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  • Will do. TBH I was going to suggest doing this one if you went in a different direction because I knew a lot of people here would be into it.

    Great choice.
    Chico, my bias will certainly make sure it's in the top. I do also love the DDT.

    Although I didn't grow up with the eighties wrestling like you guys do so I'm probably more associative of the DDT with Raven.
    The Great Khali, Gillberg, Boogeyman, Bobby Lashley, Tensai, Viscera, Ezekiel Jackson, Brooklyn Brawler, Michael Cole and Festus.

    Sorry my list sucks.
    Sure, why not. I'll need to see the list or you guys or you guys are still compiling a list.
    hey Booty, that pulse render/psd in the background of your graphics...think I could get that file off you buddy?
    Don't hate they'll get another chance. It was a good game. Sure could use a new sig for my boys though.
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