Kofi kingston
S.O.S !


Kofi's theme song S.O.S hits the PA system of the arena, fans cheer him. He runs down the ramp and highfives the fans in the front row, thus showing his happiness.
Kofi climbs the apron, all the way to the ring and says.
Kofi: You are maybe surprised to see a --- Jamaican wrestler. I came to CWF to be the best wrestler in this federation and all over the world. I am Kofi Kingston And I am next CWF Champion. I will defeat The Rock and I will win CWF World Heavyweight Championship. I am maybe from Jamaica, we're a happy nation! But I have an American heart. I love America, I love CWF and I love you, my fans..
Crowd cheers him loudly for his strong words.
Kofi stops, and after a while he continues
Kofi:When I got an offer to go to CWF I did not hesitate. To be a wrestler was always my dream. When I was a child I watched every CWF show and now- when I am an adult I fulfilled my dream. To be a wrestler I must train every day. In Jamaica we did not have too much opportunities to train. Me and my parents were living in a small village, so I must travel to the city to train my abilities. When I have 15 years I wrestling in Jamaican amateur wrestling federation and I was be a champion here and i will be champion also here because I am not like the other wrestlers here in CWF,I think I am good wrestler and I've got my own style and my style is my way to win CWF World Heavyweight Chapmionship. And last of all, I will say one thing - Don't stop believing in your dreams.
Crowd is cheering and chants : " KOFI ! KOFI !"
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