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    Goldust Interview - Drug Problem in TNA, Teaming with Cody

    Good to hear he took rehab seriously, and also I got admit, Goldust is just as amazing as he was on ecw

    Forbes: WWE Doing Better Than Ever Before

    Forbes: WWE "More Successful Now Than Than Ever Before" I couldn't embed the video on this but they praise Cena's popularity, used of part timers like Rock and Brock as attractions, WrestleMania, Stephanie's social media and app movement, their campaigns, endorsements with going pg, Triple...

    Stephanie Agrees to wrestle

    If I'm not mistaken it's been about 10 years since she done the spandex or leather. She's in better shape than most the girls and all, but I really am shocked she wants to get in the ring again as a mom and business woman. Are we going to see her holding the butterfly?

    Kane's SNE 2 Sneak Peak Photo

    Just very sick

    Cena: He's Going to Restore The World Titles Credibility

    :cena3: He Cena Nuff. I agree with him, pure honesty, it's been tainted and only he can reset it and restore it after the past few champs. Hope this means a long run

    Vince: Fans Didnt Buy The Attractions of SummerSlam 13

    In short goat boy ain't a viable attraction, and he wasted a Brock match on Punk. I doubt we see Bryan in a mania main event now without it being the fourth main event so to speak. No way to spin it at all, he basically said he wasted Cena and. Brock on Punk and Bryan and the business suffered...

    Michael Hayes Reportedly Suspended from WWE

    what a fucked up thing to do

    WWE Main Event (10/2/13) and SD Spoilers (10/4/13) Spoilers

    Dark match Tyson Kidd over Justin Gabriel by roll up in a back and forward match. Solid match with lots of counters, and they shook hands after to a round of applause from the crowd Main Event The show opens with Santino vs Sandow. Sandow starts with a promo about being the uncrowned world...

    WWE in Slow-Mo Thought the video and concept was excellent. Guys can really make the most of the Performance Center. Its akin to the X-Mo cam in basketball I've seen teams use. They should really take advantage if it, and god Emma's splash looks more impressive

    Dolph Partially to Blame for Kings Heart Attack

    Seems reasonable, I remember that sequence. Not sure I would ever let him wrestle again if I was Vince, short of maybe a tag in Memphis where he basically drops the fist and gets a w

    SmackDown to be Improved?

    I do partially get the sentiment of needing it to be the same 3 hours as Raw. That will always make Raw look like A, SD B, and Main Event the C show. That said I think if they truly wanted to give SD some unbelievable facelift, they should move it back to Thursdays. Thursdays for 3 hours would...

    MVP's profile added

    Hes not listed as alumni like other past talent. His been added to the active roster with a profile, his entrance video and all. Do you think its a mix up or that someone spoiled his return accidentally? MVP

    A New Developmental

    Think its a good idea to have two different ones with different trainers to help guys hone their style as a character and wrestler. I also think its good if it means another show like NXT on Hulu

    Divas Storyline for WM Nixed

    Actually seemed promising and more worthy of time than what they would be doing now which is probably a battle royal. I assume the other 5 they had in mind would be Kaitlyn, Layla, Funkadactyls, and AJ. Trish likely managing the current group

    The Call, A Success

    Good for them, was the best film they ever made an excellent performance by Halle. Maybe they expected it to be successful thus the open ending for a sequel unlike DMD

    WWE Main Event and Saturday Morning Slam Experiments A Success?

    Also to be noted is that they are both the highest rated programs on their block as Main Event has been beating the new and final season of Flashpoint which was Ions standard, and SMS has been beating DBZ Kai which was Toonzais highest rated Saturday morning block show throughout the blocks...
  17. SAIYANS 5 Most Wanted WrestleMania 29 Dream Matches

    Found the article on to be interesting. It got me to thinking about these matchups, and I liked all of them but the tag title one as WM29 matches because I just can't see Foley moving that well at all sadly. The triple threat is a dream come true though as is Trish getting a one on one...

    Saturday Morning Slam to be Expanded for Cruiserweights?

    It has been the CW and Dabans highest rated show since its debuted, so I have no real problem with it. Then they use a more aerial and fast pace style more or less anyway. Any thoughts on this?

    The Richest Wrestlers in the World Named

    By Daniel Pena on 09/04/2012 has published an article listing the richest professional wrestlers in the world, with figures acquired from all publicly available information including salaries, real estate holdings, divorces, record sales, royalties and endorsements. The...

    JTG and Lower Carders Upset with WM Payoffs

    I was expecting this to come out, not JTG in particular, but in general. This year they didn't do a dark match battle royale so the low tier guys only got paid for Axxess over the DVDs and the like. I would say that guys like JTG, Yoshi, Zeke, and the like we're probably shocked not to get that...