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  • I apologize for not TTing or sending in a promo. As I posted in UWF Discussion, we have just gotten a new router... And it's balls...
    Anything you want me to take writing wise off your hands this week?
    Heh I know that feeling all too well. Experiencing that feeling with school right now. But honestly if you put your mind to it you can do. It doesn't take a lot to please this crowd. haha :p
    I know you man there is no doubt in my mind the final product will be terrific. When it comes to you I expect no substitute bro. After all it is your last show and I know you will go 130% haha
    Have you written anything for Christian yet? I've found some time and have started it.
    Again, I'm sorry. I'm in a good position with both characters and really wanna run with it, but I have no time to as it stands. I hope me not being able to write that has screwed anything up.
    I'm sorry man, shit has been so hectic that I haven't had the time to focus on any TTing the past couple of days. I get online, update something, and have to jump back off. I've gotta do it again in a bit to go to work, so if you wanna pretend to be Christian and write something quick up then be my guest. I just don't think I'll be able to man :/
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