Breaking News: Michael Jackson Dead

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I'm so fucking sick of this Michael Jackson bandwagon thats going around if you ask me. Since he died today, EVERYONE I know, both here, real life, facebook, etc all are like "OMG The Legend of Pop is dead... R.I.P."

You know goddamn well that if he was arrested or some shit today for molesting a little white boy down in wherever in the US, everyone would be like "Oh FUCK Michael Jackson, that sick bastard... he did it once, and now he's doing it again wtf! Blah blah blah!"

You get what I'm saying... sorry Peep bro, but I have to TOTALLY agree with Scoops there.

I admit, he did make good music back in the day, don't get me wrong. I lost all respect for him when he turned white, creepy, and a pedophile rapist. I'm sorry if I sound like a complete douchebag here but it's my opinion and idc what anyone else thinks. But this whole "RIP I love you" yadda yadda nonsense needs to stop and face facts that when someone does something bad they get shit for it, but then it blows over. Then when they die, you then jump on their bandwagon and become their biggest fan... Come on people, get a fucking grip on life for once.


Yeah. Greater than Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Queen, Frank Sinatra, Bob Marley, ect. ect. Sure, dude, sure. You're just saying it because he's dead.

Selling the most albums all time pretty much makes you the best. The only person on there that could be mentioned in the same sentence is possibly Elvis.

Two Scoops said:
You wouldn't have that sig if he wasn't dead. You wouldn't have those songs in your sig if he wasn't dead.

True. Because it's called paying tribute to someone who made the biggest influence on the music industry in history. This death is our generations Lennon.

Two Scoops said:
You wouldn't be bringing him up in everyday conversation if he wasn't dead.
Just this topic, but yeah.

Two Scoops said:
You wouldn't be bringing him up in a discussion of "greatest artists of all time" if he wasn't dead. He wouldn't even cross your mind.


Two Scoops said:
Of course I fully expect you to fire back with "I have always been a huge fan of Michael Jackson, I own all of his albums and listen to him everyday because he is a legend". Because of course we can't expect you to actually ya know, be realistic about it.

I've always been a fan, yes, but no he was never my favorite by any means. And no, I have not listened to a song of his since May 23th.

I love how everyone hates him because he will be heavily talked about as a child molester, when in reality, those parents of those kids are feeling like the biggest pieces of shit on the face of the earth today all because they wanted his money.


Yeah. Greater than Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Queen, Frank Sinatra, Bob Marley, ect. ect. Sure, dude, sure. You're just saying it because he's dead. You wouldn't have that sig if he wasn't dead. You wouldn't have those songs in your sig if he wasn't dead. You wouldn't be bringing him up in everyday conversation if he wasn't dead. You wouldn't be bringing him up in a discussion of "greatest artists of all time" if he wasn't dead. He wouldn't even cross your mind.

Of course I fully expect you to fire back with "I have always been a huge fan of Michael Jackson, I own all of his albums and listen to him everyday because he is a legend". Because of course we can't expect you to actually ya know, be realistic about it.

You are a fucking idiot! Jackson is a bigger star then all of them with the exception of Elvis. Jackson has sold millions more than them and he is credited for making the pop genre. I like Marley but to even list him near Jackson's league is downright disgusting and insulting to your intelligence.


Sep 6, 2007
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Ehh I think I was the first to point out about MJ and I don't get rep for it Scoops or Word...come on

But like I've said other places yes he was good and all that but all that got can not hide the fact that he was a a pedo.


Mar 31, 2007
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K I hate Micheal but Blaze you can't prove that. He may have been a pedo but there is no proof.


Sep 6, 2007
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K I hate Micheal but Blaze you can't prove that. He may have been a pedo but there is no proof.

Well I strongly believe he is one.


Mar 31, 2007
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Well I strongly believe he was one.


Anyway, just because you feel he was doesn't mean you can call him a pedo. Its like if I strongly felt you were black, I couldn't call you black without knowing. For what we know. Micheal Jackson was a birdie, a weirdo, and the single greatest selling musician we have ever seen.

Luke Flywalker

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I can't believe people still believe he molested little boys. Why? Because a little boy knew how to describe a penis? I don't know how stupid some of you were (or still are) but at 8, I could describe a penis just off of knowledge of my own parts.

These little boys, who probably never heard of Michael, wanted to visit him as their dying wish? Really!? Not Michael Jordan... but Jackson!? And why are all of these fucking children healthier now than before they went to Mike's place? Because it was all shenanigan's! These god damn single mother (you ever notice that?) gold-digging bitches destroyed their child's names jus to extort money out of Michael Jackson. Dude was one of the richest musicians on the planet, why not target him? On top of that, he was physically a freak, so a lot of the accusations would have been somewhat substantial.

I can't say I'ma miss Mike. I mean, I hate knowing I'll never be able to see him perform live now. But to be honest, all any of us know him for, forreal, is his music. And Mike's music is by far some of the best of all time, in any genre, and his music still exists, so I'll always have what I know Mike for readily available.

Used to listen to Beat It before every football game back in high school. Shit got me so amp. R.I.P. to the KING of Pop.

CT Styles

Yeah. Greater than Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Queen, Frank Sinatra, Bob Marley, ect. ect. Sure, dude, sure.
Greater than all of them; probably even in greatness with Elvis.

You wouldn't be bringing him up in a discussion of "greatest artists of all time" if he wasn't dead. He wouldn't even cross your mind.
You have no knowledge of the music industry.

Quintastic One

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Greater than all of them; probably even in greatness with Elvis.

Hah! Once again another one bites the dust of coming out of the woodshed saying he was suddenly the greatest ever.

Every last one of you hypocrites agreed with the fact that he was a pasty white pedophile who ONLY got away with what he did is because he had millions of fucking dollars to blow away on attorneys.

I can't believe I have to bring it u twice, but OJ was "proven" not guilty too and we all fucking know he murdered those two people. To say not so just because the judicial system sucks proves your a complete tool and an idiot.

Anyone paying tribute to Michael are double hypocrites for turning around and bashing Chris Benoit and saying that his in ring record means nothing because he killed two other people.

Your picking and choosing what celebrities you want to refer and what ones you want to condemn. You refuse to recognize how fucking sick this man was in life, because you want to hum "thriller" to yourself and act like your some sensitive shit.

Aint a SINGLE one of you who are defending Michael would of done it 3 weeks ago. Not a SINGLE ONE. It was universally known that he was a pedophile and the butt of smurf jokes for the past 20 years.

You don't go 20 years with the reputation of a pedophile and walk out completely innocent. Anyone who claims otherwise has no place in any sort of debate for their wanton disregard for logic and common sense.

Good day.
Feb 8, 2007
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Australia... and no, I do not ride around on a Kan
Well I'll be right on honest about this.

I am not a fan of him, I think he was a sicko and I am not a fan of his music. In my opinion his music is highly overrated. (and before you start jumping to conclusions and calling me a heartless, disrespectful moron read what I have to say next)

HOWEVER noone deserves death and he was quite popular and entertained millions even if I was not a fan of him...Ill just go right on and say it... R.I.P Michael Jackson...

Moonlight Drive

Blaze said:
Well I strongly believe he is one.
You also strongly believed, and I quote, 'KEVIN SULLIVAN KILLED CHRIS BENOIT!!!' So yeah, you're (stupid) opinion is shit.

Although TQO made some good points, death. especially young death, really does overrate all to a certain extent with only a select few exceptions (Hendrix, Michael, Bonham, etc.). Kurt Cobain, Heath Ledger, Jeff Buckley, they were all good, but not up to the insane standards they got to after death. I suppose you could argue you only truly appreciate something when it's gone for good, but I don't agee with that sentiment tbh.

I for one actually did like Michael Jackson, hardly his number one fan, but the guy was an amazing singer/songwriter, probably the only guy who actually deserved his tag (King Of Pop, fyi). As for the whole pedophilia incident, I have no judgment as I'm not going to pretend I know even half the story.

Michael Jackson is the perfect example of why the media is fucked. I personally don't blame him for some of the things he did, he was a superstar since what age, 5? How can one expect to have a normal childhood when you grow up like that?

But I disgress, MJ was a legend, always has been, always will be. R.I.P

PS - Just something that really shitted me even more about this that I just found out. My parents friends have a daughter with down syndrome, who's hero was MJ of course. They were flying over to see his London concerts and were all set to have a big extravagant holiday for her. Now it's all kind fucked. :(

the dark knight

Sure, dude, sure. You're just saying it because he's dead. You wouldn't have that sig if he wasn't dead. You wouldn't have those songs in your sig if he wasn't dead. You wouldn't be bringing him up in everyday conversation if he wasn't dead. You wouldn't be bringing him up in a discussion of "greatest artists of all time" if he wasn't dead. He wouldn't even cross your mind.

Of course I fully expect you to fire back with "I have always been a huge fan of Michael Jackson, I own all of his albums and listen to him everyday because he is a legend". Because of course we can't expect you to actually ya know, be realistic about it.
you're officially a moron. way to jump to a conclusion. i had him on my sig over a year ago trying to promote thriller's 25th anniversary, and if you look at some of my old posts i always quoted lines of his songs. michael was famous enough to turn the world around before he even died. his first 10 concerts scheduled to start a couple of weeks frm now were SOLD OUT in a record time. :nonono:

Every last one of you hypocrites agreed with the fact that he was a pasty white pedophile who ONLY got away with what he did is because he had millions of fucking dollars to blow away on attorneys.

I can't believe I have to bring it u twice, but OJ was "proven" not guilty too and we all fucking know he murdered those two people. To say not so just because the judicial system sucks proves your a complete tool and an idiot.
okay, regardless of whether i believe OJ did it or not, how do you KNOW he did it? you're a witness now? please...

Anyone paying tribute to Michael are double hypocrites for turning around and bashing Chris Benoit and saying that his in ring record means nothing because he killed two other people.
1) no one trashed what benoit did.
2) benoit killed his family then himself. michael jackson didn't do shit.

Aint a SINGLE one of you who are defending Michael would of done it 3 weeks ago. Not a SINGLE ONE. It was universally known that he was a pedophile and the butt of smurf jokes for the past 20 years.
wrong, i always have. at one point on THIS forum i remember posting "i feel like making a "leave michael alone" video :tdk:.

i joke about it all the time, but i know he didn't do it.

You don't go 20 years with the reputation of a pedophile and walk out completely innocent. Anyone who claims otherwise has no place in any sort of debate for their wanton disregard for logic and common sense.



anyone remember that? that was on my sig for a long time, a long time ago.


click on the arrow and look at the date of the posts, motherfucker
no one does. i see 30 fucking members online all day long and no new posts.

and they tell me that wrestling in 94-95 was worse...pffffft.

lets sing..

keep on, with the force dont stop!
dont stop till you get enough!
keep on, with the force dont stop!
dont stop till you get enough.....


idiot. you ruined it...

i cant find posts of me randomly saying "im bad..whos bad" cuz its too short to look up in the search system. only saying that shit cuz he'd dead? give me a fuckin break