I think the thing that would really help Tony here personally, professionally and publicly. Is he can stand by his I don’t release wrestlers mission statement that makes him look like the good guy when a wrestler specifically wants to be there or wants to get paid to sit at home. Like I’m sure a lot of those wrestlers that hadn’t worked in a year that were getting paid to sit at home. Loved getting a free paycheck. Not saying you have to be like WWE and fire those people at all. However, if you have a disgruntled employee that specifically, you see on Twitter is calling you out on your name and is very clearly giving you vibes that they rather go back to HHH. Just let them. Specially when you just hired Will Osprey and presumably getting Okada and you’re getting in Sasha Banks, and what have you. Just let the two or three people that don’t want to be there. Go back to WWE. It’s not gonna hurt you. It’s not gonna hurt morale if anything it makes you look better in the public guy because you’re not holding people to their contract which by the way I’m not even saying is a bad thing because I’ll die on the hill that people sign contracts of their own free will so I don’t necessarily think it’s like evil if he keeps them in AEW. I just think if you let Miro go it’ll just save everybody a headache.