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Great One

From the looks of the PMs you sent to Jasmine and the stuff at the beginning of the thread that you posted.
There was much more complicated, Blue bullshit to it, trust me.

OH, you meant if he really was Darnell Wright? Well, I honestly never thought about that because I knew for a fact he wasn't. He wouldn't have proved us wrong.
Just a hypothetical situation to merit it was the #1 cause for his perm ban, dunno, maybe get other admins opinions on it?

No, there's a difference in attempting to prove wrong and disagreeing. TDK most of the time made no steps to attempt to prove us wrong. He just said we were wrong. that's disagreement.
Yeah, I was referring to those multiple occassions where he did attempt to prove you wrong though, trust me they exist.

And I'm saying despite the fact that it has been said and I can back it up that that's not true, you still believe it. That's a conspiracy theory.
Ok, I see where you're coming from more with the 'conspiracy' deal. I just never thought to really apply that term to a situation like this where it really doesn't hold very meaningful.. I mean I would just say it's a case of someone not admitting they're wrong in this situation. Like I said, maybe get other admin's opinions on this..?

I'm sorta fucked up right now, I should probably sleep or somethin.


Mar 31, 2007
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Alright thats it.

This is the final straw, I used to be behind Blaze but this thread proves how big of a fucking idiot he is. He just would not shut the hell up. I officially have joined the Blaze is fucking stupid side.

So Blaze

You are fucking stupid

★Chuck Zombie★

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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St. Bernard/Cincinnati, Ohio
G1 said:
There was much more complicated, Blue bullshit to it, trust me.
OK. If you feel the situation should be reversed, we won't hold it against you if you want to make a case. And if we find that they provoked you and you acted somewhat justified, we'll reverse it..

G1 said:
Just a hypothetical situation to merit it was the #1 cause for his perm ban, dunno, maybe get other admins opinions on it?
Well, This Guy banned him in the first place, and it was for a post that was insulting him after TG told him to stop being disrespectful. Famou$ admitted that he knew that was why he had been banned.

Famou$ said:
This Guy your a 30 year old guy working at a game store talking about owning people on a wrestling forum. Please turn the computer off & go play with your child. Also Chess i'll try to tune in next time the show is on.
That was the post he got infracted for that resulted in his ban.

Famou$ said:
I understand why I was banned I would like to personally say sorry to This Guy. I was just pretty much having a bad night that night & didn't wanna hear bullshit. See my sister is in the hospital after she had a baby the doctors found a tumor on her brain & she is in very bad condition. But that still don't make up for what I did I understand. I just would like to know how long I will be banned for?

That was the first post in his ban appeal.


Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score
lmao that has to be the biggest crock of shit excuse for being an asshole I have ever read


What the fuck is this faggotry. Stop fucking crying over a forum. So fucking going wah wah wah i'm not respected people bash my opinion wah wah wah. Shut the fuck up. Seriously. You sound like a little motherfucker. Maybe if you shut up and stopped whining, people wouldn't give you so much shit. But no, you act like a fucking tard and give people reason to give you shit.

Smarten the fuck up and toughen the fuck up at the same time.

Great One

I don't think I could provide you any useable proof of justification of actions. It's just stupid ass, dramatic shit that never needs to be referred to again. I mean it would just be me finding old logs or something dumb to show how it 'emotionally provoked' me. Doesn't that sound Blue to you?

Yeah, I definitely remember how he got banned initially, but the emphasis was on the permanent part of the ban.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
no you no what fuck it. I can't state my opinion and be respected around here. I'll still read around and post in a few threads like about what I'm listening to and the babe section where you don't post an opinion but other then that I'm done posting...


Seriously Blaze, you are a mother fucking hypocrite. You are officially a waste of air, space and time. You tell everyone else that they need to shut up during arguments, such as Stinger and I. But when it comes time for YOU to SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH you refuse to do so.

And don't come back with your god damned bullshit about "its a different situation" FUCK YOU. You're a good for nothing fucking piece of shit hypocrite, and a worthless fucking member of this forum, and an even more worthless fucking partial birth aborted fetus that somehow found its way out of its soiled clothes and crawled your ass into a dumpster and fed yourself until you became a teenager. It was an AMAZING feat in itself that you somehow found the life skill to type on a computer *however horribly* and your arguments, your logic and your opinions all reflect the fact that you are simply a living breathing steaming pile of grade a horse shit.

If I knew it were possible, I would start a petition and pass it around for the members of IWF to sign in order to get you perma banned from the site. Because its fucking obvious the ONLY reason that you're still aroun is that Monkeystyle enjoys the fact that you make everyone's life here miserable with your mindless, stupid, idiotic, moronic, brain dead, mentally Blue, dyslexic, eroded, defecated, inebriated, and inbred redneck emo BULLSHIT.

So if there is a way I can get this shit banned, somebody please PM me the details, because he contributes NOTHING to the forum, only stirs up MORE SHIT than we need, and can't cultivate an intelligent argument to save his life! If we can ban shitheads like Ironman for no other reason than being incapable of making an intelligent post, then fucking damnit Blaze is a LONG FUCKING TIME overdue for a banhammer.



Seriously Blaze, you are a mother fucking hypocrite. You are officially a waste of air, space and time. You tell everyone else that they need to shut up during arguments, such as Stinger and I. But when it comes time for YOU to SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH you refuse to do so.

And don't come back with your god damned bullshit about "its a different situation" FUCK YOU. You're a good for nothing fucking piece of shit hypocrite, and a worthless fucking member of this forum, and an even more worthless fucking partial birth aborted fetus that somehow found its way out of its soiled clothes and crawled your ass into a dumpster and fed yourself until you became a teenager. It was an AMAZING feat in itself that you somehow found the life skill to type on a computer *however horribly* and your arguments, your logic and your opinions all reflect the fact that you are simply a living breathing steaming pile of grade a horse shit.

If I knew it were possible, I would start a petition and pass it around for the members of IWF to sign in order to get you perma banned from the site. Because its fucking obvious the ONLY reason that you're still aroun is that Monkeystyle enjoys the fact that you make everyone's life here miserable with your mindless, stupid, idiotic, moronic, brain dead, mentally Blue, dyslexic, eroded, defecated, inebriated, and inbred redneck emo BULLSHIT.

So if there is a way I can get this shit banned, somebody please PM me the details, because he contributes NOTHING to the forum, only stirs up MORE SHIT than we need, and can't cultivate an intelligent argument to save his life! If we can ban shitheads like Ironman for no other reason than being incapable of making an intelligent post, then fucking damnit Blaze is a LONG FUCKING TIME overdue for a banhammer.

Now THAT was epic.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 10 (10 members and 0 guests)
THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps*, Kizza, Blaze, The Quintastic One, SterlISgod, Great One, StingerV47, Macon X, KnicKy

Jesus fucking Christ.


Mar 31, 2007
Reaction score

Seriously Blaze, you are a mother fucking hypocrite. You are officially a waste of air, space and time. You tell everyone else that they need to shut up during arguments, such as Stinger and I. But when it comes time for YOU to SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH you refuse to do so.

And don't come back with your god damned bullshit about "its a different situation" FUCK YOU. You're a good for nothing fucking piece of shit hypocrite, and a worthless fucking member of this forum, and an even more worthless fucking partial birth aborted fetus that somehow found its way out of its soiled clothes and crawled your ass into a dumpster and fed yourself until you became a teenager. It was an AMAZING feat in itself that you somehow found the life skill to type on a computer *however horribly* and your arguments, your logic and your opinions all reflect the fact that you are simply a living breathing steaming pile of grade a horse shit.

If I knew it were possible, I would start a petition and pass it around for the members of IWF to sign in order to get you perma banned from the site. Because its fucking obvious the ONLY reason that you're still aroun is that Monkeystyle enjoys the fact that you make everyone's life here miserable with your mindless, stupid, idiotic, moronic, brain dead, mentally Blue, dyslexic, eroded, defecated, inebriated, and inbred redneck emo BULLSHIT.

So if there is a way I can get this shit banned, somebody please PM me the details, because he contributes NOTHING to the forum, only stirs up MORE SHIT than we need, and can't cultivate an intelligent argument to save his life! If we can ban shitheads like Ironman for no other reason than being incapable of making an intelligent post, then fucking damnit Blaze is a LONG FUCKING TIME overdue for a banhammer.

I hate to say it, but this post makes way to much sence. Blaze, read this and think about it as a rational human being once
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