WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling

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WWE Raw presents
WWE Bad Blood
LIVE! On PPV from Denver, CO!

Molly Holly walks quickly backstage holding the Women’s Championship, heading for her locker room when confronted by Coach.

Coach: Excuse me, Molly, a word?

Holly: What do you want Coach, can’t you see I am a very busy, still dominant, Women’s Champion?

Coach: I am sorry, I know you are on a tight schedule, but mind saying a few post match words to the WWE fans out there?

Holly: A few post match words, well Coach, I will do you one better, listen, everyone one of you pathetic losers out there thought Gail Kim would continue her successful run down the right path, well you know what, I cut that bitch short! Gail Kim was expected to defeat Molly Holly in that very ring, well, news flash, she didn’t! Molly Holly, the beautiful, dominant Diva, that she is, pinned Gail Kim 1…2…3 and there’s nothing any of you, nor Gail herself, can do about it! Get out of my way!

Molly Holly storms past Coach down the hallway.

PROMO: Replay of Jeff Hardy being taken out at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular

Jeff Hardy’s music hits as the Intercontinental Champion comes down the ramp.

: Here comes Jeff Hardy, the reigning Intercontinental Champion, who is looking to defend his title, but is looking for something more from his opponent.

King: That’s correct JR, Batista confronted Jeff Hardy 2 weeks ago on Raw and said he knew who took him out in the parking lot a couple weeks ago, but Batista, the man of business he is, struck a deal with the champ, saying he would confess who took Hardy out only if Hardy would agree to defend his title against him, and that’s what we are about to see. JR, Jeff Hardy collides for the first time ever against Evolution’s Animal Batista for the Intercontinental Championship right here, right now, at Bad Blood!

Evolution’s music hits as the Animal Batista comes down the ramp.

Oh I can hardly wait JR, Randy Orton defeated Booker T earlier, can Batista continue the streak of Evolution here tonight?

Intercontinental Championship
Jeff Hardy defends against Batista
Batista nods his head at Hardy across the ring and Hardy nods back. Both men come to the center of the ring and circle the ring and lock up. Batista gets Hardy’s arm and twists it behind his back. Hardy goes for the back elbow, but Batista ducks and Hardy turns around and wraps his arm around Batista’s neck looking for the DDT. Batista overpowers Hardy and lifts him up and throws him forward and Hardy crashes right on his chest onto the mat. Jeff Hardy cringes in pain as Batista picks him up. Batista picks him up onto his shoulder looking for a running powerslam, but Batista runs and throws Jeff Hardy chest first onto the turnbuckle in the corner. Batista turns Hardy around and begins to demolish Hardy with shoulder thrusts to the gut. Over and over, Batista crushes Hardy’s mid section until the ref pulls him away. Batista shoves the ref out of the way for another shoulder thrust, but Hardy swings his and over Batista hooking the shoulders for the cradle pin 1…2…kickout! Batista gets up and Hardy goes for a boot, but Batista catches it, Batista spins Hardy around and Jeff nails the Animal with a huge spin kick. Batista stumbles away and Hardy gets up and charges Batista. Hardy jumps on Batista wailing shots to the back, but Batista hoists him up and pushes him back into the corner and starts up again with the shoulder thrusts. He nails one after another. Batista backs off of Jeff and taunts the crowd motioning around his waist. Jeff stumbles out of the corner and Batista picks him up and slams him down with a straight body slam. Batista steps and walks over on Jeff Hardy. The fans boo Batista as Batista covers Hardy 1…2…kickout! Batista pulls Hardy up by the hair and locks him up. Batista lifts Hardy up for the suplex. Batista hangs Hardy upside down for a few moments then drops him down with a thunderous suplex. Batista gets up and raises his arms to the fans to a horrible reaction. Batista grabs Hardy, but Hardy grabs Batista by the front of his tights and pulls him forward and throws Batista out of the ring through the second and third ropes. Batista gets up and turns to the ring. Hardy springboards up and over the top rope into a mid air cross body. Batista catches him and swings him onto his shoulder for a long dart. Batista runs towards the ring post looking to slam Hardy skull first off the post, but Hardy slips out the back and pushes Batista face first into the solid steel. Batista turns away a little woozy and Hardy kicks him in the gut and DDT’s him onto the floor. Hardy quickly runs into the ring, and the ref starts the count out 1…2…3…Batista rises…4…5…Batista reaches the ring…6…and attempts to slide in, but Jeff bounces off the ropes and nails Batista with a huge baseball slide knocking Batista out of the ring once more. Batista backs up and takes a breather while Jeff bounces off the ropes and goes for the suicide dive through the second and third ropes. As Hardy is about to land it, Batista springs up and spears the incoming Jeff Hardy countering his suicide dive. The whole arena gasps as Batista gets up and roars. The ref can’t believe it. He calls the medics to ringside. Batista tries to talk the ref out of it, but the medics are already tending to Jeff Hardy. Batista pushes the medics away and throws Hardy into the ring. Batista shakes the top rope up and down looking for the Batista Bomb, but Hardy makes the roll up from behind while Batista is jerking the rope for the cover 1…2…3!
WINNER: Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy

JR: Oh lord! Jeff Hardy with the roll up! By God, what a sneaky move by Hardy with the surprising win, for a second there I thought Hardy was broken in half!

King: That surprised me JR, but now I want to know who exactly took him out.

JR: That’s what I want to know, but I want to know if Batista will part his lips now that he lost, he probably figured he would blab the secret only if he won the belt! He didn’t win the belt so Batista showed nothing from this ordeal!

The ref helps Hardy up and Jeff holds the title high above his head. Batista sits in the corner holding his head shaking it in disgust. Batista looks up to Jeff Hardy and when Hardy raises his arms and turns towards Batista, the Animal lunges out of the corner and spears him in half. The fans boo as Batista goes to grab Hardy up. Batista sets Jeff up for the Batista Bomb and drills him to the mat.

JR: Oh come on! What’s the meaning of this! This is horrible!

Batista goes outside and dismantles the steel steps. He slides the top part of the steps into the ring. The fans keep booing Batista and chant BATISTA SUCKS! BATISTA SUCKS! Batista grabs Hardy once more and sets him up for another Batista Bomb. He swings him up and drills him d own spine first with a Batista Bomb onto the steel steps. Batista grabs a microphone.

Batista: Well Jeff, sorry it had to happen this way, Jeff…it’s nothing personal, you just have what I want!

JR: That doesn’t mean you had to do this Batista! You could have jeopardized this man’s career and livelihood!

Batista walks up the ramp, but pauses right before he reaches the curtain.

: Oh yea, Hardy, I almost forgot, a deal is a deal right. You were laid up in a hospital for weeks due to that little beatdown, and tonight I was supposed to reveal who did it, well Hardy, if you could hear me, let’s just say you are looking at the culprit!

JR: What?!?!?

King: Oh ho! I knew it JR! It was Batista! Batista did it!

Batista smirks and goes backstage.

PROMO: Chris Jericho’s history with the Undertaker and his two victories over Undertaker’s Brother Kane.

Coach is backstage with the Big Red Machine Kane.

Coach: I am here with the Big Red Machine Kane. Tonight Kane, Chris Jericho, the same man who defeated you two weeks in a row will collide with your…

Kane viciously turns his head towards Coach.

: …The Undertaker. What are your thoughts, predictions, about this match?

Kane: If you are trying to ask me if I am going to interfere, the answer is no. As much as I want to see Big Evil get the beating he deserves, I want to see my…the Undertaker beat the hell out of that “ass clown.” Coach, if Undertaker can’t get the job done, well then, you just might see the Big Red Machine in that ring afterall…

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes down the ramp.

: Here comes the man of the hour King, it’s Y2J Chris Jericho, the first ever Undisputed Champion, whom defeated both Stone Cold and the Rock in the very same night, amazing!

King: He might have been decent back then, but he is facing Big Evil JR, the most powerful force in the business today. Plus, it’s Undertaker’s debut match since coming to Raw, he has to beat the crap out of Jericho to cement his SmackDown reputation here on Raw!

Undertaker’s music hits as Big Evil comes rollin’ down the ramp.

: The Phenom of he WWE is here, he is 11-0 at WrestleMania and a month ago was signed by Eric Bischoff to Raw from Stephanie McMahon’s SmackDown. His in ring contract starts right here right now against Y2J Chris Jericho. Will he be victorious?

Chris Jericho vs. Undertaker
Jericho and the Undertaker meet face to face. Chris Jericho extends his hand out to the Undertaker as the fans go crazy. Jericho smirks to Taker as Taker looks and listens to the screaming fans. He nods to the fans, nods to Jericho, and shakes his hand. Jericho and Taker back up and circle the ring keeping their eyes on one another. They circle and meet in the middle of the ring and lock up. Undertaker twists the arm and gets behind Jericho. Undertaker crushes a forearm to the back of Jericho. Jericho tries pull away, but Taker pulls him back by the arm and nails another forearm to the back. Jericho stumbles forward, but Taker pulls him back once again and nails a huge clothesline to the back of the head of Y2J. Jericho crashes on the mat and Taker makes the early cover 1…2…kickout! Undertaker gets up as Jericho gets up. Taker bounces Jericho off the ropes, but Jericho counters and hurls Taker across the ring, but Taker counters back and hurls Jericho towards the ropes. Jericho bounces back and nails a Thesz Press onto Big Evil into mounted punches. Taker gets up and Jericho kicks Taker in the knees repeatedly. Jericho backs up and charges Taker nailing a huge dropkick. Jericho jumps on Taker covering him 1…and Taker hurls Jericho up off of him. Both men get up and Jericho charges Taker but lands right into a huge Bear Hug. Taker tightens his grip and takes the air out of Jericho. Jericho gasps for air, but can’t break free, so Jericho starts nailing Taker in the head. Jericho gets a cheap thumb to the eye and Taker breaks the hold. Jericho pushes Taker off the ropes. Taker runs across the ring and bounces back. Jericho goes for a clothesline, but Taker counters and bounces off the ropes again. Y2J turns around only to eat a running big boot from Big Evil. Taker covers Jericho 1…2…kickout! Taker pulls Jericho up and kicks him in the gut. Taker picks Jericho up and attempts the sidewalk slam, but Jericho counters and hammers Taker on the back with a forearm and maneuvers into a Russian Leg Sweep. Jericho sees the opening and runs and springboards off the second rope looking for the Lionsault, but Taker quickly rolls out under the bottom rope avoiding it. However, Jericho manages to save himself and lands on his feet. Taker turns back towards the ring on the outside and is answered with a baseball slide from Jericho. Jericho slides back up behind the ropes and springboards over the top rope with a seated Senton from the ring onto the Deadman, crushing Big Evil on the outside. The fans go crazy going back and fourth chanting Y-2-J and LET’S GO TAKER! Jericho gets up and extends his arms taunting Taker. Jericho picks Taker up, but Big Evil answers back with an uppercut. Undertaker delivers a straight knee to the gut of Jericho and then jams a knee into Y2J’s face. Undertaker whips Jericho back into the ring. Undertaker slides into the ring and picks Jericho up by the hair. Taker whips Jericho and Y2J crashes into the turnbuckles. Taker charges Jericho looking for the big boot in the corner, but Jericho dodges out of the way and Taker’s leg gets over extended up and over the top rope. Jericho creeps behind Taker and nails the roll up 1…2…kickout! Jericho picks Taker up and singes in a side mounted headlock. Jericho takes Taker down with the headlock still intact. Taker counters on the mat and singes in a head scissors on Jericho, but Jericho springs up and out of it and both men rise to a fighting stance with a standing ovation from the crowd. Jericho and Taker circle the ring once again and lock up. This time Jericho gets the advantage and gets behind Taker. Jericho nails a kick to the back of the knee and grounds the Deadman picking him apart with kicks to the legs. Jericho picks Taker up and knees him in the gut. Jericho doubles back and off the ropes to land the huge bulldog to Big Evil. Jericho jumps on Taker and makes the cover 1…2…kickout! Jericho can’t believe it and covers Taker again 1…kickout! Jericho picks up Taker, but Taker counters and hoists Jericho up on his shoulder. Taker runs and launches Jericho up and onto the turnbuckles in the corner. Taker doubles back off the ropes and connects with his signature Snake Eyes Big Boot to Y2J catapulting Jericho up and over the top rope onto the floor. Taker raises his arm to a mixed reaction. Taker goes outside and picks Jericho up and throws him back in the ring. Taker makes the cover on Jericho 1…2…kickout! Taker picks Jericho up and Jericho stumbles around. Taker raises his hand looking for the chokeslam. Jericho turns around and Taker grabs him by the throat. He lifts Jericho up, but Jericho counters in mid air and grabs Taker’s head and throws his weight down and connects with a mid air double knee facebuster to the Deadman. The fans think it’s over as Jericho makes the cover on the Undertaker 1…2…kickout at the last second! Jericho can’t believe it. Jericho goes for the kill and grabs Taker’s legs looking for the Walls of Jericho. He tries to turn Taker over, but Taker over powers Jericho and launches Jericho backwards into the turnbuckles. Taker shoots up and grabs Jericho’s arm in the corner and twists it. Taker goes for Old School as he climbs onto the top rope and walks the tight rope and nails Old School on Y2J. Taker crawls over to pin Y2J 1…2…kickout! Taker lies on his back and grabs Jericho’s arm looking for the armbar, but Jericho shuffles around and capitalizes on this hold rolling Taker up for the pin 1…2…kickout! Both men get up and Jericho shoots a right at Taker. Taker answers with a right of his own. Jericho fires for another right, and Taker again answers with one of his own. Jericho goes for another one, but Taker blocks and nails Jericho with soup bowl like rights and lefts to the abdomen of Y2J. Taker backs Jericho into the corner and keeps unloading soup bowls on him. The ref backs the Undertaker up and Taker signals he wants some more o Y2J. Jericho charges out of the corner and Taker goes for a clothesline, but Jericho ducks and gets behind Big Evil to nail an inverted DDT. Jericho runs and springboards off the second rope and nails the famed Lionsault onto the Deadman into the pin 1…2…kickout! Jericho sits up and shakes his head and doesn’t know what to do. Jericho gets up and walks around in pain trying to shake it off. He turns to Undertaker and Taker sits up quickly and snaps his head towards Jericho. Jericho runs towards Taker and Taker nails him with a Big Boot crumbling Jericho. Taker stands and hears the roaring fans. Undertaker raises his hand signaling for the Chokeslam. Jericho gets up and turns towards Undertaker and Taker slaps his hand on Y2J’s throat. Taker shoots him up but Jericho slips out the back door and ends up behind Taker. Jericho spins him around and shoots for Big Evil’s legs going for the Walls, but Taker cuts him off and knees him in the face. Taker kicks him in his gut and sets him up for the Last Ride. Taker hurls him up and drills him down to the mat with the Last Ride Powerbomb. Taker covers Chris Jericho 1…2…3!
WINNER: Undertaker

JR: Oh good lord King! What a match! I am speechless!

King: Take a breather JR, I got this one! The Undertaker has just taken Chris Jericho to the limit tonight, good thing too, someone had to have shut Jericho up once and for all, but I am glad it was Big Evil!

JR: What a showing by both gentlemen, this was truly a great match by two of the top competitors here in the WWE, and all I have to say is, Big Evil, welcome to Raw!

Undertaker turns towards the motionless Jericho and walks up to help him up, but turns the cold shoulder and exits the ring.

JR: Now what the hell was that? Undertaker could have helped Jericho up, but he is just walking off!

King: Trust me JR, he probably has a good reason, it was a very tiresome match, both men should just hit the showers, but if I were Undertaker, I wouldn’t help him either. The Undertaker is on the hirer pedestal than Chris Jericho, Y2J isn’t in Taker’s league!

Kane is seen in the boiler room looking at the monitor watching Chris Jericho gasp for air lying on the mat under the Undertaker who is raising his arms in victory.

King: And there’s Undertaker’s…oh…well…Kane looking on at the carnage after an unbelievable match, he must be very satisfied with the way this one turned out JR!

PROMO: History between World Heavyweight Champion Shawn Michaels and Triple H.

JR: Well ladies and gentlemen, there you see Chris Jericho, finally has gotten out of the ring, and is walking up the ramp, he has nothing to be ashamed of, it was a great contest, hell of a match, but I am not going to lie, even for these gentlemen, that is going to be hard to outdo, it’s main event time! World Heavyweight Champion Shawn Michaels takes on the leader of Evolution, Triple H, and don’t forget, even though, word is, that Ric Flair is not at the arena yet, he promised he would show tonight! Let’s see if Flair is here, Josh, you still there?

Josh Matthews is still in the parking lot, this time, sitting on a steel chair after standing there for two hours.

Matthews: Well JR, King, there is still no sign of Ric Flair, many here backstage believe he is not showing up, if I receive anymore news, you will be the first to hear it…

Triple H’s music hits as the Game comes to the ring.

: Well thank you Josh, despite Ric not being here, the main event will go on as planned, and here comes the former 8-time World Champion, now Number one contender, could this be Triple H’s 9th title reign? We are about to find out!

HBK’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion Shawn Michaels comes down the ramp.

: There he is, Shawn Michaels, growing up as a young man in San Antonio, he had big dreams, and he followed his dreams of one day making it as a professional wrestler, idolizing Ric Flair, only to become a multi-time World Champion. Shawn Michaels is something else, a great guy, and one hell of a performer!

World Heavyweight Championship
(Ric Flair will be ringside)
Shawn Michaels defends against Triple H
HBK and Triple H face off as the ref holds the World Title high above their heads. HBK and Triple H don’t take their eyes off one another. Triple H puts up nine fingers signaling his 9th title reign while HBK shrugs his shoulders at him in disrespect. HBK slaps the Game and Triple H turns right back and goes nose to nose with Triple H. HHH shoves HBK on the chest and talks smack to him. HBK smirks and nails HHH with a right. HBK pushes Triple H to the ropes and hurls him across the ring, but HHH counters and hurls HBK across the ring. HBK bounces back and Triple H bends over for the back drop, but HBK dives over him and goes for the roll up on the Game 1…2…kickout! HBK and Triple H get up at the same time and lock up. They fall down and roll around on the mat nailing each other with rights and lefts and they roll out under the bottom rope onto the floor. They brawl out onto the floor as the ref tries to control them both. Triple H beats the hell out of HBK on the outside, but the ref pulls him off and holds him away from HBK. HBK gets up and holds his jaw seeing if he’s bleeding. The ref argues with Triple H and HBK taps his foot on the floor looking for Sweet Chin Music. He launches for Triple H, but the Game spins the ref around and the ref takes the kick straight to the jaw. HBK and Triple H pause and look at the ref on the floor then look at one another then resume brawling on the outside. Triple H grabs HBK and rams him spine first into the ring post. HBK cringes and falls to the floor. Triple H gets up and raises his arms taunting the crowd. Triple H picks HBK up by the hair and HBK lands a right. They stumble over to the barricades and HBK charges the Game for a clothesline, but Triple H sends him up and over the barricade into the crowd. Triple H smirks and argues with fans. Behind him, HBK stands on top of the barricade getting a crazy ovation from the crowd. Triple H turns around and HBK nails a flying cross body onto the Game. HBK gets up and screams. He lifts the ring apron looking for a weapon, but Triple H low blows him.

JR: Oh come on, this is getting ridiculous! The ref needs to come to, or send someone out here, this needs to be put under control!

HBK goes down hard and Triple H rises with a sadistic look on his face. Triple H crawls over to the apron and pulls out the sledgehammer. Triple H raises the hammer to a horrible ovation. Triple H signals for HBK to get up the ref comes to and turns Triple H around and tries to get the hammer out of his hands, but Triple H nails the ref in the chest with the hammer. Triple H aims for HBK, who is getting up with his back turned to Triple H. Triple H is ready to nail HBK and extends the hammer back.

Ric Flair’s music hits as the Nature Boy comes out of the gate in a suit with a thunderous ovation.

: By God! There he is, the Nature Boy, Ric Flair! He is here, he is in the house at Bad Blood! Business is about to pick up!

Ric Flair comes down the ramp and Triple H freezes in time holding the sledgehammer. Ric Flair meets him at the foot of the ramp and locks eyes with him. The fans go crazy.

JR: Oh man King, if looks can kill! This ship is going down fast!

Ric Flair snatches the hammer out of Triple H’s hands and violently throws it away and it lands in the ring. Triple H grabs Ric by the suit. Flair puts his hands up and pushes Triple H away. Triple H doesn’t understand this until Ric Flair opens his suit coat revealing a referee shirt. The fans go crazy as Flair starts laughing. Ric Flair lets out a big Woo and HBK pops up in back of Triple H and hurls the Game back into the ring. Triple H rolls into the ring and kneels up begging HBK to stop, but HBK has the fire in his eyes. Triple H gets up and HBK kicks him in the gut and nails a headlock takedown. Triple H gets right up and HBK nails him with a forearm. HBK whips the Game across the ring. Triple H bounces back and HBK launches him up and over with a backdrop. Triple H tries to pull himself up with the ropes, but HBK runs behind him and kicks him in the back of the knee and Triple H falls on his back. HBK runs across the ring and back landing a baseball slide onto Triple H pushing him under the bottom rope and out of the ring, crashing on the floor. HBK points to the corner and scales the turnbuckles. Triple H gets up woozy on the outside and looks up only to be taken down with a huge Moonsault from the corner to the outside by HBK right on top of him. The fans cheer HBK! HBK! HBK! Both men lie motionless on the outside as Referee Ric Flair starts the count out 1…2…HBK gets up…3…Triple H gets up…4…HBK attempts a right, but HHH counters…5…Triple H knees HBK in the gut and throws him shoulder first into the steel steps. Triple H slides in and out of the ring breaking the count. Triple H grabs HBK on the outside and brings him into the center of the outside and kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the Pedigree. The fans boo as Ric starts the count again 1….2…Triple H goes for it, but HBK counters and sends him up and over and the Game lands on his back onto the floor. HBK slides into the ring and catches his breath…3…4…5…Triple H squirms on the floor…6…7…Triple H crawls to the apron…8…and the Game finally makes it to the ring. HBK picks the Game off the mat, but HHH nails him with yet another knee and hurls him shoulder first into the turnbuckles. The fans boo Triple H as Ric gets in HHH’s face. Triple H shoves Ric out of the way, but Ric spins the Game right back around and gets in his face again. HBK comes out of the corner and muscles up strength to connect with the roll up on the Game pinning him 1…2…kickout! HBK gets up as does the Game. The Game charges Michaels and HBK stops him in his tracks with an Atomic Drop. HBK nails the Game with a body slam as the crowd gets fired up. HBK scales the turnbuckles looking for the Elbow Drop. Ric checks on the Game, but Triple H pushes Ric and Ric falls onto the top rope causing HBK to lose his balance in the corner and HBK falls to the mat. Triple H covers HBK quickly and Ric makes the count 1…2…kickout! Triple H gets pissed off as he pries HBK’s carcass off the canvas. Triple H whips Michaels across the ring. HBK bounces back and Triple H nails HBK with a sidewalk slam. Triple H quickly covers HBK with another cover 1…2…kickout! Triple H gets up and gets in Ric’s face and starts telling him it was 3. Ric holds up 2 fingers and continues to argue with him. HBK springs up right behind Triple H and stands right behind the Game breathing down his neck. Triple H turns around and HBK nails him with a hard chop. HBK nails him with a right and whips the Game towards the corner, but Triple H counters and hard Irish whips HBK into the corner. HBK crashes into the corner and flies up and over the turnbuckles and lands flat onto the apron. Triple H runs towards HBK, but HBK nails a forearm to the face and pulls HHH’s head down and hangs him up on the top rope. HBK climbs the corner and gets the fans behind him. HBK launches off the top rope nailing the top rope elbow. HBK shoots up and circles the ring and settles in the corner and starts to tune up the band. Triple H slowly gets to his feet as the fans go crazy. Triple H turns around and HBK shoots off and nails HHH with Sweet Chin Music. HBK crumbles onto Triple H covering him and Flair makes the count 1…2…Ric Flair doesn’t tap the mat. HBK doesn’t realize it at first and then turns his head towards Flair with a puzzled look on his face. Ric Flair shakes his head at Michaels.

JR: What the hell is going on here King? Ric Flair didn’t make the count! HBK had this won!

King: I don’t know JR, something smells a little fishy here!

HBK gets up and whispers something to Ric Flair. HBK grabs Flair by the ref shirt and threatens him. Ric doesn’t look scared at all. Ric Flair points behind HBK and Triple H is standing behind him, hammer in hand. HBK turns around and Triple H nails HBK across the face with the sledgehammer busting him open. Triple H holds the hammer up and taunts the furious crowd. Triple H lifts HBK up and sets him up for the Pedigree. The Game nails HBK with the Pedigree and covers him and Flair counts rapidly 1..2..3!
WINNER: New World Heavyweight Champion Triple H

Triple H holds the belt high and Ric Flair struts circles around him and Woo’s like there’s no tomorrow.

JR: This really turns my stomach! HHH was getting beat like a Government Mule towards the end of that match and thanks to Ric Flair, HBK is no longer the World Heavyweight Champion! What the hell has just happened?

King: Well, looks like Ric took the smart move, Triple H is royalty, he is sophisticated, and most importantly good at business, that’s what this has always been about isn’t it JR? Business.

Ric Flair holds the Game’s arm up in victory and then talks smack to a bloodied unconscious HBK on the mat. The Game and Ric Flair walk up the ramp as the PPV ends.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Molly vs Gail Kim - A good opener, and it really was good for a Women's match. Lots of kickouts and counters in this match.

Y2J Promo - Good promo by Jericho describing the BOD's past and their problems.

Booker T vs Randy Orton - A pretty wild match between the two, just what I was expecting. I liked the ending with the fake chair shot to RKO, pretty sweet.

HBK Interview - Very much what HBK would say, showing his love for Flair and the friendship they had. It really put a big feel on their match.

Jazz is back, looks like she'll probably be in a feud with Molly

3MW vs The Dudleys - I liked the Do or Die concept, and I was pretty surprised that the Samoans won. I'm really curious to see what you'll do with Bubba Ray and Devon next.

Jeff Hardy vs Batista - A good match between a high flyer and a big guy. Great comeback and way to win by Hardy with the medics, that was nice. The feud is good, and what happens in the coming weeks should be pretty sick.

Kane - basic good Kane promo.

Y2J vs Undertaker - I really liked this match, the pace was good and control changed from Jericho to Taker a couple of times during the match. It was nice to see Undertaker win, and Kane looking from the boiler room was a nice touch.

HBK vs HHH - An EPIC match, it was a really good read from you. The build was so good, I didn't even care what you came up with for the match, the promos before on Raw made the feud what it is. Good interaction with Flair and HHH, nice to see Flair not giving HBK the victory. HHH as Champion will be good, and I'm predicting a Flair turn.

Final Thoughts - Great PPV man, every match was built as good as it should've been. There's nothing I can really say, it was really good. Next Raw should be great with what happens next.

Evil Austin

Great show man,

BM - Main Event, and Taker and Jericho both were great.
WM - None , but I am not fond of the womens matches.
WP - None all good.
BP - I personally like the Kane one ?

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
My thorough review as promised.

Match-By-Match Review-

Molly vs. Gail Kim - A good opening match and as I said earlier it was a very good women’s match IMO. I really enjoyed reading it and that doesn’t come often when reading Diva matches but you nailed this one.

Chris Jericho Interview – An alright promo by Jericho pointing out Kane and Undertaker’s history with one another.

Street Fight- Booker T vs. Randy Orton – This was a great street fight between the two because it wasn’t just the two superstars beating the hell out of one another with pots and pans. It started out as a good wrestling match then turned into a street fight. This was an enjoyable read.

Shawn Michaels Interview – Very in-character. Everything HBK said was something he would say in reality. I liked this promo.

World Tag Team Championship- Do or Die- Three Minute Warning vs. The Dudleys – I enjoyed the Do or Die concept thrown into the mix and I didn’t see the Dudley’s losing but you shocked me when they did. I wonder what’s going to happen to the Dudley’s now and who’s going to be challenging 3MW.

Intercontinental Championship- Jeff Hardy vs. Batista – Another good match only this time it was a powerhouse against a high flyer. Some bookers fail to nail this type of match while others are successful in doing so. Let’s just say that you were successful. I liked the roll-up victory by Hardy and the assault by Batista afterwards because it shows that this rivalry is continuing and I think that it can be pretty good.

Kane Interview – An average Kane promo but kept the suspense of Kane possibly interfering in the match between Jericho/Undertaker.

Chris Jericho vs. Undertaker – This was a great all-around match with the pace changing throughout and the momentum changing from Jericho to Undertaker. A very good back and fourth contest.

World Heavyweight Championship- Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels – Simply put, this was a blockbuster encounter between HBK and HHH. The build-up towards the match was great and the match did not disappoint one bit. It was a surprise having Flair come out wearing the referee shirt. Nice work, dude.

Overall PPV Review:
Best Match: It’s a tie between Jericho/Taker and HBK/HHH. I thoroughly enjoyed reading both matches and it’s a tough decision to pick just one.

Worst Match: Hmm…I would have to say Three Minute Warning vs. The Dudleys because it was a standard tag team match. It was nothing special although I didn’t expect The Dudleys to lose; the match was still an average tag team encounter which is why I’d say it was the worst match on the card.

Best Interview/Segment: Shawn’s interview. It was very in-character and was definitely the best promo on the card. Runner-up would be Chris Jericho’s interview.

Worst Interview/Segment: Rodney Mack attacked backstage by Henry and Jazz. I just didn’t like this but it surprised me that Jazz returned.

Additional Comments/Feedback: This was a very good pay-per-view. You had a great mixture of different matches on the card. From a solid diva’s match to a street fight and a very good powerhouse vs. high flyer encounter to an epic main event. This was a great pay-per-view and I’m curious to see the fallout to Bad Blood. Keep up the great work, dude. I’ll be reading…

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: I go for a tie between HHH/HBK and Jericho/Undertaker

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: I really liked the Shawn Michaels promo

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Sorry for the quick review, lol... I forgot the time while reading Bad Blood and I was surprised when I see it. I am late on my next class! lol.. This PPV is totally terrific and it's definitely one of your best works up to date. I do really have the feeling that HBK will lose the title thanks to Flair and HHH's reunion and I was right. I wanna see your next show and how will HBK face the Evolution.

The Rated R CMStar

BM: This is a really difficult decision. All matches delivered and all are worthy of this, however, I am going with the main event. Flair running down as ref was great and we had in the end the Evolution reinstitution. Lol, I had it right with HHH winning it again. Taker vs Y2J was also good and I feel a heel turn of the Deadman

WM: All were good, but if anything, the tag team match, as was basically just a normal tag match, with a very anticlimatic ending. I will wait to see where all these leads, and who steps up to challenge Jamal and Rosey.

BP: I am going with the Chris Jericho interview. It was amazing and very in character. HBK was a shoe in for second, as it delivered as usual.

WP: Again, if anything, I am going with Kane. I just don't dig him talking and his lines were very meh. Sad thing Kane is that I can picture him saying what he did.

AC: Good PPV. LOl, I got it right with HHH winning. It was an amazing show, with very good endings and left all the feuds opened to continuing. I will be reviewing.


Wow XBA! Good to see you doing a WWE btb... I went back and read a bit of some older shows and your backstory, and I love how its set in the early 2000's and Wrestlemania XIX!
And heres a review for your latest show:

BM: By far it was HBK/HHH! Man, not only was it really well written, but I loved the controversy in it! The stuff Flair pulled, starting out not helping HHH and helping Michaels, then turning on Michaels and helping HHH, that was intense. The whole match in general was good!
BTW I also liked the Booker/Orton match!

WM: Well thats hard... Id say Dudleys vs Samoans/3 minute warning. IMO, it just wasnt that great. Thats ok though because it wasnt a main match or anything, and for its place on the PPV it was pretty good, I just couldnt realy get into it for some readon.

BP:Either Jericho or HBK. I could see Jericho saying that, but HBK's was also very good and very in character. Good Job!

Overall: A great PPV and thats what yo always deliver. Ill definately get back into reading this, and you can check out mine if you want.

Edit: Shit, I just realized some people were doing reviews match by match... Well, since Ive done this review, Ill leave it for now, but I enjoyed the PPV man! Ill give a more in-depth review (match by match) next time:)



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c
Official Preview​

WWE Raw comes to you LIVE from Dallas, TX. The Lone Star State is going to get rocked this Monday Night!

Just 24 hours off Bad Blood, many questions remain unanswered. In a controversial ending to a fantastic World Championship match match, Triple H walked out as World Heavyweight Champion for the ninth time. Ric Flair promised he would be ringside and he was, only nobody expected him to name himself special guest referee after the original ref was knocked out. Ric Flair said let the best man win, in some minds, maybe, the best man did win, but in most other minds, it’s more like HBK was screwed out of retaining his World Championship thanks to Ric Flair not making the appropriate count. After being defeated HBK was assaulted by the Game and Ric Flair with a sledgehammer. HBK is currently in a medical facility and there’s no word if HBK will make it to Raw this Monday, but you can expect the new World Champion to be there with bells on.

Jeff Hardy retained his Intercontinental Championship as Bad Blood with a roll up to the Animal Batista, but that’s not the only thing that was on the line. Win or loss, Batista had to reveal who Jeff’s attacker was at Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular last month, and he did just that. Batista assaulted Jeff Hardy after being defeated in the middle of the ring, but as Batista walked up the ramp, he finally revealed that it was he, Batista, who destroyed Jeff Hardy in that parking lot. This Monday, will we see Jeff Hardy strike back against the Animal when Jeff Hardy teams with Booker T to take on Batista and Randy Orton?

Some say it was the best one on one confrontation in years, that it was WrestleMania worthy, some say it was the greatest match of both men’s careers. Well, when Chris Jericho locked up with the Undertaker, the match was about respect and the love for the business. It say great athleticism, counter after counter, and the Deadman reigning supreme after nailing Jericho with the Last Ride. Jericho was motionless on the canvas as Taker went to help him up, but Taker turned the cold shoulder and left. For a match about respect, Taker didn’t really show any. What will the Deadman have to say about this come this Monday?

WWE Women’s Champion Molly Holly takes on Trish Stratus
Chris Jericho will be in action.
What’s the purpose behind Jazz teaming with Teddy Long?

All that plus much, much, more this Monday Night!


Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Canada
Good preview. I can't wait to see what happens between Ric Flair/Shawn Michaels/Triple H. That's going to be interesting. Can't wait until the next show.


Great preview XBA.
Hope it can live up to the hype after WM and Im sure it will!
Flaiur/HBK and HHH should be interesting.. IF HBK is there instead of the hospital, lol. Also, the Batista/Orton vs Hardy/Booker T should be good... Ill be reading.

Evil Austin

Great preview, Good ppv, Ill be checking out the show what can happen with the aftermath of Bad blood, can't wait. Also if you like check out my WAW jD ppv.



WWE Raw: Real American Wrestling
Monday Nights on SpikeTV! At 9 e/ 8 c

VIDEO: Highlights of WWE Bad Blood, highlight clips showing Molly Holly retaining the Women’s Championship, Batista revealing he was Jeff Hardy’s attacker, 3 Minute Warning defeating the Dudley Boys in a Do or Die match, Undertaker defeating Chris Jericho, and Ric Flair not making the count for HBK.

Pyros go off as the Raw Theme plays.

: Hello everyone and welcome to the flagship program of the WWE, welcome to Monday Night Raw! We are live in a jam packed house in Cleveland, OH, fresh off the heals, of what might be one of the biggest PPV’s in Raw history, Bad Blood!

King: No doubt about that JR, but then again, nobody puts on a PPV quite like the WWE can! The show was loaded top to bottom, if you can, I encourage you to order the replay, that’s how great it was!

Vince McMahon’s theme hits as the Chairman of WWE comes down the ramp.

: What? Vince McMahon, the Chairman, here on Raw? What the hell could this mean?

King: Oh boy, JR, if I know Vince Mcmahon, this is going to be great!

McMahon: First off, welcome to another exciting, action pack, Monday Night Raw! For those who don’t know me, or just forgotten, shame on you, I am the Chairman of World Wrestling Entertainment, Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Now, I know what you are thinking, Vince McMahon…what the hell are you doing on Raw? Well I will answer that question in due time. So how about Bad Blood, huh? Quite a PPV put on by Raw’s General Manager Eric Bischoff! Speaking of Eric Bischoff, that’s partially why I am out here…

Triple H’s music hits as the Game comes down the ramp holding his newly regained World Heavyweight Championship along with Nature Boy Ric Flair.

: Hey, just what the hell do you think you are doing interrupting me?

HHH: Just what the hell are you doing out here talking about Eric Bischoff? Why the hell would you talk about Bischoff instead of my glorious moment last night at Bad Blood where I finally regained what was rightfully mine!? Or, you are talking about Eric Bischoff instead of talking about how Evolution has finally been restored? The Nature Boy is once again back at the top of Evolution! But, no, you decide to talk about Eric Bischoff!

McMahon: Oh by the way, I give you applause on that little stunt last night, well played, you and Flair the same. Brilliant work, exactly how I would have done it, but that’s off topic. You asked me why I was talking about Eric Bischoff. Well I will tell you Triple H. For the past month, Eric Bischoff hasn’t really been thinking the proper way a General Manager should be, I mean take my daughter Stephanie for example, she has all the right tools…

HHH: Oh yes she does…

McMahon: …to get the job done. She has all the right skills…

HHH: Can’t forget about those…

McMahon: …needed to succeed in a position of power such as General Manager.

HHH: Don’t forget her nice humungous…

McMahon: Excuse me?

HHH: Never mind. Vince, listen, tonight is about me, Triple H becoming once again, for the 9th time, the World Heavyweight Champion. There’s no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it!

McMahon: If you don’t watch it and start showing me some respect buddy boy, you won’t be the World Champion if you catch my drift!

Flair: He, you better watch it, you know who you are talking to????

McMahon: Listen, Ric, for that stunt you pulled last night, you better watch yourself too in front of me, just be glad HBK isn’t here tonight, he is recovering from that hammer shot, or you would be neck high in your own problems! Now! Getting back to what I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. Eric Bischoff showed no leadership or rational decision making what so ever, so I have a huge announcement. Don’t get all riled up now, Eric Bischoff still has a job, and so does another man. You see, a couple weeks back, about a month or so, Bischoff made a decision that was bad for business. He fired one of the top, ratings getting superstars. Now, over the past couple weeks, I have been exchanging calls with this individual and we settled on a decision. Therefore, please welcome back to the Raw roster, the undefeated, most dominant superstar in the WWE today, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back to Monday Night Raw…GOLDBERG!!!

Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes out of the gate to a thunderous ovation. The fans chant GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! as Goldberg comes into the ring and shakes McMahon’s hand.

: You have got to be kidding me! Nay-tch, do you see what I am seeing? The all powerful Vince McMahon is using precious air time for a guy who couldn’t even hold his spot on Raw…instead of me? McMahon, I think you are making some irrational, stupid, decisions this time around!

McMahon: Triple H, although my decisions, sometimes irrational, are strictly done for the good of this business. That’s why, in order to get Goldberg back on Raw, one of his main points of his argument, was something about, what was it? Better competition? Well Triple H, who is the best superstar on this brand right now?

HHH: I hear Goldust has a pretty mean game cookin’ up lately…

McMahon: Nice try, you aren’t going to trick me like you did Shawn Michaels that’s for sure. …I will tell you who the best superstar on Raw is Triple H, that would be the World Heavyweight champion of course! So you know what I am going to do? Right here tonight! You, the Game, the Cerebral Assassin…and World Heavyweight Champion…will be taking on…one on one…Goldberg! TONIGHT! Goldberg…anything you want to add to this?

Goldberg: Triple H…You’re NEXT!

Goldberg goes for the Spear and rips Triple H in half. Ric Flair takes the World title and runs out of the ring.

: Oh by God! What a ground breaking announcement! Triple H vs. Goldberg tonight! First time ever!

King: Triple H just regained his title less than 24 hours ago! He is in no shape to face Goldberg here tonight!

The Coach is standing by with the Undertaker.

Coach: I am here with the Deadman, Big Evil, the Undertaker. Now, Deadman, less than 24 hours ago you competed in one of the greatest matches the professional wrestling world has ever seen with Chris Jericho. When the dust was settled, you emerged with your arm raised, my question here is what’s next for the Undertaker and does it involve Chris Jericho considering how you refused to help Jericho up or shake his…

Taker: Not another word Coach. You see, last night, yes, we did have a smash mouth match, and no, I don’t see myself getting associated with Chris Jericho in the near future. You know why, Coach? I am passed him. The Big Dog in this Yard has just jumped his first hurtle on Raw, I have my eyes set on the next one. However, if Chris Jericho wouldn’t mind getting his ass whipped by Big Evil one more time, I would not hesitate but to get my hands dirty and do the job once again. You see, Big Evil’s eyes are set on that next hurtle, that next mountain to climb, but the thing is, it’s looking tougher and tougher to climb especially now, you know why? I will tell you why…Goldberg. Vince comes out just now and practically gives him Triple H on a silver platter. You know if Goldberg can knock off the Game tonight, you know how fast he would get the first title shot? Listen, I have been around the block way too many times, I just defeated one of the top contenders on Raw, Chris Jericho, I should get the Champ, not some guy who has been out of work for a month!

Undertaker walks off in a fit of rage.


Gail Kim’s music hits as Gail comes down the ramp. She goes and sits with JR and King.

: Oh JR! Look who’s joining us, the lovely and talented Gail Kim! Gail!

JR: It’s great to have you with us tonight Gail, fantastic match last night at Bad Blood, my main concern is, how are you feeling? You took quite the fall last night after that Powerbomb by Molly.

Kim: Well JR, wrestling is like riding a bike, when you fall, you get back up. Sure I was the underdog and Molly got the cheap win over me, but I am not going to let that get me down, I will power through and hopefully get another shot at the champ!

Trish Stratus’ music hits as Trish comes down the ramp with Christian.

: Oh King, look who it is!

King: Oh boy, first Gail, now Trish?!?!? I think I am in heaven; oh this is going to be a great night!

JR: Well look who she’s with, supposedly these two had quite the night last night during Bad Blood, but its Monday, which means it’s strictly business!

Molly Holly’s music hits as the WWE Women’s Champ comes down to the ring.

Trish Stratus w/ Christian vs. Molly Holly

Trish and Molly meet face to face in the ring and Molly starts talking trash to Stratus. She points to Christian and roles her eyes at him then rolls her eyes at Stratus. Stratus kicks Molly in the gut and nails her with a right. Trish pushes Molly off the ropes. Molly bounces back and Trish nails her with a spinning back elbow. Trish runs and bounces off the ropes. Trish keeps going and hops over Holly and off the ropes again. Molly gets up and Trish bounces back right into a hip toss by Molly. Trish gets up and runs into another hip toss by Holly. Trish gets up again and runs towards Holly. Molly goes for another hip toss, but Trish counters and follows though with a hip toss of her own. Molly gets up and charges Trish but Trish nails her with a running Belly to Belly Suplex. Trish covers Holly 1…2…kickout! Trish picks Holly up and hard chops her while Christian cheers her on. Trish whips Holly into the corner. Trish runs and nails a picture perfect drop kick to the front of Holly in the corner.

JR: The athleticism of this young woman is off the charts, that’s why she holds the record for most Women’s Championship reigns here in the WWE!

Kim: I will not take anything away from Trish, she is one of my top inspirations here in the WWE.

Trish picks Molly up and sets her in the corner. Trish licks the back of her hand and nails a hard chop to the chest of Holly. Trish sets Molly on the top turnbuckle and climbs up there with her. Trish tries to set Molly up for a superplex, but Molly nails several vicious headbutts to Trish and Trish loses her balance and falls onto the mat on her feet. Trish turns towards Holly and Molly jumps off the top rope with a vicious top rope flying clothesline. Christian cheers Stratus on as Molly covers her 1…2…kickout! Molly picks Trish up and knees her in the gut. Molly takes her up and drills her down with a body slam. Molly follows through with an elbow drop across the throat. Molly covers Stratus 1…2…kickout! Molly sits Trish up and singes in a headlock. Molly chokes Trish out, but Trish gets her arms up and pulls Molly’s hair and Molly breaks the hold. Trish kicks Molly in the gut and whips her across the ring. Molly bounces back and Trish nails a huge spin kick. Trish bounces off the ropes and lands a leg drop. She covers the Women’s Champion 1…2…kickout!

JR: What determination of the WWE Women’s Champion right here against the great Trish Stratus from whom she won the belt from. Gail, what are your thoughts on this match so far?

Kim: If I was Trish, I would stay away from Molly’s mind games and just focus on out wrestling Molly, if you get caught in Molly’s web you can pretty much kiss victory good bye.

Trish picks Molly up and snap suplexes her. Molly stumbles to her feet holding her back. Trish charges her, but Molly flips her up and over her back over the top rope. Right as Trish is about to crash onto the outside floor, Christian catches her. Trish and Christian lock eyes and just freeze smiling at one another. Molly looks on in disgust and shakes her head. Christian grazes the face of Trish and tilts his head up the ramp and Trish nods in agreement. Christian keeps hold of Trish and carries her up the ramp. The ref counts out Trish Stratus.
WINNER: Molly Holly by Count out

JR: What? That is bizarre, Christian and Trish locked eyes and just walked out on this match!

King: Well JR, that’s what love does to you…wait…Gail! Where are you going!

Gail Kim leaves the announcer’s position, grabs the Women’s title from Lillian, and runs into the ring. Molly watches Christian and Trish walk up the ramp and Gail comes up from right behind her and turns her around and gets in Molly’s face. She holds the Women’s title up to Molly’s face and presses it against Molly’s chest and walks away.

JR: Oh Gail Kim sending a definite message to Molly Holly here tonight, I have a feeling last night wasn’t Gail’s final shot at Molly Holly, you can quote me on that!

Terri is backstage with the Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy.

Terri: I am here with the Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy. Jeff, last night at Bad Blood, you had a hard fought, but victorious, battle with Evolution’s Animal Batista. However after the 3 count, the real fight wasn’t over. Batista assaulted you after the match and then confessed he was the attacker, what’s going through your mind?

Hardy: Terri, I am not really in the mood for talking. The thing between Batista and myself is far beyond personal, Batista, as I said I don’t talk much, I let my actions speak for me, and that’s exactly what I am going to do coming up next!


Teddy Long stands backstage with Jazz and Mark Henry behind him.

Long: Hi, my name is Teddy Long, now you playas might recognize me as being the founder of Thuggin’ and Buggin’ Enterprises, well, it hit the rocks in the past months, but I am here to tell you that B and G Ent. is back and better than ever. I got the World’s Strongest Man, and the World’s Strongest Woman behind me, thing’s are looking up! Holla! Holla! Holla!

Evolution’s music hits as Randy Orton and Batista come down to the ring.

: This contest is a little bit of a Bad Blood Revenge match! Randy Orton defeated Booker T destroying him in that street fight last night, and Batista, although not victorious, sent the message he wanted to the Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy. In this tag team match both Hardy and Booker are looking for revenge on Orton and Batista here!

Booker T’s music hits as the 5 time WCW Champion comes down the ramp.

: I was talking to Booker T earlier and he told me he was sick of Randy Orton’s mind games, he said Orton prolonged him from getting back into the ring with his true target, that being Triple H. Booker T said the next stop on the Booker T express is the World Heavyweight Championship, he must be crazy JR! He thought he could beat the Legend Killer in a Street Fight, he didn’t, now, he thinks he can beat the Game! What an idiot!

Jeff Hardy’s music hits as Hardy runs down the ramp and into the ring and takes Batista down.

: Oh lord! Hardy as quick as a jackrabbit on Batista in the ring!

Jeff Hardy and Booker T vs. Randy Orton and Batista
Hardy continues to beat on Batista as the ref calls for the bell and forces Orton and Booker into their corners. Batista pushes Hardy off of him easily and gets to his feet. Hardy runs to Batista again, but Batista catches him and turns him around to ram him into the corner. Batista resumes where he left off at Bad Blood with vicious shoulder thrusts into the corner over and over. The ref pulls Batista off and starts arguing with the Animal, but Batista turns and charges Hardy. Hardy gets his boot up and nails him in the face. Batista turns away and stumbles while Hardy crawls the corner and fires off with a huge moonsault out of the corner. Batista turns only to catch Hardy. The fans boo as Batista drills Hardy with a huge running Powerslam. Batista covers Hardy 1…2…kickout! Batista picks Hardy up and elbows him in the face. Batista throws Hardy off the ropes. Hardy bounces back and Batista bends over looking for the backdrop, but Hardy stops in his tracks and kicks Batista square in the face. Hardy doubles back and bounces off the ropes and connects with a swinging neckbreaker to Batista. Hardy grabs both of his legs and connects with his signature double leg drop to the mid section. Hardy gets up to a huge pop, he signals Batista to get up. Batista gets up with his back turned to Hardy and Hardy charges him and nails him with a bulldog. Hardy jumps up and dropkicks Orton off the apron. Hardy turns around and runs to Booker to tag him in, but Batista gets up right away and catches him to nail him with a spinebuster, but Hardy follows up and over Batista into the roll up on the Animal 1…2…kickout! Hardy gets up and tags in Booker T. Booker storms in and stomps Batista to the ground. Booker lifts him up and hard chops him several times. Booker bounces Batista off the ropes. Batista bounces back and runs right into the Book End, but Batista counters with elbows to the head. Batista follows through with a huge DDT to the 5 time WCW Champion. Batista covers Booker T 1…2…kickout! Orton re-emerges on the apron and is begging to get tagged in. Batista gets up and pulls Booker to his corner and tags in Orton. Batista picks Booker up and both Orton and Batista whip Booker across the ring. Booker bounces back and Orton and Batista shoot him up and Booker crashes mid section on the top rope. Booker dangles on the top rope as Orton emerges on the apron. Orton nails a running knee to the face of Booker T and Booker lands back first in the ring. Orton hops over the top rope and covers Booker T 1…2…kickout! Orton picks Booker T up and gets behind him. Orton lifts Booker up and nails an inverted Atomic Drop. Booker cringes and turns around only to get nailed with a huge clothesline. Orton covers Booker once again 1…2…kickout! Orton gets pissed and gets on top of Booker and lands mounted punches onto Booker. The ref tries to get him off but can’t and counts 1…2…3…4…and Orton finally gets up. Orton yanks Booker up by the dreadlocks and whips him towards his corner, but Booker puts the weight on and reverses the whip, whipping Orton into Booker’s own corner. Booker charges Orton and nails a huge boot to the face in the corner. Orton stumbles out of the corner. Booker tags Hardy in and Hardy springboards off the apron and lands a huge flying Leg Lariat. Hardy picks Orton up and nails a chin breaker to the Legend Killer. Orton stumbles around and quickly walks towards Batista. Hardy runs and bounces off the ropes and goes for another bulldog, but Orton ducks and Hardy bounces off the ropes, but Batista connects with a kick to the lower spine from the apron. Hardy stumbles towards Orton and Randy Orton nails Jeff Hardy with Orton’s signature modified backbreaker. Orton covers Hardy 1….2…kickout! Orton gets up and raises his arm signaling for the RKO. Jeff Hardy gets to his feet and turns around and Orton goes for the RKO, but Hardy pushes him forward. Orton turns around and Hardy kicks him in the gut and nails him with the Twist of Fate. Batista rushes in and goes for the clothesline, but Hardy counters and nails the Side Effect on Batista. Orton springs up and creeps behind Hardy who gets a huge pop, but Booker runs in the ring and turns Orton around. Booker kicks him in the gut, bounces off the ropes and nails the Scissors Kick. Jeff Hardy climbs the turnbuckles and plants Randy Orton with a huge Swanton Bomb. Hardy covers Orton 1…2…3!
WINNER: Jeff Hardy and Booker T

JR: What air that Hardy got with that Swanton Bomb King! Amazing!

King: Oh what luck! Both Randy Orton and Batista showed their dominance over Evolution last night, they didn’t need luck JR, they did what they had to do, Hardy and Booker had great timing that’s all!

JR: Well King, despite what you may think, Hardy is still the Intercontinental Champion, and now Booker just might have taken that one step closer to the World Heavyweight Championship!

Eric Bischoff sits in his office talking to himself.

Bischoff: I can’t believe this is happening, how can Vince do that? Re-instate Goldberg? Can he do that?

Chris Jericho walks in.

: Hey Eric…

Bischoff: Oh jeez, Chris, what do you want?

Jericho: Well Eric, I want to know just what in the hell are you doing around here? If you ask Y2J, I would say you lost control of this show Bischoff! If the Sexy Beast was in control of Raw, I wouldn’t let Vince McMahon, that pompous ass he is, come in and reverse your decision like that! What the hell is the matter with you? To top it all of, you are sitting on your fatass and watching it happen!

Bischoff gets up.

: You know what Chris?

Jericho: What?

Bischoff: You are absolutely right! I don’t know what the hell I am doing! I kicked Vince McMahon’s ass 80+ weeks in a row, I created an empire, WCW was mine, now I am in charge of my competition back then, I am not going to let this empire crumble like I did WCW!

Jericho: So the question here is, what’s your first big decision, maybe a number one contender for Triple H perhaps? Maybe someone with 3 initials, one being a “Yâ€, another being a “Jâ€â€¦

Bischoff: Chris, I am going to tell you my first major decision, I am going to embark on cutting edge TV. That’s why right here tonight, since you gave me the idea, Chris, you are going to be put in a match!

Jericho: Let me guess, replacing Goldberg to face Triple…

Bischoff: NO! Even better Chris. Tonight you will be taking on Raw’s World Tag Team Champions, 3 Minute Warning, in a handicap match!

Jericho: Yea…wait…what?

Bischoff: Thank you for opening my eyes Chris, I got to go tell the guys about their match, thanks again man!

Bischoff walks out of the office leaving Jericho in the dust.

: 3 Minute Warning!? That’s not what I meant!


Trish walks backstage and smiles when she sees Christian coming the other way. They hug and kiss.

Trish: Hey baby, where were you going?

Christian: Well babe, I was looking for you!

Trish: For me…how sweet!

Christian: Well, Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular is coming up in a few weeks, we all know the first edition of Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, was, spectacular, no pun intended, but I promise this time around will be even better. Trish…

Trish: Yea?

Christian: I got a big surprise for you…

Trish: Really!!! What is it?

Christian: You are just going to have to wait until Raw’s 3 Hour Spectacular, I got to meet someone, so babe, I promise, we’ll talk about this later, my hotel room, okay? Thanks babe…

Christian runs off and Trish smiles at him running down the hallway.

: That’s pretty odd, what do you think is going on there King?

King: Oh I don’t know King, but I can’t really focus on anything if Trish Stratus is present!

3 Minute Warning’s music hits as the World Tag Team Champions come out of the gate.

These two gentle did the unthinkable last night, defeating the favorite, the Dudley Boys, in a Do or Die match where they put their belts on the line, astounding!

King: Good thing about that is that 3 Minute Warning won’t have to waist their time anymore on those damn Dudley’s!

Chris Jericho’s music hits as Y2J comes reluctantly down the ramp.

: You know Jericho has the fighting spirit, but against 3 Minute Warning, as you can see, even a competitor of Jericho’s status is a little scared to get into the ring!

Chris Jericho vs. 3 Minute Warning
Jericho stands in his corner looking across the ring at Rosey. Rosey starts walking towards Jericho and Jericho refuses to back down and stands his ground. Rosey goes nose to nose with Jericho and eyes him up. Jericho turns away and holds his nose like Rosey has bad breathe. Rosey nails a right to Jericho. Jericho stumbles back and goes for a right of his own, but Rosey easily blocks it and nails another right hand. Rosey nails another, then another, backing Jericho to the ropes. Rosey pushes Jericho off the ropes and Jericho runs across the ring and bounces back. Rosey catches Jericho and nails him with a delayed sidewalk slam. Rosey covers Jericho early 1…2…kickout! Rosey picks Jericho up and knees him in the gut. Rosey whips Jericho sternum first into the corner. Jericho bounces out of the corner backwards, holding his chest. Jericho walks backwards right into a huge German Suplex by Rosey. Rosey gets up to a horrible ovation. Jericho slides out of the ring, under the bottom rope, and falls onto the outside floor. Jamal jumps off the apron and runs around the ring and stomps the hell out of Jericho. Jamal picks up Jericho and sets him up for a fall away slam, but instead rams Jericho spine first into the ring post. The ref runs out of the ring and gets in Jamal’s face. Jamal argues with him as Rosey runs outside and, behind the ref’s back, grabs Jericho and hurls him into the fan barricade.

JR: How can Eric Bischoff let this happen! Jericho is a hell of a performer and Bischoff is wasting his talent, he is letting Jericho get destroyed by the tag team champions!

Rosey charges Jericho and clotheslines him over the fan barricade into the crowd. Jamal gets fed up with the referee and pushes him aside and goes with Rosey over the barricade in pursuit of Jericho. The ref follows the madness as 3 Minute Warning chases a running Jericho. Jericho stops and grabs a steel chair from the crowd. Rosey charges Jericho, but Jericho turns around and clocks him with the chair. Jamal blindsides Jericho from behind with a back clothesline. Jamal pulls Jericho up by the hair and whips him into the hockey walls. Rosey picks the chair up and clocks Jericho across the face. Rosey picks Jericho up and Jamal kicks him in the gut and sets him up for a powerbomb on the concrete floor.

The Dudley Boys emerge through the crowd.

: By God King! That’s the Dudley Boys!

Bubba pulls Jericho down through the back door of the powerbomb. Devon nails Rosey with a huge knee. Bubba hammers Jamal across the back and whips him down the stairs of the stands. Devon slams Rosey across the face with the steel chair.

Eric Bischoff’s music hits as Bischoff comes running down the ramp with a microphone.

: Oh boy! It’s Eric Bischoff! It’s going down here JR! Cutting edge TV! Remember?

Bischoff: Don’t you move another inch Bubba…Devon! You want to come out here and ruin…what was a very entertaining match? Fine! Wait a minute, that’s right, you can’t go after the World Tag Team Championships can you? Then why the hell do you want to mess with 3 Minute Warning? Now that you can’t get the tag titles, all you are going to get is a beating! Now that I think about it, since you can’t go after the World Tag Team titles, why are you here at all? Vince McMahon wants to un-fire Goldberg, fine, because I am getting revenge right now! Dudley Boys, Bubba, Devon…YOU’RE FIRED!!!

JR: You can’t fire the Dudley Boys! What the hell! That no good bastard!

King: Oh boy, this is what happens when you get on the wrong side of the law JR!

The Dudley Boys can’t believe it, they stand in disbelief on the outside while security comes and hauls them away.

JR: I can’t believe this King, this is unreal! The Dudley Boys aren’t on Raw anymore?


Coach is standing by with Triple H and Evolution.

Coach: Good evening everyone, I am standing here with…

Triple H takes the microphone and shoves Coach out of the way.

: Everyone knows who the hell I am jack, I am Triple H, I am the World Heavyweight Champion, I am the Game! I don’t need some moron like you Coach to tell these idiots who I am. Listen, earlier tonight McMahon put me in a match with none other than Goldberg! Bill, listen, you might be undefeated in this ring, but let’s get one thing straight, though undefeated here also, this isn’t WCW, and I am damn sure not Hulk Hogan! I just came off one of the biggest victories of my life last night, I am at an all time high going into this match, and what about you Bill? You have been sitting on your ass for the past month watching my meteoric rise back up to this title! Bill, you aren’t in my league and you will never…never…

Undertaker walks up right beside Triple H.

: …and just what in the hell do you want?

Taker: You know something Triple H, you and me haven’t seen eye to eye for as long as I can remember, but for the first time, I agree with you. This has been eating me up inside as well ever since Vince came out and announced this match. If anyone should kick your ass, it should be me! This is my yard, I proved that last night, but to prove that to you, I got to take that…from you. The World Heavyweight Championship calls my name, not Goldberg’s. Tonight Triple H, you better beat the living crap out of Bill, because if you don’t, Goldberg is going to shine brighter than he has ever been and you will find yourself putting that gold on the line against him. So Triple H, trust me, if you don’t get the job done, I will, I am so close to that title right now I can smell it, and I am not going to let Goldberg or anyone else stand in my way!

Taker walks off and Triple H looks intrigued.

Jericho holds his neck and ribs walking backstage. Jericho has his head down and bumps right into the Big Red Machine Kane, who is walking down the hall the opposite way.

Kane: Why don’t you watch where you are going!

Y2J: Kane, trust me, ohhh, I am not in the mood right now to be dealing with your stupid ass!

Kane: Not in the mood?

Kane grabs Jericho by the throat and pushes him against the wall.

: Just because you lost to the Undertaker last night doesn’t mean you can disrespect me Jericho, this time I am letting you off with a warning, next time, oh, you don’t even want to know!

Kane lets him go and walks away. Jericho screams down the hall towards Kane…

: I am not pissed I lost, I am not afraid of the Undertaker, and I damn sure aren’t afraid of you either!

Kane turns slowly around…

: But, you will be…

JR: Jericho just can't catch a break tonight King! That’s damn sure a downward spiral if I have ever seen one, those backstage meetings between those two have been going on for a month and a half and it gets even more hostile as time goes on!

Triple H’s music hits as the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H comes down the ramp along with Ric Flair.

: There he is the World Heavyweight Champion Triple H coming down the ramp with Ric Flair. I can’t get over how good of a referee Ric was last night, he just might have a second profession after he retires!

JR: Oh that’s crap and you know it King! Ric Flair is the worst referee in the business, he screwed Shawn Michaels out of the World title, there’s no going around it!

Triple H and Ric Flair await the arrival of Goldberg.

: Well, this guy is supposed to be in the ring…where is he?

The camera pans to the backstage where Goldberg’s locker room door opens as Goldberg walks through the hallway backstage roaring and spitting as he gets to the gate.

Goldberg’s music hits as Goldberg explodes back onto Monday Night Raw.

: After a month spending time at his home in Atlanta after getting fired by Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff, Goldberg is back here on Raw…and he is fighting the World’s Champ!

King: Goldberg would have to jack his game up on his best day to fight the Game, does anyone think Goldberg has a chance in this match?

JR: I don’t know King, we’ll have to see, but one thing is certain, that big match atmosphere. Goldberg dominated WCW for years and is now in WWE. This is his first encounter with the Game in WWE, I can’t wait!

Goldberg vs. Triple H
There isn’t a fan sitting down as Triple H and Goldberg stand off in the middle of the ring. The whole arena chants GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! Goldberg smirks at the Game and Triple H blocks the fans out of his mind and keeps his eyes locked on Goldberg. The ref rings the bell and Triple H and Goldberg circle around in the ring. Goldberg and Triple H are about to lock up…

Undertaker’s music hits as Big Evil comes rolling out of the gate and down the ramp.

: Oh come on! What the hell is the Deadman doing out here? He has no business being out here, this is a huge match and I don’t want it being tampered with!

King: Well you heard him say if Triple H can’t get the job done, Big Evil will, he is just out here for insurance reasons I suppose.

JR: I suppose it’s alright, if I was in Taker’s boots, I wouldn’t want someone stealing my spot either, even if it is Goldberg!

Undertaker parks his bike ringside and stares at Ric Flair. Triple H looks at Taker with a reassured look on his face. Goldberg looks to Undertaker and roars at him. Goldberg looks back towards Triple H and says to bring it. Triple H and Goldberg lock up. Triple H pushes Goldberg back, but Goldberg powers back and pushes the Game back all the way to the ropes. Triple H bends back and under the top rope causing the ref to break the hold. Goldberg is forced to break and the fans don’t like it one bit. Goldberg shakes his head and Triple H bends back in the ring and slaps Goldberg. Goldberg strikes back and levels the Game with a left hook. Triple H crumbles onto the mat. Triple H rolls out under the bottom rope and talks to Ric on the outside. Undertaker stares on shaking his head in disgust. Triple H tells the ref to back Goldberg up as the Game slides back in the ring. Triple H and Goldberg lock up once more and Goldberg gets a side mounted headlock on the Game and takes him down. Goldberg gets back up and the Game sits up pissed off. Triple H gets up and locks up with Goldberg once again. Triple H gets behind Goldberg, but Goldberg nails a back elbow. Goldberg turns around and sets him up for a suplex. Goldberg swings him up and drops him with a thundering suplex. The fans go crazy chanting GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! Goldberg picks up the Game and sets him in the corner. Goldberg lands numerous shoulder thrusts to the gut of the Game over and over. Goldberg stops and grabs Triple H by the throat. Goldberg hurls Triple H out of the corner by the throat and Triple H flies across the ring. Triple H sits up in pain and shakes his head in anger as the crowd erupts for Goldberg. Triple H gets up and goes nose to nose with Goldberg. Triple H goes for a right, but Goldberg blocks and lands a right of his own on the Game. Goldberg whips Triple H across the ring, but Triple H counters and whips Goldberg across the ring. Goldberg bounces back and Triple H bends over for the backdrop, but Goldberg stops before he gets to Triple H. He looks to the crowd and laughs. With Triple H bent over, he grabs his head and sets him up for the Jackhammer. He points up signaling for it, but Triple H pushes himself out of it and once again Triple H ducks under the ropes and goes to the outside. Ric Flair encourages him on the outside as Undertaker gets off his bike and walks towards Triple H. Taker turns Triple H around and screams at him. Triple H tells asks him if he could do a better job and tells him to go take Goldberg.

JR: Oh it’s really heating up on the outside! Triple H is telling Undertaker to get in the ring with the ticking time bomb!

Undertaker turns around and ignores Triple H and sits back on his bike and tells Triple H to try again. Triple H gives Undertaker the finger and walks towards the ramp. Goldberg bends over the top rope and pulls Triple H by the hair and pulls him onto the apron. Goldberg flips Triple H over the rope onto his back in the ring. Triple H pulls himself up using the ropes and Goldberg nails a chop block grounding the Game once again. Undertaker still looks on shaking his head cracking his knuckles. Goldberg lifts Triple H up and sets him up for the Jackhammer. Ric Flair runs onto the apron and distracts the referee. Triple H takes advantage of the situation and low blows Goldberg. The fans boo the Game as Triple H smiles. Ric gets down from the apron as Triple H pins Goldberg 1…2…kickout! Triple H starts pulling his hair out in anger. Triple H picks up Goldberg and whips him across the ring. Goldberg bounces back and Triple H nails him with a facebuster. Triple H grabs him and plants him with a DDT. Triple H covers Goldberg again 1…2…kickout! Triple H starts arguing with the ref that it was 3, but the ref keeps telling him it was 2. Triple H picks up Goldberg, but Goldberg counters and hoists the Game on his shoulder and snaps him down with a running powerslam. Goldberg crouches down in the corner and signals for the Spear. Ric Flair gets on the apron where Goldberg is and Goldberg grabs him by the throat and whips him into the steel ring post. Flair bounces off the post and onto the outside floor. Triple H gets up and charges Goldberg looking for the clothesline, but Goldberg ducks, snaps around and charges Triple H nailing him with a Spear. Goldberg gets up and roars. Triple H starts yelling in pain holding his ribs. The ref goes over to Triple H and checks on him while Goldberg circles the ring. Undertaker gets off his bike and pulls out a lead pipe and walks around the ring. Goldberg keeps his eyes on Triple H as Undertaker gets on the apron behind Goldberg’s back. Goldberg snaps around and sees Taker. Goldberg goes to knock him off the apron, but Taker strikes him with the lead pipe right on the forehead. Triple H miraculously gets right back up and Goldberg turns around stumbling and Triple H kicks him in the gut and plants him with the Pedigree. Triple H covers Goldberg 1…2…3!
WINNER: Triple H

JR: What the hell? Big Evil just literally handed Triple H that win! I think there are riots in the stands here King!

King: I don’t know what you are talking about JR, that match was sheer genius on Triple H’s part, he played possum and picked his spots, what’s wrong with that?

JR: I will tell you what’s wrong with that, Undertaker gave him that spot to pick! Undertaker used to be a man of respect and honor, but ever since last night I haven’t seen any respect or honor from Big Evil, and tonight just adds fuel to the fire! Undertaker is a bad man!

King: A bad man who is a smart man JR, now that Goldberg couldn’t beat the Game, that means Undertaker will get his shot at the gold right? In Taker’s mind, his plan, his dream, came true here tonight!

JR: I still can’t believe Goldberg’s flawless WWE record has no been demolished by that man the Undertaker!

Triple H gets out of the ring holding up the World’s title as Ric Flair helps him up the ramp. Triple H stops in front of the Undertaker and offers to shake his hand out of gratitude, but the Undertaker turns the cold shoulder.

JR: There he goes again, I am telling you King, Undertaker is the most disrespectful man I have ever seen. He used to be the most respected man in the locker room, but I don’t know what has happened!

Undertaker stares at Goldberg in the ring and starts up his motorcycle and rides up the ramp. Undertaker stops at the top of the ramp and looks back at Goldberg who is staring daggers right back at him from the ring as the show ends.

NEXT WEEK on RAW: The Return of the former World Heavyweight Champion HBK Shawn Michaels. The first time he appears on WWE TV since Bad Blood where he lost the World Heavyweight Championship.


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Card to be Announced

The Rated R CMStar

BM: The tag team match and the main event were awesome matches, however I am going with the main event, great match and shocked to see the streak ending

WM: Divas match, never a fan of them

BP: The opening one with HHH and Vince, great in character of The Game, I also liked Jericho backstage with Eric Bischoff.

WP: Hardy. Too tired, altough I do get the point behind it.

AC: Great show, passing Bad Blood to what is next. It was obvious Goldberg was returning and it is good to have him inserted right into main event. Good work.