It's not that I didn't like it. I think it's perfectly fine. But jumping Jesus Christ, it's just a high spot match with 3 incredibly athletic guys, 1 guy willing to kill himself, and 2 guys willing to get hit in the head with as much shit as possible. It's almost spot-to-spot with very little actual storytelling involved.The finish in my opinion was perfectly setup by all the interviews Austin did saying he needed to be WWF Champion again.
Just out of curiosity what didn't you like about TLC II? Laugh at me if you want, but I can't think of many ladder matches that are better.
In terms of ladder matches being better, Bret/Shawn I, Shawn/Razor I & II, Rock/HHH, Taker/Jeff and even MITB 2013 are some matches I consider better than TLC II.