w/Torrie Wilson) vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr., Juventud Guerrera, and Psicosis

Cruiserweight Champion Super Crazy and Psicosis start off, with each one pushing the other. Crazy fires a punch, resulting in both men trading blows. Psicosis gets an armdrag, but then Crazy gets an armdrag himself. Flying headscissors from Crazy! Psicosis quickly gets to his feet. He ducks the clothesline from Crazy, then leapfrogs over him. Psicosis nails Crazy with a spinning heel kick then tags in Juvi. Juvi and Psicosis double-team Crazy, but Kidman gets a blind tag when they send him off the ropes. Crazy lands on his feet on a double backdrop attempt, and Kidman takes out both Juvi and Psicosis with a springboard double clothesline! Kidman covers Juvi, 1…2…Juvi kicks out. Springboard bulldog headlock from Kidman. Another cover, 1…2…Juvi kicks out again. Juvi hits Kidman with an elbow to slow him down. He sends Kidman off the ropes and leapfrogs over him, but when he tries another leapfrog Kidman plants him with a spinebuster.

Kidman tags in Low-Ki. Low-Ki hits Juvi with left and right kicks, then hits a shotgun dropkick that sends Juvi into the corner. Low-Ki charges as Juvi, but Juvi gets both feet up and Low-Ki jumps right into them. Juvi dumps Low-Ki to the outside, where Chavo Guerrero Jr. takes him and runs him into the barricade. European uppercut from Chavo, then Chavo rolls Low-Ki back into the ring. Chavo makes the tag and locks in a front facelock. Low-Ki escapes, but Chavo knocks him down with a shoulder tackle. Chavo picks Low-Ki off of the mat and hits a vertical suplex, then floats over for the cover. 1…2…Low-Ki kicks out. Chavo hits a belly-to-back suplex before sending Low-Ki into the corner. Chavo runs in but Low-Ki ducks away, then hits Chavo with a somersault flying kick!

Low-Ki makes the tag to Super Crazy and Crazy is like a house of fire on Chavo! Crazy knocks Juvi and Psicosis off the apron, then hits Chavo with a springboard moonsault. 1…2…Juvi and Psicosis break up the pin, and that leads to all six men brawling in the ring! Low-Ki catches Chavo with another unique kick, but walks right into a Juvi Driver! Kidman sends Juvi off the ropes, but Juvi puts on the brakes and tries to backdrop a Kidman powerbomb attempt. Kidman counters mid-move and hits Juvi with a facebuster! Psicosis quickly hits Kidman from behind and plants him with a brainbuster! Crazy dropkicks Psicosis, then slams him down. Crazy hits the first two moonsaults of the triple moonsaults, but Chavo hits the ropes with Crazy on top, causing Crazy to straddle the top rope. Chavo heads up to the top rope himself and hooks Crazy’s head, and plants him with a Tornado DDT! Chavo covers Crazy, 1…2…3!

Winners: Chavo Guerrero Jr., Juventud Guerrera, and Psicosis when Chavo pinned Super Crazy in 10:03

Chavo Guerrero Jr.
grabs the World Cruiserweight Championship and poses with it, before tossing it on Crazy’s prone body.


cuts to Booker T walking backstage, where he runs into Kurt Angle. Booker and Angle stand up to one another, face-to-face.

Booker T: “You got somethin’ you wanna say, Angle?”

Kurt Angle: “Look, last couple of weeks, you’ve shown your true colors with your commitment for taking down the NWO. But remember, past Fall Brawl, past War Games. You’re my competition, Booker. And you’re great competition, oh for sure. Do you know why I know that? Because I know what it took to beat you when I did last year at Starrcade.”

Booker T: “Is that right? Well I promise you that when we do the dance again, it ain’t gonna go down the same way. You dig that? But right now, we’re on the same team, so I respect where we’re at. But yeah, Angle, I’ll be coming for you eventually. I may even come for that US Title belt on your shoulder.”

Kurt Angle: “I promise you, I’ll be ready, Booker.”

Shane McMahon walks up to the both of them, looking to break the tension.

Shane McMahon: “Hey, hey, Kurt, Book, take it easy. Obviously guys, we need to stick together and take down the New World Order at War Games. So here’s what we’re gonna do guys. I’m going to have you two team-up next week against the Outsiders!”

Booker T: “What?”

Kurt Angle: “What makes you think I’d want to do that, Shane?”

Shane McMahon: “You two were rivals earlier this year. We need to build some chemistry here.”

Shane walks away as Angle and Booker stare one another down again…


Christian (w/Rene Dupree) vs. Chuck Palumbo

Christian is all over Palumbo to kick things off. Christian hits punches and kicks, corning Palumbo. Palumbo fires back and sends Christian off the ropes, hitting a back bodydrop. Christian backs into the corner as Palumbo goes to work on him. Christian counters an Irish whip and sends Palumbo into the corner, then hits a dropkick. Christian hits an inverted DDT into the knee and covers Palumbo, 1…2…Palumbo kicks out. Palumbo hits a couple of punches to the midsection, but Christian regains control with a rake to the eyes. Christian sends Palumbo off the ropes, but Palumbo runs right over him with a clothesline. Christian staggers back to his feet, only for Palumbo to hit a belly-to-belly throw! Christian gets back to his feet, but Palumbo knocks him right back down with a huge running boot! Cover, 1…2…Rene Dupree puts Christian’s boot on the bottom rope to save Christian. Palumbo thinks he’s won, allowing Christian to get a low blow…and hit the Unprettier! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Christian via pinfall in 3:06


We come back to Nitro in the parking lot, where Eric Bischoff is pacing back-and-forth. “Where is this guy?” he says audibly…


Albert (w/X-Pac and Justin Credible) vs. Mike Awesome (w/Lance Storm and Chris Candido)

Albert gets a punch and hammers away at Mike Awesome. Awesome fires back with a forearm and a big clothesline that knocks Albert down. Awesome runs at Albert, but Albert lifts him up for a slam. Awesome lands behind Albert and hits a belly-to-back suplex. Awesome hammers Albert, but Albert is able to counter an Irish whip. Albert goes for a back bodydrop but Awesome kicks him in the face, then again levels him with a massive clothesline. Awesome heads to the top rope and hits an Awesome Splash! 1…2…Albert kicks out to Awesome’s surprise. Awesome tries to whip Albert into the corner, but Albert breaks free, then levels Awesome with a bicycle kick! Cover from Albert, 1…2…Awesome kicks out. Albert pounds away on Awesome and hits a hard double hammer on Awesome’s chest that knocks him down. Albert sends Awesome into the corner, but Awesome leaps up to the top rope and hits a flying back elbow! Cover, 1…2…Albert kicks out.

Awesome sends Albert into the corner, but Awesome runs right into an Albert big boot. Big headbutt from Albert. Albert hooks Awesome’s arms and holds him up, then plants Awesome down with a delayed butterfly suplex! Albert hits the ropes and hits a running senton! Cover, 1…2…Awesome kicks out. Albert punches away at Awesome, but Awesome suddenly surprises him with a belly-to-belly suplex! Awesome picks up Albert from behind and hits a deadly release German suplex! Awesome hits a running splash, then calls for the end. Awesome gets Albert up for an Awesome Bomb…but X-Pac and Justin Credible run in and cause the disqualification. Lance Storm and Chris Candido quickly even the odds, but X-Factor escapes.

Winner: Mike Awesome via DQ in 6:13

Chris Candido and Lance Storm
help Mike Awesome back to his feet. Awesome looks more angry than he did before the match…


Eric Bischoff
continues to pace backstage as it is contract signing time. He breathes a heavy breath as a limousine makes its way into the parking lot. Bischoff pokes his head in and tells whomever is in the limo to get ready and meet everyone else out in the ring.


We come back to Nitro with Shane McMahon in the ring. The ring is set up with five chairs on each side, with contracts placed on a table.

Shane McMahon: “Everyone, the time has come for the contract signing for the War Games match at Fall Brawl. I’d like to make some introductions. For Team WCW, give it up for the WCW World Tag Team Champions: Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant!”

“Smells Like Teen Spirit” plays as DDP and Giant, as well as Stacy Keibler make their way out to the ring. Keibler even dances a little bit with Shane McMahon as the Tag Champions take their seats at the table.

Shane McMahon: “Up next, let’s hear it for the Five-Time, Five-Time, Five-Time WCW World Champion, I’m talkin’ about Booker T!

Booker T makes his way out to the ring to a huge reaction, and he seems to be on good terms with DDP as they slap hands. Booker takes his seat.

Shane McMahon: “Now, this next guy, he’s an Olympic Gold Medalist. A former WWF and WCW World Champion, and the current WCW United States Champion, Kurt Angle!

Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring, WCW US Title around his waist. Angle and Booker make eye contact, and Angle makes a point to sit right next to Booker. Angle and Booker continue to share intense glares at one another as Shane McMahon continues.

Shane McMahon: “And last, but certainly not least. With his manager, Jimmy Hart, this is “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan!”

Hulk Hogan makes his way down to the ring with Jimmy Hart. Hogan also gets a big reaction, although there are some boos audibly heard in there.

Shane McMahon: “This, ladies and gentlemen, this is Team WCW. And at Fall Brawl…

Shane McMahon can’t finish as the New World Order’s theme plays. Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sean O’Haire make their way out to the ring. Eric Bischoff is with them as well, as is Shawn Michaels, although Shawn stays at ringside.

Shane McMahon: Eric, you know the deal. Where’s your 5th guy? Is it him right there?”

Shane points to Shawn Michaels, and while a big “HBK” chant breaks out, Eric Bischoff cuts off that idea immediately.

Eric Bischoff: “I know what needs to be done to win War Games, Shane McMahon. I’ve been doubted by my team because I knew I had to play this one close to the chest. In the end, I didn’t make the decision that was necessarily best for me or the NWO. I made the best decision that’ll lead to victory for the NWO at War Games. So without further ado, the 5th man for our War Games team!”

After seconds of silence that felt like minutes…the 5th man’s unmistakable theme played, and the crowd erupted.















Don West: “Oh my God, Mike!

Mike Tenay:
“There’s no way! How did Eric Bischoff pull this one off? That’s the most dominant ECW World Champion of all-time. That’s Brock Lesnar!

Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar make their way down to the ring. The WCW side of the table looks focused, despite the new obstacle in their way. Shane McMahon is in absolute shock though, as DDP tells him that they still got this.

Triple H: Eric, this is what you were worried about? Why’d you think I wouldn’t like this? Hey, Shawn, get him a shirt!”

Paul Heyman: “Oh, you might want to hold off on that one, Triple H.”

Shane McMahon: Brock Lesnar, I have to admit, that’s a tough one, Eric.”

Paul Heyman: “My client’s time is valuable; can we get to the contract signings and such. Let’s talk about the price Eric Bischoff paid to acquire the services of Brock Lesnar for the War Games match on September 29th in Oklahoma City. To make this perfectly clear, Brock Lesnar, nor myself, represent or possess membership to the New World Order. And we’re not interested either. Brock Lesnar has been offered something from Eric Bischoff to team with the NWO.”

Triple H: “What the hell is he talking about, Eric?”

Paul Heyman: “If the New World Order is victorious at Fall Brawl, Eric Bischoff has guaranteed that at the Halloween Havoc Pay-Per-View event, Triple H will defend the WCW World Heavyweight Championship against Brock Lesnar!


Eric Bischoff: “This is what it takes to win, Hunter!

Lesnar eyes each member of Team WCW. All of Team WCW look hungry to get a piece of Lesnar as well!

Paul Heyman: “Understand Angle, Booker, Giant, Page, and yes even you Hogan. You are who stands in Brock Lesnar’s way for a WCW World Championship Match.”

Shane McMahon: “Let’s make sure both sides understand the fine print. We all know how War Games works but in case you don’t it is outlined in the contract. There will be no physical contact outside of an official match between any of the participants before the War Games match itself. Anyone who breaks this will serve a six-month suspension from WCW. I’ve just had modified contracts run down by production here, adding the Triple H-Brock Lesnar addendum.”

Brock Lesnar: “I want something else!”

Paul Heyman: “Wait, Brock, what are you talking about? We’re set…”

Lesnar stares at Heyman, and Paul quickly backs off.

Brock Lesnar: “I’m only signing this contract for War Games if I have a match next week on Nitro.”

Shane McMahon: “I mean that’s fine by me. Is there an opponent in mind, Brock.”

Brock Lesnar: “Next week, I want to kick Hulk Hogan’s ass in this ring!”

Paul Heyman: “Wait…Wait…”

Hulk Hogan: “You want to take on the power of Hulkamania, brother? Next week? You’ve got it! But be careful what you wish for, brother!”

Lesnar laughs before being the first to sign the War Games contract. The rest of the NWO sign, although Triple H hesitates before putting the pen to the paper. Team WCW signs afterwards. All ten competitors stare down one another, with Hogan and Lesnar standing nose to nose as Nitro goes off the air!


Quick Results

William Regal and Fit Finlay defeated Elix Skipper and Shane Helms when Regal pinned Helms

Molly Marvel pinned Jacqueline

Triple H pinned “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan

Chavo Guerrero Jr., Psicosis, and Juventud Guerrera defeated Super Crazy, Billy Kidman, and Low-Ki

Christian pinned Chuck Palumbo

Mike Awesome wrestled Albert to a double-DQ


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Brock Lesnar on 8-4-02)

WCW United States Champion
Kurt Angle (Defeated Christian on 9-1-02)

ECW Television Champion
Sabu (Defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. on 9-1-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Outsiders on 9-1-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Tajiri on 8-24-02)

World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)

Roster Updates

David Taylor
William Regal’s “Squire” has returned to his side


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September 19, 2002
ECW Arena
Philadelphia, PA

Rob Van Dam…RVD…’The Whole F’N Show’. You’ve become the name that’s become symbiotically related with Extreme Championship Wrestling. But what does that really mean? What does it mean when the cheers fade, Rob? What does it mean when the lights go out and you’re left alone in the darkness, alone with your thoughts?” You see, Rob, I’ve lived in that darkness. Before the era of ECW on Pay-Per-View. Before your era. Before Rob Van Dam, ECW was my playground. It was only once I departed that you emerged, flipping around and performing, competing for them. At Anarchy Rulz, you then finally reached the level of success that matched your popularity when you became the ECW World Champion.”

“But I’ve been waiting for this moment as long as I can remember. To many, I am the skeleton of ECW. Everyone loves RVD and Sabu, but because I was needed to lead a Flock in World Championship Wrestling, no one remembers the heights I took ECW to. It’s always about Rob Van Dam, Rob Van Dam, Rob Van Dam. WELL WHAT ABOUT ME? WHAT ABOUT RAVEN? But the moment is imminent Rob Van Dam. The moment where I show the world that their champion, their hero, is nothing more than a man. A man susceptible to pain, to fear, to the inevitability of despair.”

“Every light is snuffed out by the darkness. Rob, your name is another on the list of those who’ve felt the cold, unyielding embrace of the Raven. Only then will you realize that the only sound you will hear will be the deafening silence of your own defeat…and the haunting echo of my voice reminding you of your place. I am your worst nightmare Rob, and when you wake up from your delusion, that nightmare will once again reign as Champion.”

Quote the Raven…Nevermore.”

Joey Styles: “Welcome everyone, it’s Thursday Night, ECW RISE! I’m Joey Styles alongside Tazz. As you see Perry Saturn is coming down to the ring right now for our opening contest against Rey Mysterio Jr. Winner moves onto the #1 Contender for the ECW Television Championship Match at Fall Brawl against Eddie Guerrero and Shelton Benjamin.”

Tazz: “This is a big match for Saturn, Joey. After the breakup of the Eliminators, Saturn is looking to make a huge move to remind people how dangerous he is.”

Joey Styles:
“Later tonight we also have a huge Six Man Tag Team Match: The Sandman, Spike Dudley, and Tommy Dreamer take on Raven’s Warriors: Crush, Wrath and Malice!”


Winner Gets a Spot in the #1 Contender’s Match for the ECW Television Championship
Perry Saturn (w/Terri) vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Rey surprises Saturn with an armdrag, then punches away at him. Saturn reverses an Irish whip into the corner, but when he charges in Rey puts on the brakes and ends up catching Saturn with a flying headscissors. Saturn quickly bails to the outside, but Rey wastes no time and flies over the top rope with a somersault plancha! Rey rolls Saturn back into the ring. Dropkick from Rey. Rey goes for a hurricanrana, but Saturn uses his power advantage and plants Rey in the middle of the ring with a sitout powerbomb! 1…2…Rey just kicks out, but Saturn is now in complete control. Saturn locks Rey in a hammerlock, but then flips him over and slams him onto the canvas. Terri slides Saturn a chair, and Saturn puts the chair on Rey’s face. Springboard twisting legdrop from Saturn onto the chair on Rey’s face! Another cover from Saturn, 1…2…Rey manages to just get the shoulder up.

Saturn carries Rey around the ring, before dumping him on his head with a Sambo suplex. Saturn stomps away at Rey, before setting up the chair in the middle of the ring. Saturn picks up Rey and smashes him back first on the seat of the chair! Instead of a pin Saturn punches away at Rey, before deadlifting him and hitting a release German Suplex! Legdrop from Saturn before he goes into the cover, 1…2…Rey manages to just kick out once again! Saturn takes his time, despite Terri screaming at him not to. Rey slowly gets to his feet and Saturn misses a clothesline…but comes back and turns Rey inside-out with a follow up clothesline! Saturn heads to the top rope and hits a perfect flying elbowdrop! Saturn with another cover, 1…2…Rey kicks out again and this one looks to frustrate Saturn.

Saturn heads to the top rope again, but a flying crossbody misses when Rey drops down to the canvas on his own! Rey manages to get some forearms in, but when he goes for the springboard moonsault, Saturn catches him in midair. Saturn repositions Rey and drops him with a Death Valley Driver! 1…2…Rey Mysterio Jr. kicks out and Saturn is irate! Rey gets back to his feet but Saturn nearly kicks his head off with a big boot. Saturn takes the chair and looks to finish Rey off for good with it, only Rey ducks the swinging shot, then dropkicks the chair back in Saturn’s face! Spinning heel kick to Saturn! Rey runs at Saturn and gets into the wheelbarrow position, only Saturn drops him on his face! Saturn goes for the Rings of Saturn, only Rey is able to position his body so his legs reach the bottom ropes. Saturn drags him back into the center of the ring, only Rey gets a roll-up, 1…2…Saturn kicks out! Rey hits the springboard moonsault off the ropes this time! Another dropkick from Rey sends Saturn into the ropes. 6-1-9 connects! Rey leaps onto the apron as Saturn staggersd around, springboard hurricanrana connects, and Rey has the leg hooked, 1…2…3!

Winner: Rey Mysterio Jr. via pinfall in 11:29

Rey Mysterio Jr.
gets no time to celebrate as he’s attacked from behind by Eddie Guerrero! Guerrero stomps away on Rey before Shelton Benjamin runs down to make the save! Guerrero leaps out of the ring right away to avoid Shelton. Shelton helps Rey up, but Rey thinks Shelton was the attacker, and blasts him with a forearm! Shelton doesn’t take lightly to that and plants Rey with a T-Bone Suplex in the middle of the ring. Benjamin shrugs off Rey as we cut to commercial.


We come back from commercial with Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke and Big Sal E. Graziano coming to the ring, waving the Italian flag, of course.

Little Guido: “It’s time to take care of some family business. My guy tells me that one of our soldiers have a problem with how I’m running things around here. There are some old school rules we’re supposed to follow around here, but here’s rule #1. I’m the one who calls the shots around here! So if any of you wanna say something, say something to my face. Capisce?”

After a few seconds, Big Daddy Vincenzo, although his attire here is more purple and gold, reflecting his days as King Mabel, makes his way down to the ring. Little Guido walks right up to him.

Little Guido: “Word on the street says you’ve got a problem with how I run things! You got somethin’ to say?!”

Big Daddy Vincenzo: “I think it might be some time for some new leadership, little man!”

Little Guido: “Little man? You better step in line unless you want to get whacked!”

Big Daddy Vincenzo takes exception to that, but before he does anything to Little Guido, Big Sal E. Graziano steps in front of him.

Little Guido: “Ok, ok, look, I’m sorry. I’m a little stressed out, okay. You’re one of my top guys! You’re a capo! We can get this back on track! What do you want? More money? More people in your crew?”

Big Daddy Vincenzo glares at Little Guido…before the Blue World Order, Hollywood Nova, Big Stevie Cool and The Blue Guy, make their way to the ring!

The Blue Guy: “Say hello TO DA BLUE GUY!

Big Stevie Cool: “Look, I can give you the whole spiel, but we see something that can tilt the scales our way! The Blue World Order could use a King!

Vincenzo seems to like how that sounds, and turns his attention again towards Big Sal and the FBI…only for him to attack Nova from behind! The BWO gets beat down as a result, with Vincenzo and Big Sal splashing Da Blue Guy, Big Stevie Cool and Nova twice each! Little Guido kisses Vincenzo on the cheek, and for now it looks like the FBI are united.


Joey Styles:
“What a load of crap that was, Tazz.”

Tazz: Big Daddy Vincenzo, that’s a bad man, Joey. Right now Little Guido seems to have control of him, but really just how long is that gonna last?”

Joey Styles: “Well, we have some advertising to do for this Saturday for ECW Hardcore TV. We have one big match, Tag Team Turmoil. The winners will get an ECW World Tag Team Championship Match against AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn at Fall Brawl.”

Tazz: “I’m hearing some big-time teams are gonna be in that one, Joey. Including, and I’m just hearing this now, Big Daddy Vincenzo and Big Sal E. Graziano.

Joey Styles:
“Of course the FBI suddenly has two teams. I really don’t know what kind of connections Little Guido has sometimes. Anyway, when we come back, it’s Six Man Tag Team action!


Motorhead’s version of “Enter Sandman” plays as Tommy Dreamer, Spike Dudley, and The Sandman make their way through the crowd for the main event. Notably, they bring a ladder through the crowd with them.

Tommy Dreamer, Spike Dudley, and The Sandman vs. Crush, Malice, and Wrath (w/Mikey Whipwreck)

Dreamer starts with Malice. Dreamer gets some jabs in early on. Malice misses a clothesline, and Dreamer takes him down with a clothesline of his own. Dreamer props Malice on the top rope, facing towards the crowd, then drops him with a neckbreaker! Dreamer continues to stomp on Malice, but Malice rolls over to his corner to tag in Crush. Dreamer and Crush trade blows. Dreamer hits the ropes but Crush gets a big boot that sends Dreamer into his corner, and a blind tag from Spike! Spike jumps into the ring and jumps right at Crush. Spike’s punches actually back Crush into the corner, but when Spike goes for the hurricanrana Crush nearly throws him across the ring with a falling powerbomb! Crush grabs Spike by the head and locks in the Kona Clutch, but Sandman comes in and whacks Crush with a Singapore Cane!

Wrath comes in and the match quickly breaks down from a tag match into a pier six brawl! Wrath beats down Sandman, before Dreamer bashes a beer can over Wrath’s head. Dreamer and Sandman hit Wrath with a double back suplex. Malice knocks them both down with clotheslines, then orders Mikey Whipwreck to set up a table on the outside. Malice sets up Sandman, looking to powerbomb him over the top rope, but Spike Dudley attacks Malice from behind with a low blow! Spike sets Malice up for the Acid Drop…but Malice counters by holding Spike high in the air…then tosses him over the top rope through the table!

Joey Styles:
“Oh My God!”

Sandman whacks Malice in the back of the head with the Singapore Cane, then hits the White Russian Legsweep! Cover, 1…2…Wrath breaks it up. Wrath grabs Sandman and plants him with the uranage! Wrath climbs up to the second rope and hits a diving lariat on Sandman! He sets him up for the Meltdown, but Tommy Dreamer comes from behind and hits Wrath with a neckbreaker. Cover by Dreamer, 1…2…Wrath kicks out. Sandman gets back to his feet and he and Dreamer punch away at him. Malice nails Dreamer, and Wrath gets a scoop powerslam on Sandman. Crush comes back into the ring and he and Wrath grab Dreamer by the throat…Double Chokeslam! Somehow Spike is slide back into ring and low blows both Crush and Wrath! He grabs Crush by the head, and runs up the turnbuckles to deliver an Acid Drop! Spike lowblows Wrath again and hooks his head as well! Acid Drop to Wrath! Spike covers Wrath, 1…2…Mikey Whipwreck runs in and breaks up the count!

Mikey punches away Spike, but Spike has no problem kicking Mikey low as well! He sets Mikey up for the Acid Drop, but Malice hits Spike with a huge big boot. Dreamer and Sandman have the ladder though and smash Malice with it! Dreamer drops Malice with a DDT as Sandman slides in a table. Dreamer continues to pound away on Malice as Sandman sets up the table. They put Malice on the table as Spike sets up the 12 foot ladder and begins to climb. Dreamer and Sandman hold Malice down on the table…and Spike dives off the ladder, crashing through Malice!

Joey Styles:
Little Spike Dudley is nuts…and hey, hey, that’s Tajiri! That’s Tajiri!”

Tajiri runs down and takes down Dreamer with a kick to the side of the head! Sandman punches away at him, before Raven appears at ringside and drags Sandman to the outside. Evenflow DDT to Sandman on the floor! The crowd erupts though as here come Sabu and Rob Van Dam! Tajiri puts Dreamer in the tree of woe, but before he can hit the basement dropkick, he’s tackled by Sabu! Tajiri gets back to his feet, just to get a chair thrown at him. Tajiri catches the chair and is hit with the Van Daminator! Raven takes off through the crowd! Crush and Wrath attack RVD and Sabu, Sabu hits Crush with a springboard leg lariat and RVD a roundhouse kick to Wrath! Sabu sets up the chair, triple jump moonsault to Crush! RVD is up on top, Five Star Frog Splash to Wrath! Dreamer drops Malice with another DDT and covers him, 1…2…3!

Winners: Tommy Dreamer, Spike Dudley, and The Sandman when Dreamer pinned Malice in 15:36

stands at the entrance, looking angrily at the ring, where Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, and Spike Dudley share some beers as RISE goes off the air!


Quick Results

Winner Gains Entry to the #1 Contender for the ECW Television Championship Match at Fall Brawl

Rey Mysterio Jr. pinned Perry Saturn

Tommy Dreamer, Spike Dudley, and The Sandman defeated Crush, Malice, and Wrath when Dreamer pinned Malice


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Brock Lesnar on 8-4-02)

WCW United States Champion
Kurt Angle (Defeated Christian on 9-1-02)

ECW Television Champion
Sabu (Defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. on 9-1-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Outsiders on 9-1-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Tajiri on 8-24-02)

World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)

Roster Updates



Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
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Just jumping back in here so forgive me if there's anything I get majorly wrong. A really well written promo for Raven to start the show. Raven/RVD does feel pretty fresh as they never really crossed paths, and Raven's explanation that RVD only got big after he left ECW is pretty great. Very well written Raven promo here.

Mysterio/Saturn is a fun match to kick off for sure. Don't mind the idea of Rey getting the win, as Saturn is left to find his feet in the singles division. Eddie/Benjamin getting involved afterwards hypes the future tag match effectively, and I'm all for some tension between Rey and Shelton as well based on the misunderstanding.

Firstly, I love the use of Vis as a member of The FBI. That's awesome. Not sure on the build here but assuming there has been some issues. BWO getting involved was fun enough, although for a throw away angle tonight this worked well with Vis eventually deciding to stick with the Italians. Intriguing to see whether this is just the beginning of issues with the group or not though.

I'm not entirely sure of the alignments here in the main event but based off the interference I'm guessing the heel team here a part of Raven's posse in ECW? Either way, some fun action in the main event, and I marked for a lot of the Spike Dudley stuff here, he had some really good moments in the match. Anyway, all the interference made for an exciting ending and Raven running off when RVD got on top continues a tease of the top (?) angle in ECW nicely.

A solid first show for me to come back to, hopefully I'll pick up more of what's happening as I continue to follow.
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ECW Hardcore TV
September 21, 2002
ECW Arena
Philadelphia, PA

ECW World Tag Team Champions AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn come out to the stage and join Joey Styles and Tazz at the commentary position.

Joey Styles: “Welcome everyone to ECW Hardcore TV. We’re being joined by the World Tag Team Champions Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles as tonight, it’s Tag Team Turmoil to find out who will challenge the champs at Fall Brawl.”

AJ Styles: “It ain’t gonna matter who it is, Joey.”

Jerry Lynn: “We’re ready for anyone, we just wanna get a good look of who’s gonna get the shot!”

Joey Styles: “Right now, Christian York and Joey Matthews have hit the ring. It’s going to be a tough road through nine other teams…but wait, Tazz, is that who I think it is?!”

Tazz: “Joey, that’s Balls Mahoney with Axl Rotten!

Joey Styles: “
The Hardcore Chair-Swinging Freaks!”

#1 Contender for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: Tag Team Turmoil Match 1
Christian York and Joey Matthews vs. The Hardcore Chair-Swinging Freaks

Mahoney and Rotten attack York and Matthews right away, pounding each of them in the corner. Rotten locks York in a headlock and Mahoney jabs away at Matthews, knocking him down with hard series of punches. Mahoney sends Matthews at Rotten, and Rotten hits a hard back elbow. Rotten hits York with a drop toehold and Mahoney hits a legdrop to the back of the head. Mahoney covers York, 1…2…kickout. Matthews ducks a Rotten clothesline and Rotten crashes to the outside. York and Matthews hit Mahoney with a double dropkick. They send Mahoney off the ropes and connect with a double hip toss. They send Mahoney off the ropes one more time, but Mahoney comes back with a leaping double clothesline. Axl Rotten brings a pair of chairs into the ring. He tosses one to Mahoney before blasting York with the chair! Not to be outdone, Rotten smashes the other chair over Matthew’s head! Mahoney picks up York and hits the Nutcracker Suite and covers, 1…2…3!

#1 Contender for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: Tag Team Turmoil Match 2
The Hardcore Chair-Swinging Freaks vs. Big Sal E. Graziano and Big Daddy Vincenzo

The two 600-pound monsters enter the ring and as soon as they do, Mahoney and Rotten immediately hit them with two brutal chair shots! Big V and Big Sal stay on their feet though. Mahoney and Rotten go for another one, but they get body tackled down by Big Sal and Big V. Big Sal puts Mahoney on his back and Big V puts Rotten on his back and we get duel 600 pound Samoan Drops! Vincenzo comes off the ropes and splashes Mahoney, 1…2…3.

#1 Contender for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: Tag Team Turmoil Match 3
Big Sal E. Graziano and Big Daddy Vincenzo vs. Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke

Joey Styles: “
Now this should be interesting.”

Jerry Lynn: “
I don’t know, Joey, Little Guido is a worm.”

Guido tells Big Daddy Vincenzo to back off and demands that both he and Big Sal lay down. Big Sal obliges, but Vincenzo is in disbelief. Guido hops on Big Sal, 1…2…3.

Jerry Lynn: “What did I tell you, Joey.”

Big Daddy Vincenzo looks irate…

Joey Styles: “I don’t know if Little Guido is going to get away with this one, but we need to take a break!”


We come back to Hardcore TV with Little Guido yelling at Big Daddy Vincenzo…but as soon as he puts his finger V’s face…Big V picks him up and hits him with a Samoan Drop! Tony Mamaluke attacks V to no luck, and he gets squashed with a belly-to-belly suplex! Big Sal shoves Big V, and the two monsters begin to brawl! The brawl spills to the outside and even through the crowd! Meanwhile, Guido and Mamaluke are left lying!

#1 Contender for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: Tag Team Turmoil Match 4
Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke vs. Super Nova and The Blue Meanie

Guido struggles to get to his feet, but he’s immediately dropped by Nova with the Kryptonite Krunch! Meanie’s on the top rope…Meanie-sault! 1…2…3!

#1 Contender for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: Tag Team Turmoil Match 5
Super Nova and The Blue Meanie vs. Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera

Juvi takes down Nova with a trip. Juvi goes for a hiptoss, but it’s blocked. Nova tries one, but Juvi blocks that and tries a rocker dropper, only to be flipped backwards. Juvi lands on the canvas face-first as Nova tags in Meanie. Meanie jabs away at Juvi, but Psicosis runs in and hits Meanie from behind. Nova comes back in and fires away at Psicosis, and sends him into the corner. Nova sends Juvi into the same corner, then sends his partner Meanie flying into the corner, squashing both Juvi and Psicosis! Cover on Juvi by Meanie, 1…2…Juvi kicks out. Meanie sets Juvi up for a powerbomb, but Psicosis comes off the top with a springboard spinning heel kick to the back of the head! Nova runs in and attacks Psicosis again, but Psicosis dumps him over the top rope. Juvi then leaps onto the top rope and springboards right onto Nova!

Psicosis kicks Meanie, but Meanie mauls him down with a clothesline. Juvi comes back into the ring with another springboard bodypress, but he misses everyone as Meanie moves out of the way! Meanie picks up Juvi and slams him. Scoop slam for Psicosis too! Meanie heads to the top rope, but misses the Meanie-Sault as Psicosis moved out of the way. Nova gets back into the ring and hip tosses Psicosis, but turns right into the Juvi Driver! 1...2…3.

Joey Styles: “Here’s a team you guys know really well!”

#1 Contender for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: Tag Team Turmoil Match 6
Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera vs. Jamie Noble and Kid Kash

Kash and Noble hit the ring immediately and double team Juvi in the corner. Kash stomps away at him before choking him with his boot. Psicosis attacks Kash, bit Noble quickly grabs him and spikes him with a brainbuster. Kash sends Juvi into the corner, but when Noble goes for a corner splash Juvi leaps over him and gets a roll-up, 1…2…Kash breaks it up right away. Kash tosses Juvi over the top rope, then dives over the ropes at him! Noble heads to the top rope, but when he leaps off, Psicosis catches him on the way down with a dropkick! Kash comes back in but Psicosis catches him with a dropkick as well. Psicosis comes off the ropes and hits Kash with a spinning heel kick, before making a proper tag to Juvi.

Juvi hits his own spinning heel kick on Kash. He hits the ropes and connects with a flying headscissors on Kash as well! Juvi goes for a flying headscissors on Noble, but Noble is able to block mid move and drive Juvi’s body right onto his knee with a backbreaker! Noble covers Juvi, 1…2…Psicosis comes flying off the top rope with the Guillotine Legdrop on Noble! Kash quickly boots Psicosis though, and gets the Money Maker, the Double Underhook Piledriver! Kash covers Psicosis, 1…2…3!

Joey Styles: “Wait, what the hell. What are these two monsters doing here?!”

Tazz: “
That’s Meng and the Barbarian! These two look right at home in ECW!”

#1 Contender for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: Tag Team Turmoil Match 7
Jamie Noble and Kid Kash vs. The Faces of Fear

Kash throws a dropkick at Meng, but Meng just swats him away. Meng hits Kash with an atomic drop and holds him in place, allowing Barbarian to hit him with a big boot! Meng sends Noble flying with a hard chop to the head. Meng and Barbarian send Kash off the ropes and hit a double big boot. Barbarian covers, 1…2…Noble leaps at him to break up the count. Noble fires away at Barbarian, but Meng cuts him off with levels him with a huge headbutt. Meng goes for a big elbowdrop, but Noble moves out of the way. Barbarian hits Noble with a wicked lariat though, sending him flying. Kash springboards off the ropes with a dropkick that stuns Barbarian. Kash goes for a flying headscissors on Barbarian but gets planted down with a sidewalk slam.

Noble comes off the top rope and lands on Barbarian’s back. Noble tries to choke him out to no effect. Barbarian shrugs Noble off, before sending him off the ropes and booting him hard. Barbarian sets Noble up and powerbombs him in the center of the ring. Barbarian, instead of going for the cover, picks Noble up and sets him up once more. Second powerbomb plants Noble! Barbarian calls for one more and again has Noble set up, but when he has Noble up Kash dropkicks him! Noble rolls over Barbarian’s head and gets a victory roll, and Kash leaps at Meng to prevent him from breaking it up, 1…2…3!

Meng can’t believe it as Kash and Noble advance. Meng grabs Kash and puts him in the Tongan Death Grip! Barbarian grabs Noble and plants him with a third powerbomb. Kash and Noble are left lying as the next team make their way to the ring.

#1 Contender for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: Tag Team Turmoil Match 8
Jamie Noble and Kid Kash vs. Bam Bam Bigelow and Gangrel (w/Luna Vachon)

Gangrel goes for the easy pin on Noble, 1…2…Kash makes the save. Gangrel punches away at Kash, and sends him straight to Bigelow, who body tackles him down. Bigelow goes for an electric chair drop on Kash, but Kash counters with a victory roll, 1…2…Bigelow escapes! Bigelow hits Kash with a huge headbutt, then presses him over his head…and tosses him into the crowd!

Joey Styles: “
Oh my God!”

Gangrel goes for the Impaler DDT on Noble, but Noble escapes and enzugiris Gangrel into Bigelow. Noble leaps up to the top rope, but Bigelow catches him in midair, and plants him with Greetings From Asbury Park! Bigelow covers Noble, 1…2…3.

Joey Styles: “One more team left and it’s the former champs! We’ll be right back!”


#1 Contender for the ECW World Tag Team Championship: Tag Team Turmoil Final Match
Bam Bam Bigelow and Gangrel (w/Luna Vachon) vs. Danny Doring and Roadkill

Doring and Gangrel trade shots as this turns into a traditional tag match, with Roadkill and Bigelow on the apron. Gangrel gets a double armhook suplex, then hits a twisting elbowdrop. Gangrel traps Doring in the corner and hits hard elbows, before Doring counters with punches of his own. Gangrel again gets the advantage and goes back to the elbows before Doring shoves him off. Doring tags in Roadkill while Gangrel tags in Bigelow. The crowd gets excited for the two 300+ pounders to go at it. Bigelow and Roadkill trade blows, and it’s Roadkill who gets the first advantage as he body tackles Bigelow down!

Roadkill goes for a slam, but Bigelow shifts his weight and ends up squashing Roadkill. Bigelow sends Roadkill into the corner, but misses avalanche. Roadkill tags in Doring. Roadkill sends Bigelow into the corner, then fires Doring at him, but Bigelow clotheslines Doring out of the corner! Gangrel hits Roadkill from behind, but Roadkill ducks a clothesline and Gangrel accidentally hits Bigelow. Roadkill slams Gangrel down, and Doring hits him with the Danaconda legdrop! Roadkill then climbs up the side of the ropes, not the turnbuckles, and comes down with a splash on Gangrel! Bigelow breaks up any pin though, but Doring low blows him. Roadkill holds onto Bigelow and Doring hits him with the Lariat of Lust, a jumping clothesline while Roadkill spinebusters Bigelow! Doring gets the attention of Luna Vachon and invites her into the ring. Luna seems interested in Doring for a moment, before kicking him low! Luna slams Doring, then comes off the ropes and hits Roadkill with a flying headscissors! Gangrel gets back to his feet and plants Doring with the Impaler DDT, 1…2…3!

Winners: Gangrel and Bam Bam Bigelow when Gangrel pinned Doring in 36:06

Luna Vachon
walks up to the announce desk with Gangrel and Bam Bam Bigelow standing right behind her. She evilly laughs as AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn hold up the ECW World Tag Team Championship as Hardcore TV comes to a close.


Quick Results

#1 Contender for the ECW World Tag Team Championship

Bam Bam Bigelow and Gangrel won Tag Team Turmoil, last eliminating Danny Doring and Roadkill


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Brock Lesnar on 8-4-02)

WCW United States Champion
Kurt Angle (Defeated Christian on 9-1-02)

ECW Television Champion
Sabu (Defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. on 9-1-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Outsiders on 9-1-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Tajiri on 8-24-02)

World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)

Roster Updates

Axl Rotten
– One half of the Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks made his return to ECW


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WCW Monday Night Nitro
September 23, 2002
Chisholm Trail Coliseum
Enid, Oklahoma

A limousine pulls into the parking lot. Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar step out, with Lesnar looking ready for tonight’s main event with Hulk Hogan.

Mike Tenay: “Welcome to Monday Night Nitro! We are just six days away from Fall Brawl, and that means six days away from War Games! Tonight, we’ll see one individual from both teams participating in War Games go one-on-one tonight, as Brock Lesnar takes on “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan.”

Don West: “My goodness, Mike. Lesnar vs. Hogan. That’s one of those matches you only dream about!

Mike Tenay:
“Also, The Outsiders will take on Kurt Angle and Booker T. We’re opening tonight with Shane Helms against “Squire” Dave Taylor.”

Shane Helms (w/Elix Skipper) vs. “Squire” David Taylor (w/William Regal and Fit Finlay)

Taylor gets an early wristlock and tries to take Helms down, but Helms is able to flip his way out. Helms hits an armdrag, then hits a second one. Dropkick sends Taylor into the corner, but Taylor catches Helms with an elbow when he tries to run in. Taylor grounds Helms with a hammerlock. Helms again fights his way out. Taylor sends Helms off the ropes, but Helms comes back with a flying headscissors! Taylor retreats to the outside, but Helms dives out over the top after him, and gets William Regal too! Helms sends Taylor back into the ring and dives over the top rope again with a senton! Cover, 1…2…Taylor kicks out. Helms gets a full head of steam and runs at Taylor. He ducks a clothesline…but then gets tripped by Finlay! Helms gets back to his feet, but is clotheslined right back down by Taylor.

Taylor locks in a heel hook, looking to injure the foot to slow down Helms. Helms manages to get back to his feet and hits Taylor with an enzugiri! Helms heads to the top rope, but he’s caught on the way down by a perfectly timed European uppercut from Taylor. Taylor hooks up Helms and hits a bridging butterfly suplex! 1…2…Helms just kicks out! Taylor bashes away at Helms but Helms begins to fire back! Big dropkick from Helms stuns Taylor. Taylor runs at Helms but Helms surprises him with a backbodydrop. Helms sets Taylor up for Nightmare on Helms Street…only Finlay runs in and knocks him down for the DQ!

Winner: Shane Helms by DQ in 7:03

Elix Skipper
runs in to save Helms from Finlay, but Regal gives the Europeans a numbers game advantage. Regal blasts Skipper in the back, then pounds away at him as Taylor locks in another heel hook on Helms. Suddenly, an unknown man comes into the ring!

Don West: Mike, I’ve seen this guy on the indies! The Alpha-Male, Monty Brown!

Mike Tenay:
“That’s right, one of the hottest young free agents on the market!”

Brown runs right over Finlay! Brown then runs over Regal as well, and the Europeans bail! Monty Brown checks on Skipper and Helms as Regal yells to Brown that “you’ll get yours, sunshine!”


Kevin Kelly:
Kevin Kelly here with the #1 Contender to the World Women’s Championship, Molly Marvel! Molly, in just six days you face Victoria for the World Women’s Championship. How are you preparing for this high-stakes match?”

Molly Marvel: “I know the deal. Facing Victoria will be no easy feat. She’s a formidable champion for sure. But I’ve been training harder then ever to get back my title. I’m no stranger to her tricks and tactics. If Victoria wants to play dirty, I’ll quickly show her I can stand up for myself and give as good as I get. But my goal is to not only win the World Women’s Championship for the second time, but to win it the right way and to make the fans proud.”

Kevin Kelly: “And what about Daffney. Despite not seeming to be on the same page as Victoria, she still always ends up on her side.”

Molly Marvel: “I’ve got no problems with Daffney. But if she ends up getting involved, I’m gonna have to do what I have to do. I’m not leaving Fall Brawl without that title.”


Kurt Angle
walks up to Booker T, who’s preparing for tonight’s tag team match against the Outsiders.

Booker T: “Yeah, Kurt, what do you want?”

Kurt Angle: “I want to make sure we’re on the same page tonight. Nash and Hall, they’re no joke. The only way we’re gonna win this tonight Booker, is if you follow my lead out there.”

Booker T: “What’s that?”

Kurt Angle: “I said you need to follow my lead out there, Booker.”

Booker T: “Tell me you didn’t just say that. TELL ME, you did NOT just say that.”

Kurt Angle: “Hey, maybe you forgot, but the last time we stood toe-to-toe in the ring, I’m the one who came out on top. If we’re going to win tonight, and if we’re going to win this Sunday in the War Games, I’ve gotta be the leader.”

Booker T: “Let me ask you somethin’, Kurt. Tonight, it’s a tag team match right?”

Kurt Angle: “Right.”

Booker T:
“Well right here, standing before you, is the eleven-time WCW World Tag Team Champion. Now tell me sucka, how many tag titles you win?”

Kurt Angle: “Oh so that’s how it’s gonna be?”

Booker T: “Damn right that’s how it’s gonna be. Look, we partners not by choice. I don’t need you out there. You gonna come out here and tell me about leadership. I ain’t taking that sucka. Either we a team, or I don’t need you.”

Kurt Angle: “Oh really? You don’t need me? Well then I’ll see you Sunday, Booker. You figure out tonight.”


WCW World Tag Team Championship – One Fall
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (w/Stacy Keibler) vs. X-Pac and Justin Credible vs. Chris Candido and Lance Storm

Candido and Storm go right at X-Pac and Credible as the champs look on. Candido, Storm, X-Pac and Credible all realize that they should in fact be targeting the champs. Storm and Candido attack DDP while Credible and X-Pac attack Giant. Giant easily sends Credible over the top rope, then sends X-Pac flying with a headbutt. Giant then grabs Storm and headbutts him as well. Candido stomps away on DDP, but DDP ducks a clothesline and hits a spinning clothesline of his own. Cover, 1…2…Candido kicks out. Giant grabs Candido and sends him across the ring. X-Pac and Credible drag DDP to the outside, but DDP holds his own. Storm heads to the top rope and hits the flying spinning heel kick, knocking the Giant down! Storm covers him, 1…2…Giant powers out.

Storm punches and kicks away at Giant, but Giant boots him in the face. Credible and X-Pac send DDP into the stairs on the outside and slide into the ring. They run at the Giant, but Giant grabs them both by the throat! Albert runs down, but the Giant sees him and blasts him with a big punch. Mike Awesome also comes down and gets into it with Albert on the floor. The Giant throws X-Pac over the top rope onto the floor, then lifts Credible high above his head…then drops him right into the clutches of DDP for a Super Diamond Cutter! DDP covers Credible, 1…2…3!

Winners: Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant when DDP pinned Credible in 5:48 (Retains)

As the champs celebrate and walk up the ramp with their titles, Mike Awesome and Albert are still brawling on the outside. Officials run down to break them up. X-Factor also helps Albert leave as Candido and Storm try to calm down Awesome.


Kurt Angle
is seen leaving the Chisholm Trail Coliseum when Shane McMahon calls out to him.

Shane McMahon: Kurt, Kurt! Stop, where you going man?”

Angle stops…

Shane McMahon: “Come on, you’re going to leave Booker hanging tonight?”

Kurt Angle: “Look Shane. Booker T said himself he doesn’t need me. I might respect Booker T, but I don’t like him, and I’m not about to go out there six days before War Games fighting alongside him when I don’t need to. Yeah, I’ll be there this Sunday. But Booker T needs to learn something about respect and maybe this will do the trick. I’m out of here Shane.”

Angle continues to leave as Shane just looks exasperated.


We come back to Nitro…where “Mean” Gene Okerlund is with “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan.

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: Hulkster, we are just moments away and the anticipation is off the charts! How do are you feeling about your match with Brock Lesnar tonight?”

Hulk Hogan: “Well ya know something, Mean Gene? When you’re talking about Hollywood and you’re talking about Brock Lesnar, you’re talking about the largest arms in the world against the strongest young force in this wrestling universe, brother! Yeah, Brock Lesnar, he’s a beast and he’s a monster, and he’s a force. But when those Hulkamaniacs start cheering when they feel the power, brother, that force won’t compare against Hulkamania! Brock Lesnar is one tough dude for sure, but like everyone else, I’m gonna drop him with the big boot. I’m gonna drop the big legdrop, and he and that spoon Paul Heyman are only gonna have one question left to answer. And that question is whatcha gonna do, Brock Lesnar, when Hulkamania runs wild on you!”

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: “What about this Sunday, as you climb into the War Games steel cage against not only Brock Lesnar, but the New World Order?”

Hulk Hogan: War Games is the ultimate battleground, brother. But there’s revenge to be had. I made the New World Order what it is. Yeah, maybe Nash and Hall started, but the NWO doesn’t reach the heights that it did without “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan. But even the NWO isn’t bigger than Hulkamania, brother! This Sunday, I destroy what I made big time. Me, Kurt Angle, Booker T, DDP and Giant finish off the NWO once and for all! And then after that, Hunter, I’m coming for the belt, brother!”


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Billy Kidman (w/Torrie Wilson)

Kidman gets a waistlock on Chavo, but Chavo counters with a hammerlock. Kidman escapes that with an armdrag, then catches Chavo with a hurricanrana! Headlock takeover from Kidman. Kidman sends Chavo into the corner, but Chavo sends Kidman over the top rope when he charges in. Kidman lands on the apron. Kidman hits Chavo with a shot, then leaps back into the ring with a flying headscissors! Kidman gets a victory roll on Chavo, 1…2…Chavo kicks out. Kidman runs at Chavo, but Chavo sidesteps and Kidman runs shoulder-first into the ringpost. Chavo stomps away on Kidman’s shoulder, then locks him in an armbar. Kidman tries to fight back, but Chavo has the hold locked in well.

Kidman gets back to a vertical base and fights out of the armbar. Kidman hits the ropes, but Chavo catches him with a knee to the midsection. Chavo sets Kidman up for a powerbomb, but Kidman counters with a facebuster! Cover, 1…2…Chavo kicks out. Chavo ducks a clothesline, but runs right into a backbodydrop from Kidman. Kidman winds up the clothesline, but Chavo catches the arm and drops him with a single arm DDT! Cover, 1…2…Kidman kicks out. Chavo pounds on the arm some more, then hits the ropes. Kidman catches Chavo square in the face with a dropkick, and both men are down! Chavo and Kidman both slowly get back to their feet and punch away at one another. Kidman goes for the BK Bomb, but Kidman’s arm gives out. Chavo tries to lock Kidman in the Gory Special, but Kidman quickly escapes with an armdrag, then nails the BK Bomb! Kidman takes his time as he favors his shoulder, but heads to the top rope to finish off Chavo. Chavo shoves the referee into the ropes, which leads to Kidman getting crotched up top. Chavo hooks Kidman’s head and plants him with a Tornado DDT! 1…2…3!

Winner: Chavo Guerrero Jr. via pinfall in 7:15

Torrie Wilson
checks on Kidman, before Chavo shoves her to the side so he can stomp on Kidman’s shoulder some more. Torrie tries to stop him, which angers Chavo. Before Chavo can do anything, Cruiserweight Champion Super Crazy runs down and chases Chavo off. Chavo points at the title, letting Crazy know that this Sunday they’ll be a new champion!


Booker T
is shown warming up when Shane McMahon, in his wrestling gear, walks into the locker room.

Shane McMahon: “Hey, Booker. I couldn’t get Kurt back here tonight. I’m gonna go out there with you tonight against the Outsiders.”

Booker T: “Appreciate that Shane, but I was serious. I didn’t need Kurt tonight. And while I respect that you’re willing to go out there, I’m good dawg.”

Booker T knocks on a door within the locker room, and his brother, Stevie Ray, comes out.

Booker T: Outsiders are gonna feel the Heat tonight, sucka!"


Harlem Heat vs. The Outsiders

Booker and Hall start. Hall throws his toothpick in Booker’s face, and Booker goes after him with punches. Booker shoves Hall into the corner, and Hall takes his time getting back up. Booker and Hall lock-up, and Hall gets an arm wringer. Booker counters and knocks Hall down with a roundhouse hook kick, and Hall crawls back to his corner. Booker and Hall lock-up again, before Hall nails him with a shot to the face. Hall tries to hip toss Booker, but Booker counters with a hip toss of his own that sends Hall flying to the outside! Hall rolls back in as Booker tags in Stevie Ray. Hall manages to escape Stevie Ray’s clutches though and tags in the big man, Kevin Nash. Nash simply raises his arm as Stevie Ray looks to get a piece of him.

Big knee to the midsection by Nash. Nash bashes Stevie Ray with hard forearms and a knee to the midsection. Nash props Stevie Ray in the corner and continues to pound away on him with huge forearms and elbows. Nash sends Stevie Ray into the corner, but Stevie Ray catches Nash with an elbow when Nash tries to run in. Clothesline knocks Nash down! Stevie Ray pounds away on Nash before tagging Booker T back in. Stevie Ray holds up Nash and Booker catches him with a flying forearm. Cover, 1…2…Hall breaks up the count, then spits at Stevie Ray! Referee tries to hold Stevie Ray back, but that allows Hall to get a cheap shot in on Booker. Nash then levels Booker with a big boot and tags Hall back in. Hall locks in an abdominal stretch on Booker T, and Nash grabs Hall’s arm for leverage. Booker refuses to submit as Hall and Nash continue to cheat, undetected from the referee.

Booker T manages to fight out and hip tosses Hall! Booker dives and tags Stevie Ray back in as Hall tags in Nash. Stevie Ray and Nash trade fists in the center of the ring. Stevie Ray wins as he clotheslines Nash over the top rope. Hall comes in, but Stevie Ray comes off the ropes and catches Hall with a knee to the midsection. Booker T then comes off the ropes as well and nails Hall with the Scissors’ Kick! Referee tries to get Booker and Hall out, allowing Sean O’Haire to run in and blast Stevie Ray with some kind of foreign object! Nash comes back in and puts an arm on Stevie Ray, 1…2…3!

Winners: The Outsiders when Kevin Nash pinned Stevie Ray in 9:17

Sean O’Haire
celebrates with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, as it takes a moment for Booker T to realize what happened. Booker shakes his head as he checks on his brother.

Don West: “That was so smart by Sean O’Haire! There’s no penalty for attacking Stevie Ray!”

Mike Tenay:
“Unfortunately you’re right, Don. The participants of the War Games match this Sunday aren’t supposed to have any physical contact…but Stevie Ray isn’t in the War Games match!”


cuts backstage to Elix Skipper, Monty Brown, and Shane Helms.

Shane Helms: “Yo, Elix, this guy, this guy seems pretty cool. What’s your name again?”

Monty Brown: I am THE Alpha-Male Monty Brown! Sugat Shane, Primetime Elix, this Sunday, I wanna fight those guys on Pay-Per-View, you feel that? I’m the only carnivore in the Serengeti desert! Regal, Taylor, Finlay, I’m blazin’ you all! I’m ready for war this Sunday! I promise you, if you all ain’t scared to accept, that you’ll all feel the POUUUUUNCE!”


WCW World Champion Triple H makes his way out to the commentator’s table.

Triple H: “I might as well see what Brock Lesnar can bring to the table!”

Brock Lesnar (w/Paul Heyman) vs. “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan

Hogan and Lesnar stand toe-to-toe with the crowd coming unglued. They lock-up, and Lesnar wins the strength exchange by shoving Hogan into the corner. Hogan looks a little surprised as Lesnar jogs in place. They lock-up again, and this time Hogan gets some punches in. Hogan nails Lesnar with four big punches before ducking on and hitting Hogan with a hard forearm on his back. Hogan goes down as Lesnar stomps away on him. Lesnar gets a little cocky and roars at the crowd as Hogan pops up! Hogan nails Lesnar with hard rights, and more hard rights! Hogan punches Lesnar over and over again. Hogan tries to send Lesnar into the corner, but Lesnar counters. Lesnar comes charging in but Hogan moves! Axe Bomber from Hogan! Cover, 1…2…Lesnar kicks out then rolls to the outside as Hogan poses to the crowd!

Heyman calms Lesnar down on the outside. Lesnar takes his time re-entering the ring. Hogan and Lesnar lock-up again. Hogan goes for a slam, but Lesnar slides behind him. Lesnar slams Hogan himself, then comes off the ropes with an elbow drop. Lesnar comes off the ropes again with another elbow drop. Lesnar picks Hogan up from the canvas and sends him into the corner, and this time Lesnar doesn’t miss the charging avalanche. Lesnar buries his shoulder into Hogan over and over, then when Hogan stumbles out of the corner Lesnar blasts him with a clothesline. Cover from Lesnar, 1…2…Hogan kicks out. Lesnar sends Hogan to the outside. Lesnar picks Hogan up and rams him back-first into the post! Lesnar picks Hogan up onto his shoulders, looking to F5 Hogan into the post, but Hogan slides behind him and shoves him into the post! Lesnar’s busted open as Hogan tends to his back!

Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant comes out to the stage to watch this match. They make sure that Triple H sees them too.

Hogan rolls Lesnar into the ring and covers him, 1…2…Lesnar kicks out. Hogan punches away at Lesnar again, this time bouncing his fists off the cut on Lesnar’s head. Hogan goes for a big punch, but he’s quickly wrapped up in a bearhug! Lesnar locks the bearhug on tight and squeezes! Hogan starts to internally bleed from the mouth, but he fights for his life anyway! Hogan punches his way out of the bearhug. Hogan goes for a big punch again, but Lesnar ducks and lifts Hogan up, F5! Lesnar covers him, 1…2…Hogan kicks out! This leaves Lesnar and Heyman stunned. Lesnar immediately picks Hogan up for another F5, but Hogan slides behind him again. Lesnar nails Hogan, but Hogan begins to Hulk Up! Hogan blocks a punch, then hits him with three punches of his own. Hogan sends Lesnar off the ropes and hits the big boot, knocking Lesnar down! Hogan comes off the ropes, Legdrop connects! 1….2…Lesnar kicks out!

Hogan looks shocked, but he gets back to punching Lesnar once Lesnar gets back on his feet. Hogan sends Lesnar off the ropes again, but Lesnar blocks the big boot and levels Hogan with a clothesline! Lesnar picks Hogan up and hits him with a second F5! Lesnar decides to not go for the cover as he sees Hogan still showing signs of life. Lesnar heads to the outside and gets a steel chair. Lesnar waits for Hogan to come to, and Hogan slowly does get to his feet. Lesnar smashes the chair right over Hogan’s head, causing the disqualification!

Winner: Hulk Hogan via DQ in 13:13

and Giant come down to the ring to check on Hogan, who is now a bloody mess. Lesnar raises the chair over his head. While DDP and Giant want to fight Lesnar, they can’t because of the stipulations set last week for the War Games match. Shane McMahon runs out as well, as Lesnar and Heyman walk back up the stage. Triple H is shown giving Lesnar a standing ovation.

Triple H: “I gotta say, not bad at all!”


Quick Results

Shane Helms defeated David Taylor by DQ

WCW World Tag Team Championship – One Fall
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant © defeated Lance Storm and Chris Candido, and X-Factor to retain the title

Chavo Guerrero Jr. pinned Kidman

The Outsiders defeated Harlem Heat when Nash pinned Stevie Ray

“Hollywood” Hulk Hogan defeated Brock Lesnar by DQ


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Brock Lesnar on 8-4-02)

WCW United States Champion
Kurt Angle (Defeated Christian on 9-1-02)

ECW Television Champion
Sabu (Defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. on 9-1-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Outsiders on 9-1-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Tajiri on 8-24-02)

World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)

Roster Updates

Monty Brown
– One of the hottest young stars on the indies makes his WCW debut


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September 26, 2002
Chisholm Trail Coliseum
Enid, Oklahoma

Joey Styles: “Welcome everyone, it’s Thursday Night, and it’s the go home show for Fall Brawl! Tonight, we have an eight man tag team match for you, ECW World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam, ECW World Television Champion Sabu, Shelton Benjamin, and Rey Mysterio Jr. take on Raven, Tajiri, Mikey Whipwreck, and Eddie Guerrero.

Tazz: “That’s a big match, Joey. Hey, what’s this. What’s Bam Bam doing out there?”

Joey Styles: Bam Bam Bigelow and Gangrel are scheduled to take on the ECW World Tag Team Champions AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn this Sunday after winning Tag Team Turmoil on ECW Hardcore TV.”


Bam Bam Bigelow
grabs a microphone, shoving the ringside tech while doing so.

Bam Bam Bigelow: “Look, look let’s call things as they are. I ain’t no spring chicken no more, and I know, I know this just might be the last time I get a shot at championship gold. I’m 41 years old, and I know it’s over in the next few years. But it ain’t over yet! This Sunday, the “Beast From the East” is gonna be out there with the Vampire Warrior, Gangrel and the main squeeze Luna, and we’re gonna take out AJ and Jerry and win the ECW World Tag Team Titles! This might be my last chance, and that means there ain’t anyone gonna stop me!”

AJ Styles comes out alone, microphone in hand.

AJ Styles: “Hey look everyone it’s the big bad old dinosaur! Bam Bam, isn’t that the baby from the Flintstones?! Look old-timer, me and Jerry, we’re the best two wrestlers in the world. We’re gonna finish off your career and the vampire isn’t gonna help you either!”

Bam Bam Bigelow: “Look kid, I ain’t here to go back and forth on the mic. I’m warning you now, you keep talking and I’m gonna put your ass through the ring!”

AJ Styles: “Oh yeah? I’m supposed to be afraid of you…”

Jerry Lynn runs down, and tries to stop AJ from going on.

AJ Styles: “Come’on, Jerry, this guy is nuthin’. He’s past his prime!”

Bigelow smirks and turns his head, and AJ then shoves him in the back of the head! Bigelow responds immediate and blasts Styles! Bigelow blasts Lynn! Bigelow tosses Lynn over the top rope. AJ comes off the ropes and leaps at Bigelow, but Bigelow swats him out of the air! Bigelow presses AJ Styles over his head…and tosses him into the crowd!

Joey Styles: “Oh My God!”

Lynn attacks Bigelow, but Gangrel cuts him off and plants him with he Impaler DDT! Luna Vachon collects the ECW World Tag Team Titles, allowing Gangrel and Bigelow to hold the belts over their heads!


Mabel vs. Johnny “The Bull” Stamboli (w/Little Guido)

Stamboli punches away at Mabel, but Mabel shrugs off the attack and hits Stamboli with a clothesline that sends Stamboli flying. Mabel chops Stamboli twice in the corner, then sends him across the ring into the turnbuckles. Mabel charges in, but Little Guido shoves Stamboli away. Mabel crashes into the corner, and Stamboli hits him with a jungle kick. Stamboli locks in an armbar, that brings Mabel down to a knee. Mabel powers out and sends Stamboli off the ropes, then catches him with a belly-to-belly suplex! Mabel drags Stamboli to the corner and climbs up to the second rope! Mabel leaps, but Little Guido drags Johnny Stamboli out of the way! Other members of the FBI come down to the ring. Tracy Smothers takes a chair and smashes Mabel across the back! Tony Mamaluke does the same. Big Sal E. Graziano comes off the ropes and knocks Mabel down with a body tackle. Graziano comes off the ropes and splashes Mabel! Stamboli leaps up to the top rope and hits a flying legdrop! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winner: Johnny Stamboli via pinfall in 4:11

The FBI continue to beat down Mabel with chairs. Graziano comes off the ropes and splashes Mabel a couple more times.

Little Guido: “I hope you learned your lesson. Vincenzo, there’s only two ways out of this thing. Through the end, or this way. Think about it!”


Somewhere in the basement of the building, Saturn and Terri Runnels are looking for someone. They find a door guarded by Malice, who lets them in. When Saturn and Terri enter, Raven approaches them, with the remainder of Raven’s Warriors watching on.

Raven: Perry. We were once brothers, you a soldier in our war against conformity and mundanity of this world. While our paths diverged, I never once closed my door to you. We are kindred spirits, bound by the shadows, defined by our rebellion against a world that never understood us, never accepted us, and never allowed us stand. But tonight, Perry, I offer you the chance to become one of my Warriors. Return to my side, stand with us against the tide of ignorance and hypocrisy. This opportunity comes with responsibility, a chance to prove that the darkness within you still burns with the same fervor, the same hunger. Take my place in the eight-man tag team match tonight, destroy Rob Van Dam and Sabu, embrace the chaos, and you will your place amongst us once more. So it is written, so it will come to pass. Quote the Raven, nevermore.”

Saturn nods his head, and it looks as if Raven has Saturn back in the fold.


Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Shelton Benjamin, and Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Raven’s Warriors (Perry Saturn, Mikey Whipwreck, and Tajiri) and Eddie Guerrero w/Terri

Eddie Guerrero ends up starting with Rob Van Dam They trash talk one another, but when RVD starts his taunt Guerrero hits him with a hard forearm. Guerrero punches and kicks RVD until RVD blocks one, then fires back. RVD punches Guerrero into the corner, then whips him across the ring. RVD runs at him and monkey flips Guerrero out of the corner. Guerrero backs away, although he seems hesitant to back into his own corner for a tag. Guerrero and RVD lock-up this time, and Guerrero hits a stiff armdrag. RVD sends Guerrero off the ropes, but Guerrero lands on his feet off the backdrop attempt. It doesn’t matter as RVD catches him with a roundhouse kick anyway! RVD goes for Rolling Thunder, but Guerrero grabs onto the ropes and crawls away. RVD tags in Rey Mysterio Jr., while Tajiri slaps Guerrero’s arm for a tag himself.

Rey leapfrogs Tajiri, then catches him with a flying headscissors. Rey kicks Tajiri a few times, but Tajiri stuns him with a hard kick in response. Tajiri goes for a German suplex, but Rey flips behind him and lands on his feet. Rey ends up in the wheelbarrow position and armdrags Tajiri. Hurricanrana connects, 1…2…Tajiri kicks out. Tajiri catches Rey with an elbow, then handsprings off the ropes and hits him with a flying elbow. Tajiri tags in Mikey Whipwreck, who hits Rey with a suplex. Whipwreck hooks Rey up and drives Rey into his knees with a backbreaker. Cover, 1…2…Rey kicks out. Whipwreck comes off the ropes, but Rey uses Whipwreck’s momentum against him and kicks him through the ropes. Whipwreck hits the floor hard, and this allows Rey to get a tag on Shelton Benjamin. Whipwreck gets back onto the apron and Benjamin suplexes him back in the hard way.

Benjamin stomps away on Whipwreck until Perry Saturn levels him with a clothesline from the apron. Saturn tags himself in and stomps away on Benjamin. Saturn picks him up and drops him with a Sambo Suplex. Saturn then locks in a Stump Puller submission, trying to wear Benjamin down. Benjamin fights his way to his feet, only for Saturn to hit him in the back of the head with a clothesline, knocking him back down. Saturn tags Tajiri back in and Tajiri hits Benjamin with hard stomps. Tajiri waits for Benjamin to get back to his feet before hitting a basement dropkick to the knees. Buzzsaw Kick misses, and Tajiri spins completely around into a complete shot from Benjamin! Benjamin leaps to his corner and makes the tag to Sabu! Sabu brings a chair in the ring with him and throws it off Tajiri’s head! Sabu sets up the chair, then leaps off it into Saturn and Whipwreck, causing all three men to crash to the floor. The “tag’ part of this tag match is over as all hell breaks loose!

RVD stomps away on Tajiri, but Whipwreck hits him from behind. Whipwreck punches away at RVD in the corner, then props him on the second rope. Mikey goes for the Whippersnapper, but RVD holds onto the ropes and Mikey crashes to the canvas. RVD twists his body in midair and hits the Split-Legged Moonsault! Guerrero drags RVD to the floor and impales him with a front suplex on the barricade! Saturn and Benjamin trade shots in the ring, and Benjamin gets him with a spinning heel kick. Tajiri nails Benjamin with a hard kick to the side of the head! Tajiri covers Benjamin, but Sabu comes off the top with an Arabian Skullcrusher to the back of Tajiri’s head! Sabu sets the chair up in the middle of the ring. He leaps off it and hits Tajiri with the Triple Jump Moonsault! 1…2..Saturn deadlifts Sabu off of Tajiri, then dumps him over the top rope through a table! Mysterio springboards off the top rope and goes for a hurricanrana on Saturn, but Saturn blocks and drops him straight with a powerbomb!

Saturn locks Mysterio in the Rings of Saturn, and it looks like there’s no one to help Rey as Saturn has it locked in the middle of the ring. Rey tries to fight out, but Saturn has it locked in good with all of his weight on Rey. RVD finally makes it back in and dropkicks Saturn in the face, breaking the hold. Guerrero is right on RVD though and hits him with punches. Belly-to-back suplex plants RVD. Guerrero heads to the top rope, but Mysterio meets him up there and avalanche frankensteiners him off the top rope! Whipwreck bashes Rey with a chair in the same shoulder that Saturn had him locked in with. Whipwreck turns around…right into the Van Daminator by RVD! Tajiri spin kicks RVD in the back of the head, knocking him down. Tajiri then leaps to the outside and hits Benjamin with a springboard Asai Moonsault! Tajiri stands tall on the outside, before Sabu flies over the top rope and dives onto him!

Saturn punches away at RVD, but Sabu dives back in and hits Saturn with a dropkick. RVD slams Saturn, then RVD and Sabu hit him with Rolling Thunder! Sabu and RVD grab tables from the outside and set them up in the ring. They put Mikey Whipwreck and Saturn on the tables before they head to the top rope. RVD gets a taunt in, before he and Sabu drive Saturn and Whipwreck through the tables with stereo legdrops! Sabu covers Whipwreck, 1…2…3!

Winners: Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Rey Mysterio Jr., and Shelton Benjamin in 20:34 when Sabu pinned Whipwreck

immediately runs down to the ring. He low blows Sabu and plants him with the Evenflow DDT! Raven grabs a chair and ducks a Van-Daminator…then smashes RVD over the head with the chair! Raven hooks RVD and plants him with an Evenflow DDT as well! Raven grabs both the ECW World and ECW Television Championships and holds them both high over his head. Eddie Guerrero stares down Raven before walking off…just as RISE goes off the air!


Quick Results

Johnny “The Bull” Stamboli pinned Mabel

Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Rey Mysterio Jr., and Shelton Benjamin defeated Perry Saturn, Mikey Whipwreck, Tajiri, and Eddie Guerrero when Sabu pinned Whipwreck


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Rob Van Dam (Defeated Brock Lesnar on 8-4-02)

WCW United States Champion
Kurt Angle (Defeated Christian on 9-1-02)

ECW Television Champion
Sabu (Defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. on 9-1-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated The Outsiders on 9-1-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Tajiri on 8-24-02)

World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)

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WCW/ECW Fall Brawl 2002

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, wrestling fans from all around the world! I'm 'Mean' Gene Okerlund, and I'm here to guide you through what promises to be one of the most thrilling, heart-stopping, and dare I say, jaw-dropping events in professional wrestling history – Fall Brawl!"

"The air is electric, and there's an unmistakable tension building up, because tonight, it's not just about championship gold or personal vendettas. No, my friends. Tonight, it's about War Games. The most grueling, demanding, and punishing match type in all of wrestling. Two rings, one giant steel cage, and teams going to war with each other, battling not just for victory, but for survival."

"As the evening unfolds, we'll be diving deep into the stories, the strategies, and the sheer animosities that have led us to this point. We'll hear from the competitors, get insights from experts, and perhaps even some predictions on which team will emerge from the chaos and carnage of War Games as the victor."

"So, strap yourselves in, folks. It's going to be a wild ride as we head into the chaos of Fall Brawl and the legendary War Games! You won't want to miss a second.”

World Cruiserweight Championship
Super Crazy © vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

“Mean” Gene Okerlund:
“It was on Nitro on September 16th where Chavo Guerrero Jr. led team in a six-man tag team match to victory. Chavo did this by pinning the World Cruiserweight Champion Super Crazy, and was awarded the #1 Contender slot as a result. Super Crazy recently won the title from his rival Tajiri, we’ll see if he can get by Chavo at Fall Brawl.”

Shane Helms, Elix Skipper, and Monty Brown vs. William Regal, Dave Taylor, and Fit Finlay

“Mean” Gene Okerlund:
“It was that same Nitro where William Regal and Fit Finlay did battle against the hotshot team of Elix Skipper and Shane Helms. Regal and Finlay had a plan, that being having longtime Regal associate Dave Taylor return to WCW and attack Helms and Skipper! The very next week though, Helms and Skipper had a third man themselves, one of the hottest free agents in pro wrestling: ‘The Alpha Male’ Monty Brown! Brown made the challenge and we’ve been told Regal, Finlay, and Taylor have accepted. It’s six-man tag team action at Fall Brawl!”

World Women’s Championship
Victoria © vs. Molly Marvel

“Mean” Gene Okerlund:
“After defeating Jazz two months ago, Victoria has run over the Women’s division. Molly Marvel, the first champion, made the challenge and will get her shot at Fall Brawl. Can Victoria overcome the challenge. And what role with Daffney, who has seemingly sided but not agreed with Victoria over the past few weeks, play?”

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: “I’m going to send things over to ECW’s Joey Styles to cover the ECW portion of tomorrow night’s show!”

Joey Styles: “Thank you “Mean” Gene!”

ECW World Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn © vs. Bam Bam Bigelow and Gangrel

Joey Styles:
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn have been unbeatable in the ECW tag team ranks since they won the ECW World Tag Team Championship at Barely Legal back in April. Bigelow and Gangrel won Extreme Tag Team Turmoil on ECW Hardcore TV. A couple of nights ago on RISE, Bigelow said this might be his last chance to win a title in ECW and plans to give it his all. AJ Styles confronted him and got thrown into the crowd as a result! Can Styles and Lynn take down the former ECW World Champion Bigelow and Gangrel?”

#1 Contender for the ECW World Television Championship – Three Way Dance (Double Elimination)
Eddie Guerrero vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Joey Styles:
Three men on three different paths to the top of ECW. First, there’s Eddie Guerrero. Guerrero is coming off a loss to Rob Van Dam in the ECW World Championship match at Cyberslam. Guerrero expected to get another shot, but ECW Commissioner Mick Foley said no, that it’s time for someone else to get the shot. Foley gave Guerrero this opportunity, but it isn’t something Guerrero is happy about. Rey Mysterio Jr. lost the ECW World Television Championship to Sabu at Cyberslam. Foley put Rey in this match automatically, but Perry Saturn emerged to challenge him for the spot. Rey defeated Saturn on RISE to solidify his spot in this match. Shelton Benjamin has demanded opportunities in ECW and took advantage of one that Commissioner Foley gave him. Benjamin pinned Little Guido to earn his spot in the match. Now, Benjamin and Rey have found themselves on the same side in skirmishes with Guerrero, with Rey and Benjamin even coming to blows at one point. One man will remain to challenge for the ECW World Television Championship!”

ECW World Television Championship
Sabu © vs. Tajiri

Joey Styles:
Sabu defeated Rey Mysterio Jr. for his first ECW World Television Championship at Cyberslam. A few nights later on RISE, Tajiri challenged ECW World Champion Rob Van Dam in a losing effort. This led to the return of Raven, the leader of Raven’s Warriors (to which Tajiri is a member). Tajiri ended up in conflict with Rob Van Dam’s best friend, the TV Champion Sabu. This perhaps is the biggest match of Tajiri’s career, as a win over Sabu would cement him as an ECW legend. Sabu though just won the title and doesn’t look like he’s ready to lose it any time soon.”

ECW World Championship
Rob Van Dam © vs. Raven

Joey Styles:
“After Raven buried Mortis alive at Anarchy Rulz, he disappeared for several weeks. He returned to protect his Warriors from Rob Van Dam. He was picked to be the #1 Contender, and the Battle of Extreme Eras was on. Raven told everyone that the only reason Rob Van Dam became a top guy in ECW is because he, Raven that is, went to WCW in 1997. Rob Van Dam, the current ECW World Champion, obviously thinks otherwise. This is a match of perhaps the two greatest ECW competitors of all-time. In one corner, the two-time ECW World Champion, the man who beat Terry Funk at Barely Legal II, the man who buried Mortis. Raven. The other? The owner of the longest ECW World Television Championship reign in history. The man who beat Brock Lesnar at Anarchy Rulz in a cage to win the ECW World Championship. He’s Rob Van Dam. It’s Van Dam against Raven for the richest prize in our sport!”

Joey Styles: “That’s it for ECW, I’ll see you all tomorrow night. Let’s send it back to “Mean Gene”!”

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: “Thank you Joey. Fans, we’d like to thank Powerman 5000 for providing the theme song of Fall Brawl: “When World’s Collide”.

“Now, we have a match that has been just added to the card!”

Battle Royal to Determine the #1 Contender for the WCW United States Championship
Albert vs. Chris Candido vs. Christian vs. Justin Credible vs. Kidman vs. Lance Storm vs. Mike Awesome vs. Rene Dupree vs. Test vs. X-Pac

“Mean” Gene Okerlund:
“With WCW United States Champion Kurt Angle in the War Games Main Event, the US title will not be defended at Fall Brawl. This battle royal will produce a #1 Contender who will face Angle on Nitro this Monday Night! There are some vendettas in this match. X-Factor, that is X-Pac, Justin Credible, and Albert have been fighting Total Impact, Mike Awesome, Chris Candido, and Lance Storm all over the country. Kidman and Test have also had issues stemming from a Tag Team Match that ended poorly. Christian is the former champion, who lost the title to Angle at Cyberslam, and Rene Dupree is Christian’s run-in buddy. Should be a wild one. Again, the winner faces Kurt Angle for the title this Monday!”

War Games
“Hollywood” Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, and The Giant vs. The New World Order (Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Sean O’Haire) and Brock Lesnar

“Mean” Gene Okerlund:
“The main event of course is the War Games Double Ring-Steel Cage Main Event!” Hulk Hogan returned to Nitro the night after Cyberslam, looking to get revenge on the attack the New World Order delivered on him back in May after Slamboree. But, Eric Bischoff had a trump card, hiring Brock Lesnar, the former ECW World Champion, to team with the New World Order in War Games. A lot of pieces have come together in this one that has led to war. Triple H has managed to hold on to the WCW World Championship despite challenges from Kurt Angle, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, and The Giant, although usually NWO interference was a factor. Page and Giant, the WCW World Tag Team Champions, have battled Nash and Hall all summer, regaining those titles at Cyberslam. Speaking of Page, his former friend, Sean O’Haire, joined the NWO this summer, only making them stronger. And, if that wasn’t enough, Eric Bischoff is so desperate to win this match for the NWO, he made an unthinkable deal with Brock Lesnar: help the NWO win and he’ll get the next WCW World Championship Match at Halloween Havoc! With the cage being bigger than ever, the war is bigger than ever. If WCW wins, we may see the final decline of the NWO, but if the NWO wins, we may see a repeat of the late 90s where the NWO ran over WCW every night! There are only two ways to see it: buying a ticket and being there live in Oklahoma City or by ordering on Pay-Per-View. Either way, we’ll see you tomorrow night at Fall Brawl!”

Current Prediction Contest Standings

@Dubble J 712
@Roy Mustang 646
@DGenerationMC 540
Wolfbeast: 140
@White Rhyno : 125
@BattleTank 60
Daken: 60
@Tyronesaurus24 60
@Order 40

There will be spots to use points in the future (including Cyberslam 2003!) That being said, we’re back to the standard prediction contest. Reminder for scoring there is a +25 bonus for winning the show.

I plan to post the show on 10/10.

Fall Brawl 2002 Prediction Contest

War Games

NWO (Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Sean O’Haire) and Brock Lesnar vs. Hulk Hogan, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, The Giant and Kurt Angle
(25 Points)

ECW World Championship
Rob Van Dam © vs. Raven
(15 Points)

ECW World Television Championship
Sabu © vs. Tajiri
(10 Points)

#1 Contender for the US Title Battle Royal
Mike Awesome vs. Chris Candido vs. Lance Storm vs. X-Pac vs. Justin Credible vs. Albert vs. Christian vs. Rene Dupree vs. Kidman vs. Test
(10 Points)

World Women’s Championship
Victoria © vs. Molly Marvel
(10 Points)

William Regal, Dave Taylor, and Fit Finlay vs. Shane Helms, Elix Skipper, and Monty Brown
(5 Points)

#1 Contender for the ECW World Television Championship
Eddie Guerrero vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
(10 Points)

ECW World Tag Team Championship
Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles © vs. Gangrel and Bam Bam Bigelow
(10 Points)

World Cruiserweight Championship
Super Crazy © vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
(5 Points)​


Sep 25, 2022
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War Games
NWO (Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Sean O’Haire) and Brock Lesnar vs. Hulk Hogan, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, The Giant and Kurt Angle

ECW World Championship
Rob Van Dam ©
vs. Raven

ECW World Television Championship
Sabu © vs. Tajiri

#1 Contender for the US Title Battle Royal

Mike Awesome vs. Chris Candido vs. Lance Storm vs. X-Pac vs. Justin Credible vs. Albert vs. Christian vs. Rene Dupree vs. Kidman vs. Test

World Women’s Championship
Victoria ©
vs. Molly Marvel

William Regal, Dave Taylor, and Fit Finlay vs. Shane Helms, Elix Skipper, and Monty Brown

#1 Contender for the ECW World Television Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

ECW World Tag Team Championship
Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles ©
vs. Gangrel and Bam Bam Bigelow

World Cruiserweight Championship
Super Crazy ©
vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

The show dropping on 10/10 will be a cool birthday present for me!
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Roy Mustang

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Aug 21, 2019
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Fall Brawl 2002 Prediction Contest

War Games
NWO (Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Sean O’Haire) and Brock Lesnar
vs. Hulk Hogan, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, The Giant and Kurt Angle

ECW World Championship
Rob Van Dam ©
vs. Raven

ECW World Television Championship
Sabu ©
vs. Tajiri

#1 Contender for the US Title Battle Royal
Mike Awesome
vs. Chris Candido vs. Lance Storm vs. X-Pac vs. Justin Credible vs. Albert vs. Christian vs. Rene Dupree vs. Kidman vs. Test

World Women’s Championship
Victoria ©
vs. Molly Marvel

William Regal, Dave Taylor, and Fit Finlay vs. Shane Helms, Elix Skipper, and Monty Brown

#1 Contender for the ECW World Television Championship
Eddie Guerrero vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

ECW World Tag Team Championship
Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles © vs. Gangrel and Bam Bam Bigelow

World Cruiserweight Championship
Super Crazy ©
vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
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Nov 14, 2020
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Looking forward to the show mate.

Fall Brawl 2002 Prediction Contest

War Games
NWO (Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Sean O’Haire) and Brock Lesnar
vs. Hulk Hogan, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, The Giant and Kurt Angle
I think NWO wins because Lesnar goes on a rampage. Even though he's already a big deal, this will be his coming out party and then there'll be an interesting dynamic between Heyman/Lesnar/NWO moving forward. On a side note, crazy to be giving away Brock/Hogan on free TV lol. I know it happened in real life as well, but doesn't mean it's not crazy.

ECW World Championship
Rob Van Dam © vs. Raven
Having watched a fair bit of ECW recently, it just feels like Raven always finds a way. I'm going to say he gets the win here, and RVD will get it back sometime later on. Also, your Raven promo writing continues to be impressive. I really enjoyed reading the way he persuaded Saturn recently. Another one in a string of terrific Raven promos.

ECW World Television Championship
Sabu ©
vs. Tajiri
Build hasn't been all that for this one which makes me feel like it's unlikely that there will be a title switch.

#1 Contender for the US Title Battle Royal
Mike Awesome
vs. Chris Candido vs. Lance Storm vs. X-Pac vs. Justin Credible vs. Albert vs. Christian vs. Rene Dupree vs. Kidman vs. Test
Awesome would be the most fun, although I could totally go for Candido/Angle as well.

World Women’s Championship
Victoria ©
vs. Molly Marvel
Victoria wins with the help from Daffney again, but the mystery around why Daffney is siding with Victoria will remain.

William Regal, Dave Taylor, and Fit Finlay vs. Shane Helms, Elix Skipper, and Monty Brown
A bit counter productive if Monty loses in his first outing, imo.

#1 Contender for the ECW World Television Championship
Eddie Guerrero
vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
I like him best.

ECW World Tag Team Championship
Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles ©
vs. Gangrel and Bam Bam Bigelow
Don't see the champs losing here.

World Cruiserweight Championship
Super Crazy ©
vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Crazy wins.
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It's truly awe-inspiring to see how far along this has come. So much is different, and for that I can only recognise and applaud that. The booking style may not necessarily be my personal cup of tea, but there's enough going on to where I can see the rationale behind it.

This is a very crucial time in the growth of the pro-wrestling economy - particularly when it comes to the younger talent of tomorrow, by the likes of AJ Styles. Brave of him to stand up to Bam Bam Bigelow, and I do like Jerry Lynn continuing to saddle up with AJ. The association with Gangrel and Bigelow does make sense when you tie Luna Vachon into it, but did it ever come under bizarre circumstances.

I'm surprised to see Johnny Stamboli go over Mabel, but that's not a bad thing considering who Mabel is. The Full Blooded Italians giving him all the help was needed for believability. Stamboli was never a bad talent.

Raven's verbiage was very well done, and I like the acknowledgement of history between he and Perry Saturn.

I have always been fondest of shows that break the conventions behind a television show's format. For instance, this card having two matches in what I suspect to be a one-hour timeslot. Having a lengthy eight-man tag team main event really excited me for how unique it is. Shelton Benjamin is another talent sure to be on the rise, free from the shackles of OVW. I suspect he would have been ready for the call-up by 2001, anyway. Interesting assortments of names for teams, here. Rob Van Dam, Sabu and Rey Mysterio Jr on one side is pretty crazy. This said, I'm not sure how to feel about "Raven's Warriors" as a name. Great angle after the match to set things up for what's to come. Raven comes off like the big bad of this show, and it puts in motion possible direction for the ECW World and ECW World Television Championships.
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Sep 14, 2022
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War Games
NWO (Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Sean O’Haire) and Brock Lesnar
vs. Hulk Hogan, Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, The Giant and Kurt Angle
(25 Points)
With the way Lesnar is being built. I suspect the story of him getting a title shot to be continued so that Lesnar helps them win here, probably is even how they win and then we get our next big prorgram between HHH and Lesnar.

ECW World Championship
Rob Van Dam ©
vs. Raven
(15 Points)
Could see this going either way really.

ECW World Television Championship
Sabu ©
vs. Tajiri
(10 Points)
Sabu's run in this BTB has been fun, would love to see him hold on.

#1 Contender for the US Title Battle Royal
Mike Awesome
vs. Chris Candido vs. Lance Storm vs. X-Pac vs. Justin Credible vs. Albert vs. Christian vs. Rene Dupree vs. Kidman vs. Test
(10 Points)
Come on baby.

World Women’s Championship
Victoria ©
vs. Molly Marvel
(10 Points)
Loving the stuff with Victoria and Daffney, don't want to see her lose.

William Regal, Dave Taylor, and Fit Finlay vs. Shane Helms, Elix Skipper, and Monty Brown
(5 Points)
Gotta give the rub to the new guy.

#1 Contender for the ECW World Television Championship
Eddie Guerrero
vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
(10 Points)
Strong case for any of these guys but I'll just also go personal preference.

ECW World Tag Team Championship
Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles ©
vs. Gangrel and Bam Bam Bigelow
(10 Points)
Almost went with Gangrel and Bigelow because I wanted to predict one title change, but then saw the Cruiserweight Title was still to be picked so let's just keep the titles on Lynn and Styles.

World Cruiserweight Championship
Super Crazy © vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
(5 Points)
Because I wanted to pick one title to change hands and this felt as good as any.
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WCW/ECW Fall Brawl 2002
September 29, 2002
Ford Center
Oklahoma City, OK

Happy Birthday to @DGenerationMC !

Paul Heyman: “As I walk through the valley of the shadow of BROCK, I fear nothing, for the Next Big Thing has arrived in World Championship Wrestling. You see in the annals of professional wrestling, legends have risen, empires have clashed, and warriors have been forged in the fires of competition. But once a year, there comes an event so monumental, so brutal, it’s more than a brawl…it’s a war. And yes, the warriors of World Championship Wrestling and the New World Order clash once again, but this time, they clash under the eyes of the Beast! In war there are no winners and losers, only conquers and survivors! Thanks to Brock Lesnar, the NWO, specifically you, Triple H, will survive. That is, until Halloween Havoc, where Brock will conquer you and take the WCW World Heavyweight Championship! As I walk through the valley of the shadow of BROCK, I fear no man, and I live in comfort, for the Next Big Thing has arrived!”

As pyro goes off, kicking off Fall BrawlTony Schiavone makes his way to the broadcast booth near the stage entrance!

Mike Tenay: “Welcome everyone to Fall Brawl…and what a surprise, here is Tony Schiavone!

Tony Schiavone: Mike, good to see you! Happy to be here!”

Don West:
“It is great to meet you, Tony!”

Tony Schiavone: “Good to meet you too. Great to be here. Letting everyone know now, I’ll be here for each and every Pay-Per-View event presented by World Championship Wrestling! Let’s get things going tonight. History will be made here tonight. Tonight, the most dangerous match in the history of our sport returns: the War Games Double Ring Steel Cage match!”

Don West: “It’s such a big match-up as well, WCW has The Giant, Diamond Dallas Page, Hulk Hogan, Booker T, and Kurt Angle. Those five go up against Triple H, Sean O’Haire and The Outsiders of the NWO, and teaming with the NWO is none other than the most dominant ECW World Champion of all time, Brock Lesnar! I can’t wait!”

Mike Tenay:
“It’s going to be an action-packed night for sure! We’re kicking things off with six-man tag team action!”

Elix Skipper, Shane Helms, and Monty Brown vs. William Regal, Fit Finlay, and Dave Taylor

Regal, Taylor, and Finlay attack right away, but Helms, Skipper, and Brown get the advantage rather quickly. A pair of flying headscissors sends Taylor and Regal to the outside, while Brown presses Finlay and drops him on the turnbuckles, causing him to crash to the floor as well. Brown then grabs his two teammates by the back of their heads, and tosses them to the outside onto Regal and Taylor! Helms slides Regal back into the ring as the referee regains control. Helms and Skipper double hip toss Regal, then hit a double elbow drop. Skipper heads to the apron just for Helms to make the tag. Skipper sends Regal off the ropes. Leapfrog from Skipper, then a roundhouse kick connects! Quick cover, 1…2…Taylor breaks up the count. Skipper tags Helms back in and Helms hits Regal with a jumping neckbreaker. Regal gets back to his feet and backs up into the corner, only for Helms to mount and punch away at him. Finlay comes over and hangmans Helms on the top rope though, then helps Regal make the tag to Taylor.

Taylor locks Helms in a hammerlock then steps on the leg of Helms to bring him down to a knee. Helms tries to fight back but just gets hit with a European uppercut from Taylor. Taylor tags in Finlay, who immediately hits Helms with an atomic drop. Finlay sends Helms into the corner and follows up with a funning shoulder thrust that knocks all the air out of Helms! Cover, 1…2…Helms manages to just kick out. Finlay tags in Regal who wraps Helms’ arms up so that Helms looks like he’s choking himself. Regal gets a nasty eye rake with his elbow, then snapmares Helms back down to the canvas and stiffly kicks him in the back. Stump puller is locked in, with Helms refusing to quit each time he’s asked. Helms breaks free and fires some shots at Regal, only for Regal to block one and take Helms down with an arm trap neckbreaker! Cover, 1…2…Helms kicks out again, to Regal’s frustration. Regal locks in a headlock before tagging in Taylor.

Hard jab from Taylor, but Helms manages to fight back. Taylor and Helms trade shots before Helms hits an enzugiri! Helms dives and makes the tag to Monty Brown as Taylor tags in Regal! Regal runs right at Brown and gets hit with a scoop powerslam! Finlay runs in and misses a clothesline, and Brown catches him with a spinning back elbow! Yakuza kick to Taylor! Brown grabs Regal’s leg and lifts him up before slamming him down with a flapjack! Finlay slows Brown down with a couple of European uppercuts, but turns right into a dropkick by Skipper. Brown comes off the ropes and runs over Finlay with the Pounce! Taylor also gets to his feet, and he too gets run over with the Pounce from Brown! Regal turns right into Brown, who picks him up and hits a running powerslam. Helms and Skipper then head to the ropes (not the corner) Helms and Skipper use each other to climb to the top rope, with Skipper facing outwardly in the second ring. Helms hits an inverted suplex on Skipper, sending Skipper from the top rope in the 2nd ring to landing right on Regal! 1…2…3!

Winners: Monty Brown, Elix Skipper, and Shane Helms when Skipper pinned Regal in 10:37

Brown, Skipper,
and Helms celebrate in the ring as Taylor and Finlay drag Regal out of the ring.

Don West: “I’ve never seen a move like that!”

Tony Schiavone: “Absolutely incredible athleticism from Helms and Skipper, and what an impressive in-ring debut from Monty Brown!”


The camera cuts to the back as “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan enters the building. He has his head wrapped in bandages, clearly he’s still recovering from Brock Lesnar’s post-match beatdown on Nitro.


World Cruiserweight Championship
Super Crazy © vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Chavo and Crazy circle one another. Chavo gets a wristlock, but Crazy flips out of it and armdrags Chavo. Crazy gets a side headlock but Chavo sends him off the ropes. Chavo drops down as Crazy leaps over him. Leapfrog by Crazy. Crazy then drops down and monkey flips Chavo into the ropes! Spinning heel kick from Crazy knocks Chavo to the outside! Crazy tries to suplex Chavo back into the ring, but Chavo gets a thumb to the eye. Chavo pounds away on Crazy before sending him off the ropes and hitting him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Cover, 1…2…Crazy kicks out. Chavo transitions to a headlock, trying to ground Crazy. Chavo puts his feet on the bottom rope for leverage, but Crazy manages to fight out anyway. Crazy gets back to his feet and hits the ropes, but Chavo knocks him down with a dropkick.

Chavo tries to wrench Crazy’s neck, but again Crazy gets back to his feet. Chavo tries to take Crazy down with a waistlock, but Crazy holds onto the ropes and shoves Chavo off. Chavo runs at Crazy and gets backdropped over the top rope as a result! Crazy then dives onto Chavo with a tope suicida! Crazy rolls Chavo back into the ring, but the springboard moonsault follow-up misses. Chavo picks Crazy off the mat and locks in the Gory Guerrero Special, looking for the submission victory. Crazy refuses to quit and with all his heart, breaks free and armdrags Chavo. Chavo runs right into a hurricanrana from Crazy, 1…2…Chavo just kicks out. Chavo tries another tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, but Crazy counters into a flying headscissors! Crazy then boots Chavo and sets him up for a powerbomb, but Chavo rolls over Crazy’s head and gets a victory roll, 1…2…Crazy just kicks out!

Chavo slows Crazy down with a dangerously low shot to the midsection. He hooks Crazy by the head and goes for the Tornado DDT, but Crazy shoves him off mid move and Chavo crashes face-first onto the canvas. Crazy leaps onto the top rope and hits the moonsault! 1…2…Chavo just kicks out! Crazy goes for a Juvi Driver, but Chavo counters by landing behind Crazy. Cravo goes for a German suplex, but Crazy lands on his feet!Crazy boots Chavo a third time, and this time plants him with a sit-out powerbomb! 1…2…Chavo just gets the shoulder up! Crazy leaps up to the top rope again. He springboards off the top rope with another moonsault, but Chavo just ducks out of the way! Chavo sets Crazy up for a powerbomb of his own, but Crazy lands on his feet behind Chavo. Crazy hooks Chavo in La Magistral…1…2…3!

Winner: Super Crazy via pinfall in 8:48 (Retains)

sits in the ring stunned as Super Crazy runs up the ramp with the World Cruiserweight title! Chavo can’t believe he got pinned in just an instant!


We cut backstage, where Triple H is talking to Eric Bischoff.

Triple H: Eric, is everybody here?”

Eric Bischoff: Kevin, Scott, Sean, they’re all outside…”

Triple H: Brock”?

Eric Bischoff: “I haven’t heard from or seen him or Paul…”

Triple H: “Well you know what, Eric. I need you to look around and find them!”

Eric heads off to find Brock Lesnar as Triple H sits down on a couch in his locker room and sighs. Triple H then gazes at the WCW World Championship belt before we cut back to the arena.


World Women’s Championship
Victoria © (w/Daffney) vs. Molly Marvel

Victoria tries to attack Molly before the bell, but Molly ends up winning the exchange. Molly hits Victoria with forearm after forearm. Molly armdrags Victoria out of the corner, but Victoria is able to cartwheel through. Side kick by Victoria knocks Molly out of the ring. Victoria distracts the referee, expecting Daffney to do something to Molly…but all Daffney does is roll Molly back into the ring. Victoria yells at Daffney…then walks into a suplex from Molly. Cover from Molly, 1…2…Victoria kicks out. Snapmare from Molly, then a basement dropkick to the face from Molly! Another cover, 1…2…Victoria kicks out again. Molly runs at Victoria, but runs right into a drop toehold that sends Molly into the bottom rope. Victoria punches away at Molly, before grabbing her hair and bashing her head against the canvas.

Victoria locks in a full nelson, but Molly finds a way out. Snapmare attempt from Victoria, but Molly lands on her feet and hits a dropkick. Hip toss from Molly. A second hip toss from Molly. Then a third! Victoria backs up into the corner and catches Molly with an elbow. Sidewalk slam from Victoria. Cover, 1…2…Molly kicks out. An angry Victoria grabs Molly by the hair and throws her across the ring. Victoria then hooks Molly up and holds her up high with a vertical suplex. Victoria holds molly up for a good five seconds before driving her to the mat. Another cover, 1…2…Molly just kicks out! Victoria tries to set Molly up for the Widow’s Peak, but Molly breaks free and hits Victoria with a back kick. Hard forearm from Molly. Molly sends Victoria off the ropes and hits her with a Northern Lights Suplex! 1…2…Victoria just kicks out. Molly calls for the end of the match and heads to the top rope…but Daffney hits the top rope and Molly gets crotched on the top rope. Victoria spins Molly around then climbs up to the second rope. She hooks Molly and comes off the second rope with Widow’s Peak! Victoria covers, 1…2…3.

Winner: Victoria via pinfall in 6:55 (Retains)

shrieks towards the beaten Molly before rolling to the outside and picking a steel chair. Victoria rolls back in, looking to smash Molly with the chair, but Daffney runs in front of her and begs her not to. Victoria yells at Daffney to get out of the way, but Daffney refuses before shielding Molly with her body. Victoria tosses the chair aside…but then grabs Daffney by the hair and drags her up the ramp. Molly eventually comes to and sees Victoria dragging Daffney, and gives chase!


Tony Schiavone:
“Folks, that’s it for us for now. We will be back later with the Battle Royal to determine the #1 Contender to the United States Championship as well as War Games. We’re going to kick it to “Mean” Gene Okerlund, and then we will have the ECW portion of the show. Fans, we will see you later tonight!”

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: “Thank you, Tony, Mike, and Don. I’m here once again with the immortal “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan!” Hulkster, after the brutal attack from Brock Lesnar on Nitro, are you prepared tonight to take one Lesnar and The New World Order in the brutal structure of War Games tonight?”

“Hollywood” Hulk Hogan: “Let me tell you somethin’ “Mean” Gene! My eyes, they burn with passion, brother. I might have a big hole in my head behind these bandages, but that’s not going to stop the power infused in me by the Hulkamaniacs! They give me strength, the will, and the determination to overcome anything and anyone. So, whether it’s Brock Lesnar or Triple H or anyone, they’re all going down. And the only question they have to ask themselves is whatcha gonna do, when Hulkamania, and Booker T, and The Giant, and Kurt Angle, and Diamond Dallas Page, run wild on all of you, brother?!”


Joey Styles:
“Welcome everyone, I’m Joey Styles, alongside, Tazz!” We have four killer matches for you tonight, including three title matches!”

Tazz: “It’s gonna be great, Joey. Also, we find out the new #1 Contender for the Television Championship when Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio Jr., and Shelton Benjamin collide!”

Joey Styles: “We’re kicking off the ECW portion of Fall Brawl with the ECW World Tag Team Championship!”

ECW World Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn © vs. Bam Bam Bigelow and Gangrel (w/Luna Vachon)

Bigelow chases after the champions, but Styles and Lynn escape to the outside. Gangrel convinces Bigelow to hold back and let him start. Lynn and Gangrel lock up and Gangrel gets a hip toss. Gangrel gets in some jabs,, then sends Lynn into the corner. Lynn gets his feet up as Gangrel runs in, then dropkicks Gangrel down. Lynn tags in Styles. Double suplex from Lynn and Styles. Styles with a cover, 1…2…Gangrel kicks out. Styles hits Gangrel with some kicks and punches, then comes off the ropes…allowing Gangrel to send him high up with a free fall drop! Gangrel tags in Bigelow and Styles tries to run to his corner, to no avail. Bigelow presses Styles over his head, but Styles rakes the eyes and lands on his feet behind Bigelow. Enzugiri knocks Bigelow down to a knee, and Styles tags in Lynn.

Double dropkick from Lynn and Styles knocks Bigelow down. Lynn covers, 1…2…Bigelow shoves him off. Lynn goes for a bulldog, but Bigelow counters into a belly-to-back suplex. Bigelow crawls over and tags Gangrel back in. Gangrel hooks Lynn’s arms and hits him with an overhead suplex. Gangrel sets Lynn up for the Impaler, but Styles comes flying off the top rope with a dropkick. AJ sets Gangrel up for the Styles Clash, but Bigelow comes back in and knocks Styles down, breaking that up. Bigelow presses Styles over his head and tosses him into the railing on the outside! Bigelow tags himself back into the match, then pounds away on Lynn. He sets Lynn up for a powerbomb, but Lynn gets a victory roll, 1…2…Bigelow kicks out. Lynn gets to his feet, and gets surprisingly hit with by a top rope crossbody by Luna Vachon! Bigelow sets Lynn up and spikes him with Greetings From Asbury Park! Cover, 1…2…Styles just breaks up the count in time. Styles hits Gangrel with the Pele Kick, sending him to the outside. Styles hits Bigelow with a forearm, then leaps over the top rope with a Fosbury Flop into Gangrel.

Lynn leaps up to the second rope, and comes down with a bulldog on Bigelow. Lynn covers Bigelow, but Luna breaks it up with a Luna Eclipse! Luna punches away at Lynn, but Lynn eventually backdrops her over the top rope. Bigelow smashes Lynn from behind, but then turns around into a springboard flying forearm form Styles off the top rope! Bigelow trips over Lynn, who hooks both legs for the pin, 1…2…3!

Winners: AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn when Lynn pinned Bigelow in 8:13 (Retains)

and Lynn escape down the ramp with the ECW Tag Team Title belts. Bigelow pounds the canvas with frustration. Gangrel and Luna pat him on the back and Bigelow gets some cheers heading to the back…until he suddenly shoves Luna and attacks Gangrel! Bigelow pounds away on Gangrel, then powerbombs him through the timekeeper’s table at ringside! Bigelow pounds his chest when walking up the ramp. Luna runs up to him, so Bigelow shoves her again, this time off the stage! Bigelow stares down Joey Styles and Tazz before walking to the back. Luckily, Luna didn’t have a crash landing off the stage, but some help comes down for Gangrel.

Joey Styles: “Why the hell did Bam Bam Bigelow do that?”

Bam Bam is a bad man, Joey. I think frustration just got the better of him tonight.”


#1 Contender for the ECW World Television Championship – Three-Way Dance (Elimination)
Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Shelton Benjamin

Guerrero looks disgusted to even be in the match, before slowly realizing both Mysterio and Benjamin have their eyes on him. Mysterio and Benjamin attack and punch away at Guerrero until Guerrero bails to the outside. Mysterio then shoves Benjamin, who shoves him right back. Benjamin gets a waistlock on Mysterio, but Mysterio escapes. Drop toehold from Mysterio. Benjamin in frustration gets to his feet and runs at Mysterio, but he again gets hit with a drop toehold into he ropes. Rey goes for the 6-1-9, but Guerrero catches his feet and drags him to the outside. Guerrero sets Rey up for a suplex, but instead drops him stomach-first onto the stairs! Guerrero gets on the apron, allowing Benjamin to bring him in the hard way with a suplex. Cover, 1…2…Guerrero kicks out, then tries to back away. Benjamin doesn’t give Guerrero any chances to breath and boots him in the corner. Benjamin hits some punches…before Guerrero catches him with a thumb to the eye.

Hard chops from Guerrero. Guerrero then sends Benjamin into the corner, then monkey flips him out…only for Benjamin to land on his feet! Guerrero misses a clothesline and runs right into a springboard crossbody from Mysterio! Cover, 1…2…Guerrero kicks out. Benjamin grabs Mysterio from behind and goes for a release German suplex, but Mysterio flips backwards and lands on his feet. Dropkick sends Benjamin into the ropes, and this time Mysterio hits the 6-1-9! Mysterio goes for a springboard…something, but he's caught with a European uppercut from Guerrero, which sends him crashing to the floor. Guerrero locks Benjamin in an abdominal stretch, looking for the submission. Benjamin manages a hip toss to escape, but when he charges at Guerrero he gets run shoulder-first into the ring post. Guerrero gets a school boy, 1…2…Benjamin kicks out. Guerrero gets some punches on Benjamin, but one ends up being too wild and Benjamin counters with a belly-to-back suplex. Mysterio then comes off the top rope with a splash to Guerrero, 1…2...Guerrero just kicks out!

Flying headscissors from Mysterio sends Guerrero flying. Benjamin catches Mysterio in the wheelbarrow position, but Mysterio turns that into a bulldog. Mysterio backdrops Guerrero over the top rope and onto the floor. Mysterio comes off the ropes and hits a tope suicida, taking out Guerrero! Benjamin then hits the ropes, and leaps over the top rope with his own somersault plancha, taking out Mysterio! Benjamin drags Mysterio back into the ring and covers him, 1…2…Guerrero oddly breaks up the count by dragging Benjamin to the outside. Guerrero sends Benjamin into the steps, then hits a slingshot senton onto Mysterio. 1…2…Mysterio kicks out. Guerrero sends Mysterio off the ropes and hits him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Guerrero heads to the top rope, but rolls through the Frog Splash attempt as Mysterio moves out of the way. Hurricanrana connects by Rey, and he holds onto Guerrero’s legs, 1…2…Guerrero kicks out. Mysterio tries another hurricanrana, but Guerrero plants him with a powerbomb! Guerrero heads to the top rope…Frog Splash connects! Benjamin comes back into the ring and hits Guerrero with a spinning heel kick.

Benjamin sets Guerrero up for the T-Bone Suplex, but Guerrero elbows his way free, then rakes Benjamin’s eyes. He hits Benjamin with a vertical suplex, then swivels his hips and hits a second one. Guerrero does it one more time, hitting Benjamin with three suplexes. Guerrero heads to the top rope and nails Benjamin with a Frog Splash. Guerrero doesn’t go for the cover though, and instead looks at Mysterio and Benjamin prone on the canvas. Guerrero shakes his head, then leaves the ring. He slowly walks up the ramp, looking as disgusted as he did when he started the match.

Joey Styles: “What the heck is Eddie Guerrero doing?!”

“I don’t know, Joey. It looks like he had both Mysterio and Benjamin beat, and then he just walked off!”

Mysterio and Benjamin get back to their feet, both looking confused. The match continues nonetheless. Benjamin gets some shots in at Mysterio, but Mysterio catches him with a snapmare. Mysterio comes off the ropes…and gets a seated senton on Benjamin when Benjamin tries to pop him up. 1…2…Benjamin kicks out. Benjamin counters an Irish whip and sends Mysterio into the corner. Benjamin goes for a Stinger Splash, but Mysterio moves and Benjamin smacks his head on the post. Victory roll from Mysterio, 1…2…Benjamin kicks out! Benjamin is still dazed, and Mysterio again drop toeholds him into the ropes. 6-1-9 connects! Mysterio lands on the apron and calls for the finish. Springboard off the top…is caught by Benjamin, who plants Mysterio with the T-Bone Suplex! 1…2…3! With Guerrero not here anymore, the referee calls the match for Shelton Benjamin!

Winner: Shelton Benjamin when he pinned Rey Mysterio in 17:28

Shelton Benjamin
celebrates his victory as Rey Mysterio slowly gets back to his feet. Rey is disappointed, but he walks up to Shelton. After a few tense moments, he sticks out his hand and Shelton shakes it!

Joey Styles: “What a huge win for the career of Shelton Benjamin!”

Tazz: “No doubt, Joey! I don’t know what the deal with Guerrero is, but Shelton can say he won a match over both Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero!”

Joey Styles: Benjamin will get his opportunity at the ECW World Television Championship at Halloween Havoc, where he will take on the winner of this upcoming contest, TV Champion Sabu against Yoshihiro Tajiri.”

“I know both of these guys really well, Joey. I’ve been in the ring with both of them. Of course, Sabu was perhaps by greatest rival in ECW. Now Tajiri’s been TV Champ before, but I think that gets overlooked a lot. He’s going to want to win that title, and score a victory over Sabu, to really boost his standing not only in ECW, but within Raven’s camp too!”

ECW Television Championship
Sabu © vs. Tajiri (w/Mikey Whipwreck)

Sabu and Tajiri circle one another. Sabu looks for the leg grab while Tajiri fires kicks to keep the distance between them. Sabu catches Tajiri’s leg and sweeps him down. Elbow drop connects. Sabu punches away at Tajiri, but Tajiri fires back and they end up rolling out of the ring, trading punches. Mikey Whipwreck attacks Sabu from behind, but Sabu shrugs him off and blasts him with a right. Tajiri runs at Sabu, but gets backdropped into the crowd. Sabu sets up a chair on the floor, then hits Air Sabu over the barricade into the crowd onto Tajiri! Sabu tosses Tajiri over the barricade, then grabs the chair. Sabu throws the chair off Tajiri’s face, getting a huge reaction from the crowd. Sabu rolls Tajiri back into the ring, but Whipwreck attacks him again before he can get back in himself. Sabu fights off Whipwreck again, and this time bashes him over the head with the chair. Sabu impales Whipwreck on the barricade, takes the chair, then jumps off the apron and legdrops the chair on the back of Whipwreck’s head!

Sabu gets back on the apron, but Tajiri was able to recover and he kicks Sabu in the face, knocking him off the apron. Tajiri leaps onto the apron and hits Sabu with a springboard Asai Moonsault! Tajiri rolls Sabu back into the ring and takes the chair with him. Tajiri sets up the chair and puts Sabu’s face on the seat, but then kicks the back of the chair, breaking that piece off Sabu’s head! Tajiri puts Sabu in the Tree of Woe and puts the chair on his face…then hits a basement dropkick, driving the chair in Sabu’s face! Tajiri props Sabu across the top ropes from both rings. Tajiri comes off the top rope with a double foot stomp on Sabu’s chest! Cover, 1…2…Sabu kicks out. Tajiri sets up a table on the outside, then puts Sabu on the top turnbuckles. Tajiri goes for the suplex through the table, but Sabu punches away to escape. Sabu knocks Tajiri off the apron, then dives onto him! Sabu repositions the table that Tajiri set up, then puts Tajiri on the table. Sabu rolls into the ring and sets up the chair. Sabu leaps from the chair to the top rope, but he ends up driving himself through the table as Mikey Whipwreck dragged Tajiri to safety!

Whipwreck rolls Tajiri back in, as Sabu struggles to get back into the ring himself. Tajiri and Sabu trade blows. Sabu gets an Irish whip, but Tajiri handsprings off the ropes and hits Sabu with a back elbow. A cut-up Sabu uses the ropes to get back to his feet, and Tajiri takes advantage by locking Sabu in the Tarantulausing ropes from both rings as leverage! Sabu manages to break one of his arms free and gets out of the hold. Sabu catches Tajiri with a shot to the face, then springboards from one ring to the other and hits Tajiri with a leg lariat. Sabu grabs the chair…and bashes an incoming Mikey Whipwreck with it! Sabu rolls to the outside to set up another table, but he’s attacked by Malice, Wrath, and Crush! Raven’s Warriors beat the hell out of Sabu on the outside, then roll him back into the ring. Sabu suddenly has a burst of energy and dives over the top rope, taking out Malice, Wrath, and Crush! Sabu rolls back into the ring, but now he’s attacked by Saturn! Saturn picks Sabu up and dumps him over the top rope through the table Sabu just set up!

Saturn rolls Sabu back into the ring while Wrath, Malice, and Crush toss chairs into the ring. They put Sabu beneath what looks like six or seven chairs, and Tajiri heads to the top rope. Tajiri comes down with the double foot stomp on the chairs, smashing Sabu! Tajiri shoves the chairs away and covers Sabu, 1…2…3!

Winner: Tajiri via pinfall in 14:33 (New Champion)

Raven’s Warriors
parade Tajiri up the ramp, leaving a bloodied Sabu in the ring. As they do this, Raven makes his way down to the ring for his ECW World Championship Match against Rob Van Dam. As Tajiri walks up to Raven, Raven gives him a hug, although he remains expressionless while he does so.

Joey Styles: “I mean, that’s a big upset for Tajiri, but what a crappy way to win the title.”

Tazz: Joey, I mean sometimes you have to do what it takes to win, but I can’t help but agree that beating a guy down seven-to-one or whatever it was isn’t what ECW is all about.”

Joey Styles:
“Oh but what’s this? Here comes ECW Commissioner Mick Foley! Hopefully he’ll have something to say about what just transpired!”

Raven sits in the corner, eyeing Mick Foley. Foley grabs a microphone.

Mick Foley: “I wish I was in a better mood right now, but I was really looking forward to a great Sabu vs. Tajiri match, not whatever we just saw in this ring. Raven, if you think you’re going to win every match by having your crew run-in, you’ve got another thing coming.”

Raven sits motionless, waiting for Foley’s next words.

Mick Foley: “So here’s what we’re going to do tonight. Raven, if you’re going to become ECW World Champion, if you’re going to beat Rob Van Dam, you aren’t going to do it with any of your Warriors’ help. I’m going to sit right outside this ring, and if I see any members, or anyone even remotely affiliated with you, come into this ring to interfere in this match, I don’t care if this is ECW, I will disqualify you and Rob Van Dam will retain the ECW World Championship!”

Raven stands up out of the corner and comes face-to-face with Mick Foley, but Mick isn’t done.

Mick Foley: “And don’t even try me, Raven. I’m not going to let you run over everyone in ECW, and I’m not going to let you steal the ECW World Championship! So let’s get it on!”

“One of a Kind” plays, and here comes ECW World Champion Rob Van Dam!

ECW World Championship
Rob Van Dam © vs. Raven

Raven attacks RVD right as he enters the ring, kneeing him off the apron. Raven heads to the outside and punches away at RVD, then hits him with a Russian Legsweep into the barricade! Raven rolls RVD back into the ring and makes the cover, 1…2…RVD kicks out. Raven sends RVD into the corner, then knocks him down with a clothesline. Raven sends RVD off the ropes and goes for the back bodydrop, but RVD kicks Raven in the face. Raven catches a second kick, but RVD counters and hits Raven with a spin kick that knocks him down. Raven gets back to his feet, but RVD hits a jumping back kick that sends Raven to the outside. RVD comes off the ropes and hits a somersault plancha onto Raven! RVD taunts to the crowd as right now he’s in control of the match. RVD whips Raven into the barricade, but Raven ducks out of the way when RVD charges at him, and RVD leaps right into the barricade himself.

Raven gets back to his feet and shoots a glare at Mick Foley. This allows RVD a chance to jump up and hit Raven with another spin kick, knocking Raven to the floor. RVD grabs a chair and slides it and Raven back into the ring. RVD sets the chair up in the middle of the ring, but Raven reverses an Irish whip and hits a drop toe hold, sending RVD face-first into the chair! Raven covers RVD, 1…2…RVD kicks out. Raven surprisingly uses a hold, a cobra clutch, to slow RVD down. He takes RVD down to a horizontal base, before RVD powers his way back to his feet. RVD snapmares Raven to escape, then grabs the chair and dropkicks it in the back of Raven’s head! Spinning legdrop from RVD and a cover, 1…2…Raven kicks out. RVD hits the ropes but Raven throws out a knee to the midsection, then a belly-to-back suplex. Raven takes the chair and wedges it between the turnbuckles. Ravne tries to send RVD into the chair, but RVD reverses the Irish whip to where he ends up sending Raven back in the corner RVD came from. RVD then monkey flips Raven out of the corner! Raven gets back to his feet and RVD gets a full head of steam, but Raven moves and RVD crashes into the wedged chair! Raven rolls RVD up, 1…2…RVD kicks out!

Raven, again surprising everyone, puts on another hold as he locks RVD in a Figure-Four! RVD uses all his strength to turn it around on Raven, but Raven releases before he takes any damage. Raven gets to his feet first and hits RVD with a running knee lift. RVD staggers backwards, but catches Raven with a spin kick. RVD then leaps up to the top rope and goes for a corkscrew crossbody, but Raven simply walks out of the way and RVD crashes to the floor. Raven sets RVD up, and drives him in the middle of the ring with a piledriver! Raven makes the cover, 1…2…RVD just kicks out. Raven sends RVD into the corner, then bulldogs him out! Another cover, 1…2…RVD again kicks out. Raven goes for an Irish whip but it’s reversed by RVD. RVD goes for the backdrop…but that’s countered as Raven puts on the brakes and plants RVD with the Evenflow DDT! 1…2..Rob Van Dam kicks out! Raven doesn’t look concerned one bit though as he poses, arms out, to the crowd, then to Mick Foley. Raven sets RVD up for a second Evenflow, but RVD counters into a Northern Lights suplex! 1…2…Raven kicks out. Slam from RVD, then he hits the ropes and hits Raven with Rolling Thunder! Another cover, 1…2…Raven kicks out again!

Raven’s Warriors have arrived! Malice, Saturn, Crush, Wrath, and Mikey Whipwreck all come out from the main entrance, and Mick Foley confronts them on the ramp. Foley warns them that this will cost Raven the title. RVD looks distracted as well as he looks to see what’s going on. Raven grabs the chair and swings when RVD turns around, but RVD ducks and hits Raven with the Van-Daminator! RVD heads to the top rope…Five Star Frog Splash! RVD might have gotten him too good, as he rolls in the ring tending to his ribs. From the crowdEddie Guerrero hits the ring! Guerrero comes off the top and frog splashes RVD! Raven gets his arm on RVD, 1…2…3!

Winner: Raven via pinfall in 15:22 (New Champion)

Raven’s Warriors
come down to the ring to celebrate with Raven. Mick Foley puts together what happened, and when Eddie Guerrero walks by him, asks him “what the hell was that? First you walk out of a match now this?” Guerrero tells Foley to “kiss his ass” as he walks right by Foley. Raven’s Warriors carry the new ECW World Champion up the ramp as Mick Foley shakes his head.

Joey Styles: “I don’t even know what to say. We have a new ECW World Champion, but is ECW really prepared for Raven to hold that crown once again? And what the hell is the deal with Guerrero?!”

Tazz: Joey, this has been a wild night, but a big one for Raven and his warriors. We’re going to have to see what Mick does about this on RISE.”

Joey Styles:
“That’s it from us. We still have War Games to come. We’ll see you this Thursday on RISE!”


Kurt Angle
is shown warming up backstage when Booker T walks up to him.

Booker T: “We good tonight, dawg?”

Kurt Angle: “Yeah, we’re good. Just for tonight.”

Diamond Dallas Page’s voice is heard as he appears on camera.

Diamond Dallas Page: “You two better be ready. This is our chance to weaken Triple H and the New World Order for good, and we don’t have time for whatever your issues are. We gotta get together with Hulk and the big man and figure out what we’re gonna do out there tonight. So let’s go.”

Angle and Booker glare at one another, before following DDP out of the locker room.

Tony Schiavone:
“That’s quite the tension between Kurt Angle and Booker T.”

Don West: “You can cut it with a knife, Tony.”

Tony Schiavone: “Coming up next, a 10 Man Battle Royal to determine the #1 Contender for the United States Championship. I understand, Mike, that the winner will get the title shot tomorrow night on Nitro.”

Mike Tenay:
“That’s right, Tony. Also, a unique quality for this battle royal, both rings are considered legal for the match. A competitor is not eliminated if they end up in the other ring, only the floor warrants elimination!”

Battle Royal to Determine the #1 Contender for the WCW United States Championship
Albert vs. Chris Candido vs. Christian vs. Justin Credible vs. Kidman (w/Torrie Wilson) vs. Lance Storm vs. Mike Awesome vs. Rene Dupree vs. Test vs. X-Pac

Albert and Mike Awesome go at one another right away, not even waiting for the bell to ring. Albert and Awesome brawl as everyone watches, and when they hit the ropes, everyone bands together to throw them both over the top rope and onto the floor (Eliminations #1 and #2: Mike Awesome and Albert by everyone else). Awesome and Albert continue to fight up the ramp as the battle royal formally begins. Kidman runs away from Test as Storm and Candido beat the hell out of X-Factor. Rene Dupree guards Christian, but gets hit by a Test big boot that was intended for Kidman, sending him out (Elimination #3: Rene Dupree by Test). Christian backs away from Test, and Kidman dropkicks Test into him. Credible and X-Pac hit X Marks the Spot on Storm. Candido tries to get Credible and X-Pac out, but Test comes from behind and ends up dumping him (Elimination #4: Chris Candido by Test). X-Pac and Justin Credible laugh at the eliminated Candido, but Credible runs at Kidman and Kidman backdrops him out (Elimination #5: Justin Credible by Kidman).

Test pounds away on Kidman, before Kidman catches him with a dropkick. Christian tries to plant Kidman with the Unprettier, but he gets caught by a superkick by Lance Storm. Storm turns into a spin kick from X-Pac. X-Pac then plants Storm with an X-Factor! X-Pac then tries to throw Storm out, but Storm still had life in him and ends up tossing X-Pac out (Elimination #6: X-Pac by Lance Storm). Kidman, Storm, Test, and Christian remain. Christian punches away at Kidman in the corner, but Kidman catches him with a flying headscissors when he charges in. Storm catches Christian with a superkick, but Test nails him from behind and plants him with a Pumphandle Slam. Test heads to the top rope, but the diving elbow drop misses! Storm tries to get Test, and Kidman comes to help. Christian sneaks up behind Storm though and dumps him out (Elimination #7: Lance Storm by Christian). Christian then punches Kidman down. Test approaches Christian, but Christian asks Test for a truce, saying they should get rid of Kidman first.

Kidman realizes the odds he’s up against and punches away at both Christian and Test, but Christian gets a knee to the midsection and Test slams Kidman down with a full nelson slam. Christian props Kidman up as Test loads up the big boot, but both Christian and Kidman dive out of the way! Test gets caught up on the top rope with his leg, and Christian betrays him, dumping the rest of his body over the top rope (Elimination #8: Test by Christian). Kidman blocks a punch and fires away at Christian. Flying headscissors from Kidman! Kidman goes for a suplex, but Christian counters and almost sends Kidman to the floor with a front suplex, instead impaling him on the top rope. Kidman falls back into the ring and Christian stomps away at him. Christian goes back to the punches, but Kidman counters and hits Christian with the BK Bomb! Kidman tries to send Christian out, but Christian puts on the brakes. Dropkick to the midsection drops Christian into a seated position. Kidman comes off the ropes and goes for a basement dropkick, but Christian moves…and Kidman accidentally dropkicks Torrie Wilson, who was standing behind Christian on the outside of the ring! Referees immediately check on her as Christian tries to send a distracted Kidman over the top rope, only Kidman counters and eliminates Christian!

Tony Schiavone: Billy Kidman has won the battle royal, but I don’t know if that’s the story here as Kidman accidentally dropkicked Torrie Wilson.”

Don West:
“Wait a minute, Tony, I don’t know. Christian’s back in the ring!”

Christian grabs Kidman and plants him with the Unprettier, then tosses him out of the ring. Christian yells at the referees, still tending to Torrie, and points out that he threw Kidman out…and he’s awarded the match!

Winner: Christian when he last eliminated Kidman in 9:13

laughs his way up the ramp as Kidman immediately checks on Torrie. Miraculously, Torrie is able to get back to her feet, and she’s helped to the back.

Tony Schiavone: “We’re glad Torrie is okay…but did the officials not see that Christian went over the top rope?”

Don West: “Are we sure Christian’s feet hit the floor?”

Mike Tenay: “They definitely did. It’s a raw deal for Billy Kidman, but it appears that none of the officials were paying attention to the match once Torrie was hit with the dropkick. That allowed Christian to come back in and steal the match.”

Tony Schiavone: “What a shame there, we’ll likely see this addressed on Nitro. Coming up next, our main event. War Games is upon us!”


Triple H
is giving one last speech or talk to Kevin Nash, Sean O’Haire and Scott Hall.

Triple H: “Alright, everyone. We’re the New World Order. We win this tonight, and the beginning of the end of the careers of Booker T, Kurt Angle, Diamond Dallas Page, The Giant, and Hulk Hogan begin. Eric, did you find him?”

Eric Bischoff: Hunter, he’s nowhere to be found. I don’t know where Brock is…”

Paul Heyman’s voice is heard…

Paul Heyman: “Speak of the devil…and he shall appear!”

Triple H: “Oh, about time!”

Paul Heyman: “We’re not on your time here, Triple H. Let me remind you, Brock Lesnar is not a member of the New World Order and will do what he feels is best for him and his chances to win your WCW World Championship.”

Triple H: “Yeah? Well if he wants his shot at this title he needs to listen to me tonight!”

Triple H and Brock Lesnar get in one another’s face, with Eric Bischoff trying to calm “The Game” down.

Triple H: “Look, you did a great job on Hogan on Monday. I’ll give you that. But we need to work together tonight.”

Paul Heyman: “And we will, Triple H. But Brock Lesnar doesn’t listen to any man. He doesn’t even listen to me most of the time. Brock Lesnar listens to Brock Lesnar. That’s why Hulk Hogan has a hole in his head. That’s why we’re going to win tonight. And that’s why he will be WCW World Champion at Halloween Havoc.”

Triple H: “Yeah, we’ll see about that last one. Let’s get to work.”


Tony Schiavone:
“Well, Mike. The War Games Steel Cage is coming down. What can you tell us about the structure of the cage?”

Mike Tenay: “Well, longtime fans may notice that the cage is bigger and taller than ever. Unlike past War Games matches, the cage now surrounds the ring as opposed to being right up against the ropes. Still will give the competitors more room to operate. The height of the cage has also been increased from 10 feet to about 15. This should allow for a more exciting match.”

Don West: “Guys, I can’t wait!”

Tony Schiavone:
“Let’s send it to Michael Buffer.”


Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, wrestling fans from around the world…we are here tonight for the moment you’ve al been waiting for. A match that epitomizes brutality, where rivalries reach their climax and warriors lay it all on the line. In these two rings, surrounded by steel, competitors will enter, but only one team will emerge victorious. Tensions will rise, alliances will be tested, and tonight, we will witness an epic showdown that will be etched in the annals of wrestling history. Ten men, two rings, one cage, and a battle will determine supremacy. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the MAIN EVENT of FALL BRAWL 2002. THIS IS THE WAR GAMES STEEL CAGE MATCH!”

Michael Buffer: “Here are the rules. Two men, once from each team, will enter the cage and the match will begin. After a five-minute period, a coin toss will determine which teams gets to add a man to the match, giving one side a man advantage. Every three minutes thereafter, each team will alternate sending a man into the match. Once all ten men are in the cage, the Match Beyond begins. The Match Beyond can only be one by knocking one of the opposing members of the team out, or by forcing them to submit. Only then will one team reign supreme. Ladies and gentlemen…ARE YOU READY?”


“For the thousands in attendance…and the millions watching at home.”

“Ladies and gentlemen…”


Sean O’Haire
makes his entrance first.

Michael Buffer: “Wearing black with green, he is considered to be one of the best young professional wrestlers in the world, as well as the future of the New World Order. At 6’6”, 270 pounds, from Hilton Head, South Carolina…this is Sean O’Haire!

“Medal” plays as Kurt Angle is the first member of his team to enter the match!

Michael Buffer: “The first member of Team WCW, the 1996 Summer Olympic Gold Medal Winner in the Heavyweight, Freestyle category. He is perhaps the greatest-pound-for-pound wrestler in professional wrestling. From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is a former two-time WCW World Champion, and a four-time world champion overall. This is Kuuuuuuuuuuurt Angle!

War Games
Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, The Giant, “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan, and Kurt Angle vs. Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sean O’Haire, and Brock Lesnar

Angle goes to work on O’Haire right away, hitting him with punches in the corner. O’Haire keeps trying to swing back at Angle, but Angle keeps ducking, then he goes back to firing away at O’Haire. Angle sends O’Haire into the corner, but O’Haire leaps up to the top rope and backflips over Angle. O’Haire tries a roundhouse kick, but Angle ducks it, then hits O’Haire with a German suplex. Angle tries for another one, but O’Haire elbows him in the face, then hits Angle with the ridge hand, followed by a knee lift. O’Haire stomps away on Angle, before picking him up and setting him up for a suplex. O’Haire gets Angle up, but instead of finishing the move O’Haire just drops Angle down. O’haire heads up to the top rope, but Angle gets to his feet. O’Haire somersaults off the top rope and lands on his feet, then catches Angle with a backbreaker.

O’Haire elbows Angle on the canvas before heading to the top rope again. For the second time Angle gets up and meets O’Haire up there, and this time O’Haire can’t escape. Angle throws O’Haire off the top rope with a belly-to-belly suplex! German suplex from Angle! Angle holds onto O’Haire and hits him with a second German. And a third! And a fourth! Angle releases on the fifth before he roars to the crowd! Angle goes for the Ankle Lock, but O’Haire rolls through and Angle goes between the turnbuckles and hits the ring post shoulder-first. Big yakuza kick from O’Haire knocks Angle down. O’haire sets Angle up for a powerbomb, but Angle rolls through, then grabs the ankle and locks in the Ankle Lock! O’Haire has to endure this pain about another 30-40 seconds. O’Haire tries to break free, but he can’t as Angle has it in good. The 10 count begins as we’re about to find out who won the coin toss…

Tony Schiavone:
“We are just seconds away from finding out who won the coin toss. Will Sean O’Haire get someone to save him, or will someone join Kurt Angle in punishing O’Haire…”

“The Game”
plays…here comes Triple H!

Mike Tenay:
“The NWO has won the coin toss!”

Don West: “And what a strategic move! Nobody had Triple H coming in second for his team!”

HHH runs down to the ring, but Angle tosses O’Haire into the other ring, then attacks HHH as soon as he enters the cage! HHH and Angle go at one another on the outside, and Angle sends HHH flying into the cage! Angle knocks HHH down, then catapults him into the ring post! Angle then runs over to the other ring to pound away on O’Haire some more. Angle tosses O’Haire with a belly-to-belly suplex, then runs back to HHH. HHH is already busted open, but he was playing a little possum…as he hits Angle with a sledgehammer that he grabbed from under the ring! HHH rolls Angle, who’s now also busted wide open, into the ring. HHH stomps away on Angle, then locks him in an Indian Deathlock. HHH wipes the blood from his head as he has Angle wrapped up. O’Haire comes over and begins to punch away at Angle, and Angle has no escape. They continue to do this until the clock runs down.

Tony Schiavone: “Here comes the Bookerman!

Booker T enters the cage. HHH releases the Indian Deathlock and gets the sledgehammer, but Booker T ducks it and nails HHH with a roundhouse kick. Harlem sidekick to O’Haire. Booker slams O’Haire into the corner, then hits him with a flapjack when he stumbles out. Booker T comes off the ropes and ducks the HHH clothesline, then hits HHH with a flying forearm. Spinarooni from Booker! Booker boots HHH and hits him with the Scissors’ Kick! O’Haire hits Booker from behind, but Booker ducks the clothesline and plants O’Haire with the Bookend! With HHH and O’Haire temporarily disabled, Booker goes to check on Angle. HHH gets back to his feet and shoves Booker into Angle, sending Angle to the floor. Booker takes HHH out with another roundhouse kick, then punches away at him. Booker slams HHH into the corner, then punches and chops away at him until the clock begins to count down. Booker slams HHH into the turnbuckles one more time before waiting to see who’s next.

Don West: “Here comes Scott Hall! He’s been in War Games before!”

Scott Hall makes his way down and enters the cage…and while Booker T waits for him HHH takes advantage and hits Booker with a low blow! Hall slides in and punches away at Booker. Hall picks up Booker and tosses him over his head with a fall away slam! O’Haire drags Booker to the outside and runs him into the cage. HHH has Angle and punches away at him in the second ring. O’Haire sends Booker into the cage again before rolling him back into the ring. Scott Hall stomps away on Booker, then takes him down with a chokeslam. Hall locks in a sleeper on Booker as O’Haire kicks Booker in the midsection. Booker fires a kick at O’Haire, then counters the sleeper with a belly-to-back suplex. Booker shoves O’Haire into the corner, then mounts and punches away at him…but this lets Hall sneak up behind Booker…and drops him with the Outsider’s Edge! HHH, Hall and O’Haire have complete control of the match as the clock counts down.

Tony Schiavone: “It’s the master of the Diamond Cutter! Here comes DDP!

Diamond Dallas Page runs into the cage. O’Haire, Hall, and HHH wait in one ring as DDP slides in the other. DDP, against his better judgment, comes into the ring with the NWO members and the three-on-one assault commences. DDP is a house of fire and fights his way out of the beatdown. DDP hits everyone with a punch. Angle is able to help as he German suplexes HHH away. O’Haire misses a clothesline, and DDP drops him with a Diamond Cutter! Hall gets some punches on DDP. Hall hits two more punches then spins around, but he misses the third one. DDP then gets two punches himself, then knocks Hall down with a discus clothesline. Hall counters an Irish whip and goes for a back bodydrop, but Hall puts on the brakes and sets DDP up for the Outsider’s Edge, but DDP slides out behind Hall, then drops him with a Diamond Cutter! HHH gets a facebuster on Angle, but he misses a clothesline, and DDP is waiting to drop him with a Diamond Cutter as well! The clock counts down as DDP waits for either Kevin Nash or Brock Lesnar.

Don West: “It’s the seven-foot monster, “Big Sexy” Kevin Nash!

Kevin Nash comes in and DDP is all over him with punches. DDP tries to hit a quick Diamond Cutter, but Nash shoves him off. Big knee to the midsection, and Nash sets DDP up for the Jackknife. He gets him up, but like with Hall, DDP slides out and lands behind Nash. He tries the Diamond Cutter again, but Nash shoves him into the ropes and smashes him with a big boot! Booker T gets back into the ring, but Nash nails him with a big forearm. Nash picks Booker T up and drops him with snake eyes in the corner. HHH tosses Angle into the ring with Nash, and Nash plants him with a thunderous sidewalk slam! Nash props Angle up in the corner and hits him with elbow smashes. HHH takes Booker to the outside and slams him into the cage. O’Haire and Hall pound away on DDP in the corner as well. Nash sets Angle up for a Jackknife, but decides against it when the clock begins to tick down.

Mike Tenay: “Oh my, it’s The Giant!

Don West:
“You had to know Hogan was going to save himself for last!”

Giant walks down to the ring slowly with Kevin Nash waiting for him. Giant walks in and smashes an approaching O’Haire with a headbutt. Nash and Giant come face-to-face, then comes to blows. Giant seems to get the advantage. HHH tries to help Nash, but he gets thrown across the ring for his troubles. Giant props Nash in the corner and hits him with a huge chop, nearly collapsing his chest! Giant grabs Nash by the throat, but Hall chopblocks him. Hall punches away at the Giant, but runs into a big boot. HHH tries to sneak attack Giant with the sledgehammer, but Giant sees him and blocks it. Giant takes the sledgehammer from HHH and smashes Nash in the gut with it! Giant then grabs HHH by the throat…and hits him with a monster chokeslam! O’Haire tries to attack Giant again, but DDP intercepts him and drops him with another Diamond Cutter! The tag team champions wait for the clock to tick down, as they know who’s coming next.

Don West: Brock Lesnar, baby!”

Mike Tenay:
“But can Lesnar combat DDP and the Giant, they’re the WCW World Tag Team Champions?"

Brock Lesnar comes out with Paul Heyman. Lesnar jobs in place before running into the cage. Lesnar goes right for the Giant and tries a double leg takedown. DDP pounds away on Lesnar, but Lesnar is able to shove him out of the way. This allows the Giant to headbutt Lesnar. Giant punches and chops Lesnar, then sends him into the corner. Giant misses an avalanche though and Lesnar sends DDP inside out with a clothesline. Giant misses a clothesline on Lesnar, and Lesnar German suplexes the 500-pound monster! Giant gets back to his feet, but Lesnar picks him up on his shoulders…Giant slides behind him and grabs him by the throat, and plants Lesnar with a chokeslam! Nash gets back to his feet and attacks Giant, but Giant hits him with a hard forearm…while Lesnar kips up! Giant turns his attention back to Lesnar, and Lesnar picks him up on his shoulders again…and plants him with the F5! Lesnar rolls to the outside and grabs a steel chair. Lesnar bashes Booker over the back with the chair, then does the same to Angle. Lesnar finds DDP and smashes him with the chair as well. The Giant tries to get back to his feet, but Lesnar smashes him with the chair as well! The clock ticks down…

Tony Schiavone:
Hulkamania is in the building!”

Lesnar has the chair as Hulk Hogan makes his way down to the ring! Hogan enters the cage then hulks up! Hogan blocks the chair shot from Lesnar and slams the chair down. Big rights from Hogan on Lesnar! Hogan slams Lesnar into the corner, but then hits him with the ax bomber. Hogan punches away at Lesnar…until Lesnar clearly has had enough and explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Lesnar quickly wraps Hogan up in a bearhug. Hogan tries to fight out, but Lesnar squeezes the life out of him. Hogan fights back and even bites Lesnar’s nose to break the hold. Hogan then takes the chair and smashes Lesnar over the head with it! Hall comes over to Hogan, but Hogan gets the better of him with some punches. Hogan hits Hall with the big boot, then drops the big legdrop! Nash nails Hogan from behind, but DDP grabs Nash by the hair and plants him with yet another Diamond Cutter! O’Haire climbs to the top rope, but Booker shakes the top rope. DDP comes up to the top rope, and hits O’Haire with a super Diamond Cutter off the top! HHH has the sledgehammer again, but Hogan blocks it! Giant grabs HHH by the throat! Hogan smacks HHH with the sledgehammer, then Giant slams him down with a chokeslam! The NWO have been complete destroyed! Lesnar gets back to his feet and grabs the chair, and despite it looking like five-on-one, he looks ready to fight anyway. Booker T surprises Lesnar and hits him with a Harlem Sidekick, kicking the chair in Lesnar’s face! Lesnar backs away in the corner, and he literally has all five of his opponents staring him down and waiting for him. Paul Heyman yells at Brock…

Paul Heyman: BROCK! BROCK! We can’t do this! We can’t win! Let’s go, we don’t care about the NWO!”

Lesnar angrily looks at his opponents…and reluctantly jumps out of the ring. The cage door is locked, but Lesnar kicks it open. Booker and Giant smirk at Lesnar retreating. Angle roars to the crowd…and locks HHH in the Ankle Lock! Hogan adds a Camel Clutch…and it’s clear that HHH is completely unconscious from earlier. Referee Charles Robinson calls for the bell!

Winners: Booker T, Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle, Giant, and Diamond Dallas Page when HHH was unconscious in Angle and Hogan’s hold in 33:57

Brock Lesnar
angrily looks back at the two rings as Team WCW stands tall over the New World Order. Shane McMahon runs down to celebrate as well.

Tony Schiavone: WCW has defeated the New World Order in War Games! From Tony Schiavone, Don West, and Mike Tenay, good night everybody from Oklahoma City!”


Quick Results

Shane Helms, Elix Skipper, and Monty Brown defeated William Regal, Dave Taylor, and Fit Finlay when Skipper pinned Regal

World Cruiserweight Championship
Super Crazy © pinned Chavo Guerrero Jr. to retain the title

World Women’s Championship
Victoria © pinned Molly Marvel to retain the title

ECW World Tag Team Championship
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn © defeated Bam Bam Bigelow and Gangrel when Lynn pinned Bigelow to retain the title

#1 Contender for the ECW Television Championship – Three Way Dance
Shelton Benjamin defeated Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Jr. after Guerrero walked out and Benjamin pinned Mysterio

ECW Television Championship
Tajiri pinned Sabu © to win the title

ECW World Championship
Raven pinned Rob Van Dam © to win the title

#1 Contender to the WCW United States Championship Battle Royal
Christian wins, last eliminating Kidman

War Games
Booker T, Kurt Angle, Diamond Dallas Page, The Giant, and “Hollywood’ Hulk Hogan defeated Triple H, Sean O’Haire, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Brock Lesnar when HHH was rendered unconscious in Hogan and Angle’s hold


WCW World Champion

Triple H (Defeated Kurt Angle on 5-12-02)

ECW World Champion
Raven (Defeated Rob Van Dam on 9-29-02)

WCW United States Champion
Kurt Angle (Defeated Christian on 9-1-02)

ECW Television Champion
Tajiri (Defeated Sabu on 9-29-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant (Defeated Kevin Nash and Scott Hall on 9-1-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated R-Killa and Mark Henry on 4-14-02)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Super Crazy (Defeated Tajiri on 8-24-02)

World Women’s Champion
Victoria (Defeated Jazz on 7-18-02)

Roster Updates
Tony Schiavone –
The voice of WCW returns for PPV events


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team

Here is where we stand.

Starrcade 2001

DeGenerationMC: 105
Roy Mustang: 70
Dubb: 60

Souled Out 2002

DGenerationMC: 95
Dubb: 95
Daken: 60

SuperBrawl XII

Dubb: 90
Wolfbeast: 60
Roy Mustang: 55
DeGenerationMC: 45

Uncensored 2002

DGenerationMC: 115
Roy Mustang: 80
Wolfbeast; 80
Dubb: 70
Battletank: 60
Tyronesaurus24: 60

Barely Legal II
Dubb 102
Roy Mustang: 61

Slamboree 2002
DGenerationMC: 110
Roy Mustang: 80
Dubb: 40

Hardcore Heaven 2002
Dubb: 115
Roy Mustang: 115
DGenerationsMC: 70

The 2002 Great American Bash
Roy Mustang: 105
Dubb: 60
Order: 40

Anarchy Rulz 2002
White Rhyno: 125
Dubb: 90
Roy Mustang: 80

Fall Brawl 2002
DGeneration MC: 115
Dubb: 40
Roy Mustang: 40
Stojy: 30

Congrats to DGenerationMC on outright winning Fall Brawl and making up the gap between himself, Dubb and Roy!


@Dubble J 762
@Roy Mustang 686
@DGenerationMC 655
Wolfbeast: 140
@White Rhyno : 125
@BattleTank : 60
Daken: 60
@Tyronesaurus24 : 60
@Order : 40
@Stojy : 30

If WB and Daken have names here I can officially @ them in the Standings.

Note that point values for shows will double beginning with Starrcade 2002!​