Nah I was saying him calling a trash match mediocre is as bad as you calling a decent match great.
So my opinions would be the X-seven matches: Decent and the handicap match: trash but better than the 6-man
I was comparing your guys' opinions on them not the matches themselves.
But, there's no comparison there. None whatsoever. We can disagree over if the matches were decent or great. Which by the way means nothing to me. I just use that word interchangeably with good. I just don't get why you'd bring them up at all if you liked them. But, that's wholesale different than trying to stick up for a match we both called trash. I think we can disagree on how good the under-card is considering you're claiming they're still decent and I don't think that makes me a stan when I can say weaker parts are still weak. I think there's a vast difference there than trying to make the worst part of your show look better than it is.
People thinking X-Seven is one of the stronger shows isn't a minority opinion. There's a strong consensus that most of the show is good to great. I just happen to fall in that category. If I was going to stan for anything, it would be WCW. I'll stick up for shit that most people would consider trash. The only thing I was doing is question why you think solid matches are funny to be called good or great.
That said, how many times do I have to repeat I was just fucking with Grim? He came into this thread already talking about 19 defeating 17 so I was fucking with him. I was trying to get his GOAT. I honestly think 19 is the second greatest Mania there is, but Jesus a man can't defend the historically best received wrestling PPV of all time in jest and get laughed at for it. So much for being able to have an opinion on this. I'll see myself out.