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  • I didn't want to kinda "half-bomb" you but I had a lot to say, so I made it a couple of hundred words longer than yours but only in the knowledge that you had plenty of time to respond. It's great to have you back both as a writer and a TTer.

    What's the deadline for the gauntlet?
    I see, I see. Lemme see what I can do.

    Btw, loving being back against your Angle, it's exactly what I was looking for. Your last TT hit the button
    Hope that was alright! I know we'll find out, but that was just real fun to do. Good idea you guys had
    Oh yeah, Brian Kendrick, and he's got some things to get off his chest :D appreciate you guys opening up this opportunity!
    That IS crazy...but also very interesting. I'll take you up on that offer I think..
    Yeah we really do have a good set of E Fedders. Ita going to be a good brand to write for! ;)
    I'm going to hold off on it since its the day before ill start making my impact next week. :) I appreciate it though. This is my first time using him. In actually loving it
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