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    JJ Resigns From TNA

    TNA officially loses it's heart and soul. Wish him all the best. The company may need to rebrand now totally IMO. As for JJ, I'd like for him to get one last wwe appearance on screen as opposed to the least simulcast where he was fired.

    2014 Hall of Fame Class

    It's almost that time, so let's see what your classes are using the following guideline. - Celeb - Tag Team/Stable - Diva - On Air Personality (Manager/Interviewer/GM) - Superstar - Headliner Mine is as followed: Celeb: Mayweather as it appears they won't ever get Mr. T to do it, and he's by...

    The Animal Batistas Return Advertised

    Cenas true second is coming which means the midgets get bumped back down ... Yes!!! I wonder if they go Dave vs Brock and Cena vs Taker now ... And I have mania tix

    Hogan, Batista, and/or RVD at WrestleMania 30?

    Hogan just should be there like Rock, Austin, and Michaels in come fashion IMO. (Trish and Lita too) i would love a Dave return which everyone knows and I think him going after Orton wouldn't be bad or Brock for that matter. As for RVD meh, better than a Jericho return IMO but he has no...

    WWE TV Deals Shopped Together For First Time Ever

    Vince went the smart route, they basically could actually get a place like Fox Sports to say we can make ourselves a juggernaut. Disney is also interesting because that's ESPN they are talking with. I mean maybe not the main station but espn 2 would be big too and it would force them to be...

    Big E: Talk of a Batista Return and other tidbits

    :ass: Don't play with my emotions Big E, even though its dumb to admit that. I also agree with NXT being the best wrestling show of 13

    Royal Rumble 13 Script Thought you guys would be interested to look at it

    John Cena vs The Rock - A WrestleMania Trilogy?

    We were talking in the raw thread about if DX got Beard and Best, Taker and. Brock got paired off, what does that leave Cena. Then I wake up to this tweet and Rock having a picture also on twitter of Cena hitting him with the AA. They broke records both years, got voted match of the year, and...

    This Day in WWE History The two greatest divas make history and main event Raw solo. What were your thoughts looking back?

    SmackDown Live SmackDown spoilers 12/6/13

    From Probably most looking forward to Rey and Show as a team, haven't seen a lot of that over the years

    Dolph's Whining Again

    "I feel that I can absolutely put the company on my back" He even went as far as to say in the video Cena shouldn't be the face of the company He is his own worst enemy

    Goldberg Talks Return

    I doubt they meet that price and if they do, I bet it's to fight the other badass spearing people out their shoes as opposed to the bully

    Cena: Retirement, How Much He Generates, Clothing Line

    I guess he's basically saying he is waiting to he suffers lower body injuries. I don't even know how long he will go, but I expect him to pass Flair easily (as he should) and probably move on to a HBK schedule years from now. As for that revenue thing :vince5: "franchise doing big business"

    Cody Rhodes Talks About Rey Mysterio, Goldust's Comeback, More

    It was a good radio interview and you can see why Cody made it as opposed to a DH Smith or Ted Jr. He just gets it, it seems

    The Animal Dave Batista backstage at NXT Batista made it clear in his documentary that he never liked developmental systems in the Power Plant or OVW. Last time he was there was when he did the HHH DVD interview and talked about possibilities for appearances. Do you think they may have wanted to pitch...

    Every Tombstone Ever by The Undertaker Thought the vid was cool, but damn watching that it just hit me, his knees hVe to feel like Hunters if not worse. Kane seemed to take the most with it appeared to be Edge or Rock in second or third. Love the jumping one into the casket though

    Triple H Wants More Tag Teams

    We can see a renewed focus sure, but I think they need to use TLC to help some teams get noticed the way the 3 glory teams of the attitude era did. Makes me wonder if they would explore a tag show on their network since its never been done in the mainstream

    HHH & Steph Want Young Simba at WM30 I approve this thought if it is true. Shane needs to be at WM30 and it would be fun to see him in some capacity on programming again. He took his lumps for the company to get to where they are too. Probably the second most guy I'd want to see outside...

    AJ Lee Reportedly Collapses During Match

    Hope she's physically okay and this isn't a Jeff situation

    WWE NETWORK: Show Ideas and Discussion.

    Personally I hope the Network shows NXT first off. Everyone who watches it on Hulu knows why. I'd also be happy if they just replaced Main event with it if ion was willing Next I think I would like an all divas wrestling show with the girls all getting time, but I'd tape it in the NXT arena...