The medias reaction to Marshawn is disgusting. So many fuck boy tweets. I'm glad I decided to bail on my plan of becoming a sports journalist. I don't think I could deal with fucking dipshits like this:
I feel bad even linking to his twitter, since he is obviously an attention whore using this HOT TAKE to get page views.
This is certainly my pro wrestling analyst side coming out here on this, so bear with me on THIS conspiracy theory...
There's no such thing as bad publicity. Especially here in the internet age, the more people hear about you, the more interested they are in you. The NFL has barely made a peep about the "Deflategate" scandal because if they actually levy some punishment against the Pats, then it kills a major talking point going into the Super Bowl and kills a story they can use for some NFL Network coverage later on.
As for Marshawn? Every bit of publicity this stupid shit gets helps his brand, it sells a bunch of hats and jerseys and other cool stuff online. That's why he keeps doing it. The outrage causes a lot more clicks and page views than actual game analysis would, so they keep feeding the monster... and not to make you feel guiltier, but take for instance this fucktard you retweeted just got himself noticed by a few more people. And you wonder why the media keeps harping up his ass.
The one sports Twitter account I actively follow (@sportssourcetv, a local show) put it perfectly.
"Question: If Marshawn Lynch is a 5-yr-old, why doesn't the media put him in time out. Every question is exposure for his brand. Cut him off."
"See how many "Beast Mode" hats Lynch can sell if no one puts him on TV repeating the same answer. He wants pub on his terms; cut him off."
"Instead the media creates some sort of anti-hero out of the guy. If the story is that there is no story... THERE IS NO STORY."
Exactly. Marshawn Lynch, football's greatest anti-hero, standing defiantly against the evil NFL.