The troops are just wasting our money. They are just there to finish shit for a while now. They should have been back by now if that is ever gonna happen. Our money is keeping them in the war through our taxes. And they are also the reason why gas prices are up so high. If Obama can make Clinton back out & want to be his co-president than he must be doing something right. McCain will lose just like Clinton did. If you think about it dumb white people vote for McCain & smart people in general vote for Obama. Obama is dat smurf & will make a change & make progress happen.
random example of american hypocricy:
a black person(or supposedly black) will vote Obama because he is black.
he absolutely does not know a shit of what Obama will do.
and according to the news, the majority of black people will do so.
reaction:''obviously... where is the problem in this?''
El jew magnifico said:And racism exists. The Daily Show just did a thing in South Florida with elderly jews (dont you dare give me shit for this) and who they would vote for. Most of them said they would NOT vote for the black man and his middle name is Hussein so they wouldnt vote for him. Thats why theyre voting for the republican, christian white man. I mean, thats how life and politics is going to work.
Chuck Zombie said:That's why democracy sucks!
now white people may vote McCain because he is white.
this is in general, not only referred to the posts.