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Hometown Kid

James do you brag to all of your real life friends about how you're a mod on this forum? Do you consider yourself a public servant and saint for being a mod? Seriously.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps



James do you brag to all of your real life friends about how you're a mod on this forum?

Yes. They treat me as a God for being a mod too.

Do you consider yourself a public servant and saint for being a mod?

I was a saint well before I became a mod, darling.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Are these friends imaginary? >_>

Nah, I don't make up friends and give them fake names that I found in a supermarket catalogue like Melon. :shifty:

I was being serious you assclown. :mad:

So was I, sweetcheeks.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

:laugh: Jordan saw her on my Facebook so that's not how it happened. >_> And so how do you give your imaginary friends fake names then if that's not how? :shifty:

Making fake facebooks, eh? >_> I don't need a system since I don't need imaginary friends, sweetheart. :eek:

Beer Money Army

do you think Bryan danielson should move into WWE?

is the thrust a must?

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

do you think Bryan danielson should move into WWE?

I think it could work for him. He'd probably get pushed since Michaels trained him, and I think they must like him since he won his dark match last year. It's worth a go, and if it doesn't work out he can go to Japan. I just hope he doesn't do MMA. :smh

is the thrust a must?

If you're addicted to love and have shoulders like boulders. :shifty:


What's better, the ring skill of El Generico or his ridiculous overselling of moves.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Not a question unless it ends in a question mark imo.