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  • Bud, just a quick Q, once I shift that wretched strike against my name would I be eligible for a second char? Peace.
    your inbox is full so I'll post here I was thinking Kevin Nash. But what if I picked up Triple H to feud with the NWO, or is that too many big name stars to have for one person?
    Things are looking on the up at the moment in terms of how people are performing, we'll have a better idea over the next month... I'm really psyched and ready to go, which is scary and naturally, when I'm psyched and looking forward to stuff, I'll take on any idea lol.
    Ooh, Raw has a single brand PPV in the Summer as well, Summerslam.

    Or did you mean one single brand PPV a month?
    This is nothing personal against Dom; but I can't remember the last time he was consistent TTer.. I Know I haven't been because of College lol.

    Btw, me and SBS are talking about Smackdown only PPV in August once we know his summer workload. Possibly Heatwave.
    We will... It's just a bit of bad timing with these exams xD!

    The only Issue I might have is getting going, but that's only gonna take a few matches.
    Nay, I got it covered. Just messaged Troy lol.

    I can't wait for my exams to be over... In 5 days, I used up 200 pages on revision notes -_-.
    Can I put Punk on reserve? Incase the new guy doesn't show up, if I'm allowed Second Char privileges and we'll give someone in return if I do indeed get Punk.
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