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    Hogan and Piper Updates for WM30

    Not really into the idea of a one on one but I'm all for Piper and Hogan getting on Mania 30 since they were why 1 was a success

    Small Crowd at Mobile, Alabama Show

    This is just sad. They brought out the names and all. NXT draws more people than this around Florida. I can't see how you come close to breaking even renting a venue and paying talent with this kind of turnout, which is actually smaller than the high school gym they couldn't sell out

    Bella Twins Want Diva Tag Titles

    I am not huge on the idea but with the rumors of a planned divas in ring show at some point on the network it might be feasible. It would at least make these diva tags that are all too often, less random if they added them ... BFFs vs Bella Twins vs Funkadactyls

    Mysterio: I Want Del Rio @ WM30

    I not the biggest fan of their matches, they aren't bad, just like a constant loop. If they were to work a true lucha style for 15 minutes I think it could be special and losing Del Rios hair could be an excuse to put a mask on him until it grows back

    WWE Prime Time Players TV

    I approve of the idea of them hosting a daily show, they have personality and could really take off in the roll, kinda like a goofy Sports Nation. I'd be shocked if a guy like Miz hasn't been approached as well for some kind of show Thoughts?

    Daniel Bryan Suffers Concussion

    That sucks, especially if serious. He's hot right now and it can take away some momentum if he's not cleared by the rumble

    Spoiler - New Type of Hall of Fame Induction

    Its about damn time Mr. T goes in as WM and the wwe wouldn't be where they are without his help. I like the concept personally. Its a subtle way to get a lot of matches even more notice for being historical. We could even see Austin and Rock on the same stage one day for their mania 17 encounter...

    WWE Another superstar returning

    Fucks up with these places lately? I mean we all expected it but still, next thing you know we will see. RVD's return broken by a press release from a venue

    NXT Live on WwE Network 2/27/14

    This is easily the biggest moment in their history, their first time on live broadcast with no chances to have their mistakes edited. Emma, Paige, Ascension, Mojo, Zayn, Sasha, Bailey, Summer, Bo, Graves, and Neville are the ones who I think will be on deck to be exposed to the audience What...

    Spoiler - Huge Star Spotted at SD tapings

    Second site I've seen post about him being there, surely he would not pop up on the blue brand unless they plan to spoil it on their site like when they've had big world title changes before, and just want to up the profile of sd being an anything can happen show

    Daniel Wyatt

    The look is what Eric used to wear back on NXT. I think it can either will go over well or out right suck with no middle ground if they are selling Stockholm. Let me to ahead and get it out the way too

    Rob Van Dam's Return

    That would make a good entrant. Makes me wish he and Rey hooked up as a team for Mania, while Jericho (we all know he will be back) teams with Christian and we get some kind of TLC invitational match for the tag belts at mania; to me that's the last step the tag titles need, a high profile...

    NXT Officials High on Mojo Rawley

    I can see it. In fact I said it in the Pitbulls thread, he has a presence that they can mold. He needs work but he has everything they want. He's educated, motivated, young, big, reportedly very respectful to everyone, and he has a nfl background. I think he can be like their equivalent of what...

    Goldberg, The Ultimate Warrior, and Hulk Hogan @WM30

    If that's true, I predict - Hogan manages an act vs the Real Americans or just clears them out ala wm21 - Goldberg versus Roman Reigns or Big E (I don't think Ryback gets the nod) - Warrior headlines the Hall of Fame


    Survey it itself was interesting. It seems to read almost like a who we should feature on our network. I probably would watch Austin do a Mike and Mike like in studio podcast. Off the list though I definitely would want Taker on TV more

    How Much WWE is Worth, SD on Spike, NXT Seminars

    Credit wrestling observer and Looks like they finally clawed all the way back from the xfl debacle and Cenas era with the network, TV rights and pg could make him the goat passing by Hogan and Austin. I would think TNA would be killed off spike for that to happen, and all I've...

    NXT American Pitbulls Not Offered Contracts

    Smart decision overall. The guys could work, but so can guys like Graves and Neville already. Looking at the roster right now in NXT, I would say Mojo is that guy they are looking for if he doesn't burn out

    WWE: "If Cena Wins, We Complain Online" Shirt Released

    :cena2::vince5: That epic troll job to end the year, should be a great seller

    WM30 Rumored Matches

    Wow at the thought of Bray; I know its his back yard but wow. As for Shemaus, I heard he had to get surgery on both shoulders. I'm calling Cena v Orton v Dave if they can't get Cena a big name like Hogan, Rock, Austin, Sting, Goldberg. I think Punk v HHH will go well, but is really don't know...

    WWE Diva Not Cleared to Wrestle, Vince Says No More Heels and Faces, George Barrios

    Guess the network is in its finals stages now and Layla must be sick. The last part reminds me of Vince in 97 saying the company was past the point of good guys and bad guys and the fans didn't want that. It would explain the way Steph and Trips act from week to week, as well as Miz. I mean I...