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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Have you ever eaten meat?

You can beat my meat.

I think it was you who said Undertaker Vs HBK was overrated, what would you rate their Wrestlemania match?

**1/2 - ***

Who are your favourite 3 guys in ROH at the moment? (Jimmy Jacobs and two others I am guessing.)

Jimmy fucking Jacobs, Roddy Strong and Kenny Omega.

Would you be pissed off if I got a Randy Orton GIF nearly as epic as your current one?

If you have it, it's not epic. :eek:

Are you jealous me and seX are having an EWR battle? I'm CHIKARA and he's ROH.

You're sleeping on the couch tonight.

Hometown Kid

What's an EWR "battle"? Is it like Pokemon but with wrestlers? >_>

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Aww, where does that leave me?

seXy time~!@@@@@

What's an EWR "battle"? Is it like Pokemon but with wrestlers? >_>

COmpete to see who gets their PI higher the fastest.

Evil Austin

What did you think of the recent draft results? were you happy with how it went down like ECW only getting one draft pick (Kozlov).

Are you happy that Jericho and Edge are in the same brand? I think that could make a great feud with Jericho being the face a few months down the road.

Do you think it was stupid for them to draft Miz while leaving Morrison down the ECW / Smackdown roster unless he is getting pushed over there while Miz is being pushed on Raw.

Your sig is hillarious by the way


What's an EWR "battle"? Is it like Pokemon but with wrestlers? >_>

Yes, I go I CHOOSE YOU, and Mike Quackenbush appears from a CHIKARAball, and then seX choses who he wants, and he comes from a ROHball, and then they have a rasslin match and the one who dies/faints first is the loser.



THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

What did you think of the recent draft results? were you happy with how it went down like ECW only getting one draft pick (Kozlov).

Are you happy that Jericho and Edge are in the same brand? I think that could make a great feud with Jericho being the face a few months down the road.

Do you think it was stupid for them to draft Miz while leaving Morrison down the ECW / Smackdown roster unless he is getting pushed over there while Miz is being pushed on Raw.

The draft as a whole pissed me off, because I've got tickets for a RAW house show later this year, and some of the guys I wanted to see have been taken from RAW, while others I don't give a flying fuck about have been put on there.

I really wanted to see Jericho, but now he's gone to SmackDown! I'd never seen Jericho before. I saw Punk last year but I would've loved to have seen him again. Then we get The Miz on RAW instead of John Morrison? Ghey. I don't care about Triple H or Big Show either. AND NOW I DON'T GET TO SEE THE BEST ENTRANCE EVER LIVE! NO SPLITS! Fuck you, WWE. Maryse is hot, but Melina's entrance is fucking amazing. I don't approve of that move.

The only good thing was that MVP went to RAW. Wewt, I get to see MVP again.

As far as ECW goes, I'm sure they'll have a few more trades in the spplemental draft where they move the people that they think no one cares about. I'm pretty sure we'll get Regal and TBK on ECW in theend, which would be two solid additions. I hope Morrison moves to SD now (he an't move to the same show as Miz), because he's too good for ECW.


What did you think of the recent draft results? were you happy with how it went down like ECW only getting one draft pick (Kozlov).

Are you happy that Jericho and Edge are in the same brand? I think that could make a great feud with Jericho being the face a few months down the road.

Do you think it was stupid for them to draft Miz while leaving Morrison down the ECW / Smackdown roster unless he is getting pushed over there while Miz is being pushed on Raw.

The draft as a whole pissed me off, because I've got tickets for a RAW house show later this year, and some of the guys I wanted to see have been taken from RAW, while others I don't give a flying fuck about have been put on there.

I really wanted to see Jericho, but now he's gone to SmackDown! I'd never seen Jericho before. I saw Punk last year but I would've loved to have seen him again. Then we get The Miz on RAW instead of John Morrison? Ghey. I don't care about Triple H or Big Show either. AND NOW I DON'T GET TO SEE THE BEST ENTRANCE EVER LIVE! NO SPLITS! Fuck you, WWE. Maryse is hot, but Melina's entrance is fucking amazing. I don't approve of that move.

The only good thing was that MVP went to RAW. Wewt, I get to see MVP again.

As far as ECW goes, I'm sure they'll have a few more trades in the spplemental draft where they move the people that they think no one cares about. I'm pretty sure we'll get Regal and TBK on ECW in theend, which would be two solid additions. I hope Morrison moves to SD now (he an't move to the same show as Miz), because he's too good for ECW.

I call owned.




The draft as a whole pissed me off, because I've got tickets for a RAW house show later this year, and some of the guys I wanted to see have been taken from RAW, while others I don't give a flying fuck about have been put on there.

You mean when they're coming out in early July? I think they're coming to Sydney on my birthday!

this bolding sucks, btw, you must be a fag

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

You mean when they're coming out in early July? I think they're coming to Sydney on my birthday!

this bolding sucks, btw, you must be a fag

Nah you suck and that makes you a fag. >_>

And yush, that's what I mean.