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Chris Dresdon
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  • So unfortunatly I got sidetracked with something and I apologize that I couldn't get in another TT. But hey Guerrero and D'Von are obviously going to TT against each other so we could have another epic thread there. :)

    PS if you need any additional help with Anarchy you know that I'm available to take a load off off your hands.
    Will have my matches the same time as last week. Also by the time you read this maybe there will be a Homicide promo sent to you. Just wanted to update you buddy
    Sudden change of heart? :p

    After reading it I can easily get one more in tonight, and possibly one or two more tomorrow. Depending on how much our schedules conflict with each other I suppose. Also this might sound a bit cheesy but during our final round I think it would be awesome if we toned it down a bit, then ultimately end it with a handshake, seeing that we're both faces and all. But in the meantime we can still rip each others necks out. lol
    Hey so how far you wanna go for DDP/Rey? I'm definitely going for 4-4 for sure.
    Hey buddy I already started our impact tag-team thread for the PPV in the PPV section! Sorry if that's gonna make your TT seem weird, I haven't read it yet, but I TT'd a couple days ago :') it'll have to be moved, one onto the other, at some point.
    Hey man, Im really looking to show you some of my best with Hardy for this weeks anarchy. I hope you dig it, win or lose!
    Ironman's Posted. Also forgot to mention that I have Clique's match. Will format that and post it.
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