Back with overall thoughts on the updated cards....
Usos/Kofi vs. Hardys/Shelton - If there has to be a TLC match, this is pretty much the perfect choice given the people left available. Obviously the Hardy's made their name off of this stuff, while Kofi and Shelton can handle all the "holy shit" spots that people love to see. The Uso's are the wild card here, but they've definitely got the chops to excel in this environment.
Prediction - Hardy's Benjamin
Curt Hawkins vs. Trent? - Forget his real name, Trent? is where its at. After all, as @
Castiel says, what kind of name is better than one with a question mark in it? Short answer....none motherfuckers. Anyhow, two totally underutilized talents should get a real opportunity to shine and I wouldn't be surprised if this stole the early part of the show. I'd actually make this my opener over the TLC match but that's just me.
Prediction - Trent?
Taryn vs. Paige - Couldn't care less. Naw, just kidding, these are pretty much two of the only watchable female wrestlers in the big companies right now, so this should be good. I wouldn't expect it to go too long but definitely end up being better than some people would expect.
Prediction - Taryn
Santino vs. Eric Young - Personally I wouldn't have done a cage match between these two since it kills the comedic aspect of their characters. At the same time, if you want them to show that they can actually wrestle (because they can whether some people believe it or not) a cage is once again not the best environment. That being said, this match was clearly made so one person on this site can jerk off to these two killing each other, so I guess that's alright.
Prediction - [MENTION=1]Zod[/MENTION] jerks off
Jay Lethal vs. Xavier Woods - If the order of these matches is correct, this is a good call to put on after the clusterfuck that will undoubtedly be Young/Marella. The Lethal Consequences EXPLODE~! aspect of the match makes it intriguing, but the fact of the matter is that these are two really good workers who should put on a hell of a show. I'd say the outcome here is pretty much a coin flip, so that's what I'm gonna' do.
Prediction - Jay Lethal
Brock Lesnar vs. Samoa Joe - Putting these two beasts in a submission-based environment makes a lot of sense from a logical standpoint. Joe is also pretty much one of the only guys left available on the TNA roster that could feasibly hang with Lesnar in this style, so yeah, good call on the booking there. I'd expect nothing less than a brutally hard hitting affair with some really sick counters and a lot of blood.
Prediction - Samoa Joa (why not, Lesnar loses almost every match anyway 
CM Punk vs. AJ Styles - These two have had some really good matches in RoH in the past, so I expect more of the same here. Styles new offense could help to play a part in the structure, since a lot of it should involve Punk having to re-learn how to deal with an opponent throwing all new stuff at him. Hopefully that plays a major part in the match but either way, this is a solid main event for this show.
Prediction - CM Punk
Crimson vs. David Otunga - Neither of these guys should be in a wrestling ring.
Prediction - The fans riot
3MB vs. Suicide/Jigsaw/Shark Boy - This is a great looking match on paper provided it isn't totally played up for comedy. I actually like McIntyre a lot and think he's totally wasted in 3MB (but at least he's making money) so the thought of him getting a few minutes to work with Jigsaw is very appealing to me. Shark Boy should be all over both Slater and Mahal and
Suicide Manik TJ PERKINS will add some sick highlights.
Prediction - Pieces of Suicidal Sharks
Fandango vs. Joey Ryan - Speaking of comedy matches, this one definitely has the potential for some hilarious hijinks. Unlike others, I really don't think Curtis' Fandango gimmick is all that good, but at the very least Ryan is a perfect opponent for it. I'd think this would be kept relatively short, if only because the main event on this show should be really long, but at the end of the day I believe it may surprise.
Prediction - Fandango
Kaitlyn vs. Gail Kim - Another good women's match that utilizes the other strong female workers in both companies. Tbh, if I booked this match, Kim would beat the tar out of Kaitlyn for 8 minutes before getting the pin. Why? Because she's Canadian of course, but also because I like her better...sue me.
Prediction - Kaitlyn
Rhodes Scholars vs. Bad Influence - Well, it had to happen eventually didn't it? Yes, I finally have a problem with a match on these cards and its this one. Bad Influence are WAY too good of a team to be doing a heel/heel match with Rhodes Scholars. Sure I think it'll be good but at the end of the day, when you have an act like Daniels and Kaz, you really need them highlighted in a major, major tag match instead of something that, to me anyway, comes across as filler. unfortunately WWE doesn't have ANY good (and strong) face tag teams to handle the opposite role, so I guess this is the best BI can hope for.
Prediction - Bad Influence
Aces and Eights vs. Assortment of WWE Talent - Two WarGames matches in two weekends seems like a bit of overkill to me, but this should still be a pretty crazy affair. All I hope is that in the booking of this match, an explanation is given as to why the WWE wrestlers involved have banded together. Obviously the easy one is that Aces and Eights are trying to take over WWE, so I hope its a little more involved than that. Anyhow, should be good and I fully expect Cena to stand tall at the end so...
Prediction - Team WWE
So yeah, outside of my minor complaints about BI/Rhodes Scholars (again not Booty's fault that WWE has nary a face tag team that's good enough to compete here) I like everything else and am looking forward to seeing how it all pans out.