Barry Presents: WS Mafia 3 "The Revival" Game Thread

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Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Impact starting so replies will drop off - anything specific being asked of me?

Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Me: Flip me and you'll see. Town Tommy is shitty Tommy, and apparently I've played like drizzling shit.
Jeff: I've talked about it.
Pen: Seems open to not jumping on the mislynch that Sky is pushing and would rather push the person pushing the mislynch.

Pein: Not enough content for me to know anything.
CP: Possibly a bit closer to town-side of null, but I'm I've resigned myself to never being able to get a good read on him.

Blaine: I've talked this to death, but there's no traction
Juice: See above.

Sky: Really may be trying to be genuine, but knowing what I know, I have to suspect that she's trying to push a mislynch. If she's also wrong on Mando, she's setting up to take out 3 townies in the first 3 phases.
Gip: Didn't have problems with my play, and then was super eager to follow Sky. Possibly equity there?
Man: Outside of not liking the timing of his hesitancy to vote me, he hadn't done a lot to spook me. I've publicly conceded that this wasn't my first choice, but I'm hoping to live another day.

The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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It's why he was my secondary suspect. He had something at least slightly redeeming about him while I have nothing on Juice. In my (limited) experience, I've seen scum people primarily A: post as little as possible to stay under the radar or B: make several posts, often long ones, without really saying much. Blaine did answer some questions in a couple posts, so yea, I'm gonna acknowledge that. Still doesn't mean I trust him though.
You’ve changed again. Before you said that Blaine and Juice were on the same level of suspicion.

I'm confident that at least one of the Blaine and Juice are scum. I've indicated multiple times in the last 3.5 hours or so that they're my two red flags. From where I'm at right now, I don't necessarily feel like one of them is significantly more scummy than the other, so I'm cool with getting rid of either of them.
300 posts and we've still got about 17 hours to go in D1 :banderas:
Between this and the Nile being 7k, I clearly just generate activity you’re welcome. XD
I’m not taking heat off of him and putting it on myself if we’re both scum, am I?

I’d be trying to divert it elsewhere to get a mislynch and not contemplate voting Tommy myself. Because if I was mafia and did flip that, you’d all just go straight to Tommy as my actions led you away from him.
If Tommy was the GF, I could see you doing that exact play.

Can you prove otherwise?
Oh what the fuck, Man. Don’t tell me it’s the two people I talk to the most in this game! Come on
my skim read really wasn't that useful. not really any 'gotcha moments' - but at this point Blaine is the only person I'd consider voting for.
….Feel like people skimmed past this post. Huh. Don’t particularly like it ngl, especially the no supposed reaction to Tommy targeting them. Strange.

Well I’m clearly not as good a mafia player as you assume me to be, because I was just after clarification on what the count was on.
Man, I’ve been on both sides of mafia with you. You’re good lol
@Jango Fett what about Blaines play have you disliked so much to the point he would be your only choice at this point?
Oop there it is. Someone’s mentioned it.

CM Punks a bastard and I hate that he just has an entire show to himself just because Tony Khan doesn’t want to be a authority figure I guess.

Alright, between calls before my last one. Sky, question for you. I do think your approach to finding scum comes from a genuine place, but I’m also 1000% sure if my villager role. Is there anything (from your perspective) that I could do at this point to change your stance on me, or in your eyes am I “doomed” as you said earlier?

Jeff, same question. For the record, you’re the first person to call me “Thomas” since this 80 year old teacher I had in the sixth grade, and I swear to god, it still kinda scares me lol

If you are mafia, I’m calling you Thomas Bedlam every day and you can’t do anything about it.
I suspect Blaine and Juice
I know Sky is pushing a mislynch, so I have no way to know her motives. Gip was quick to jump on the mislynch of me after Sky started that train. Equity? Maybe.
Have no thoughts on Pein since he’s barely posted.
can’t read Craig to save my life. Never have been able to and I suspect I probably won’t get it down today.
I acknowledged early that I was leaning town on you, and I haven’t really changed on that. You’re at least open to not offing a villager on day 1.
Pendex made some good points on Sky, but he’s not here now. If Sky gets her wish and I’m killed, pendex will likely look pretty good because Sky is the primary voice behind my mislynch.

you may be playing me too, but at this point, I don’t think you are.
I’m perfectly fine with that, Tommy and I’ll stand by it. To me right now Juice is not the option that benefits town the most, you on the other hand, I think you’ve really put yourself in a box here. And I already had suspicion on you before this so.

Official Vote: Tommy
Posted at 6:11pm my time.
Vote Tommy

Whether or not he and Blaine are together, Tommy looks terrible.
5:08pm and three pages before my vote.

vote tommy
5:06pm and 4 posts behind Sky. Not accusing either but I’m finding it interesting that by your logic Sky has more evidence in following CP than me following Sky. You keep trying to bring me up and I don’t quite get it.

Just vote Tommy out next after I flip and then one of CP/Sky/Jeff going to be mafia too.

Then Gipper just for a laugh.

I'm a bit lost here - some of the level of certainty beng peddled just doesn't match up with the evidence in the thread?

Mando - I'm not happy with your attempts to qualify your early post regarding me. Your logic last time was, my reasoning was sloppy, so I looked like I had an agenda (which of course, I did). I don't agree at all that my reasoning was tenuous this game, and more to the point I feel like I've put enough on tape to get some sort of read on - I'd like you to make one on me.

Otherwise, I don't have a huge issue with Mando's posting. The main point, that being him awkwardly voting around Tommy, only really holds up if Tommy is scum (and even then I don't think it's a slam dunk, but it would be of note). Sky, you in particular, I have no idea why you'd be willing to concede a Tommy lynch today when the main crux of your Mando case relies on him being scum with Tommy - even if you're convinced on Tommy, and I don't see why you would be, that only further supports you always voting Tommy off first. Phrased another way, if Tommy flips town, what does that do for your read on Mando?

You haven't considered this angle at all, and I think it's because you're just looking for plausible lynch. I'm going to insist on a Sky lynch - I see no reason for any townie to pivot from their case whch they are apparently a miracle away from moving off of, to another player tht only works as scum (as far as the argument against them goes) if the former is definitely scum. We only have 2 lynches to work with, I expect - why would you be careless with them?
We haven’t met yet, hi I’m Gip just wanted to say big fan of most of your posts so far.
I mean you didnt vote for each other until you were both under suspicion, come on now sir!
Ever feel like Mafia is just one big circle?

Blaine and Sky - seems like plausible team
I can see the logic there to a extent.
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Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
You’ve changed again. Before you said that Blaine and Juice were on the same level of suspicion.
They’re 1A and 1B for me. I’m not totally sold on them both not being scum.

Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
I’ll tell ya what Gip. If you’re right, you can call me Thomas every day for forever. If you’re wrong, I post your favorite picture of yourself


Apr 17, 2019
Reaction score
The Impact Zone, Scotland
Favorite Wrestler
Me: Flip me and you'll see. Town Tommy is shitty Tommy, and apparently I've played like drizzling shit.
Jeff: I've talked about it.
Pen: Seems open to not jumping on the mislynch that Sky is pushing and would rather push the person pushing the mislynch.

Pein: Not enough content for me to know anything.
CP: Possibly a bit closer to town-side of null, but I'm I've resigned myself to never being able to get a good read on him.

Blaine: I've talked this to death, but there's no traction
Juice: See above.

Sky: Really may be trying to be genuine, but knowing what I know, I have to suspect that she's trying to push a mislynch. If she's also wrong on Mando, she's setting up to take out 3 townies in the first 3 phases.
Gip: Didn't have problems with my play, and then was super eager to follow Sky. Possibly equity there?
Man: Outside of not liking the timing of his hesitancy to vote me, he hadn't done a lot to spook me. I've publicly conceded that this wasn't my first choice, but I'm hoping to live another day.
Giving a town read because they're sussing someone who susses you.... is this OMGUS by proxy

Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Giving a town read because they're sussing someone who susses you.... is this OMGUS by proxy
Nah. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're wrong. Why wouldn't I question your motives? I have no reason to assume you're being genuine because there's a 0% chance of you being right. If someone doesn't go along with you and instead sees something scummy in you, that's some merit.


Apr 17, 2019
Reaction score
The Impact Zone, Scotland
Favorite Wrestler
Nah. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you're wrong. Why wouldn't I question your motives? I have no reason to assume you're being genuine because there's a 0% chance of you being right. If someone doesn't go along with you and instead sees something scummy in you, that's some merit.
So a town player can never be wrong. Good to know. Therefore, Jeff isn't town because he also definitely does not town read you

Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Jeff is also not blindly committed to what I know is going to be proven to be a mislynch. I never said town can't be wrong. But when town is proven wrong, it looks questionable for the townie who pushed the hardest for the mislynch. You're going to push a mislynch on me either today or tomorrow, and you'll probably get it through. At that point, you will be wrong. People would be naïve not to question your motives for being so dedicated to offing a boring villager like me.


Apr 17, 2019
Reaction score
The Impact Zone, Scotland
Favorite Wrestler
Jeff is also not blindly committed to what I know is going to be proven to be a mislynch. I never said town can't be wrong. But when town is proven wrong, it looks questionable for the townie who pushed the hardest for the mislynch. You're going to push a mislynch on me either today or tomorrow, and you'll probably get it through. At that point, you will be wrong. People would be naïve not to question your motives for being so dedicated to offing a boring villager like me.
That still says nothing about why you read me scum other than the fact that I read you scum

Tommy Bedlam

E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
I have to question your motives when you're trying to push what I know is a mislynch. That's why I didn't make you the darkest shade of red. Questioning motives and refusing to consider that you're wrong either means that A) you're genuinely completely given to an idea that I can fully guarantee is wrong or B) you want to push a mislynch. Why would I just blindly assume that you're being genuine? I voted Juice, you didn't like it. I voted Blaine, you didn't like it. I voted Man, you didn't like it. When asked if there was anything that would change your mind, you said no. Why would I just say, "You know what, she means well" when I am fully guaranteed that you're trying to take out a member of the village?


Dec 3, 2020
Reaction score
Okey dokey.

Well, I had two suspects. I voted one, and that’s apparently a bad thing, so I walked it back and voted the other, which is apparently equally as bad. I’m gonna get lynched for it, which is fine. This is also why I said (I think in the Christmas game) that I hate playing as town.
I've slightly seen it touched on but this really isn't a positive reason. You backtracked near immediately when people didn't like your Juice vote, without any substantual reasoning and with no tight.