An advertisement thread would be stupid, because nobody goes out of their way to read them, and even if they see that a show is posted, theres about a 2% chance that they'll actually check it out because of a post in that thread.
And I will ask 'why you?' regarding our new moderator because regardless of what he has done in the past (which pretty much means nothing now) I think that the person chosen is possibly one of the worst possible candidates to mod the section.
Now I'm not stage politics that contributed towards the decision but when was the last time that JMay actually did something regarding the BTB section? When was the last time he reviewed a show, or started and maintained a BTB? When was the last time he even popped in to make a post or two in the section that without him would supposedly not exist? Not since I've been here, and that's nearing the two year mark.
What about the people who have stuck by the BTB section through it's ups and downs in the last two years, continuing to write long running BTBs and review others? What about guys like spiralshock, Axis, y2j__legend, myself and fuck, even GardsJr? Were they even considered to be a moderator? All of those posters and tens of others would be more viable choices than JMay; Evil Austin, CMS, XBA, Andrew~Walker... And even if you disagree, they should have at least been given a chance in being mod.
How about actually letting the active members of the section decide who wants to run things, instead of making the moderator one of the admin's old buddies who has been sucking his dick from the start?
Fuck this section, if it's going to become corrupt like the rest of the forum then why should I even bother posting my BTB around here, and why should others? There are better BTB sections out there and just when this one looked like it would be able to compete, all potential progress is just stunted by this. Now if this section is ruined like much others, I'm afraid that it will have lost a BTB and two of the best writers who have posted here continuously in the last two years in me and Cris.