I wasn't looking for supporters to my argument, and wasn't looking for anybody to take my side. I knew going into this whole thing that i would be alone in trying to get her to shut up, while everyone else would end up jumping on the LHR bandwagon to join in the fun of flaming a new target.
I had already attempted to end this maturely by asking her to answer one simple question, and she refused to answer the question, and instead continued flaming. If I could get a sound and logical defense as to why she wants to keep this up so bad, I would easily be able to drop this.
It's that simple, just give me a logical and reasonable answer as to why this thread is so important to LHR that she MUST continue bumping it, and I can leave in peace. Even if the flaming of me continues, I will leave this thread in peace if she can just answer that one single, solitary harmless question.