Anti Obama Thread

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Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
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The troops are just wasting our money. They are just there to finish shit for a while now. They should have been back by now if that is ever gonna happen. Our money is keeping them in the war through our taxes. And they are also the reason why gas prices are up so high. If Obama can make Clinton back out & want to be his co-president than he must be doing something right. McCain will lose just like Clinton did. If you think about it dumb white people vote for McCain & smart people in general vote for Obama. Obama is dat smurf & will make a change & make progress happen.

random example of american hypocricy:
a black person(or supposedly black) will vote Obama because he is black.
he absolutely does not know a shit of what Obama will do.

and according to the news, the majority of black people will do so.

reaction:''obviously... where is the problem in this?''
El jew magnifico said:
And racism exists. The Daily Show just did a thing in South Florida with elderly jews (dont you dare give me shit for this) and who they would vote for. Most of them said they would NOT vote for the black man and his middle name is Hussein so they wouldnt vote for him. Thats why theyre voting for the republican, christian white man. I mean, thats how life and politics is going to work.
Chuck Zombie said:
That's why democracy sucks!

now white people may vote McCain because he is white.

this is in general, not only referred to the posts.


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Mar 9, 2007
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I guess i will get back to seriousness if i have to. So are you essentially saying that Iraq will never be able to defend itself? Because as far as i know that's what we're still there for, because the Iraqi military still isn't capable of keeping out Al Qaeda by itself. If you want to release Iraq to the wolves unprotected then that's essentially killing many more innocents when we could have done something to prevent that. Yeah we've had innocents killed in Iraq, but that's mostly by accident. Al Qaeda will be killing innocents on purpose just to scare the country back into a single totalitarian regime.

I would rather Iraq be able to defend itself freely and THEN choose to be our enemy by free will, rather than we leave prematurely, have the terrorists take over and have them be our enemy by force.

Im saying they can defend themselves right now. Bush and his cronies have been saying how great it is, the Iraqis say its going so great THEY WANT US OUT. But now, "no no no, we cant leave, you arent ready" its complete bullshit.

Quintastic One

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Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
i'd laugh so hard at that.then you'll wake up one day, find out that New York, Washington and Los Angeles have been nuked, and you'll know you deserved it

New York has already technically been nuked seven years ago, that's reason enough for me to want to do the same to them if i wanted to truly believe that. But the ":p" i put there as well as the later comment of how i am so going to hell should have been plenty of evidence that i wasn't serious.

What i was trying to do was lighten up the atmosphere of the argument, because us getting blue in the face over this isn't going to change anybodies mind. But i still haven't heard any other reason beyond Bush why we apparently deserve to be bombed on 9/11 without being expected to fight back. I mean honestly, you say our American media is crappy and unreliable, but then you use an American media statistic stating who's going to vote for who and use that to base your opinion on how ignorant America is? So which is it? Can we trust what the American Media says and believe that all Americans are idiots? Or is our information false and unreliable to be used for quotation? Sounds to me your using a double standard for you argument.

Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
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New York has already technically been nuked seven years ago, that's reason enough for me to want to do the same to them if i wanted to truly believe that. But the ":p" i put there as well as the later comment of how i am so going to hell should have been plenty of evidence that i wasn't serious.
i know you were not serious. i wasn't too kinda...
and nah New York wasn't even close to be ''nuked'', when the its entire population is dead you can say that.:laugh:
What i was trying to do was lighten up the atmosphere of the argument, because us getting blue in the face over this isn't going to change anybodies mind. But i still haven't heard any other reason beyond Bush why we apparently deserve to be bombed on 9/11 without being expected to fight back. I mean honestly, you say our American media is crappy and unreliable, but then you use an American media statistic stating who's going to vote for who and use that to base your opinion on how ignorant America is? So which is it? Can we trust what the American Media says and believe that all Americans are idiots? Or is our information false and unreliable to be used for quotation? Sounds to me your using a double standard for you argument.
statistics are made on numbers, you can't fake numbers.
example: there r 1000 chinks in a city, 90% of them will vote candidate A, 10% will vote candidate B.can you faked that? no,unless you give completely wrong informations, and risk trial for that.

other informations can be faked,without saying wrong things.
simple example:- newspaper 1 says: country A attacks country B because they want to control the country B A looks the bad one in this case
-newspaper 2 says:country A attacked country B, because country B killed some 1000 people,country A now controls country B resources as B is now on the bad side.
who's saying the truth?

that's what media do all the time,(not only americans, but you'll agree they manipulate news a lot) they simply omit part of the news to pursue their own interest.
picking the side and believe to their lies,because everybody lie anyways, it's up to you. yet a basical understanding of what is obviously fake and what is not depends on your logic ability.

also, if in a country white people can't vote for the white guy because he is white(lame reason but well..), without being accused of racism, and instead, and black people can vote for the black guy simply because he is black,the country is seriously Blue.
my point is, black people should fucking stop hiding behind the racism excuse, see OJ Simpson bullcrap trial as another example.


If you vote for either just because of there color like The Italian Outsider said people are doing. Then you just a dumb fuck. The reason I'm voting for Obama is plain and simple. We should not be fighting over sea's when we have to many fucking problems ourselves.

Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
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If you vote for either just because of there color like The Italian Outsider said people are doing. Then you just a dumb fuck. The reason I'm voting for Obama is plain and simple. We should not be fighting over sea's when we have to many fucking problems ourselves.
see Famou$187 and some million of black( and white) people

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Well with Statistics, it's always open to error, like the exact percentage of people who voted for whoever. But yeah, Media in general only shows what they want to show, which is the leading cause of arguments just like the one we had. One side is getting this information, while the other is hearing something totally different, so neither of us understand each other's point of view.

I'm probably not even voting in 2008, no candidate is truly worth a damn. And i'm sick of having to deal with the lesser of two evils. If no political party can really muster up a true candidate of the people then i won't bother trying either.

But we all know that Obama won't win it. If he does, he's being assassinated on day 1, guaranteed.

Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Well with Statistics, it's always open to error, like the exact percentage of people who voted for whoever.
errors are rare exceptions, you can find rare exceptions in everything.
what i mean is, generally once published they are accurate enough.
But yeah, Media in general only shows what they want to show, which is the leading cause of arguments just like the one we had. One side is getting this information, while the other is hearing something totally different, so neither of us understand each other's point of view.
what i was saying... :laugh:
I'm probably not even voting in 2008, no candidate is truly worth a damn. And i'm sick of having to deal with the lesser of two evils. If no political party can really muster up a true candidate of the people then i won't bother trying either.
i voted twice in my life, the first time i trashed the card cuz i felt there were nobody worthy.
But we all know that Obama won't win it. If he does, he's being assassinated on day 1, guaranteed.
actually i think Obama will win. the hilarious thing is that i was saying to my friend the other day, when Obama wins they'll kill him.USA background groups rule everything,unless he is part of them, he is the next JFK.


Well with Statistics, it's always open to error, like the exact percentage of people who voted for whoever. But yeah, Media in general only shows what they want to show, which is the leading cause of arguments just like the one we had. One side is getting this information, while the other is hearing something totally different, so neither of us understand each other's point of view.

I'm probably not even voting in 2008, no candidate is truly worth a damn. And i'm sick of having to deal with the lesser of two evils. If no political party can really muster up a true candidate of the people then i won't bother trying either.

But we all know that Obama won't win it. If he does, he's being assassinated on day 1, guaranteed.

If Hillary would've beaten Obama, she would've been our next President....and for the assassination...we can only hope so...


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
It's not so much that they arn't on our side is the problem, it's the fact that Al Qaeda and the Taliban want us dead, and have taken measures into their own hands on multiple occasions (9/11, the train bombings in Europe) to kill people with freedom.

First of all this is a war of ideologies and religion. Simply breaking it down to 'freedom' is far too simplistic for this topic.

Second, the Taliban and Al Qaeda were strong in Afghanistan, not Iraq. You started in Afghanistan, and I understood that. They were the government. But it has been shown that the Iraqi government had no dealings with the two. Iraq was a vendetta, and a little bit of armed robbery writ large.

We let Iraq go now, its a virtual guarantee that Al Qaeda will take Iraq. It may have been Afghanistan that bombed us in the first place, but Iraq was still aligned with the Taliban under Saddam, and will do so again if we give in.

If that happens, its your fault. You have to understand that Saddam was Muslim in name only. I believe that according to the religion, he would be considered an apostate, but it was convienient for him to appear Muslim, so if Al Qaeda, being a religious organization, entered Iraq after you left, it would be your countries fault. Saddam wanted nothing to do with them.

Unless of course, you're one of those psycho liberals who actually believe that Bush was the one who orchestrated 9/11, which if that were the case i would have to say good bye to this topic due to the fact is someone has the audacity to actually believe that propaganda i don't want to be debating with them in the first place.

No, I don't buy the Reichstag theory. I believe in a little twist on it actually. Osama did orchestrate the attacks, but I'll be damned if your Government didn't exploit the shit out of it afterwards for their own ends.