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  1. This is a call ouy

    Oi Baptie, cheers for taking the time to make this thread, mate. Thseseses people ned to be put bakfc in thir palce and stop runing iwf like the indys, these is the big leagues like the wwe or at least thats what it souhld be but thats not how i see it. no i see it like its jstu a big joke to...

    David i aslso vote fore you because you r the things taht you arleady sed.

    Yeah, David now is the time to unveil that you are running for IWF mod. A vote for David is a vote for honetsy and trsutwthrines and eqalty..

    Yeah BKB, what hapended to the luve betwen us? we were such good of friends that one time.
  5. Hate

    Your wright David, hate IS a strong word. But it sums up everything i feel for these peopl: JMay: Ha ha I like to call you jgay because thats what you are to me you'r just a gay penis popper. You want to screw with our carers, thats well thats unporfeschional and just mean and ignoratn/ How do...
  6. Zack Ryder...

    Yeah, I think tis is a great opputnity. Here's to hoping that no one accuses him of having the same ip address as curt hawkins and ruin all his chances of havin fun.

    Haha, cheers for the wll made joke David. Maybe then the mods wil relise that wat they are doing is stupd.
  8. Are you a sports fan or...

    I'm not really into sports all too much, but sometimes I'll watch a game if it has a Chicago team playing (Cubs > Sox).
  9. So JBL is actually gone?

    Wow, that's really weird that it didn't get more coverage. I thought that JBL was going to be the new announcer on SmackDown, but I guess it looks like that won't be happening. It's really strange that they didn't mention it too much though, I don't think they even said anything about it on the...