Are you saving CM Punk for night 2?
I don't care for the Bellas, so I hope Madi and Vel-Vel smoke their fake behinds.
Daniel Bryan and Austin Aries in an Iron Man Match reminds me of the exact clash of styles that worked so well with HBK and Bret Hart.
I'd love to see them go for 60 without a single fall. I'd be breathless.
I just remembered CM Punk and Samoa Joe doing 60 minute draws. Those two have to main event night 2. I might have to kill you if you don't.
War Games is probably one of my favorite matches of all-time. It's so unpredictable. Anything ca, has and will happen.
I'm not the biggest fan of the ROH talent in there but they certainly are scrappers and would take the Shield to the limit.
And can you imagine Ryback in that environment? He wouldn't need to be feed anymore. I am little concerned that Axel might not be ready for it though.
He might be a tad awkward in that violent kind of scene. Look at me ramble as if you actually were booking this for an Independent or something...

Good stuff thus far. I'm impressed and can't wait.