"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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who has had the best intercontinental championship reign?

This is tough. There are some guys with the longest reign, other that have won the belt a lot of times. The majority of people say Razor Ramon, who I can't really argue with. But you can put HBK, Perfect, Honky Tonk, Macho Man, Rock, HHH, Jericho, Hardy, Jeff Jarrett all in the same boat. I dont think there is a wrong answer with this question. So if i had to pick one, i'd say Razor.

If Eddie Guerrero was still alive, where would he be at (In WWE) at this very moment?

Lets see, he probabaly would have moved to raw, around 2006 ish. Mainly because he was on SD for so long. I could see the fans getting tired of him, and being used in the Chris Jericho role. Upper mid card fued. I would think by now he would be in Chavo's shoes. I think they would have moved him to ECW to be a vetern to the younger guys. Sort of like what they wanted for Beniot. I think he would be very close to the ecw championship. (He may have formed a tag team with carlito along the way)

Could you see Dreamer hold the ECW title?

Nope, not now. He won it back in the day. He's just too old, in my opinion. Yes, he symbolizes the old ecw, but thats dead. I can't see them wanting to push him, over there younger talent.

What are the chances of seeing Sabu, and the Sandman back in WWE again?

I wouldn't rule it out, although it may be like a one time appearance for these guys. They don't have to offer, what the wwe is looking for. Although a random appearance here and there wouldnt hurt.

if you booked tna, what would you be doing with Tomko?

I actually don't like Tomko much at all. To me, he's your generic big man. Doesnt have much in the way of mic skills, or that great in the ring. But ill give credit, where it is due. Tomko has gotten himself over. I'd put him in a revamped X division. I'd use more hardcore in the X division. Probably have him in a brutal fued with Homicide over the XD belt. But thats just me.

How successful do you see ROH getting? How would you help them?

ROH's sucess relies on TNA, as odd as that sounds. IF tna folds, i think ROH can piggy back off what they started, and find a good niche. Right now, i think its best to be patient. Kinda wait in the wings and wait for someone to make a mistake. At the same time, continue getting their name out their like they are doing. Trying new markets, like they are doing. For the most part, ithink they are on the right track. I think more guest appearances would help them, also a 30 minute weekly recap show on television. Similar to the video wires. It would help promote the ppv's and DVD's . I think that would be more sucessful than a regular live wrestling show. This way they wouldnt be concerned so much about ratings, and more focused on expanding and making some money.

Who is your overall favourite wrestler and why and which company would be best for him

All time? Has to be HBK. I grew up watchin him in 92, and now its 2008 and he's still the man. The wwe is the only spot for HBK, he never sold out and went to wcw. He can do it all, and i think he will be remember in the top 5 greatest wrestlers of all time. He's the show stopper, the headliner, Mr wrestlemania, The heart break kid shawn micheals.

It was cool to see him main event at wm 23 in detroit, which i had 16th row seats. I was real happy to see cena vs hbk rather than cena vs HHH II.

I really liked Bret hart in 92 as well, but he kinda fell off. RVD was one of my fav's in 96-97, Austin in 96, Cena in 2004, no one in 2003. There were a few others too.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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What is you're dream Elimination Chamber Match that you think WWE could make a huge money out of it next year?


If you could change the outcome of any match in particular (without fear of major storyline repercussions elsewhere) what would it be and why?

We often hear talk of peeps not getting over because of crap gimmicks; however are there any gimmicks which you think were good/great that should have panned out better than they did(*)? ...Anyone you'd have prefered to see take up said role? (*Answering "Kane" is cheating! LOL )

I love tournaments. re: King Of The Ring - Of all the PPVs, why get rid of it? Do you think we'll ever see it's return?


Is it a good idea to not have the CW title anymore? Why?

Looking at it from a wwe perspective, it really doesnt matter. They werent pushing those guys enough to make it worthwhile. In all honesty, the way the wwe did the CW division, i really don't miss it much.

That being said, I would have never gotten rid of the belt. I think thats a important piece to the puzzle. You want to attract all the fans. Taking away the high flyers is a dumb move in my opinion. I think the wrestling industry is getting smaller. People don't want to see monsters and giants. I'd take Jack Evans over any big man, any day. I think Evans will make it big in tna or wwe. So i think once they figure out what they want to do, the CW belt can be a value piece to sucess. I also think it should be in ECW.

What is you're dream Elimination Chamber Match that you think WWE could make a huge money out of it next year?

Hmm, i think the wwe over did the EC at this years NO way out, so i wouldnt think it would be a big money getter if they did it anytime soon. Anyways, my dream lineup would consist of

CM Punk
El Generico
Jeff Hardy
AJ Styles

If you ask me next week it may have all new guys.

If you could change the outcome of any match in particular (without fear of major storyline repercussions elsewhere) what would it be and why?

Very good question. Let me think. I know there is a better answer than this, but i wouldnt have ever had Khali win the world championship. I would have had Batista win the belt again on SD.

We often hear talk of peeps not getting over because of crap gimmicks; however are there any gimmicks which you think were good/great that should have panned out better than they did(*)? ...Anyone you'd have prefered to see take up said role? (*Answering "Kane" is cheating! LOL )

This is going to sound dumb, but i thought the boogieman had a lot of potential. Enough to be considered to beat taker at wm. He would have to be my biggest gimmick dissappointment i can think of. The wwe could have done a lot him his character.

I love tournaments. re: King Of The Ring - Of all the PPVs, why get rid of it? Do you think we'll ever see it's return

Why get rid of it, Hmmm. I dont think there is a good reason for it. I kinda think it may have something to do with, not wanting/having anyone to push. Maybe some wrestlers didnt want to wrestle multiple times in one night. Maybe the buyrates werent the best. I agree with you, tournament are a good thing. The indys have some really good tournaments, if you follow ROH, Chrikara, IWA-MS. ROH has the race to the top, which is a 16 man 2 day tournament, along with survival of the fittest, 6 matches, winners go into a 6 man mayhem match (like fatal fourway, but with 6) And they also just had a special tournament called Eye of the Storm thats about to come out on dvd anyday now, which is supposed to be one of their best tournaments. Chikara does a King of Trios tournament with like 32 or 64 teams. Its nuts. IWA-MS does the Ted Petty tournament. CZW does the King of Deathmatch. Then there is also a European cup tournament. Most of these events feature the top indy guys.


Thanks for the hedz-up on the tournaments... Will make a point of checking them out (don't really find the time to check much outside of WWE, but will make an effort - Some of those sound sick!)

@ the idea of wrestlers not wanting to go for more than one match: I'd imagine Vince just saying "fine, you can go out in the first round then!" LOL


i also think the idea of having a new "king" gimimck every year didnt help. King of harts, King Mable, King Booker, ....Not to mention the lackluster winners like Billy Gunn.


What WM match are you looking forward to the most? Which match do you think will steal the show? (Excluding the MITB, to make it a bit more interesting).


What WM match are you looking forward to the most? Which match do you think will steal the show? (Excluding the MITB, to make it a bit more interesting).

The only match im really looking foward to is Flair vs HBK. I think they will pull off a great legendary WM match. As far as "stealing the show" im not sure if Flair/HBK can do that. I look at the card, and i dont really see any show stealers. The two main events will be good-very good but nothing over the top, awesome. For me, the show stealer would probably be hbk/flair, but i think for a lot of viewers the Edge/Taker match will be the match of the night. MITB is always good, but it gets repetitive at mania. I would have rather seen a good ladder match and a good #1 contenders match this year.


Did you watch iMPACT last night? If so, what were your thoughts on it and what does it need to do to improve in the future?

If not, then still, what do you think they need to improve on the most.


Did you watch iMPACT last night? If so, what were your thoughts on it and what does it need to do to improve in the future?If not, then still, what do you think they need to improve on the most.

Yeah, i thought Impact was good, not great. I liked how they split the time with the big name stars. I thought one big mistake was to not showcase Samoa Joe at all. I think he just had a small segment. This would have been a good chance to hype that ppv main event. I dont know why 3D, Nash and Rhyno were in the main event. That didnt make sense to me. I liked the interactive-ness, the first blood match was pretty good. Surprisingly LAX vs Steiner/Williams was really good. The Sparing was a little boring, but it wasnt bad.

As far as improvments

- Hype the PPV more
- Better Interview segments (they werent bad, but could be better)
- Don't give away big surprises like Stings return.
- Showcase your star as the star.
- Give me a reason to watch next week
- Nash in the Announce booth
- push the merchandise a little more (sales)
- Have things happen (storyline wise)
- Give the fans something you can't get in the WWE (not 6 sided ring)
- Tour big wrestling markets
- Make the X division special again
- Adjust the roster (don't feel like you need to hang onto certain guys, try new ones)
- Try and make friends with WWE/ROH

Tna does most of these things now, they just need to improve upon. I'd probably switch a few peoples place on the roster too.


i also think the idea of having a new "king" gimimck every year didnt help. King of harts, King Mable, King Booker, ....Not to mention the lackluster winners like Billy Gunn.

Yeah, you could be right there....

Any more thoughts about the match you could change?

Been thinking about it too, and as much as it's not the outcome itself, for the sake of the occasion of it all, how about a 3-way between Luger, Hart & Yokozuna @ WM10? The two matches after the RR finish never seemed right to me and Bret's win over Yoko was pretty wack (even if Perfect's role in the earlier WC match was a great prequel).

Edit: Cos Owen coming out after was the best bit of the entire ME!


Any more thoughts about the match you could change?

Been thinking about it too, and as much as it's not the outcome itself, for the sake of the occasion of it all, how about a 3-way between Luger, Hart & Yokozuna @ WM10? The two matches after the RR finish never seemed right to me and Bret's win over Yoko was pretty wack (even if Perfect's role in the earlier WC match was a great prequel).

Depending on the wording, i read it as Changing the outcome of a existing match. Looking through the WM's I really didnt see any that screamed that it needed a change. So really thinking about it, i can't recall any big matchups that didn't end on how they should. I would have liked to see some things like Jeff hardy beat Randy Orton, but looking at it now, that would have been a bad decision. So Sometimes you have to put away your personal opinions, when booking and stuff like that.

IF i could change some matches around, I'd probably would have done these.

- Wrestlemania 8 (Hogan vs Undertaker)
- Wrestlemania 8 ( Hogan vs Flair)
- Wrestlemania 13 ( Bret vs Austin for the Title)
- Wrestlemania 20 ( HHH vs HBK )
- Wrestlemania 24 ( HHH vs Orton vs Batista vs Flair)

I actually liked how WM 10 worked out. Bret Got his revenge on Yoko. Owen was made a star. Perhaps Bret vs Owen should have been the final match, but all in all, i thought it worked.

What do you think of Curryman?

Bring back Christopher Daniels...thats what i think of CurryMan. Why waste daniels when anyone could play curryman. Its dumb to me.

Will Flair-HBK steal the show at WM? And should it be the Main Event?

Soulpower asked a similar question, heres how i responded.

The only match im really looking foward to is Flair vs HBK. I think they will pull off a great legendary WM match. As far as "stealing the show" im not sure if Flair/HBK can do that. I look at the card, and i dont really see any show stealers. The two main events will be good-very good but nothing over the top, awesome. For me, the show stealer would probably be hbk/flair, but i think for a lot of viewers the Edge/Taker match will be the match of the night. MITB is always good, but it gets repetitive at mania. I would have rather seen a good ladder match and a good #1 contenders match this year.

So I'd like to see HBK/Flair main event. Probably not going to happen though, but it would be nice.