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  1. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    People always give up doing this including me, maybe if everyone was going to give it a serious go then it is worth doing it again. otherwise no point
  2. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: Daisuke Harada(c) vs Hajime Ohara vs Zack Sabre Jr Promotion:Noah Rating: 4 Comment: Fun three way dance match for the GHC JR title, some nice little spots and some great near falls and interactions between Harada and Sabre, all three guys got time to shine to deliver a great contest...
  3. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: KENTA vs Tyler Black Promotion: ROH Event: End of an Age Rating: **** 1/2 Review: With theses two incredible athletes you are going to get one hell of a match. Great spot where Black is running and goes for a boot and KENTA grabs his leg and applies the STF and then as Black is about to...
  4. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: Eddie Edwards vs Kyle O' Reilly Promotion: ROH Event: Reclamation Night ONE Rating: ***3/4 Review= Very enjoyable contest between theses two, Nice technical affair mixed with some brutal strikes. Maybe a bit too long and the finish came out of nowhere. Eddie Hits a awesome top rope...
  5. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: Dojo Bros vs Young Bucks Promotion: PWG Event: Mystery Vortex 2012 Rating: 4 Review= It took a while to hit top gear but when it did it was a exciting contest, there was a great spot when Strong was going for Nick and nick dodged and pulled down the ropes as Strong went out and Matt...
  6. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Yeah I have seen this a while back, I like Fujita a lot. Is this your first time seeing him?
  7. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Feel free to do this, Don't think Stop will mind.
  8. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    NJPW INVASION ATTACK 2014: Match: IWGP Jr Tag Titles- Kota Ibushi and El Desperado vs Young Bucks(c) Rating: **** Review: Good opening contest to get the crowd going. You know what to expect from these guys, fast paced action and lots of cool spots. Bucks had the control of the match at...
  9. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: IWGP jr title match- Nick Jackon vs Kota Ibushi (c) Promotion: NJPW Event: Road To Invasion Attack Day 2 Rating: 3 Review: Match starts off with chain wrestling and some decent exchanges, then pretty much evolves into a handicap match as Matt Jackson gets involved while the ref just...
  10. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji vs Bryan Danielson & Samoa Joe Promotion: ROH Event: BITW 2006 Rating: 4.5 Review: This was a intense hard hitting encounter, KENTA is just a dickhead in this match trying to prove he can go toe to toe with someone bigger and stronger in Joe. KENTA is only...
  11. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: Go Shiozaki vs Katsuhiko Nakajima Promotion: K-Office Date :20.06.2010 Rating: 3.5 Review: This was a pretty good encounter from these two, starts off with them ducking each others strikes after the initial tie up. There was some good counters such as Shiozaki catching Nakajimas leg and...
  12. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: Blitzkrieg vs Rey Mysterio Promotion: WCW Date/Event: 02/08/99 Nitro Rating: 3 Review: Impressive outing for Blitzkrieg in his debut match. Lots of fast paced action as you expect and some good exchanges in this competitive match. Pop Tart Match Count: 28
  13. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: TV Title-Dean Malenko vs Eddie Guerrero(c) Promotion: ECW Event: Hostile City Showdown Rating: 4.5 Review: Just a real great technical match from two masters of it, some really good sequences,submissions and counters on display. Crowd was a bit shit at times in this but they did show...
  14. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: Fatal 4 way to determine number 1 contender-Drake Younger, Chris Hero, Johnny Gargano, and Kyle O'Reilly Promotion: PWG Event: DDT4 2014 Rating: 4.5 Comment: This was a really well executed match, unusually for this type of match pretty much all four guys were in the ring all the time...
  15. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: ACH vs Davey Richards Promotion: ROH Event: The Golden Dream Rating: 4 Review: This was a really good encounter here both work so well together, really nice sequences due to the athletic nature of both guys, really back and forth affair. Good counters on display, ACH got the crowd on his...
  16. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: Jay Lethal vs AJ Styles Promotion: ROH Event: 12th anniversary Rating: 3.3 Comment: Really disappointing contest, not any memorable sequences, lacked intensity and near falls. Finish came abruptly, match needed more time. Pop Tart Match Count: 24
  17. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: The Decade vs Alexander,Page, Briscoe Promotion: ROH Event: 12th anniversary Rating: 3.5 Comment: Pretty entertaining trios match which featured some nice interactions, double team moves and a great spot in the last few minutes with the face team doing dives off the apron to the Decade...
  18. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: Kana vs Meiko satomura Promotion: I am not sure what promotion this is as the information was all in Japanese, did not look like any Joshi promotion I have see before Rating: 4 Review: Hard hitting as fuck, really enjoyed this both have similar styles and were really stiff. Match started...
  19. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Match: Operweight title- Kana vs Arisa Nakajima(c) Promotion: JWP Rating: 3.7 Review: This was a nice little match, Kana dominated Nakajima for a while before the champ got back into it, some lovely submissions and the way they were transitioned into was top notch. Some decent counters. Would...
  20. Pop Tatari

    Official 2014 wrestling challenge

    Just seen the match now and boy did Stong land on his head when he took that styles clash, Styles looked good.