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  • I will have my speech to you tomorrow afternoon. I'm writing the WHC match right now and in the zone so I'm probably going to finish that tonight. I'll do my speech first thing in the morrow
    They me know when you have a winner for the UWF Title match please so I can plan accordingly. Thank you!
    Awesome bro it is all yours brother. If you could have it in by Saturday that would be great as I want to get this show up on time and still be able to cover any missing matches. Thanks so much for helping out!
    You still writing the UWF Championship for Wrestlemania brother?
    I would've had it finished 4 days ago, but I have my reasons for not showing in that time. Either way, you don't have the Captain and who knows if you will ;)
    And also, you're still the man round here and if I can find any way to creatively contribute to the fed away from having a character, just as a personal project/further apology, you can be sure I will.
    I absolutely did. Believe me, I'm staying away from e-feds and fedding etc bad things seem to happen when I'm in them (some weird voodoo shit I'd put money on it) and I can't keep up and then I screw up your shows (if you're still running things). Sincere apologies.
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