^Being a moderator doesn't matter at all. Being a legend is where it's at.
Chuck Taylor's Grenade is my new favorite member.
The only reason I didn't speak up much about the problems is because MS would probably get on my ass about it. So I just left it alone until other's came out with the same opinion. So I wouldn't be singled out by anyone.
K, so what makes us think you won't do it again now? Like say if Mike Chaos started 'having problems' with you, but you were too pussy to speak up. This is exactly what jusitifies that making you an admin and/or super mod was a joke to begin with. You have no credibility, and you're losing more just about everytime you post, sorry.Chuck Taylor's Grenade is my new favorite member.
The only reason I didn't speak up much about the problems is because MS would probably get on my ass about it. So I just left it alone until other's came out with the same opinion. So I wouldn't be singled out by anyone.
I'll take a stab at it and say not as stupid as most if not all of your posts buddy.
You're post was utterly stupid because you openly admitted that you don't have the guts to speak you're mind unless someone before you does so.
K, so what makes us think you won't do it again now? Like say if Mike Chaos started 'having problems' with you, but you were too pussy to speak up. This is exactly what jusitifies that making you an admin and/or super mod was a joke to begin with. You have no credibility, and you're losing more just about everytime you post, sorry.
I'm not "pissed" nor do I care that much. I'm just continually pointing out the flaws in your argument, since I find that fun to do. And the entire point of using Mike Chaos was a hypothetical situation.. meaning that if you had a problem before and didn't speak up, who's to say you would now? It simply goes against your credibility and I have no idea how else I could simplify this to explain it to you. Again, I could careless enough to start e-mailing people or PMing Mike.Listen here. Great One, seriously if you do not think I am qualified to be Admin, thats okay. I will not have a problem with Chaos. Me and MS just didn't click, that is why I had a problem with his way of dealing with things on this forum. We just didn't agree on anything. Mike Chaos is more my speed. He is an Admin that isn't concerned about his ego over the forum he is running, despite what some members might think. If you don't want me to be Admin, you don't like me being Admin, fine. Examine each one of my posts and continuously point out what I am doing wrong in my 3RD DAY ON THE JOB. Hopefully I can prove that I am Admin worthy in your eyes, not like I have to, but I want to create a sense of trust with the members since I am Admin. This whole situation casted a different light on alot of members on this forum both supporting MS and supporting Mike. I understand that you liked MS as an Admin, so did alot of other members. If you don't like it then continuously be pissed about it. There is nothing you can do about it at this point.
Coming from a member that never went against MS. You see if you were in my position. Going against MS was never a good idea. Why would I go out of my way to say he is doing something wrong when I would probably have no one else backing up my side of the story because members like you, would most likely side with MS because you all has less guts that I did.
This is called an assumption.Why would I go out of my way to say he is doing something wrong when I would probably have no one else backing up my side of the story because members like you, would most likely side with MS because you all has less guts that I did.