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  • I know we aren't doing it this way, but I'd like to share this thought regardless. Since we have six weeks of build, it's be cool if we could allow two for voting and each week until Mania after that a HoF inductee is announced.
    in my free time, what little of it I had, I attempted to make some Mania banners, sadly the two original version I had set up were scrapped because photobucket kept messing up my gifs so I improved this once NWO was posted. opinion?

    Sorry for not sending any promos, not sure if I'll have anything before the show. I'm going through some writer's block it would seem. I'm in Word, but literally nothing is coming up inside my head. Very frustrating, I can TT no problem, but when it comes to promos, it's a whole different story.
    I've got the NXT matches so Sam could go be with his Dad. Will have them to you within the next few hours.
    It'll be a push bro, my dad got took into hospital and I'll be visiting him tonight, but I'll see what I can do.
    Let me know if u need or want my services for SD or the ppv. Got some free time in the next two weeks. U need anything happy to help.
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