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Fuji Vice
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  • Indeed. :nodsmile:

    Let's not forget about the Hermit and Michael getting married. And the parrot dating Jamie.

    Funny how I like your twisted better than the last three Halloween fims...
    "Favorite Film(s)
    Twilight, Twilight: New Moon, Twilight: Eclipse, Twilight: Breaking Dawn "

    My sarcasm detector just imploded and exploded at the same time, creating an ASPLOSION....;)
    Indeed, they had a pretty lame send off in H5...

    We didn't even see how they died, what the heck... >_>

    Twisted version, you say? I'm intrigued....I wanna know more!
    You should totally rewrite Halloween 5 with the 2 Clown Cops as the main characters, haha.
    "I really don't have words to describe what is going on in this scene, I actually almost cut my tongue out so I would never have to speak of it again but thankfully it ended before I could muster up the courage to do so. Suffice to say if I NEVER have to sit through this one scene again I will be a very happy camper."

    This made me lol so damn hard xD
    Goodness Gracious, what mistake did you do in your life for you to watch the film 4 times?!
    Wow, you actually watched the Holiday Special?

    My sympthies...:p

    Yeah, repost it. That would be awesome.
    Thanks for reading my stuff and PMs!

    Will send you my plot summary when I'm done with it.
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